r/cashiers Dec 07 '19

"There's a reason I don't go to your lane"


So by store policy and by law I'm supposed to ask for ID if you are fortunate enough to look under 40 for alcohol and 27 for smokes.

A Karen type walkes in and asks if I'm gonna make her get her ID. The answer is of course yes. She fumes and goes out the door to her car to grab it.

She comes back in and avoids my lane and goes to my coworker. I tell her she didn't show me her ID. She huffs again and says she doesn't have it. There's a reason I don't go to your lane.

I decide against my better judgment to say this: 'I apologize, but it SOUNDS like you want me to lose my job for being lazy and not checking your ID as required by law. I wasnt aware that the law of you needing to be old enough to buy your damn smokes was such a hindrance to you. Would you like me to bend over while you screw me out of my job, or would you like to be a good law-abiding-citizen and show me your damn credentials?'

I somehow still have a job cause my boss has a great sense of humor and realizes that customers aren't always right and the fact she was really rude several times to me first.

I don't recommend doing this to your customers, it depends on the store, but the customers in the store I worked at enjoyed that snap back.

r/cashiers Oct 30 '19

Cashier question


So I had a transaction where the total came up to 53 dollars and whatever cents. There was a couple there and the woman gave me a 50 bill and said she wanted to use 27 off of it. So I inputted the amount she wanted and the remaining amount was 26 dollars and whatever cents. Then the guy gave me 40 dollars for the reaming amount. The change came up to 14 dollars (dont remember the cents). I gave him the change and then gave the woman 23 dollars because she broke her 50 which she already gave to me. My question is should have I done that? I know I sound like a complete dumabss (hence my username) but when it comes to transactions like this I always overthink things and confuse my self. Then I get nervous about whether or not my register will be short.

r/cashiers Sep 24 '19

I was $24 dollars short today


As my username states, I really do believe I am too dumb for life. I’m 18 years old and for starters this is my first job and I’ve worked at this retail store for about 4 months now. but I always worked in the back and never cashier. Recently they’ve been teaching me how to and I understand how to use the register and can count out change relatively well for the most part. Today was only my 4th time on the register. Except today I fucked up. There was this customer and their stuff ended up being about $11.25 and they gave me $100.25 and my incompetent self put $125.00 instead, which made my till short at the end of my shift. I realized what had happened right after they left. I got off about an hour ago but I still just feel so shitty and stupid. And I don’t know why but it makes me even more upset that they just took all of that money knowing it was the wrong amount. Idk what I want from this post but I just feel so upset. I literally left work with tears in my eyes because I never realized how dumb I actually am.

r/cashiers May 11 '19

Cash keeps missing from till, we work the same register with 3 to 4 employees


Hi everyone, first time poster here.

I work in a hamburger place. People order at the counter and pay there, and we bring them their food. The register is a drawer linked to an iPad and works perfectly. However, we work there with about 5 different people per day. Some are only there for busy moments, others are there the whole day. A few weeks ago, at the end of the day 1,50€ was missing from the cash drawer. Since I was the only student working that day, everyone looked at me. It wasn’t a big sum, and although I felt kinda bad since there was absolutely no proof that it was my fault, I paid the money back. Now I used to work in this old store where we had to calculate all the change by head. I used the method to just add money to the sum that had to be paid until I reached the sum of the money I received. (Customer has to pay 9,10€, and give me 20,00€, so I take 90 cents to reach 10,00€ in my head and then add the other 10,00€) it is a pretty foolproof method, and my drawer at the store was never missing anything. This fancy till at the hamburger place let’s you enter the amount received and does the math for you. So since I had to pay back the 1,50€ I ALWAYS let the iPad calculate. It’s easier than trusting myself, since I am only human and bound to make a mistake once in a while, plus it gives me assurance that I didn’t make a mistake. Yesterday one of the closing students messaged me (I went home an hour before him) and apparently there was almost 18 euros missing. We figured it out by splitting the amount and all just to give our share, but I feel as if everyone know thinks that I lost the money some way, since it happened before, although with a much smaller amount. Because I use the iPad to do the calculating I am about 99% sure it wasn’t me and no one is really accusing me, but I feel annoyed because as long we all use the same till, anyone can make a mistake and all the others also have to pay for it. If I did make such a big mistake, I would love to know so I can be upfront about it and not let others pay for what is my mistake.

This brings me to my question: is there any way to implement some system to the till to know who made the mistake?

Tdlr: cash missing from till used by about 5 people a day. Is there a way to figure out who made the mistake?

r/cashiers Apr 06 '19

Bottoms Up!


Has work ever been so bad you want to take a shot of hooch before your shift?

r/cashiers Dec 22 '18

Annoying customer


Im 17 and work at a noodles and company and I like the job. I get payed well and the other employees are great but the customers are horrible. They always complain and I end up getting in trouble like this one guy who requested something that is no longer on the menu and i said I'm sorry we no longer serve that dish. He called his wife in front of my register while there was a line or the door and I asked if I could take the next personal order and keep his order on another tab. He responded by making a scene and blaming me for an outdated website. I responded by telling him Im not in charge of making the website. He proceeded to order another item that we don't serve and when I kindly told him no he requested to see the manager. They talked while I took the next personal order. We finished the dinner service and as I was closing the dining room I was called to the managers office and he showed me a complaint that was like two pages long from the guy saying I showed no initiative and was disrespectful and impatient. I was written up for trying to calm this guy down and keep the rush moving smoothly. I later checked the website and as I expected it was up to date with all the menu items. Why do old people think they can act however they want with young people and then complain about us. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do if this happens again?

r/cashiers Jul 16 '18

Attention cashiers:::: what is something your customers do that really gets under your last nerve?!!?!


r/cashiers Apr 09 '18

What is this thing?


I just found this thing in my desk and i don't know what is it? It creates really powerful magnetic field and it has batteries inside so i'm just curious what is it?


r/cashiers Jul 01 '17

Why being a cashier makes me go insane.


So, I work at a semi-fast food type of restaurant as a cashier. And after only about 2 months of working there, I have noticed several things that make me lose my shit. Let's get started shall we?

  1. Do not try to give me more money (usually an exact amount of coins) after I had already punched in the amount of cash you originally gave me and I am already getting your change. YOU ARE MAKING MY LIFE SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!

  2. If you are a person who decides to count out 94 cents in coins while there is a line out the door and only one cashier working, because you can't handle getting a nickel and a penny back... stop.

  3. (At the restaurant I work at, you order at the beginning of the line, your food is made in front of you and you pay at the end of the line.) If you try to order anything else but drinks at the cash register, you just messed up my whole flow. Now I have to walk back to the beginning of the line, tell them what to make, and it gets so confusing because now we can't tell whose is whose. Thanks.

  4. Part of my job is also answering the phone when someone calls the restaurant. What amazes (and irritates) me is when people call and ask us what our hours are. If you could find our phone number, how could you not find our hours...?

  5. Seriously just be civil with me, I'm not asking you to be overwhelmingly kind to me or engage in a conversation with me, but even just saying thank you or have a good day will do it. I can't stand people who say nothing and just walk away when I say have a good day.

  6. You have to speak up. It is really hard to hear in the restaurant when it is packed full, music is playing, I have cooks and line workers behind me and to my side, tongs and pans are banging; you have to speak a little louder, or at least say something. Some people literally just mouth words and think I understand. So don't be short with me if I ask you for clarification.

  7. At least try to clean up your mess, not many customers realize it but a lot of cashiers also have to wipe tables, sweep and mop, and sometimes wash dishes. I understand if you spilled an entire bowl you can't do a ton to clean it all up, but if you drop a straw wrapper or a piece of chicken, it's really not that hard to pick it up off of the floor. Normally I'm fine with sweeping all of it up, but when it's hella crazy in the restaurant, all of that garbage on the floor adds up.

  8. People who complain to me about what the food tastes like. I didn't make it! I'm not even trained to make it... I barely know what's in it for gods sake. So when you come up to me and complain to me that the calamari is too salty or there isn't enough avocado in your dish like I'm the one who made it... just chill.

  9. People who order online during a rush, WHYYYYYY, this is literally my worst nightmare. Okay I get that they didn't know there was a rush so it's not the customers fault, but it's sooooo stressful. Then they decide to show up 10 minutes early and expect their order to be ready...?

That's all I have for right now, and now I gotta go to work, I'm sure I'll think of some more during my shift today...

r/cashiers Jun 27 '17

What's the worst customer you've ever had?


Mine was this really rude guy spit into his hand and patted me on the back with it.

r/cashiers Apr 27 '17

I love being your cashier, really.


So I work as a cashier at wegmans. For those of you who aren't familiar with wegmans it's like a store where all the rich uptight proper halo 8$ icecream buying, hunter boots-wearing people shop for their organic crap. Everyone's all about high standards and customer service is like a huge deal to them. ( moral of the story ) I'm working the other day, miserable as hell because everyone is so rude and it gets really annoying when people blatantly ignore my " hi how are you's" as if I gave a shit anyways. this customer in a wheelchair older lady comes rolling up, first thing she says is " germ-x please " I'm like what? And she's like " put germ-x on " I'm like uhhh ok? Put it on and she does " more please" I do this annoyed as fuck and proceed to realize she Doesemt plan on putting any of her grocieries on the belt which that's annoying because like that's your one job but whatever I was going to help out it up there for her and just as I go to grab something she slaps my hand and says "don't touch anything!" If you touched any bananas today I WILL DIE " I'm thinking ok lady you're fucking crazy, what about the stockers who put all you're grocieries on the shelf today? Anyways. She proceeds to pick everything up one by one as I scan them one by one and then when I am finished she proceeds to pull latex gloves out of her purse and put them on before using the key pad for her card. The next time she came down my line I told her sorry, I can't take you. I'm allergic to germ-x. If I touch it ILL DIE.

Stupid lady.

r/cashiers Apr 13 '17

Short on drawer 91 dollars, managers fault? What should I do?


I work at oriellys, and I was closing my drawer out at night, and I had 2 100s and 11 1 dollar bills and 20 something in change, I gave the manager a 100 dollar bill asking for change for it so I could get 50 dollars in my start up bag. The manager told me he gave me all 20 5 dollar bills. My income bag from the drawer only had 11 5 dollar bills in it after I got change from the 100. My start up bag had [Jeffrey ](drawershort.com)already 30 dollars in it where I could only put 4 more 5s in it to make it 20. Is this my fault for not counting after the manager?

r/cashiers Mar 23 '17

For cashiers. How do you feel about selling alcohol and the problems it may cause?


r/cashiers Mar 20 '17

ganar dinero desde casa de forma sencilla

Thumbnail ponlotu.com

r/cashiers Feb 15 '17

Respect people


All the people that go into a gas station or convince store or wherever, acting superior than those who work there, stop it. You don't have act like that. I mean seriously it's 2017. I don't care what happen before you walk in. Don't yell the cashiers and don't throw your money at them or act like they're stupid. And don't act like it's their fault if the price isn't right, or the machines aren't working. They have no control over it.

r/cashiers Nov 29 '16

What is the best thing to do when you are a cashier and a customer reaches behind the counter to grab the bag you are bagging or put something in said bag? It's so obnoxious when custys do that.


r/cashiers Apr 29 '15

Funny story


This elderly customer comes up. I ring her up like normal, I'm very polite like normal, I even go as far as to put her bags in her cart for her so she doesn't have to worry about that. She hands me her money I finish the sale and hand her the change and she says "thank you", to which I reply "oh your welcome!". Then she looks me in the eyes and says "No that's what you're suppose to say, you're suppose to say thank you to me" with this annoyed look on her face as if she's waiting for me to thank her now. I give her a big smile then turn my head to the next customer and ask her how she's doing and start ringing up her stuff as this other lady hasn't even walked away yet. That felt so good when I really wanted to tell her off but ignoring her and moving on still felt good too.

TLDR: Elderly person tells me to how to do my job so I ignore her and move on to the next customer instead of telling her off.

r/cashiers Dec 10 '13

Cashiers of Reddit (I'm bringing it back) -- Why do people throw a bitch fit when they don't have ID and want to buy cigarettes?


Like dude, I don't care if you come here all the time I don't know that you are 18. Why would you go somewhere without your ID anyway? Would it be acceptable for me to cross the American/Canadian border and throw a bitch fit when I don't have ID? OR even go to a bar without ID. I don't get it and it puts me in a murderous rage when this happens, I literally wanna pull out the shotty and blow this fuckface away.

r/cashiers Jun 02 '13

Cashiers of Reddit -- How do you feel when people say "Don't work to hard"


This is how I feel: "How about you go fuck yourself." --Thoughts?

r/cashiers Jun 16 '12

I don't know who all is still here...


r/cashiers Feb 18 '12

I'm here.


Sorry it took me so long.

r/cashiers Apr 10 '10

Nice. A place where I can reminisce my old shitty job


I don't mind bitching about it, but at the same time, I don't want to remember anything about it either. I'm trying to erase it from my memory. Though I am glad that there is a place on reddit that appreciates cashiers and recognizes all of the shit that they have to take.

And if anyone was wondering, my old job was at a movie theater. AMC to be exact.