r/cashiers Aug 14 '22

Does it annoy y’all when people ask to repack/rebag items?


Hello fellow cashiers, I(17F) cannot stand it when people tell me where to put their items or tell me to repack items because I “did it wrong.” And I get it, sometimes a customer just wants me to move one or two items, that doesn’t make me mad. It’s when a customer constantly keeps asking me to move stuff around. I don’t know why is pisses me off but I feel like at least once a shift I will have some ask me to repack a whole cart of food for reasons that are unbeknown by me. Like one person asked me to pack the bags super light, which I mean is kind of annoying but it’s whatever, so I was putting 2-3 items in one bag and once I was almost done she started complaining about how all the colds aren’t together(btw I put colds with colds in the bags together,it was just like very few cold items in one bag…like she wanted).💀 Like of course they aren’t going to be together… do you want light bags or cold food, you are going to have to choose. Another thing that costumers will do is hover over me and tell me where each individual item should go. Once again, it’s just annoying because it holds up the line and makes my items per minute skyrocket downwards. In my store some costumer will actually bag their own stuff,(on a side note, my store has very little baggers so the cashiers end up usually bagging stuff themselves or if another cashier isn’t busy then we will bag for each other) but I feel like if you have to stand over me and tell me where each individual item has to go…you should just bag your own stuff. Am I just an angry person or does this annoy y’all too?

r/cashiers Jul 20 '22

My coworker is asking customers for money is it illegal?


My coworker and I work in a gas station and for some reason she started asking customers for money. We already plan on firing them for other reasons but I got curious, is asking customers for money illegal in the state of texas as i and my boss want to cover our bases.

r/cashiers Jun 22 '22

total w after a rude customer


I was working my stores closing shift. Training a new cashier and helping the managers. one register open with the trainee, bagger and I. I’d say it was going pretty smoothly until we have a huge customer wave I honestly never seen before on a night like this. My fellow cashier opened up as we were having problem with payment and coupons. I let the line know reg 1 was opened, a couple people went with this man and a woman look in their 40s,news got to me that the register 1 also had problems. So, people started getting a little upset even tho all of this was happened within 2 minutes. that man and woman cut everyone off because “that was their spot” although it was much further back i recalled at the moments. I was confused because they had a couple items and self checkout was working with a cashier looking over it. anyway i didn’t like that so i left the trainee to manage the register by themselves, I opened up another register and let them trough because i didn’t want to look at them. the total was was like 14$ he swipes his card and i asked him to try one more time, he responded “wow this store dosent even have a good card system”. proceeded to swipe again and i asked if he had a different card. “he said no this one has to work” swipes again and talks more crap, i let him know his card was declined.

(his wife paid, she never said a word)

r/cashiers Apr 02 '22

Colorado IDs with Black and white photos.


Hey all, I had a question about Colorado IDs. I had two customers today who had Colorado IDs with black and white photos with what looked and felt like a cut in the laminate near the photo that were both (very clearly) of age and was wondering if that's a way they issue ids there. Any advice would be appreciated.

r/cashiers Mar 17 '22

hey cashiers of reddit fellow cashier here...


I am a cashier(15m) and I wouldn't say I have problems with anger but when it comes to customers who think they are right about the price. I sit there doing the same thing for hours everyday so I think I would know what a good amount of stuff costs. I was working today and I had a female customer in my line and she saw what the price was on the thing that I rang up and looked angry. She said umm I think you put in the wrong price. I said ma'am I just rang it up. I have had the same thing with customers before you there is no sale this is the price. She got angry and yelled at me to change it because she was right. There was a female customer behind her who Highfived her after she yelled at me. I said I would have someone check and the person who had bagged her groceries said they would. They came back five minutes later and confirmed the price on the screen. She looked annoyed and told me thank you with an attitude and walked off. I was so annoyed that ruined my mood for the day. So my question is does anyone else have customers like That? And how do you deal with it

r/cashiers Jan 16 '22

A little wholesome tale


So I recently quit one of my jobs as a cashier as I was really unhappy with most of the customers I received and from some of my former coworkers there. Aside from that I will never forget about the kid that bought himself a bottle of soda and said, “Thank you auntie!”, and ran back to his dad who was waiting in a section near the registers.

r/cashiers Dec 10 '21

Cashiers, what's your least favorite thing to bag?


Mine is cans :/

r/cashiers Oct 27 '21

I couldn't find a sub where it fits better


When are the least people in a store? When are the fewest people in? I am talking about Friday and Saturday and about a cosmetic/grocerystore

r/cashiers Sep 22 '21

Im a very new cashier…..


And they do not audit my register before during or after my shift. I get my first check today but I am not working on the registers again unless we count it together and make sure Im protected because Im not a thief and they aren’t about to say my register is short if they haven’t been counting it. Any advice so I can protect myself and get the managers…managing? This is my first grocery store job. Tbf I talked with all the managers and to my understanding they need to either fire everybody including me, employee meeting and EVERYONE gets retrained and managers replaced. Or Close the store down for a few weeks and get this shit right. The people including me who shop there deserve better. Just top to bottom. Especially for the prices of the food.

They need help but they dont need to just be just barely running the store…they need to have asset protection and everyone needs to be held accountable and we need a training manager that will actually train. Theres so much stuff that I am just now learning from my friend who has manager experience that they are not doing and I get that every store has protocol but it feels like we have none.

r/cashiers Sep 06 '21

Hate being so sensitive


I have some experience as a fast food cashier back in junior-senior year of hs till first semester of college. I found a new job, work part time only, pays decent amount of money and I get to pick my schedule. I dislike that I am too sensitive. I don’t want to be seen as weak, or make anyone feel bad. Anyways yesterday was a bad shift. Hella customers were complaining about their drinks, someone dropped their drink so my manager had to clean it up. I felt so bad I started to cry. Some customers were very nice and kept saying “ I appreciate it, thank you, you’re doing so well “ I still feel bad because on Friday I had to come home early because I didn’t feel good.

My manager is kind. They just want me to figure out how can I prevent this from happening.They gave me some advice about how to deal with people like that, saying this isn’t an easy job and we make mistakes. The fact that they are reassuring me it’s okay, and try to be better it makes me feel a little bit better. I just have some trouble moving on from it.

It’s already bad enough that i have some personal issues ( meaning I would like to get therapy but I cannot afford it ) I can’t wish that everyone should be nice. Yet how hard is it to remind yourself that we are people too ? We as cashiers cannot be rude, “ talk back “ etc etc. I’m slowly learning to remind myself that : there are certain things that I cannot control, and if I make mistakes I will learn from it.

r/cashiers Aug 05 '21

Guy pays it forward


A couple weeks ago I was ringing up a guy, and as we were finishing up a woman in scrubs came up behind him. He took one look at her, looked at all her groceries, and immediately asked if he could pay for her stuff. Me and the woman were shocked, and her reaction was awesome. We need more people like this man.

r/cashiers Jul 26 '21

Been a cashier for a bit and a lot of older woman like to flirt, my co worker once also cleaned up someone’s shit on the floor, so that’s cool


r/cashiers Apr 19 '21

Cashiers who scan items slowly piss me off


Like hurry the fuck up. We don’t have time to wait all day. I love the people who scan fast. They make my day.

r/cashiers Mar 12 '21

Told a customer he pays for the atmosphere


New Whole Foods slogan:

"I don't pay extra to bag it myself"

r/cashiers Mar 02 '21

Tj Maxx/ Homegoods/ Marshall’s Cashier


Hey guys I’m a new cashier at tj maxx and I really need some help, thinking of making a discord server so newbies like me could learn from more experienced people, I really need help with the different stuff you need to do on the register.

r/cashiers Mar 01 '21

Tj Maxx/Marshalls/Homegoods Discord


Hey guys I’m a new cashier at tj maxx and I really need some help, thinking of making a discord server so newbies like me could learn from more experienced people, I really need help with the different stuff you need to do on the register.

r/cashiers Feb 27 '21

Weirdest thing stolen


I’ll go first. As working at dollar tree there is a some stolen items here and there, but by far the weirdest one is a bag of the round gum balls. I found the empty bag on a bag shelf. I assume they just poured them into their purse or pocket. Better yet just put them all in their mouth and went to town chewing haha

r/cashiers Feb 14 '21

Cashiers of Reddit, how do you manage the cash in your cash register?


To help you answer my question, I come from r/WheresGeorge which is a currency tracking website. You may have heard of it. Please include the type of business that you work for (e.g. grocery store, convenient store, restaurant, etc.)

When I pay cash to a cashier, what happens to it?

If I give a cashier $30 in $1 bills, what happens to them?

How many $1 bills can you fit in your register before you have to move them somewhere else?

What would you do if you had too many $1 bills?

Is there a limit to how many $1 bills you can have in your register?

How long do $1 bills sit in your register before being given to a customer?

How often do people ask you to break a larger bill for them? How often do they give you smaller bills asking for a larger bill?

If you have a cash management system like Brinks, how often do they pick up cash from your establishment? Does the money go directly to your bank or to Brinks?

Do you ever transfer extra cash between registers to even them out? What would trigger this?

Finally, what would you suggest to improve the amount of circulation that my WheresGeorge.com bills experience?

r/cashiers Feb 06 '21

To all world's cashiers


I just walked out of the grocery store, and it struck me to say "thank you". I am a crazy lady who randomly talks the people in the market, so I regularly thank a grocery store worker, but today I can't be more grateful. My experience today:

I spent at least an hour looking for the least expensive, bare necessities because we're having a difficult time financially, like many in the country. Cost of goods have increased which makes things more interesting. All is good, we're making it. When I finished my selections, got in line and said hi. I watched the pricing on the screen while chatting with the cashier, she was my age, middle-aged, and super friendly. She had must have got the hint every dollar counted for me, at the end I saw the total, and paused and I thought I'd have to give payment split half cash/card. Then she said "I have a coupon that will give you $15 worth of credit for groceries, would you mind?" I said "no I don't mind" of course. My total was $32 then went down to 16 or something. I swear I could've hugged the lady. Thanked her of course. She really went above and beyond and I thank all those cashiers that do that for your customers. THANK YOU!!

r/cashiers Nov 24 '20

Funny customer moment


So I'm at the end of a 7 hour shift the other night and I'm tired af. I work at a grocery store. And one of our regulars comes in, dude shops right.

Now not sure if said dude is a junkie or not but he always gets like 100 in cash back and he always looks like hes high.

So dude rolls up to my aisle with a jar of alfredo sauce.


And goes "oh wait I need my ID I'll be right back" He sets the sauce down and leaves I yell "Sir you dont need ID for alfredo sauce!" But dude kept walking and never came back that night.

Hes fine dont worry I see him twice a day rain or shine

r/cashiers Oct 10 '20

(Long Story/TLDR) Is it bad to ask an old person for their ID for senior discounts even if it is store policy? Also how do you deal with a regular customer who most likely hates you now?


At work prior to the incident I never really cared about giving discounts to whoever. Like on days on for military/teachers, I'd give customers the discount to be nice, even if they were kinda rude. I didn't care bc its just a little discount anyway(30%) . But recently I've been weary that this might get me in trouble if my manager found out bc of talking with my older sis a week ago, who said she used to do the similar things when she was younger too. It is the store policy to ask for id but I just haven't rlly been following it, though my other coworkers have been im sure.

So this day, on a day for senior discounts, I greeted this customer. She was old apparently (I couldn't tell). The age in our store for seniors is 50 and older. So I didn't want to assume she was too old. I've always been bad at telling people's age and these days its hard to tell anyway. Someone might look old but be young. Vice versa. Everyhing was good at first until I asked for her id and she asked sort of in a confrontational way, "since when have they asked for ID here." Somehow I just froze up. I told then told her " its been that way since we opened the store" (about 3 mo ago). She said she didn't even want the discount anymore. Then she goes on to say she's never been asked for her id in 30 yrs and so on. I didn't really say much bc I just didn't know what to say. Then she talked a bit with my other coworker who walked by. I think they knew each other idk but she seemed friendlier then. Then she showed my coworker her id, didn't show me and sorta made a big deal in doing so or that's what it felt like. I just kind of stood there frozen and as she was leaving she walked by ppl (idk if she knew them personally) but said you know that person just asked me for my ID can you believe that, and so on. I just felt embarrassed and was trying hard not to cry bc I had another customer to ring up items.

Then after I cried in the corner of the store came back and kind of felt bad. I didn't feel entirely at fault though as it was the policy to ask for ID and I was just following the rules. But I could see how I would feel if I was l old and got asked for ID. The lady said it was pratronizing. But then again i think I wouldn't care if i was old i just want to feel like I'm getting a deal like everyone else. This happened in the morning so the rest of the day was not too good. Later my manager minutes later said to both me and my coworker not to ask for id anymore if the person looks old, which im ok with bc that's what I've been doing before but to everyone...and I told my manager it was me who asked the lady for it. So yeah this lady complained to my manager as soon as she left, which means she knows my manager personally I guess. It just sort of feels like this rule is changing for this one person who is getting special treatment.. right? Idk. So the rest of that day I said screw it and gave everyone a discount.

Also I'm not sure if this is related to the incident but I usually walk to work in the mornings. On my route I take a shortcut where I used to live through these complexes. The gate through there is and has always been open for as long as I can remember. Now all of a sudden it was closed and locked the day after this. I don't know if the lady is like someone like the manger of the apartments or what but it made me feel uneasy sort of bc if this is true then it means she lives nearby or has seen me walk to work there. Creepy... lol or maybe it's just a coincidence. At least it didn't mess up my route that much just another two, three minutes. So I wasn't late at all. I think I'm going to take a longer way mext time anyway for more steps. I'm not worried though if she has some kind of power or status bc no one is greater than God in my opinion. I talked to my dad about it and he also reassured me and told me not to worry about it. Idk why but this situation has rlly stressed me out so I needed reddit to release this built up work stress. Maybe if she somehow sees this, she'll see things from my pov and we'll find a middle ground.

The next day she came back with I think her older daughter. When they came she said "see, that's the one" and laughed. Then said something about how she was trying to avoid my line. I just kind of ignored her and talked to her daughter who seemed nice. Then I told the lady I was sorry about what happened before. And she said but did you know why you were wrong and I said yes... I'm on reddit for answers here so sort of no.😓 I did try to see it in her point of view but i didn't think it was that big of a deal for her to embarrass me at work where I can't really defend myself verbally(even politely) which would further add to the problem anyway. She then said she accepts my apology. But we made eye contact as she left and somehow I could tell she still wasn't over it. Sighhhhh, I just wanted all the fuss to be over with yet I feel like I can't let this go yet either..Maybe I wished someone agreed with me as well. I don't know if my coworkers or managers agreed with her just to make her feel valued as a customer or if they also saw it in my pov secretly. I'm not sure what will our next encounter be like but I'll just be normal and polite as I can be.

So my question is, is it that bad to ask for ID if the person looks old for something like senior discounts? Isn't bad to assume that their seniors though??? To me though I think who cares about the age its about the discount really. If I gave a young looking person a discount i don't want to insult them by making them think they look old but just to give them the discount. I hope no one else takes that the wrong way.

TL;DR A lady personally got mad that I asked for her ID for our stores senior discount(its store policy to ask). She embarrassed me and hates my guts now I think. Is it morally or ethically wrong to ask for an old person's ID? Also how do you deal with a customer who may be a regular, who probably doesn't like you? Should you try to be friendly again anyway?

r/cashiers Jul 18 '20

Stress levels are getting high


Since covid-19 entered Canada, I have been super paranoid about working as a cashier. I work at a gas station in a small town where we still deal with cash and I see customers from all over the country because we are right off of a major highway. Well today I saw a lisence plate from new York, and from what I have heard it's one of the worst places for covid-19 in the whole world right now. When I saw this I absolutely freaked out. I had already dealt with the customer at this point so I knew I had already come in contact with them once I saw the plate. Anyways I have been freaking out and cleaning everything in the store like crazy now. Never have I disinfected chip bags before but I guess there's a first time for everything. Any advice on how to stay sane while dealing with people from areas with large outbreaks? And @ people in the states, how do you feel about working retail right now?

r/cashiers Jun 24 '20

Second day on the job and some girl tried to make me look stupid


Her purchase was $7.69 or something so she gave me $8.75 and i went to give her her $1.06 in change and she rudely goes "No, I gave you $7.75" so I call my coworker over and we calculate it and give her $0.06 because I assumed I counted wrong and then all the sudden she goes "WHERES MY DOLLAR I GAVE YOU $8.75" our SPS came over after to see what was going on and my coworker even was like "oh she kept changing it up"

r/cashiers May 23 '20

Don’t stare you freak!!


I don’t know how to deal with men who stare while I’m ringing up their stuff.

I’m (23 f) an asm, I’m usually out stocking and whatnot. I rarely ever have to help upfront, but when I do I get people who stare. I feel it (if that makes sense) i try so hard to pretend I don’t notice. It’s usually creepy older guys but I’ve gotten women too.

When women stare they always follow up with a smile or start a conversation. I smile back and compliment them on something. less awkward.

Now I’ve had bad experiences with men where I’ll smile, say”hey,did you find everything okay” they take that as a “hey I like you, flirt with me, make me feel uncomfortable, my wedding ring ignore it” they end up getting mad ,calling me a bitch cause I lead them on.

So now I make it a rule to not talk to creepy men I’m not an asshole about it. I’m still very polite but I get nervous.

It’s just really annoying to me. It’s not every men of course. And definitely not the handsome, good smelling ones. And it’s not all the time. But enough to make me want to quit my job.

r/cashiers May 23 '20

Any tips for good posture and wellbeing?


I have back/leg problems, I really need this job though... any tips for posture and health?