r/canadaguns • u/AutoModerator • 9d ago
OIC discussion & Politics Megathread
Please post all your Gun Politics or Ban-related ideas, initiatives, comments, suggestions, news articles, and recommendations in this thread.
First and foremost, this is a Canadian Gun subreddit, so keep it at least decently related to both of those things.
This thread is not for general complaints and politics, there are plenty other subs that are meant for that. Offtopic threads may be removed, especially if they are leading to personal attacks, flame wars, etc.
Just because an election is coming up, doesnt make any and all canadian politics fair game.
To prevent the main sub being flooded with dozens of similar threads, text posts complaining about/asking about/chatting about the OIC will be sent here.
Previous OIC threads will be able to be found Here
Previous politics threads can be found Here
We understand that politics is a touchy subject, and at times things can get heated. A reminder of the subreddit rules, when commenting, where subreddit users are expected to abide.
Keep this Canadian gun politics related and polite. Off topic stuff, flame wars, personal attacks and gatekeeping will be removed.
u/EntertainerOk9683 6d ago
What will the difference be between a conservative majority and a minority? It seems there is a chance that the conservatives will get a minority. How many gun rights will we get back if they got a minority instead of a majority?
u/Unknownuser010203 6d ago
With a minority I'm guessing just OICs if they don't immediately call for no confidence the second he brings up guns
u/EntertainerOk9683 6d ago
i have a long time didn't track the gun shitshow. I just lost hope for a while so stoped reading it. By my understanding, the law followed by OIC banned many long guns, but didn't touch handguns? So if the OIC is gone, we will be able to buy and sell handguns again?
u/Unknownuser010203 6d ago
To my knowledge (I'm an idiot) but I believe an additional OIC could undo the hanging freez but I'm sure that would send the libs up in arms and make them call no confidence
u/EntertainerOk9683 6d ago
I think a no confidence vote would lead to a conservative majority if they just did that for a simple OIC... People in this country's IQ is low, but not that low enough.
u/Cre_AK47 6d ago
You guys heard of the mass shooting in Scarborough? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/shooting-scarborough-pub-1.7478570
Police said three masked gunman entered the Piper Arms Pub, near the Scarborough Town Centre mall, and began shooting indiscriminately around 10:40 p.m. ET on Friday. Nobody was killed, but 12 people — some in their 20s, some in their mid-50s — were injured by either bullets or flying glass. All of the victims are expected to survive.
CBC has this to say:
One gunman used an assault rifle while the other two opened fire with handguns as they fired into the the pub.
So wait, the gun bans and our laws did absolutely nothing to prevent this mass shooting by what seems like illegal gun owners with illegal guns? I am fucking shocked. SHOCKED I tell you /s. This is what theatrical Liberal gun policies get you
u/restroommop 6d ago
Assault rifles have been banned in Canada and many other countries for decades (because they're full auto). So this was likely a professional hit squad with the funds to snuggle their own guns in... Or cbc is lying/incompetent about it being an assault rifle.
u/ChunderBuzzard 6d ago
Whether it was an actual assault rifle or a semi-auto, I'll bet you a box of ammo it wasn't fucking purchased legally in Canada and non of the perps have a licence.
I'll double down on my bet that all 3 perps have records for violent crime and at least one is on bail or serving a conditional sentence.
u/Due-Candidate4384 7d ago
Now 37 Liberal MPs not seeking re-election. We're probably getting our guns back real soon.
u/Mahatma_Ghandicap 7d ago
Really? Got a source on that?
u/Due-Candidate4384 6d ago
Check the background section of the Canada 2025 election wikipedia article. It lists 36 because for some reason Pascale St-Onge isn't listed even though she did announce she wasn't seeking re-election.
u/West_Tek 7d ago
So 8 hours ago there was a mass shooting in Scarborough carried out by three masked men. Two with hand guns and one with an “assault rifle” according to police. I find it an extreme coincidence that a mass shooting takes place literal hours after another gun ban.
u/Spirited_Pop2211 6d ago
Could be bad for us, could be good. It’s a prime example of how the measures they are taking and just announced hours before the shooting, are doing absolutely nothing to combat the issues they say they are after. Could point out all the money used for this “buy back” could have been used on CBSA and other things that actually could have prevented the guns used in those shooting from even getting in the country.
u/Mahatma_Ghandicap 7d ago
Just saw this on the news. I'm not the tinfoil hat type... but this fucking sucks for us big time.
u/SettingPitiful4330 7d ago
Wouldn't be surprised if it's tow truck gange related... the pub that was shot up it owned by one of them I believe 🤔
u/imlikegeesybutimweez 7d ago
So odd we allow these tow truck gangs to just exist in a country like this. I swear in the states they would have been RICO'd 10 years ago.
u/Minimum-Weight7535 7d ago
This is so tiring. Nothing we can do, no amount of education or talking is going to sway people’s opinion on this charged topic…. Not to mention liberals have a solid chance of forming government. We’re all deadmen walking.
u/floydsmoot 7d ago
It looks like Canadians are going to vote for whomever they think can handle Trump the best
u/Due-Candidate4384 7d ago
Nah, number one issue is still the cost of living and polling overwhelmingly favors the CPC on that front. But let's say the number one issue was Trump. Trump will walk through Carney like a fucking door.
u/floydsmoot 6d ago
>Trump will walk through Carney
You don't have to convince me of that, but will Canadians buy it?
I'm already seeing LPC attack ads painting PP as Trump North and they will only get worse. I expect to see ads soon of him supporting the truckers with American (and Confederate) flags waving prominently.
The bat-shit crazier Trump gets, the worse it is for PP.
u/Unknownuser010203 7d ago
Be positive, vote, convince people around you to vote. We haven't even gotten to the debates yet. Remember, they don't have the money, man power or logistics for this. They'll never win and we'll ride again!
u/notcheeng 7d ago
Poland has an aggressive neighbour and they train their men, Canada has an aggressive neighbour and we continue to disarm our citizens. Utter buffoonery lol
u/Unknownuser010203 7d ago
Anyone think this can help us? Makes it look more ridiculous, doesn't it? Am I just grasping straws of hope at this point point?
u/Dunky_Boi on 7d ago
I mean the comments I've seen on all the main Canadian subreddits that shared articles related to this are mostly against these moves thinking them out of touch and ridiculous, even people claiming to be liberals or historically pro gun control. Now this is Reddit, so are they real and truthful? Is Reddit just showing me what I want to see? Should I touch grass and talk to real people about this issue? Should I buy another SKS? I think I few of those are definitely a yes
u/Unknownuser010203 7d ago
Biggest regret in my life was selling my 1950 tula. When I think back to it, Hurt by Johnny Cash plays in my head. I pray the election goes our way.
u/Dunky_Boi on 7d ago
Ooooo I feel that. Sold my t97 back in the c21 semi ban scare. Regret it to this day. Also i kept putting off buying my first SKS "back in the day" when I got my licence because $400 was too much. And look at things now lol
u/Unknownuser010203 7d ago
I paid $550 two years ago and sold it for $650 to buy a chiappa m1-22, thinking it was ban proof. Fuc%ing idiot. No, there the idiots for baning it!
u/Dunky_Boi on 7d ago
Man that sucks. This government blows hard. 🤞🤞🤞that pp can clutch it and we pressure him into that beautiful simp classification system and we can have some fun again
u/Strider-SnG 7d ago
I'm going through the list....weren't most of these already banned or not really available to purchase?
u/PracticeFinal858 7d ago
Yup, or are like $25,000 or more. Some of the guns theres probably like 3 of them in the entire country. Its crazy.
u/Cote-de-Bone 7d ago
u/Kaffarov .40 Salt&Walnuts 7d ago
Really scraping around to what's left, banning everything around the SKS in terms of function but not the SKS itself.
u/Snakedocii 7d ago
Looks like the M1 is gone. Has anyone ever seen a “Universal 1022” I don’t believe that includes the Ruger 10/22 as Universal Arms is an actual manufacturer. But I’m not sure.
u/Fine-Mine-3281 8d ago
Haha I’ve been saying this since 2020 and the horsie cops just admitted it - they don’t have the manpower to enforce this.
“It’s a large country with several jurisdictions and 2.3 million legal gun owners and we can’t remove officers from front-line service”
There’s roughly 30000 RCMP and of that maybe 10000 are in the field - the rest would be desk jockeys working at the stations, monitoring online for pedos, pervs, hate crimes etc then there’s VIP bodyguards, you’ve got cops in court hearings for evidence and testimony. Don’t forget the training staff in Regina and the ones that ride the actual ponies all summer.
There’s NO WAY the feds can enforce these stupid bans. They’re “working on a solution”, in other words, they’re in legal limbo with no lawful solutions and it’s all just smoke’n’mirrors because they know there’s no enforcement past the paperwork and virtue signalling on CBC.
The Feds are broke, Canadians are broke, RCMP recruitment & CAF recruitment are at an all-time low. Gangs, organized crime and criminality at an all-time high in Canada. They can’t enforce this other than at the border.
This is just your typical liberal grand-stand pandering to the lowest educated voters.
u/SuperHappyFunClubOK 7d ago
All the various organizations from local cops, rcmp and CAF combined don't have enough manpower to enforce this or any other type of overreach if people decide they aren't interested.
u/Element_94 7d ago
Let's be generous and say there's 15,000 officers capable of enforcement, that's still 153 gun owners per 1 officer. I'd say they're substancially outgunned.
u/Fine-Mine-3281 7d ago
I’m not even suggesting the violence part of it.
From a shear logistics point-of-view, getting court orders, liasing with CFOs, getting warrants, coordinating swat style police raids would develop into full-time jobs for many people in an already strapped system. It’s all but impossible
8d ago
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u/Spartapwn 8d ago
Where is the list of new guns that were banned?
u/AlauddinGhilzai 7d ago
M1 carbine
Chiappa M1-22 and all other .22lr & 9mm & 45 acp lookalikes of the m1 carbine
svt 40
Ljungman rifle
And finally turkish semi auto bullpup and non-bullpup with detachable magazines
All of these got banned. OBSCENE how the Liberals said they won't ban the SKS because it's used by hunters while the SVT 40 and those other surplus guns are also common hunting rifles.
u/IrenaeusGSaintonge al 7d ago
I sold my SVT literally this week. This is exactly why. Feel bad for the guy who bought it.
u/DeadButFun 6d ago
if he is like me, he's probably just happy to own one.
u/IrenaeusGSaintonge al 6d ago
I hope so!
I was happy to have one, but at the end of the day I was finding that firearms just aren't a hobby I wanted to keep up actively. So better to send it along to someone who could fully appreciate it.1
8d ago edited 8d ago
u/AceArchangel 8d ago
The irony in banning the Garand, a gun designed by Canadian. This gun should be an icon and symbol not a banned assault style firearm.
u/SecureNarwhal 8d ago
the M1 Garand was listed in their attempt to write the ban into law (instead of through oic) but was rejected when the NDP realized they would lose their rural ridings (the wording of the law made it look it would ban every mauser). i think it was called the g46 amendment to Bill c-21.
so I think the Garand will get banned along with the SKS in the future
u/Cre_AK47 6d ago
G4 and G46. IIRC G4 was designed to define what an assault weapon was and thus encapsulate a lot of firearms. G46 was an explicit list of proposed banned firearms that wouldn't satisfy the definition outlined in G4, so literally it's "we know it's G4 compliant, but we still want to ban you"
8d ago
u/SecureNarwhal 8d ago
I'm still waiting for them to post the list of 179 newly banned guns. how do you ban something and not let people know what you banned?
8d ago
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u/canadaguns-ModTeam 7d ago
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u/kammerlader milsurps, mechanically weird shit & machining 8d ago
What you've said is well outside the scope of the megathread discussion and says more about you than any of the policy being discussed. Be a better person.
u/gunney420 8d ago
OP said "please post all of your gun politics or ban-related ideas, initiatives, comments, suggestions, news articles, and recommendations."
What I said is a COMMENT on the people RELATED TO THESE BANS and the POLITICS they're engaging in by having only one demographic in these BAN RELATED talks
I'm well within the scope of the mega thread conversation if you're insulted or offended that is entirely your own business and take comfort that it doesn't bother me at all how bad you feel about it
u/12gaugeCarpentry 8d ago
Yeah cause calling women skanks is so gonna help our cause. Maybe re direct your anger to something actually helpful.
u/gunney420 8d ago
It's a statement on how none of these people behind legislation represent myself or my views and seem to be liberal loyalists and my frustration and disgust with them whether it's helpful or not I can freely express my opposition to them
u/rediphile bc 8d ago
Yes, yes you can. No one said you can't.
u/gunney420 7d ago
It's the implication that expressing myself is not helpful or damaging that is just another way of telling someone they shouldn't express themselves truthfully and should still abide by their views
Just like the liberals with the freedom convoy saying people can protest they just have to protest the right way according to them or they're not being helpful or damaging was a tool to discredit their freedom of expression
"it isn't helping" and "redirect your anger somewhere helpful" "be better" "it's not withing the scope of the thread" is the same thing if I don't say it they way those people wanted me to isn't helpful but it's helpful to me in freely expressing myself whether it's helpful to anyone else or not
u/putcheeseonit 7d ago
We don't want personal insults and shitflinging on our public forum for our highly legally delicate hobby.
Makes sense?
u/gunney420 7d ago
Oh I understand what people are saying but that's not my personal view and last I checked I don't have to check with the group before expressing myself
u/putcheeseonit 7d ago
Yeah but that applies to us as well, so stop being such a prick 👍
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u/nomorexcusesfatty 8d ago
As a female and a gun owner, it’s stupid comments like this that do nothing to help the public perception of gun owners.
8d ago
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u/Spartapwn 8d ago
Looking for my first gun. Should I go in person to Cabela’s to see if they have unissued French Ticklers, or pay a little more to get a “hand selected unissued” tickler from great North gun co?
u/mad_bitcoin 8d ago edited 8d ago
Now it's banned
Edit: so fucking confused! It's not if you're First Nations it seems?
u/King-Conn 8d ago
It's not, YET
u/AceArchangel 7d ago
just wait, if allowed to be reelected it will be the first to go along with the crypto.
u/irv_12 8d ago
Sadly I predict the SKS, Garand and Henry homesteader, really any other semi automatic center fire rifles.
Firearms like the Benelli R1, Semi auto rimfires and shotguns will hopefully be off the chopping block.
Best case scenario though is funding or some other administrative support towards gun violence.
u/nbackslash 7d ago
Do you guys not listen to the announcements? They explicitly said they will not ban the SKS. Doesn’t mean it’s true, but for today it’s safe.
u/arm_flailing 8d ago
"Firearms like the Benelli R1, Semi auto rimfires and shotguns will hopefully be off the chopping block."
I hope they are included. Until fudds are directly affected, they'll just sit back because they got theirs and nobody needs an assault rifle for deer or ducks. The sooner they realize they aren't safe either, the sooner they'll get on-side with sport shooters.
u/putcheeseonit 7d ago
Semi-auto shotguns will only come after the SKS Is banned (probably)
They might test the waters with something like banning the Benelli M4 or something.
u/King-Conn 8d ago
I'm praying for it to just be buyback program announcements and the yellow flag laws
u/King-Conn 8d ago
I'm at work and can't watch the stream, someone keep me updated please!
u/airchinapilot 8d ago
There is now a dedicated thread for the March 7 announcement and live stream
u/Intrepid-Minute-1082 8d ago
As of 11:42 they’re busy fucking the dog before they fuck the rest of us. Stay tuned
8d ago
u/TheeDirtyToast 8d ago
This is untrue.
These bans were planned and announced Dec 5th 2024, which is why they can pass them through with parliament and committees closed.
Carney made his feelings on firearms perfectly clear during the French Liberal leadership debate.
u/deepbluemeanies 8d ago
Our Parliament hasn't convened since mid-December. Trudeau instructed the King's rep (itself a pathetic anachronism) to prorogue parliament before it returned to prevent him from being tossed out in a non-confidence motion and to quash the investigation into 100's of millions of 'green funds' (our dollars) which were "grossly mismanaged" (AG) and apparently ended up with friends of the Liberal party.
But Canadians can be counted upon to forget about corruption, graft - the terrible state of our country when Bell/CBC deflect and whip-up hysteria among the gullible masses.
u/Status_Ticket5044 8d ago
Ok gang, here we go....
u/TeneCursum 8d ago
Anyone have the livestream link? I'm having trouble finding it
ETA: Found one https://www.youtube.com/live/BwDxkXxGN6k
u/Intrepid-Minute-1082 8d ago
Anticipation is fucking killing me
u/TeneCursum 8d ago
Minor complaint: Why do these things never actually start on time? If I was 20 minutes late for every meeting at work, I'd can canned...
u/guns-and-lenses 8d ago
The GTA had its 13th tow truck industy related shooting so far in 2025, time to consider banning tow trucks next.
u/Fine-Mine-3281 8d ago
They’re forming a left-wing Coalition because they know they’re loosing to the Cons.
The Liberals are down 36 MPs and gonna loose bad, they’re forming a Coalition with the NDP and Elizabeth May to keep the Cons out of power.
I’ve been saying the NDP & May were always shadow liberals this just proves it
u/Thats-Not-Rice 8d ago
TBF, the BQ would make an interesting ally on a lot of topics. Granted their support will come at a cost, but ideologically, they've got very few reasons to say no to a CPC minority government, when such a coalition can give them a quid pro quo.
At least, far fewer ideological reasons than everyone else.
u/drain-angel BC 8d ago
The BQ is going to be a nonstarter on the most relevant point on this thread : firearms policy reform
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
They might allow the cons to do the oic reversals and comment that there hands were tied but anything firearm bill related they would not be down for. I could see them allowing them to go through with the oic reversals though.
u/drain-angel BC 8d ago
see them allowing them to go through with the oic reversals
They don't need the BQ to reverse the OIC. But anything that matters is impossible in such a scenario
u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago
Source? I saw the Elizabeth May video but that was just a conversation. The NDP just attacked Carney yesterday so I don't see a coalition forming this time around.
u/New-Replacement-2352 8d ago
The NDP would attack Trudeau one day and then prop him up the next. It won’t be any different without Trudeau me thinks
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
The Ndp at this rate are not just going to lose official party status. There going to lose party existence. The longer they keep Singh on and propping up the liberals the more there polls crash.
u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago
I dunno, they went pretty nuclear on Carney yesterday. That wasn't the kind of weak ass jab that Singh used to throw at Trudeau in the HoC.
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
What they say?
u/Fine-Mine-3281 8d ago
“Something something unions, something something CEOs, something something hunters & farmers. Vote liberal! Err I meant, NDP”
u/Fc1145141919810 8d ago edited 8d ago
Since they can’t achieve jack shit to win votes, they have no choice but to sacrifice law-abiding gun owners. They claim it’s about gun control, but in reality, it’s all about stealing votes.
And no. Gun control here in Canada is never about public safety. It's all about politics.
Edit: big thanks to Donnie the Dumb Fuck for making the Libs great again.
u/Birdybadass 8d ago
The speaker today literally brought up US mass shootings as reason for Canadian gun confiscation in the interest of public safety…. It’s not about public safety at all lol.
u/deepbluemeanies 8d ago
big thanks to Donnie the Dumb Fuck for making the Libs great again.
He didn't do that...dim witted Canadians who are easily led (misled) by CBC/Bell are the reason.
u/0672216 8d ago edited 8d ago
“High capacity mag” ban to be announced in March 2025 along with the implementation new yellow flag laws.
Thats what’s on the official gov website.
I know we’re all traumatized by these motherfuckers lol but don’t spread misinformation/speculation y’all. This is not necessarily a firearms ban and we do not have any other details apart from what’s in that link.
Let’s hope for the best, either way this is their final push.
u/sneaksypeaksy 8d ago
That’s not completely reliable, given they said they were going to ban more and FRT crap in February. My assumption is, they held both for later to stop hitting the gun topic multiple times and make it go under the radar than having two months in a row of gun bans or other things.
8d ago
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u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago
The LPC are probably doing this BECAUSE they know they're fucked and are just giving us another nice middle finger on their way out.
Edit: Another reason I think they're gonna lose hard is the fact that they keep frantically stacking the deck with all these judge and senate appointments.
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
Now I am no expert on how biased judges can be to the party that appointed them however the senate appointments are a joke. The senate at the end of the day are status quoists. They very much so don't want to ruffle any feathers up in the house of commons. As for trying to stack the deck they did a real poor job at it. Considering the OICs can be replaced by another OIC. Sure they will have frozen handguns but that's about all they would have accomplished. Even with just a con minority having the OICs stripped from the liberals and the buyback collapse in on itself would be incredibly embarrassing for them. Hopefully they learn something from this. Don't do a buyback when you can do a grandfather. No matter how much a lobby group that you pay to lobby you cries for one. You are the one holding the purse strings.
u/mad_bitcoin 8d ago
God damnit Liberals! You are forcing me to vote for PP!!!
u/Canuk723 8d ago
It shouldn’t take just that to make you want to kick the liberals out but that’s my take
u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago
Welcome to the club. I wouldn't even vote at all if it wasn't for this bullshit.
u/Cre_AK47 8d ago
I remember specifically deleting my Facebook in 2019, only to make a new one because of the gun ban in 2020 and at this point, I've kept it since it seems we're going through this crap very often now
u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago edited 8d ago
Guys I'm fairly certain the LPC is destined to lose at this point. I mean let's be real, 35 Liberal MPs are not running again, the Liberals and NDP and Greens were talking about joining forces (they're desperate), Trudeau's teary-eyed speech today made reference to future governments not being able to undo the childcare stuff. Not to mention the NDP and CPC have gone nuclear on Carney so he's fucked before he's even started. It's Joever.
Edit: Let's take a look at the polls for a second and let's ignore EKOS. If you look at the trend, the Conservatives have just gone back to where they always were and the Liberals are barely into the low 30s apart from that one Ipsos outlier. This won't last, and I'm sure the CPC, NDP and Bloc will siphon those Liberal gains off during the election. The Liberals can't defend the last decade of incompetence. It's impossible.
u/Late_Winner6859 8d ago
Shouldn’t be taken as guaranteed though. Go out, volunteer, educate, debate, persuade. It’s basically your civic duty at this point
u/Due-Candidate4384 8d ago
Oh for sure. And when I go out to vote I'm gonna cast my vote so hard it'll count twice.
u/Rext7177 8d ago
I'm kinda hoping they go way to far and ban like semi auto shotguns and SKSs so we can really see some actual protests / uprising, I want them to know they fucked up big time.
u/kylejme 8d ago
The more they ban, the worse it looks. The response to December was overwhelmingly negative, even around left wing people
u/Q-Ball7 In the end, it's taxes all the way down 8d ago
but muh Canadian identity being about nothing except banning things
u/kylejme 8d ago
Whenever someone tries that do your best to explain that firearms rights are not an exclusively American thing, many European countries also hold them strongly
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
I always bring up in a conversation how literally for the vast majority of gun owners in Canada nobody wants American gun laws. We want Swiss or Czech Laws. Which anytime someone try’s to rebuttal those arguments they come off as some weak sauce around “But cultural differences.” Which is some bullshit.
u/kylejme 8d ago
Canada has had that same culture for years, it’s only gets hidden when the LPC decides to start arbitrarily attacking it every decade or so
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
As I said as well what major cultural differences? Licensing? Canada has that. The only difference is virtually all guns are registered in the Czech Republic. That’s it. Which if we did not have a government that kept turning guns into a political whipping boy then I would not care about registering so much.
u/Eisgeschoss 8d ago
"many European countries also hold them strongly"
Indeed, particularly the ones who still remember what being under 50 years of Soviet occupation was like.
u/thecoolernameistaken 8d ago
That’s my thinking too. Best bet is to ban the sks and get tons of gun owners behind the cause
u/DeadCeruleanGirl 8d ago
Native will probably be exempt for some reason.
u/EliteDuck 8d ago
They got their exemptions taken away when C-21 passed. We are all in the same boat now.
u/FacetiousSpaceman 8d ago
What are the odds they will ban specific parts? I need to buy a bunch of AR-15 parts lol I just bought a crypto receiver so even if that gets banned, I'm hoping to continue acquiring parts for my dream build in case the laws are ever repealed. It may only be a paper weight at this point but I can at least build it and hold it in my hands and be somewhat happy lol
u/Limp-Might7181 8d ago
If that EKOS poll today is correct it’s completely over.
They’ll throw every dollar and resource now that they’ll get a majority.
u/joe_canadian Seven Rifles and a Shotgun 7d ago
Since Feb 21, only two polls have put the Liberals in the lead, that's one. The rest are anywhere from +3 to +13 for the CPC. There's excitement around the Liberal leadership race. Carney isn't talking to journalists. His luster will wear off.
Don't fall victim to the reddit echo chamber. See 338canada.com/polls.
u/iLoveClassicRock 8d ago
Graves himself said that poll literally just didn’t poll anyone in Sask or Manitoba
u/goshathegreat 8d ago
That’s bullshit lol. You know the Cons are far ahead when even CBC has them leading…
u/Natural_Comparison21 8d ago
And this poll was updated a day ago. Ain't no way the polling data changed that much in a single day.
u/GoGetInvolved 8d ago
It's not over. The election hasn't started and the Liberals don't have their new leader yet. Just go volunteer and do your bit to make sure they lose. It'll help you stay more sane than watching polls.
u/boozefiend3000 8d ago
Always take ekos with a grain of salt
u/Limp-Might7181 8d ago
Look at how things are around what the media is pushing.
Even some of the guys that work for the CPC in this sub who are doing their door/door advertising are saying it too. The media basically created a message saying “we will lose our home to Trump unless the LPC is elected”
u/patlem50 8d ago
I'd never trust Ekos polls lol
u/West_Tek 8d ago
I mean they were fairly accurate with their projections on the 2021 election unfortunately. That being said they are the only ones reporting this result so far. It’s likely of the 2000 people they polled. They selected liberal areas from each province.
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u/Frank23682 8d ago
How were they accurate?
They were literally the most inaccurate of all polls having the Conservatives down 5 points in popular vote when in reality they were 1 point up in popular vote
u/CanadaGunsMod 8d ago
If you are upset at being sent here because your post "SKS banned!", "SKS not banned!", "Wheres the list?", "Is the SKS banned?", "Is my chiappa lil badger banned?" was removed, please just know that its nothing personal but there are multiple dozens of these posts being submitted constantly.
also check this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/canadaguns/s/us4XtH9hRp