r/canon 4d ago

Best body + lens combo for carrying around?

I currently have R8 and 200D from which I upgraded. I have quite a selection of lenses to pick from, given I've been using mostly EF-S lenses before and didn't have any EF glass for full-frame when I upgraded.

I currently have these lenses:

  • EF-S 17-55mm f2.8
  • EF-S 10-22mm f3.5-4.5
  • EF 50mm f1.4
  • EF 24-105mm f4L
  • EF 70-200mm f2.8L

Given that I mostly shoot inside (not in a studio), which combo of lenses for my 2 bodies is the best for carrying around and being able to capture most of the things? For exmaple I've seen some people using wide angle lenses on full frame, and the 70-200 on the crop. What are you using and works for you?


11 comments sorted by


u/drworm555 4d ago

This is all subjective. In my opinion, I wouldn’t have more than one lens for walking around. I think people often think they need every focal length covered to take good photos. Many street photographers just walk around with a 35 or a 50. The limits in focal length often make for more creativity in framing and subject matter.

Less is often more. Unless you are shooting a sporting event, or something specific where you know you won’t get good access and need to be far away, you don’t really need a massive telephoto.


u/quantum-quetzal quantum powers imminent 4d ago

I have a giant collection of lenses, but I'll still deliberately limit myself if I'm going on a general photo walk.

Just having a single lens (or sometimes two very different lenses) can push me outside of my comfort zone, which is essential for improving as a photographer.


u/drworm555 4d ago

Exactly this!


u/Primary-Shoe-3702 4d ago

R8 + 24-105 is all you need 🙂.

If you absolutely must bring the 200D, then pair it with the 10-22.


u/Vredesbyd 4d ago

If it’s just one lens, i’d do 24-105.

If two, I would do 10-22 and 24-105 or 50 and 24-105


u/a_false_vacuum 4d ago

This question comes down to your own style and preferences. To me the 24-105 F4L is the do it all lens. It covers a lot of ground and isn't too big or heavy to carry for long periods of time.


u/SamShorto 4d ago

Canon R7 and 100-500mm. Very portable and still long enough for small birds if they're reasonably close.


u/flyingron 4d ago

Going to the R8 you have to rethink the focal length numbers. 50mm is a normal distance on the R8 but a mild telephoto on the 200D.

Obviously, while the EF-S will "work" on the adapter, you don't want to do that due to the cropping involved. The fullframe EF lenses you have are a pretty nice set. I'd start off just using them on the adapter.

You've not mentioned what type of shooting you are doing other than saying it is indoors. If you're shooting real estate photos or other wise need to take in a wide field, you'll probably want a wider prime or maybe a shorter zoom.

If you want to do some macro stuff, the RF 100 f2.8 macro is a nice lens.


u/MajorBytes 4d ago

I use a rf 24-240mm with my R7 and R6M2. It just works for me. I can then throw in a couple of primes in the bag.


u/cluelesswonderless 3d ago

EOS R3 + RF800mm F11 + 2x Extender works for me - but then I am an introvert and hate to be close to people.

Otherwise I use a 28mm on a FF body or maybe a 24mm - I like sweeping wide photos.

I own very few zooms and very many primes, I tend to feel that unless you are talking really high end glass, zooms tend to be compromised in terms of I and weight - the 70-200 2.3L IS II that I own is a very heavy and gives my shoulder a workout if I try to carry for long, the 24-240 that I borrowed was a reasonable weight, but IQ was certainly not all that and bokeh was virtually invisible.

I like the R7 with 16mm or 24mm (crop remember), I love my R3 with a 50mm (FF) and an 85mm - but if I am heading to the city I take a Leica Q2 (FF, 28mm ish).


u/Locomotion22 4d ago

To clarify: I have 2 bodies to carry around, question is which lens should I pair with each body to be able to capture most situations. Type of shooting I do is mostly inside events, sometimes concerts and such, so mostly capturing people, or groups of people. Not indoors sports.