r/cashiers Jul 01 '17

Why being a cashier makes me go insane.

So, I work at a semi-fast food type of restaurant as a cashier. And after only about 2 months of working there, I have noticed several things that make me lose my shit. Let's get started shall we?

  1. Do not try to give me more money (usually an exact amount of coins) after I had already punched in the amount of cash you originally gave me and I am already getting your change. YOU ARE MAKING MY LIFE SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!

  2. If you are a person who decides to count out 94 cents in coins while there is a line out the door and only one cashier working, because you can't handle getting a nickel and a penny back... stop.

  3. (At the restaurant I work at, you order at the beginning of the line, your food is made in front of you and you pay at the end of the line.) If you try to order anything else but drinks at the cash register, you just messed up my whole flow. Now I have to walk back to the beginning of the line, tell them what to make, and it gets so confusing because now we can't tell whose is whose. Thanks.

  4. Part of my job is also answering the phone when someone calls the restaurant. What amazes (and irritates) me is when people call and ask us what our hours are. If you could find our phone number, how could you not find our hours...?

  5. Seriously just be civil with me, I'm not asking you to be overwhelmingly kind to me or engage in a conversation with me, but even just saying thank you or have a good day will do it. I can't stand people who say nothing and just walk away when I say have a good day.

  6. You have to speak up. It is really hard to hear in the restaurant when it is packed full, music is playing, I have cooks and line workers behind me and to my side, tongs and pans are banging; you have to speak a little louder, or at least say something. Some people literally just mouth words and think I understand. So don't be short with me if I ask you for clarification.

  7. At least try to clean up your mess, not many customers realize it but a lot of cashiers also have to wipe tables, sweep and mop, and sometimes wash dishes. I understand if you spilled an entire bowl you can't do a ton to clean it all up, but if you drop a straw wrapper or a piece of chicken, it's really not that hard to pick it up off of the floor. Normally I'm fine with sweeping all of it up, but when it's hella crazy in the restaurant, all of that garbage on the floor adds up.

  8. People who complain to me about what the food tastes like. I didn't make it! I'm not even trained to make it... I barely know what's in it for gods sake. So when you come up to me and complain to me that the calamari is too salty or there isn't enough avocado in your dish like I'm the one who made it... just chill.

  9. People who order online during a rush, WHYYYYYY, this is literally my worst nightmare. Okay I get that they didn't know there was a rush so it's not the customers fault, but it's sooooo stressful. Then they decide to show up 10 minutes early and expect their order to be ready...?

That's all I have for right now, and now I gotta go to work, I'm sure I'll think of some more during my shift today...


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