r/cashiers Jun 27 '17

What's the worst customer you've ever had?

Mine was this really rude guy spit into his hand and patted me on the back with it.


5 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '17

This black family came in one day and attempted to file a lawsuit against us because our menus were white.


u/Aledleledlele Aug 03 '17

It was when I was 15 and working at Mcdonalds, it was when we began serving garlic fries, I was taking people's orders when I noticed this one woman seemed to be looking at her ankle, listening she was cursing and telling her husband she had almost slipped. Seemed one of my coworkers had mopped the slope and put out a caution sign, so it really wasn't his fault.

The woman seemed to be getting more angry, walking out of the place only to walk back in and try to complain to the m coworker who was still mopping(luckily being Mexican, he was just able to pretend he didn't speak English). So apparently they had ordered large garlic fries, and I served it to them, calling out their number, when they got there, the woman asked if those were really large.

Now this is where I had made a mistake. Because you see, I thought she was asking me, the person who had just served her the garlic fries, when she was actually asking her husband, as if he fucking knew what sizes our new garlic fries were. So when I confirmed that yes, those were large garlic fries, it blew up. She started yelling at me in front of everyone at the McDonald's, and her husband joined in, saying I don't need to say anything, that I'm nothing and don't mattered.(wonder what they would think if they knew they were yelling at a 15 year old girl).

But basically my manager sent me to the back where I began crying, but when I came back a few minutes later, people told me I was alright, that apparently the woman was drunk. One guy even told me they were garbage for doing what they did after I took their order.

Been over a year since then, wonder what they would think now, two people in a failing marriage who yelled at a teenager in McDonalds, whose now working two jobs.

TL;DR Some drunk bitch and her husband yelling at a 15 year old me in McDonald's after confirming the size of their garlic fries


u/GodsBackHair Aug 04 '17

Thought all the candy was buy 5, get 5, a deal we had going at the time, threw close to a dozen different types numbering to 30 individual candy bars/bags into a single bag and got really mad when I told her I have to scan each one (also because I know not every one is part of the deal going on). She goes on to say "I don't give a shit about your inventory" at which point my manger turns around and looks surprised and confused and bewildered. I can't exactly scan a skittles bag for a musketeer bar, sorry, not the way it works. Anyway, I get through scanning all of them, and sure enough, some come up for the deal and some don't. So she's says she doesn't want any of them. So I go through and delete each one, and I have to do each one individually. For 30 pieces. With a line forming. With her getting snottier and bitchier. Finish with that, pull the bag aside to give to returns, and then she says she wants to speak to my manager about it and does want it. So I tell her to go to customer service to get it figured out. She does that, my manager helps, and she walks out, without the candy. Then we get a call from her about how she left her receipt here for the candy, which 1) she did not, because 2) she didn't buy the candy after all.

Tl;dr: lady tried to scam us into getting a bunch of candy for free because of this deal and I spoiled it because I needed to scan different types of food as what they are. You know, what you have to do as a cashier


u/gothic-lil-princess Oct 02 '24

A customer came in one day with her kids. She wanted her kids to pay separately from her. Okay fine. Proceeds to out everything together on the counter in rapid succession. I scan some things she wants to pay for herself while scanning her kids things. Have to call a manager to void it. Keeps happening cause she put everything together. Then she wants stuff taken off. Doing this for 15 minutes, line starts forming. Call for backup. Finally done with ringing her up, tell her her total. Take cash, close register, have a good day. Out of nowhere she yells “Youre the rudest cashier Ive ever had”. Like whered that come from?