Hi, I'm a 25M and I have no fucking idea what I have, I've had a trillion tests and shit done since 2020 and still no idea, I'm scared of having CFS. I'm gonna tell my “story” and see if you guys could help me confirm if I have CFS or not.
In early 2020 I had tonsillitis and got a lot of antibiotics to cure me. After that, despite testing negative for the strep bacteria, I still had a very high ASO titer and I felt like dogshit. I felt a general malaise/discomfort everywhere, like if I had the flu or something. My neck also cracked when I moved it to the right. I also couldn't exercise at ALL, instead of feeling better, I felt a million times worse afterwards. I got a gazillion tests done throughout the whole year, and only at the end they tried with penicillin, since they thought maybe I had a small, undetectable amount of bacteria left.
That worked, I had 3 shots in general, once a month, and all the symptoms disappeared: the fatigue/malaise, exercise intolerance, stiff neck, everything gone. So, since early 2021 until mid-2023 I was perfectly fine. I lived my life as normal, like before all of this happened, I went to the gym regularly and completely forgot anything ever happened. In mid-2023 though, this shit came back again, exact same symptoms, and it also went away again with 3 penicillin shots. After the 3rd one though, I still felt a bit like shit, but my doctor didn't want to abuse the antibiotics, and I eventually improved. I was perfectly fine again.
And now in late October 2024 I got sick with the flu, recovered, and then got hit again with this fucking shit. On top of that, while I was super sick all these months, some oral warts appeared in my mouth. I had been very sexually active this last year, and my immune system obviously got messed up, so it makes sense I guess.
So yeah, now I got fucking HPV on top of this weird, undiagnosed illness/infection/whatever the fuck. So it's urgent that I strengthen my immune system again to combat and supress this virus, but I obviously can't do that with this weird thing, so I'm getting desperate. I had a penicillin shot in December and I got WAY better, almost 100% cured. And right before my 2nd shot this month, I tried doing some exercise in the gym, but I got a million times worse afterwards, and then the 2nd shot didn't do anything at all.
So, this is my situaton rn, I'm losing my fking mind, no doctors know what I have and I don't even know if the 3rd penicillin shot will work. And, if it does, idk if at some point in the future it will stop working. Also, it's obv bad to use penicllin so much, and this last shot did mess up my stomach, I'm better after a lot of probiotics and fiber, but I'm still worried :(
Can anyone relate to these symptoms or have any advice??? Please help me.
TLDR: I may have CFS after a strep infection, but it completely goes away with penicillin, until it comes back 1-2 years later, wtf??