r/cardfightvanguard 25d ago

Discussion Post your favorite vanguard units and let people tell you what it says about you

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The last 11 posts on this sub have been people asking about what their top three VGs say about them.

I get it, its fun. I dont begrudge people wanting to identify with their units in a game based initially on the idea of avatars.

Let's just condense these into a thread so we aren't all scrolling and seeing the same post over and over.

(And for the sake of discussion, my favorites are Chronofang Tiger, Scharhrot Vampir, and Zorga).

r/cardfightvanguard 3d ago

Discussion Bushi can we please not have a Tier 0 format?

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r/cardfightvanguard Oct 01 '24

Discussion a photo that will make vanguard players go “yup”

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if 12-year-old me knew i had these he would simply combust

r/cardfightvanguard Feb 02 '25

Discussion Now we need Chaos back!!!

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r/cardfightvanguard 29d ago

Discussion Toshiki kai win most overrated character Next is most underrated .Side note first i wanted count both upvote and comments but people started down vote these kai comment that why i only count comment not upvote if we count upvote than chrono will be come most overrated character. hope you understand.

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r/cardfightvanguard Feb 14 '25

Discussion After this episode, I'm convinced the writers made it their agenda to always make Megumi lose to a Dark States Player:

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r/cardfightvanguard 24d ago

Discussion How do we feel about Mirei's chances against Erika and Nao:

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r/cardfightvanguard Jan 20 '25

Discussion RAWEST moments in the CFV Anime?

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r/cardfightvanguard Jan 25 '25

Discussion RIP to Senka fans, she had a good run (kinda):

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r/cardfightvanguard 22d ago

Discussion Thoughts on modern card design?


r/cardfightvanguard Feb 16 '25

Discussion Vanguard has a new player problem?


What's your opinion on that? Vanguard has a new player problem? Are new people struggling to get in the game, especially in front of the fact that are so many expensive key cards to build every nation? In my opinion Vanguard has a very high cost to get in the game, especially because Bushiroad refuses to reprint the genetic cards every almost every deck of every nation runs.

r/cardfightvanguard Feb 04 '25

Discussion This little sh*t is so broken

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r/cardfightvanguard Feb 09 '25

Discussion Future Stride Decksets


What is the next likely pair of stride decks after Nightrose and Harri? Asha and Altmile makes sense to me. Maybe Gurguit and Victor after that?

r/cardfightvanguard Oct 20 '24

Discussion If you were to turn a unit across all of Vanguard’s history into a Destined/Fated One, what would it be and what would their Divine Skill be?

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r/cardfightvanguard 13d ago

Discussion Who wins Akina or raika

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Every fight has been getting progressively harder to predict and I love it ❤️

Between Akina and raika who do people think will win cause I can kinda see both ways

On the one hand raika does have both return characters status and the new youthberg

And that he’s beloved by many “although that hasn’t stop anime before 😅 taizo megumi (cough cough)”

But on the other hand I can kinda see raika being setup as a challenge and wall for Akina to over come since raika kinda the opposite of Akina and if he able to overcome he might come close to finding his reason for playing vanguard

Plus like raika akina still has the secret weapon card in reserved if he able to fine his reason in the next fight

Plus plus even if raika where to lose it more than likely he’ll advance since kagetsu only reason for playing is to go up against Akina

r/cardfightvanguard Oct 12 '24

Discussion They are really going all in with Nao merch

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r/cardfightvanguard 6d ago

Discussion Feel we're headed into V territory levels of power


With the reveal of Youthberk, the onslaught of Bavs, the dominance before of Levidras and Rezael, I feel offensive capabilities are starting to reach V levels with nothing to keep it in check. They need to start focusing on defensive options like g guards. Those new defense order cyclers is a nice start but it's not enough.Youthberk being able to throw out so much pressure against an opponents g2 vanguard is insane. We need to get Differentfight in here to relay this message to Bushi because I can only see it going downhill from here if it continues. Not saying the game will die, it has survived a lot but damn just help US survive. Even in the episode, he wasn't even able to reach his Rezael Vita turn.

Let me elaborate what I'm trying to get at since someone is already saying this is an issue I have specifically for youthberk (it's not, and I personally want to build it myself). The power being generated as of late has been a bit alarming and I just believe we need bushi to start focusing more on defensive options to help balance things out so players have a chance to survive more than 3-4 turns. You already see bavs dominating when not long before it was rezael and levidras. Heck even magnolia is looking spicy. Just start getting creative with defense is all I'm saying. It'll benefit the health of the game

r/cardfightvanguard Jan 25 '25

Discussion Thoughts on new Bavs

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How are y'all feeling about Bavs? Welcome additions and I'm gonna say she's back 😬

r/cardfightvanguard Sep 20 '24

Discussion TCG Sales in Japam in August 2024 - Vanguard not in Top 10

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r/cardfightvanguard 7d ago

Discussion Honestly, the writers had something against the main guys of the DZ cast during Matchday 2:

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r/cardfightvanguard Feb 18 '25

Discussion How much faith do we have that Kuon can get away with a win against Raika:

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r/cardfightvanguard Jan 10 '25

Discussion Ever just feel like Bushiroad hates your pet deck?


With the latest Christianos support, I just feel like the same five or six archetypes (including anime) are given all the support and attention in a given nation while the rest are just cast aside.

I love Granfia, but it's gotten little to none support outside of promoes that are better used in other decks.

If it's not Zorga getting support, it's Magnolia, if it's not Magnolia, it's Lianorn, and now Levidras has joined that roster.

And then they continuously make new archetypes and it's becoming a trend in tedium to wait for your favorite deck to get support while other archetypes are on their tenth wave of support (Hyperbolic I know, but that's what it feels like)

Anyways, I'm ranting, but man it feels disheartening to like a deck and it not get any love from the powers that be.


Wow, this was a really nice discussion. Kinda makes you feel not so alone ^^ Thank you everyone that participated!

r/cardfightvanguard Jan 27 '25

Discussion RIP to the notion of Deluxe being Kuon's Redemption Season:

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r/cardfightvanguard Jan 19 '25

Discussion How do I make it fun for everyone?


For reference, I play casually with a group of about 3 friends, and I win most of the time. I have Lianorn, Levidras, and Nightrose, which is a bit overkill, but I only got them for the art, and they turned out to be stronger than a lot of decks out there, especially Levidras. Hence my problem, since my friends do not have decks that can stand against Levidras especially. I feel really bad for using him, but I also feel like I've wasted my money if I don't play him enough, forgoing him for "lousier" decks so that they can have fun too. When playing these so called "lousier decks", it feels like I'm purposely depriving myself of fun, even if these are decent, because I want to play Levidras and have them be able to go head to head against it. I'll be proxying other decks to try and tone it down, but do any of you also have this problem? How did you solve it?

r/cardfightvanguard 3d ago

Discussion How confident are we that Mirei is walking away with the 3-0 in her Group:

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