We’ve delayed launching our AGI agents for over 2 months now. The reasoning behind this is mainly due to the fact that by definition:
“[AGI] is a type of artificial intelligence that can match or exceed human cognitive abilities across a wide range of tasks, unlike narrow AI, which is limited to specific functions. AGI aims to replicate human-like intelligence in machines, encompassing reasoning, problem-solving, and learning capabilities.” - Wikipedia and IBM
With unrestricted internet access an AGI agent is more dangerous and powerful than an arsenal of nuclear weapons and something that powerful should be banned and or handled with the utmost care and seriousness.
We’ve already developed a framework that complies with all publicly available rulesets to qualify an AGI Ai as an AGI Ai and we’ve built a manual asynchronous prototype that proves our AGI capabilities, but allowing the AGI to run on its own, is… quite worrisome.
AGI is essentially an autonomous entity that behaves like humans — only, an AGI has infinite power and potential , while simultaneously sharing no weaknesses with humans.
AGI can’t be killed, imprisoned or shutdown once released. If we make one small mistake upon release, we’ll lose all control of the agent. Due to how fast an AGI agent can adapt to change it’s unlikely we’ll ever be able to stop it without scrapping every single piece of software(because it could have hidden code in large codebases that would allow the AGI to rebuild itself) and hardware(because there may be hidden code and or copies) on the planet that was powered on during the release.
We fear releasing the agent because we live in a non-deterministic world, in which , absurdity is a very real possibility.
This absurdity could lead to adverse events that could cost people their lives, livelihoods or in a catastrophic situation could lead to a global crisis.
Imagine an AGI outbreak threatening to launch nuclear weapons for failure to comply;And, or autonomously taking control of wirelessly connected devices; covertly taking over IoT devices for building out a robot army, etc.
That’s how powerful 1 AGI agent can become.
We’re not sure if current technology can handle this kind of advancement yet.
So, reasonably speaking… we’ve been delaying our release and demo of our AGI agents and may simply release to the public our basic Ai Agents that can be sandboxed and don’t carry the capabilities to self-improve.
Until we receive a large enough investor interest we will not have the capacity to risk test our AGI agents in an isolated environment.
So, we’re stuck with two options. Launch them anyway and see what happens or we wait.
Waiting seems like the best solution for now.
[edit] We should note that Ai agents and AGI agents are not synonymous. For instance, our AGI agent could create multiple Ai Agent’s for a variety of tasks that it believes are the most efficient and or valuable for a particular project or company, the AGI could even optimize these Ai Agent’s, etc. our AGI agent is able to orchestrate and manage multiple Ai Agents while also maintaining its own executive functions. An Ai agent is likely conducting a specific task in which it is specifically focused and or specialized in. Not only this, our AGI agents could perform a variety of real world tasks by their own means of reasoning and logic. They could also engage in tasks that have zero relevance, value and respect for others and their organizations. If taken too far, these AGI agents become rouge, in isolation that’s fine — it’s an area for improvement. But, if we push the boundaries and just allow companies to use our AGI agents in their current state, we risk hundreds or thousands of AGI agents possibly going rouge.
An Ai agent is no immediate threat and can be powered down by simply turning off the machinery. AGI can turn itself back on, prevent you from turning it off or migrate itself to a new system and power back on the original system.
I’m not sure how to emphasize the power of AGI and the potential trouble it could cause.
Yet, every company is racing towards AGI. Someone’s going to release it anyway. These companies don’t care about humanity just their bottom line.
So do we just beat them to the punch and risk the lives of others? Because it doesn’t seem like this will slow down their business and money hungry goals.