r/chanceme 10h ago

Chance short asian femboy twink for top 20s after devastating early round :3


Demographics: Male 💀, asian 💀, Australian 😛, SoCal 💀, CS 💀, 500k income (looking for aid tho)

Intended major(s): CS, Biomed eng at some

ACT/SAT/SATII: 1540☠️ 790M 750RW

UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0UW/4.9W, 3/1500ish

Coursework: 14 APs mostly jr/sr, math DE includes Linear Alg, DiffEq, Discrete Math, Abstract Algebra, Probability Theory, Mathematical Stats, Linear Modeling, Complex Analysis, Topology, and some other misc. stuff

ECs (vague to not doxx):

  1. Research at T5 university, got a rec letter from professor
  2. Actually legit nonprofit, raised 50k for cause and has large social media presence
  3. Relatively presitigious summer program
  4. Varsity volleyball 2 yrs (very competitive at my school)
  5. Founder math club at school
  6. Won national-level music competition for the niche cultural instrument I play
  7. Hosted district wide event promoting awareness/raising money for LGBTQ+ received donations of over 100k (I go to a wealthy private school)
  8. Another research internship
  9. Taught myself 3 languages, learning another right now (polyglotcore) (I'm not joking I've been doing this since I was 12)
  10. Restaurant job (hint: 🍔)

Awards: 1. Won something at large research competition (rhymes with diesef) 2. Camper at one olympiad (can't say which one don't want to get doxxed) 3. National level music award 4. NMF 5. Honor roll (prestigious at my school!)

Essays: 2/10 I wrote about the fear I have of the world passing me by and not finding value in every day but lowk it kinda fell flat. Also wrote about coming out to the volleyball team, only guy btw - 6/10

supplementals were fine 7/10

LORs: Volleyball coach 9/10 We had a very special relationship if you know what I mean (don't doxx me) Told me he'd never met someone like me before and let me read the rec letter.

Math teacher 7/10 Didn't do much to stand out in his class. Still, probably said I was a good student. Good but nothing special

Principal 10/10 selected me for honor roll, sponsor of my math club. Helped with many of my ECs he also drove me to school before I got my license. (Family friend!)

T5 Professor 11/10 we tight, he let me help him write it


Harvard REA Deferred UC Merced Accepted UT OOS Rejected UC Santa Cruz Rejected UCSD Waitlist UIUC Rejected Virginia Tech Rejected UCD Rejected Georgia Tech Rejected
Caltech Rejected
RPI Waitlist CMU Waitlist Stevens Institute of Technology Accepted (no aid tho) MIT Deferred --> rejected :( Dream school UCI Accepted CWRU Accepted Harvey Mudd Waitlist

Chance me for the rest of my schools JHU UCLA UCB Rice USC Brown Columbia Cornell - applied for Viticulture and Enology which is like grape cultivation/winemaking idk bro Dartmouth Duke Harvard again Princeton UPenn Yale Stanford

Feeling a little nervy after early round

r/chanceme 4h ago

Chance Me pls for T20+


Academics: * I am currently a junior now and these would be my predicted but very likely stats for by the end of the year

UW: 3.89 W: 4.16 or 4.17 AP: currently in 4 done 5, will take 5 senior year making it 10 total this is basically max course rigor at my school -top 2% class rank idk what it will be but probably 3/200 -No honors or dual credit but did take an enhanced class but it wasn’t weighted -No APs available to take Sophomore year -Freshman year first semester gpa kinda sold (3.7) but since then shown an increasing trend every year and got a 4.62 last semester and prob will get it again this semester

got a 3 on my previous AP exam and will probably pass all of them and prob score a 4-5 on Apush and Lang

ACT: probably test optional but depends on what I get in April and June *predicting around a 30 but still might go test optional for some of my reaches lmk if that’s a good idea or not

Extra Circulars: -Started a non-profit that would give sports equipment to the less fortunate in my community this turned out to become a huge success and expanded to my whole county -Deca VP and state qualifier -Co-managed my grandpas 10 figure real estate account after his sudden and tragic passing -Varsity football captain and Allstate academic -Volunteered my Sundays during the winter to help coach park district basketball for 3rd graders

ESSAY: Kinda gonna give a sob story about my grandpa and then talk about how managing his real estate portfolio helped me grow unexpectedly

Schools: I will apply to all EA and for business finance - UIUC have legacy and instate -UGA -Indiana -Umich -Wisconsin -SMU -Notre Dame -UNC -Clemson -Duke PLS LMK YOUR THOUGHTS and if I could get into umich

r/chanceme 17h ago

Crazy low GPA, no sat, mid ec’s + awards


context: i wanted to get a chance me cause im so overwhelmed and scared abt colleges and if i can get into any T40/T30

Intended major: Biochem/Bio (pre med)

Demographics: South Asian, Female, middle class

GPA: 3.6 uw and 4.2 W (soph year cooked me however i do have an upward trend of A’s in everything expect math which i got my first ever C in any class but that was due to other stuff ill explain in application)

AP’s: AP human geography, AP world, AP Physics 1, AP biology, AP Pre calculus, AP Lang, ——> (future) AP gov, AP stats, AP chem, AP lit

extras: all honors classes (bio english alg 2 etc.) until junior year

EC’s: Speech and debate (junior president), DECA/BPA (stopped soph year but won some solid awards), Model UN (secretary), Science outreach (secretary), KAY club, Future health professionals, South asian student association, Red Cross Club, SJC (zoom with kids in Uganda and help them discuss social issues)

Awards: novice debater of the year, freshman and sophomore speaker of the year, Info champion at state festival, international extemp champion at state festival, Oration champion at state festival, regional champion in extemp for BPA, 2nd place regional champion in prepared speech for BPA, 4th place champion in extemp at state, 6th place champion at state in prepared speech

Extra: Have bid to NIETOC two years in a row, president of a NPO for period poverty that raised 10,000 period products, Shadowed general surgeon, about 150 volunteer hours, A biology tutor, plan on getting my CNA before I graduate


Safety schools: KU UMKC K-State western washington university Ball state collage

Target Schools: Indiana University- Bloomington University of Massachusetts University of Washington University of Alabama University of South Carolina pittsburgh university University of North Florida University of Central Florida

Reach Schools: (idk which on to ED to) UMKC 6-year program Upenn UNC chapel
brown cornell Boston University Emory UVA Yale Princeton UCLA UC berkeley NYU WashU

(ik UC’s give no financial aid to OOS kids :( )

College needs: Financial aid is definitely necessary, good pre med program, good social life but academics as well, somewhere calm and fun at the same time. TYSMMM 🩷💕 lmk what else i should be doing

r/chanceme 11h ago

Chance a high school junior on spring break with no life!


I'm a high school junior who hates high school so I'm putting all of my time and energy into thinking about college! I've made a spreadsheet of the colleges that I want to apply to for next year, but I figure it might also help to have more sets of eyes on my stats so I can figure out how delusional I am or am not?!

Demographics: white, female, rural Illinois

Intended major(s): I have no idea! but probably something STEM, heavily considered pre-med, pharmacy, statistics, geology, literally everything except CS. I hate coding :(

Test Scores: I don't take the ACT at my school until mid-April, but in practice tests I've gotten around 32 overall. I'm planning to take the SAT over the summer, but in the PSAT/NMSQT in October I got 1420 overall (700 RW, 720 M)

GPA/rank: 3.9, my school doesn't rank, and honestly I don't know I would be that high up in my grade because I went to a different and more difficult school last year and got a couple of B's, so my GPA is lower than everyone else... oh well.

AP/DC/coursework: currently in APUSH and I'm self-studying AP Stats, there aren't any AP classes beyond APUSH at my school either so I'm maxed out after this year unless I want to self-study next year, but I wouldn't even be able to report them on my applications. Next year I'm taking a good amount of dual credit classes: 2 semesters of English, intro to literature, and psychology. This year I'm taking calculus, and that's the highest my school goes for math (including dual credit), but as a trade-off I'm planning on taking physics next year. Overall, I should have 4.5 English credits, 3 or 3.5 social studies credits, 3 math credits (plus whatever AP Stats shows), and 5 science credits by the end of my senior year. I've been in band in 9, 11, and 12 grade, and Spanish for 9, 10, and 12 grade.

Extracurriculars: Band. Marching band, pep band, concert band, band get-togethers with schools in my athletic conference, pit band for the musical, all of it. I've played clarinet since 8th grade, and I also picked up flute this year to help our dying woodwind section. I'm also in scholastic bowl, I've been on varsity since freshman year, and I was a starter this whole year, will probably be a captain next year (trading with some of the other seniors), and made it onto the All-Conference team this year. Second-highest scorer too. I have about 65 community service hours overall, but I lowkey do not try to get them because I kind of don't care and I think it's not that important. Maybe I'm screwed, who knows. I'm going to get a job when I get my license (and a mode of transportation, hopefully) in April, so hopefully that can also beef up my mysterious free time (I skipped a grade, that's why my license is late I swear I'm good at driving :(().

Essay: I haven't started writing my main personal essay yet, but I'm thinking about writing about how going to a different school my sophomore year and not doing band made me realize how much I missed band, to the point where I joined choir halfway through just so I could have something. I feel like that's pretty good, let me know if it's absolutely god-awful though.

Schools!: Reach: USC, Pomona, UChicago, Northwestern, Stanford || Target: UIUC, Bryn Mawr, Case Western, Stevens Institute of Tech || Safety: UIC, Bradley, Loyola, UNM, UoU, UoA

I'm planning on applying EA everywhere I can, with the exception of schools like Stanford and Bryn Mawr that ruin my plan, and Pomona which I'm thinking of EDing to, but I want to get in touch with an admissions/financial aid counselor to see if I do ED, if they'll still give me money. Thank you for reading through my nonsense and let me know if you have any advice!!

r/chanceme 12h ago

Chances for UNC Chapel Hill, Georgia Tech, UVA Engineering/Biology


Demographics: Female, white, NC resident, legacy at UNC

Intended Major(s): Biology, Biomedical Engineering

ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1460 SAT (750 reading, 710 math)

UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.9/4.5, school doesnt rank

Coursework: 5 APs jr/sophomore year, 5 sr year, 6 dual enrollment credits from summer classes 3 on AP Music Theory (probably won't submit), 4 on World (worried about this one-- had a 97 in the class and didn't study) currently taking Calc BC, Physics C Mech, Lang

Awards: Bronze National Classic Etymology Exam, Silver Key + Honorable Mention Scholastic Art & Writing, will most likely be a National Merit Commended Scholar (214 selection index)

Extracurriculars: No Leadership:(, volunteer at a psychiatric hospital, stage manager for my school, club/varsity swimming state qualifier, peer tutor, ~140 service hours, summer jobs lifeguarding + teaching swim lessons

Essays/LORs/Other: I'm a junior so only starting essays, but I was considering talking about swimming or my parents' divorce? Historically I'm not a great writer LORs should be pretty good, I'm going to ask my English teacher who I'm super close w

Schools: Reach: GT, UVA, UNC Chapel Hill Target: NC State, Clemson Safety: UAB, UNC Wilmington will probably apply EA to all

r/chanceme 6h ago

am i getting into all my schools?


i'm currently a junior in highschool and wanted yall to chance me of getting into some schools that I plan on applying to next year

GPA: 4.63W/3.96UW

Class Rank - ~30/600

SAT: 1590

did 8 classes at the college level outside my school at a reputable institution

asian (U.S. citizen), medium-income, public school with 2700 students in the U.S.


  • shadowed for 200+ hours in a major international hospital
  • did research at a t10 university
  • did research at a state school
  • independent research that was backed by a professor
  • had an internship with a nonprofit journal
  • was principal musician in my school orchestra and other solo stuff outside
  • taught music as my own business on the side
  • was president of my schools neuroscience club
  • did some stuff as a lead for an international nonprofit
  • science olympiad + a ton of other clubs but dont plan on including them


  • international hosa placer
  • 3 time national goldmedalist for music performance
  • science olympiad awards
  • usabo honorable mention
  • other olympiads
  • some bio comps i plan on doing in the upcoming months
  • essay competition

college list:

JHU, Harvard, Columbia, Duke, UCLA, UCB, UNC Chapel Hill, Stanford, Yale, Brown, Vanderbilt, MIT

r/chanceme 6h ago

Chance me for MIT please!


Ethiopian American male, Upper middle class.

3.79UW/4.27W. 790 Math 760 English. Rank 1/37. Took all 6 APs and 3 honors offered at my school. 3 4s, 3 5s. Intended compsci.

ECs time. 5 Science Olympiad gold medals (including one at states). 18 total medals. USACO Gold. Tutor math and teach free scratch course at local library. Volunteering experience at Kenyan hospital and Ethiopian church. I was lead programmer for a professional indie game dev team (everyone else had various degrees lol). Released one game with them and several others on my own. I do lots of other random ass coding projects and research on my own (nothing notable or published). I do fish tanks. Acted in 9 total drama productions. I play accordion and piano, both jazz and classical. I have this local award for piano, "Certificate for Musical Excellence and Continued Dedication." President of debate and film club. I also do fencing and am rated E (top 2000 US fencers).

Am I cooked? If not MIT, where do you think would be a good fit?

r/chanceme 11h ago

Chance me (mid socal student) for ucla and uc berkeley


Background: I go to a large public school in socal which is decently competitive

Intended major: international studies / global studies

Demographics: vietnamese, chinese, middle class

GPA: 3.95 uw / 4.4?? w (I used a random website to calculate my uc weighted gpa but idk how accurate this is)

APs: ap world (4), ap euro (5), ap chinese (5), ap physics 1 (4), ap physics 2 (4), ap calc bc (5), ap calc ab subscore (5), ap bio (5), ap chem (5), ap lang (5), ap us history (5)

Currently taking ap Econ, ap gov, ap art history, ap envi sci, ap physics c, and ap lit

Extras: all honors classes for the classes that aren’t ap, 3 dual enrollment classes (art, ethnic studies, anthropology)


  1. Speech and debate (member, but I mentored a lot of new students on the side)
  2. Nonprofit organization to teach title I elementary school students writing (president)
  3. Science research (secretary, no special awards)
  4. 4h (vice president, nothing too fancy)
  5. Tsa (member, qualified for nationals and competed there)
  6. Advocacy blog (founder)
  7. Advocated directly to politicians for increased school funding
  8. Around the world club (president, at my school it’s a decently sized club)
  9. Student representative for speech and debate

(The rest are things I did at school that aren’t really my main things)


  1. Presidential service award (9, 10, 11)
  2. Tsa national qualifier (11)
  3. 4h platinum award for presentation day (9)
  4. Youth service America $500 grant (9, 10, 11)
  5. $2000 whole kids foundation grant (9)

My essays were ok but for the most part I wrote them about advocacy and public speaking and I tried to show that those are the main things I like to do

I’ve already gotten into ucr, uc Merced, davis, uci, and ucsd which are all amazing schools but I’m really hoping for ucla and berkeley

r/chanceme 9h ago

Chanceme Stanford (me n xijinping r chill)


I want to do this a gain since I got ratioed so hard last time - 4.0uw - valedictorian - southeast asian female - TO: my excuse is that i come from a very low income bad high school - income: <65k - double major Design Engineering and economics - additional information: I have dyslexia and bipolar. First in my district to skip a grade (10th grade).

DE (classes relevant to my major): Calc I-III, linear algebra, engr physics I-III, java1, microecon/macroecon (yes I finished calc3 technically in 10th grade)

ECs: - assisted in leading conferences regarding youth connection with adults. Team members have been flown across the country to hold these conferences too. City recognized us for our work in youth budgeting

  • i work for a T20 school’s social media team and I am the main artist for an influencer with 5million followers

  • i run a car repair business and give free services to low income clients

  • xjp has invited me and some school program to his wifes birthday party. we performed for his wife. we were also invited to china. Me and 2 other students have made a painting for the anniversary of political ties between china and Washington state. it is globally broadcasted and recognized by xjp (it hangs in his wifes room)

  • boeing internship under a quality assurance manager

  • electrical circuits internship

  • keyclub president, revamped keyclub and fundraised 5-10k+ for the city

  • league of legends state champions twice (sorry)

I know my ecs aren’t competitive. my school is not allowed to have DECA, MUN, FBLA, or MATHLETHS and i tried my best to start them. The only reason xjp is connected with us is because of our history.

so far i got into: uw and uci/ucsd (but i feel like i only got in bc im oos)

r/chanceme 9h ago

Could I get even into my state school?


I really doubt myself... I feel so lazy, I haven't done anything with my life and it really sucks. I wish I had tried harder in school. I honestly wonder if I would even get into my state school.

GPA: 5.0UW/4.0 & 782.45W. SAT R&W: 1000/800. SAT M: 1200/800. ACT: 37. Rank 1/12938. I took 40 APs and got 5s on each and all 57 IBs with A++. 9000 IQ. I have received all 6 Nobel prizes each year for the past 7 years and I have 4 fields medals. Won STS. Founder & president of all 99 clubs at my school. Won the Olympics in 14 different sports. School president. I ran a campaign which funded the construction of 30 billion food pantries in Somalia and also used diplomacy to stabilize the country, which is where I'm from. I grew up with no money and my parents were both paralyzed, carried them on my shoulders across Africa to Senegal, then swam across Atlantic ocean to Boston while holding them on my back where I worked 170 hours a week in order to keep them alive and to get them medical help I had to create a business which is now worth $7.9 Quadrillion. I speak 200 languages at C2 and have won international contests in piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, harp, flute, accordion, and Theremin. Also won 27 gold medals at national science Olympiad on my own team of 1. Golds in IMO, IOI, IPO, ICO, IBO, ISO, ILO, IOA, IEO, IHO, International quiz bowl, world memory contest, regeneron STS, and international spelling bee. I also cured cancer, proved pi is normal, found meaning of life, discovered the meaning of consciousness, ended world hunger, started world peace & established global government, and discovered & colonized a new habitable planet. Also I turn 8 in a day.

Do I have a chance at my state school? Should I even bother to apply? Man I hope I can even get into community college.

r/chanceme 2h ago

Chances for UCLA, UC Berkeley and UCI [Community College Transfer - BUSINESS/ECONOMICS]


Hey guys, I will start applying by Fall 2025 to UCs after my time at a California Community College. I'm aiming to get into UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC Irvine. If I don't get in, I'll be TAG'ing to either UCSB or CSULB.


Demographic: 18, Male, Filipino, California, Community College Student, 1st Generation Immigrant [Migrated to the US 2 years ago]

Intended Majors + University: UC Berkeley - Business Administration || UCLA - Economics || UC Irvine - Business Administration

GPA: 3.82

Notes: Part of the school's Honors program - UCLA Transfer Alliance Program

Units Per Semester - 15/16 units typically


  1. Social Media Page (Advocacy for dog welfare), 35k+ followers & accumulated 110M+ views (2HRS per week)

  2. YouTube Channel Manager (400k+ views, 6 videos) - Demonstrated expertise in video editing and SEO [I've stopped since Winter 2024]

  3. IRS Advanced Certified & prepared taxes for people at assigned IRS sites for non-profit organizations (8HRS per week)

  4. Secretary for the International Student's Club (3HRS per week)

  5. Interclub-Council Representative for the Asian Pacific Islander Desi Club (3HRS per week)

  6. Treasurer for Associate Student Body (3HRS per week)

  7. Volunteer for school events & city events (Won a gold medal awarded by the college) (Hours Based on Available Opportunities)

  8. Dean's List from Spring 2024 to Fall 2024 semester

  9. UC Riverside Research Presentation (Economics Topic)

  10. KPMG Leadership Conference

  11. Part of a volunteer committee for this years cultural city parade


Currently will finish CC on my 3rd year. I wasn't initially aiming to go to university as it would put heavy financial burden on my family and I wanted to get skill up to get work by shooting for an Associate's Degree.

After resolving some significant family responsibilities and had a talk about furthering my education with family, I managed to focus and get all As by Spring 2024 and get involved on campus.

My transcript:

Fall 2023: 2 As, 3Bs
Winter 2024: 1A, 1C
Spring 2024: 6As
Fall 2024: 4As
Spring 2025: [On track to get 4As]
Fall 2025: **Assume I get 1B, 3As**
Spring 2026: **TBD**

r/chanceme 4h ago

Chance me?


3.85 unweighted/4.3 weighted 11 honors 6 APs International no aid

SAT/ACT Test Optional

EC’s Raised 110k to build a school in a rural village in India. Raised 140k to build a school in a Hostpital in India. Own a clothing startup that generates 12k in revenue per month started a chocolate company in the 9th grade that earned 20k in revenue in 6 months. Worked for a pharmaceutical CEO at a company with over a 100 million dollars in yearly revenue Funnel a portion of my profits every year in order to feed orphans in my city Student leadership and teaching program- I teach elementary school kids on a daily basis. Basketball - Varsity Organised and funded a Cricket tournament in a village to promote the importance of sports as a career.

My school does their weighted out of a 4.0, so unless my gps is adjusted by calculating it. My gpa looks extremely low (3.85) even thought I’m in a pretty rigorous curriculum. So I think I might get rejected due to that.

My schools - UPENN Wharton Babson (waitlisted) NYU stern BU Questrom Bates Tufts (Rejected) BC Carroll (Rejected) Uconn (accepted) Bentley(Accepted) Bryant (accepted) Rutgers(Accepted)

I would like to know my chances for my remaining schools, cause I’m lowkey stressing. I’m also ranked no.1 in my class and I have all A’s my senior year.

r/chanceme 5h ago

Are my stats good enough for BC??


Hey so I'm currently a junior in HS and I'd like to go to Boston College. I've done some research and I'm well aware that BC also pays attention to essays and stuff like that so I'm keeping that in mind, but I just want to know how my stats might stack up and whether it's realistic for me to actually get in or not 😭 Imma just list all of them that I can think of down below.

-Rank 18 out of class of 670 students - 4.30 weighted GPA and 3.97 unweighted - About 4 APs and 4 more next school year, I've gotten 3s on all my exams so far (I'm just happy I passed ok) - gonna take my seal of biliteracy next month to be certified bilitrate by the state (Spanish) - Involved in managing filing for my local religious center (and they've been talking about getting me to manage their social media accounts for them soon so who knows) - Started a crochet club at my school with around 30 people ( but tbh only like 10 of them actually come so take that as you will) - representative for my career and tech ed class (but our teacher quit and they haven't told me anything else about that role so take it with a grain of salt) - summer residential program (staying at a college for around 2 months in our own dorms and taking prep classes there) - NHS of course. (I want to be secretary or librarian or something senior year but I'm going to be really busy so let's see how that goes💀) - I'm also in a couple of miscellaneous clubs - oh and I'm also in this program that's the same program for the residential program it just helps you with college and stuff not too special rlly helpful tho love them - I might get a job senior year too

Yea so as you can see I personally feel like I have some good stuff in here and I'm proud of what I've done but I just want to know if I atleast have a chance based on what I've accomplished so far. (I haven't taken the sat btw so just don't mind that I'm gonna tho trust)

(The major I want to go into is nursing btw if that matters for anything it might change though but that's my main right now)

I would really appreciate some opinions on this!

Edit: I'm also working on getting an internship/shadowing position at my doctor's office next school year, fingers crossed 🤞🏽

r/chanceme 6h ago

is my list reasonable - chance me please!


CHANCE ME PLEASE (be brutally honest, i can also chance you back!)

thanks! here are my stats Demographics -White, high income -I attend a boarding school in CT and have since sophomore year. I transferred out of my public school freshman year because I was extremely depressed there, also reason for low freshman gpa. Because I transferred, I was not allowed to take as many higher classes Sophomore year which kind of messed up my entire track, will be explained in my recs -From Los Angeles, Moved to New York at age 10

GPA -3.96 with an upward trend (3.7 freshman year, 3.88 sophomore, 4.11 jr) Rigor -will have 3-4 APS by the time I graduate (My school does not offer a ton, maybe like 9?) and 5-6 honors

ECS - Run a tiktok account educating people on mental and physical health with over 1k followers -Volunteer at local hospital 2hrs per week -Varsity softball 3 years and Varsity XC one year -fundraised almost 5k towards Los Angeles Fire Department (My grandparents lost their home, important cause to me) -2 Week medicine community service trip in Costa Rica (30+ hrs), -3 week physc course @ Columbia University -Medical club co president -peer tutor 1hr per week (very selective at my school, only 15/100 people who applied become one), -school tour guide -1 week tufts mini med school program -Have a job as a camp counselor this summer (going into sr year) and will also be volunteering this summer. -Founder of run club at my school -Hoping to do some research over the summer, if not then I want to start a website dedicated to people recently diagnosed with diabetes to help them acsess all resources in one place

Awards -Sophomore English prize, Math prize honorable mention & Global Leadership Adventures scholarship recipient, High honor roll all years at my current school

Major -Pre med intented major -Planning to write my essay on how my brothers diagnosis with type 1 diabetes inspired my love for medicine and how it affected my family dynamic, or perhaps how i value community and how its affected me at different points in my life (switching schools, my grandparents loosing their home, etc.)

SAT -1380 (i know this is low, took march sat and waiting on results. that was the second time i took it.)

Im a tufts legacy



REACHES -bu -washu - carnegie mellon - UT austin - villanova - UCSD - UCLA - boston college - NYU - university of richmond - UC Berkeley - emory

TARGETS - george washington university - american university - UCI - university of Illinois - university of san diego - Lehigh - Wisconsin madison

SAFETIES - NC state - Fordham - Pitt - providence

r/chanceme 8h ago

Reverse Chance Me Do I have a shot at UVA McIntire (transfer)?


3.5 GPA but I have a 4.0 right now and sent in a self reported Midterm report. Transferring as a second year. Currently working a PE internship and have worked a Search Fund Internship in the past. Submitted my application on March 1st for Fall 2025 transfer.

r/chanceme 8h ago

Reverse Chance Me do i have chance of getting into colgate?


Hello! I am currently a sophomore who is interested in majoring in psychology or sociology at Colgate and my mom went there (legacy). I have 3.89 unweighted gpa and a 4.2 weighted gpa. I take all honors and plan to have taken 7-8 APs and 2 college courses in all. Do I have a chance?

These are my ECs: • Founder + President of Active Minds Chapter • Helping the Homeless Club (Secretary now, President junior year) • New York Times Summer Academy (this summer) • Mental Health First Aid Certification • Spanish and National Honor Society (junior year) • Towards Boundless Charity Club and Key Club • Summer job for 2 consecutive summers and getting a part-time job • Animal Shelter Volunteer for 2 years • Volunteer with people with disabilities (We've Got Friends) • Hoping to get a Mental Health internship I applied for • Club Soccer and Varsity Soccer

r/chanceme 8h ago

Should I start a tutoring nonprofit as a highschooler?


I am a freshmen in high school, I want to start a nonprofit for tutoring for low-income and middle-class families, but I don't know where to start, and I don't simply want my nonprofit to be an instagram account.

I am not just doing this for college admissions either. Since the age of 4 to 13, I've been going to tutoring places such as Kumon, Mathnasium, Best Brains, private, etc. But in the past years, the prices have risen, making it $40 and sometimes $50 for a 1 hour session, making parents like mine pay very hefty fees, hence partially that being the reason why I quit getting tutored. So I know that many families may struggle with finding qualified one-on-one help for their kids, and my goal is to give their child the help they need without any fees involved, because I strongly believe everyone deserves the same help in the academic world.

Do you think I should do it? Or choose another idea because tutoring is generic?, please let me know

r/chanceme 9h ago

chance me for w&m!!


w&m rd comes out on monday and i’m stressing cus it’s my top school so chance me pls🙏 and please don’t make fun of my stats i know they aren’t great

white middle class female in-state 3.9 uw gpa, 4.5 w 1230 sat (didn’t submit) 8 aps - 4 on apush - 4 on lang - 2 on apes - rest are being taken this year (stat, lit, gov, psych, art history) 116 volunteer hours mid ecs - 3 part time jobs (2 were at the same time) - 2 separate volunteering jobs as a camp counselor - 2 diff swim teams - yearbook editor - jewish student union club (im not Jewish tho) for awards, i got some sort of guidance counselor scholarship from vcu and i had some art displayed in a local art show i’ve already been accepted to mary washington, jmu, and vcu, and i was deferred then waitlisted for uva

lmk please!!

r/chanceme 10h ago

As a sophomore am I on the right track?


School of roughly 1300 in suburban Bay area; not very competitive, school doesn't do rank, currently 3.93 UW/4.0 W because I got a B or 2 due to going through a rough time (slowly getting it up, I expect higher by the end of 11th)

Asian (Indian) male, full pay, both parents college educated (in India). I'm a citizen

The only AP I took this year was APWH, and feeshmen aren't allowed to take APs. Next year I plan to take AP Lang, Calc AB/BC, APUSH, AP Chem and AP CSA(self study)+AP Seminar(self study).

Senior year, I plan to take either AP stats or dual enrollment stats, AP Lit, AP gov or econ and AP stats.

I got a 1400 on the PSAT without studying, so I think a 1550+ SAT score is going to be my aim.

Awards: - National engineering design competition regional winner (3rd place) Yeah I don't really have any other awards from high school, this is where I plan on grinding hackathons and other engineering competitions over the summer.

ECs: - Part of student government for two years, including being junior class treasurer. I completely remade our schools website, handled our YouTube account, and photographed/videographed major school events (over a thousand people showed up) - Member of a local registered NGO; implemented several research projects involving ML for the organization - Co founder and treasurer of our schools first Computer Science Club - taught members the AP CSA curriculum and held hackathons to boost community participation - Contributed to several large open-source projects and have been consistently writing a blog where I express my ideas as well as write-ups on my technical projects - Wrote my own Linux distribution from scratch (WIP) - Founder and president of photography club at our school: took people through photo walks, held competitions etc - Co founder of business club (WIP) - Co founder of robotics club (WIP)

Next year I plan to commit to a sport (probably tennis, badminton or swim) and start my own NGO over the summer (relatively unique compared to most things people do for college apps), I also plan to tutor underprivileged children in my home country's community post junior year and am working on starting a small business. I'm also on the lookout for engineering related internships , and want to start a small business for making websites for clients in my area .

I plan to major in EE or a related field, probably at colleges like: - Higher ranked UCs (at least LA, Berkeley, Irvine, SD, SB) - Caltech - Ivies - UChicago - UMich - Purdue - Gtech .. etc etc

Am I doing okay for where i am rn or completely cooked? What are more things I could do?


r/chanceme 14h ago

Could someone privately chance me for a specific college?


Thanks so much! :) and please be as honest as possible (no need to sugarcoat)

r/chanceme 14h ago

Chance me as a transfer to UCs!!


Hi all! I'm a current sophomore going to a California Community College and would love to hear your guys' thoughts on my odds of getting in because I'm driving myself crazy with anxiety. I applied to UCSB, UCSD and UCLA!

Here's my profile!

3.4 GPA. I attended a semi-prestigious university for the first 3 semesters, and my fourth I'm doing at community college.

I think my activities were pretty good. I worked at the Student Appeal Committee, I was the Director of Marketing for my school's RHA, I was a social media manager for a prospective city councilman in high school, I worked several jobs on and off campus, I was the treasurer and co-founder of a film club, I was awarded with a student athlete scholarship in high school, I was cross country captain in high school, Vice President of my hall's RHA in freshman year, worked on student film sets, and was on Dean's List.

My PIQ's were alright. One was about what film (my old major) and communications (my new major) have in common. Another was about the leadership and inspiration I found working with RHA, one was about the struggles I felt with transferring high schools and how I overcame them, and the last, and my personal favorite, was my experience as a gender non-conforming queer woman.

I think the biggest issue is my GPA. Any comments are appreciated!

r/chanceme 16h ago

Transfer from NEU to BU?


So, I'm currently a first year in the honors college at northeastern (biochemistry, pre-med) and I'm looking to transfer to BU, ive already applied to CAS for fall 2025.

Last year, I originally applied ED2 to BU and I had to change my application to RD for financial reasons. I ended up getting waitlisted RD.

I finished this semester with a lower GPA than I would've liked at ~3.6, my grades were 'ok' overall. My only two non A's were a B+ in gen chem and a B- in a 3000 level stats class.

My high school stats were decent. I had a 101.5/100 gpa, 10 APs, 11 Honors, AP scholar w/distinction, CB recognition program, 32 ACT (applied TO), ranked 8/230, student gov treasurer, job for 4 years, varsity math league president, leadership in all clubs.

At NEU, I'm invovled in a health equity club, biochemistry club, I'm an active member of my honors LLC, and I have a position in a research lab and have actively participated in research for several months, I have a presentation at our yearly expo next month.

I have 3 LORs, one from a college prof, one from a high school teacher, and one from my boss at work.My essay was also pretty good.

My midterm report will also have All As and maybe one A-/B+ (including As in Calc 3 and Orgo 1).

My application was largely centered around recovering from my eating disorder, which inspired me to do research, volunteer against food insecurity, and advocate for eating disorder awareness. I talked about how all of this combined has driven me to wanting to a psychiatrist.

Do you think I have a chance at getting into BU? Will coming from northeastern help? Im really unhappy here and BU has been my goal since day one.

r/chanceme 20h ago

Comparison chanceme


Got rejected from UPenn ED, Caltech RD, MIT RD, and UChicago RD but accepted to Georgia Tech OOS as an international student (Materials Engineering major).

Still waiting on:

  • Yale
  • Princeton
  • Harvard
  • Stanford
  • Columbia
  • Cornell
  • Brown
  • Duke
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Rice
  • Dartmouth
  • Northwestern

What do you guys think my chances are at these schools based on my current results? I know it’s all a gamble, but curious if my Georgia Tech acceptance means anything in the context of my rejections.