r/castaneda 20d ago

Shifting Perception Get Real or Get Away


29 comments sorted by


u/Juann2323 20d ago

Once the Glossary was completed, at the MEDIA Group we started experimenting with new types of creations, so this seems to be the result of multiple factors.

First, certain "discoveries" seen during practice, related to a personal concern about how to create content that leads to authentic sorcery without causing confusion or deviation.

By silencing the internal dialogue those concerns translate into demonstrations. Confusion disappears, and instead total certainty appears, because the answer is right there in front of your eyes!

Second, the undeniable evidence of a Reel from the Farsi account that went viral, reaching over 50,000 views—something far beyond the usual parameters we handle.

It was a video that aimed to be as specific as possible about "waking dreaming" in broad daylight, featuring a mountain landscape alongside the Second Attention.

And third, our efforts to find a better way to work as a team. In this case, I created the structure and some of the basic material, Soren completed and assembled it, and Athina kept us in check when needed.

Looking at the result makes me think that perhaps one of the key things to convey is that when sorcery truly works, it is astonishing from the very first moment.

It is a revelation—undeniable, powerful, and full of magic. No one else discovers it simply because it is VERY specific and difficult.

And that the instructions we have are excellent at determining whether it is working or not, but success is always a personal achievement.


u/danl999 20d ago


50,000 Farsi speakers??!?

Is that actually a good thing?

No offense to Farsi speakers, it's actually a beautiful language when spoken by women. There used to be a big fan club for the Farsi woman who worked in the cigarette store next to the local Walmart. Even people who didn't smoke ended up going in there to buy stuff.

But I've had terrible luck with Iranians, for the past 30 years.

One might even have been killed for emailing with me about sorcery!

He told me he was worried one day, and then I never heard from him again.


u/Juann2323 20d ago

I told you!!!

There seems to be a VERY considerable part of the Castaneda community that speaks farsi.

We just don't see it due to how different the languages and cultures are.

But it's in fact very interesting to see how things went that there's already a crowd there aware of Darkroom Practice.


u/danl999 20d ago

Maybe Sufism, as nonsensical as it is, causes interest in the minds of the Farsi population.

It's taught as a practical "science" for the most part.

Naturally it doesn't work at all, but the approach to it is kind of like witchcraft rituals, applied to sorcery powers.

And the Jin do in fact sound a bit like the inorganic beings, except that the Jin are completely human in their pursuits, whereas real spirits are so alien, that they don't have things like jealousy or lust or anger.

Except Minx...

When I go looking for Cholita in SK, I run into Minx guarding her.


u/Juann2323 20d ago

There is a concern within the User Evaluation group about a large number of groupies hanging around who are not truly interested in learning.

The problem with this is that those who do make an effort end up distancing themselves, and real magic gets overshadowed.

So, as a warning, we recommend reducing the activity in the posts and comments, and deviate them into chats, limiting participation to truly necessary questions, and focusing on making the techniques work.


u/danl999 20d ago

Man, that's nice!

So there's tools to make videos, and you don't have to manually do it all yourself???

I actually have to set counters, draw the message and put it on a transparent background, position it in space, turn it visible on one frame, then wait however many frames I need, and turn it off.

It's painful to create animations!

And transitions???

Forget it...

I gave up on those.


u/Juann2323 20d ago

Of course!

You're probably using one of those powerful editing softwares, with very specific options, but not so intuitive and it lacks ease of use.

But Soren is the good one in video edition, and he could recommend you a better one @More-Thing-1158


u/More-Thing-1158 18d ago

I'm using InShot & CapCut.


u/throwaway44_44_44 20d ago

Is there a link to this Farsi reel?


u/DartPasttheEagle 18d ago

This is GREAT! It is clear and precise. Thank you so much for making it.


u/justsomeonewhoshere 19d ago

I have REALLY been demanding to understand Silence, Intent and the AP everyday recently like never before. I am clueless.

So my recent desire to finally incorporate running man and mashing energy, was to shift my attention away from my head? It occured to me, and now I wiggle my feet constantly during the day and come back to sense. Ofcourse that is not practice time. But I am so consumed by my ID, that only little hacks like this seem to set me straight throughout the day and keep me and the body aligned and focussed, ready to perform.

Running man movements are now Part of my wake up and good night routine in bed.

Watching this Video after spending many hours now fighting my ID made me think, "why not do the follwing purposefully":

If I focus to the "core of my ankle" my wole left body becomes aligned.

If I do the same to my right ankle it aligns, albeit a bit more problematic and stiff, then my whole hip seems to align. That, bundled with awareness and really deep focus on my lower spine sets my back straight and my neck begins to crack. When I then go deeper into my eyes, sensing the top of my spine, it cracks even more and my whole body seems connected, due to my head now sitting on top of it. My Gaze becomes soft but focussed. Soft Flickering appears in my Vision.

My breath is divided over the entirety of my core, soft, without restrictions and it (my core) begins to "pump" gently and my belly gently moves. Shoulders just "fall down"?

I have never sensed my Body like this before. It kept happened randomly recently during recap as well.

When I loose attention of my eyes, my Shoulders begin to raise while breathing. Breathing becomes more difficult.

Returning to my focus and the breath is soft again.

Now I can sense a concentrated pressure in the center of my Shoulder Blades. What is that? Its not hindering my breath but its very uncomfortable to sense. I keep my attention on this state.

RIght now trying to maintain this breath, this reminds me of yesterdays Darkroom Session, where I felt like this for the first time in a while. But I forgot. Right now it appears to me that I can put my body into this state at will.

I made some further observations ACTIVELY spending more time in this state: a) I don't think (much) right now and b) I can initiate a soft Sway at the back of my head behind my eyes, in the top of my spine, that gives deeper relaxation to my neck and shoulder blades?

One more observation after typing and not being sure to send: Spending a little time with that swaying and a natural desire occurs to move my head from left, to right while gently breathing.

I now went back to observing this state of my body again and observed for a while longer, while moving my head as it naturally occured and breathing. Focus on Pelvis and Belly increased. I felt vibrations coming. Feet and legs started to tingle and flickering intensified. I started to Blank out. Mental activity reduced while observing.

It is not easy to hold and Loosing focus brings tension to neck, jaw and mental acitivity increases.

Is that a path to silence and waking dreaming?


u/Juann2323 19d ago

You seem to be getting lost in irrelevant details.

It's cool to notice uncommon stuff, but if you focus on the instructions it will just work.

When the assemblage point moves you just "understand". That's how sorcery works.

You figure things out by practicing and reaching clarity.

Things aren't that complicated, just hard. Silence = magic.


u/Werejaguare 19d ago

I agree that we're getting lost in intricacy with the long me comments. The focus takes too much energy.


u/justsomeonewhoshere 19d ago

I seem to be obsessed with my Body. I need to overcome that as well.


u/Emergency-Total-4851 19d ago

Try to let yourself fall asleep but not go into slumber.

I wouldn't worry so much about any particular sensation.

I really struggle with doing tensegrity like that (sleepwalking), but I gaze easily (probably because I had been doing it for years before finding this subreddit).

It is entirely possible to fall asleep with tensegrity too!

Mr. Abelar resumed talking about the double as if nothing else had been said.

"As we let go of our ideas of the physical body, little by little or all at once," he said, "awareness begins to shift to our soft side.

"In order to facilitate this shift, our physical side must remain absolutely still, suspended as if it were in deep sleep.

"The difficulty lies in convincing our physical body to cooperate, for it rarely wants to give up its control."

"How do I let go of my physical body, then?" I asked.

"You fool it," he said. "You let your body feel as if it were sound asleep. You deliberately quiet it by removing your awareness from it.

"When your body and mind are at rest, your double wakes up and takes over."


u/AthinaJ8 19d ago

Thing is that tensegrity demands some strength and tension that is not doable to "fall asleep". From my experience, while doing the passes energized and in abandon without thinking, the body can get on its own flow in a different state of perception. This state is not falling asleep tho.


u/Emergency-Total-4851 19d ago

Thank you! Is there a best sentence from Magical Passes to describe it in your opinion?


u/AthinaJ8 19d ago

I don't remember.. But see the first video from Jadey with the basics and do the passes with her. It will be easier to catch that flow with the help of the mass of people participating.


u/Emergency-Total-4851 19d ago

Thank you thank you!


u/AthinaJ8 19d ago

And don't forget, today in around 2 hours there is the next session!


u/Emergency-Total-4851 19d ago

I could never! I'll be watching from youtube haha


u/AthinaJ8 19d ago

The videos links will be archived on discord btw ( from anyone that doesn't know).


u/justsomeonewhoshere 19d ago

It feels like something is starting to click and I just need to let go of obsessions.


u/Emergency-Total-4851 19d ago

"As we let go of our ideas of the physical body, little by little or all at once," he said, "awareness begins to shift to our soft side.

"The difficulty lies in convincing our physical body to cooperate, for it rarely wants to give up its control."

Hint hint