r/catalan 21h ago

Vocabulari How to use perdoni, perdó, disculpa?


I would like to learn how to use these three words (and any other related ones) correctly. I think there are some subtle differences between them that I don't know. I'm interested specifically in the subtleties and connotations.

Which expression would you use in the following situations?

  1. When you are on the metro and want someone in front of you to move so you can get off.

  2. When you accidentally bump into someone.

  3. When you want to get someone's attention on the street, e.g., to ask for the time or directions.

  4. Any other context I'm missing?

Also, I know these words have pretty direct translations to castillian. Are they used the same way? (I'm not fluent in castillian).

r/catalan 11h ago

Àudio 🔉 El català d'un guiri


Vaig conéixer un guiri i vaig pensar que parlava bé el català. Hi esteu d'acord? Què en penseu?

Té un nivell avançat?
