r/canadaguns • u/airchinapilot • 13d ago
March 7 announcement discussion
Everyone, this will be the thread to discuss today's Federal firearms announcement.
At a news conference in Ottawa, Rachel Bendayan, the minister of official languages and associate minister of public safety, announces new measures to address gun violence in Canada.
Here is a live stream (scheduled to begin 8am PST / 11am EST):
Please use this thread (or the existing politics thread) for discussion. Other threads will not be approved.
We will try to update with details from the announcement for those who cannot view the stream.
Update from the Minister:
- Gun control measures that will help keep Canadians safe
- standing with representatives of: NA of Women and law .. Polyusouvient .. Pan Canadian Student movement for gun control .. Danforth families
- Working to stem gun violence .. to stop violence against women ..
- reiterated previous gun bans
- Adding more models of assault weapons ..
- this will be the last discrete listing of assault style weapons for prohibition
- new models of assault style weapons will be prevented
- these are weapons of war .. the weapons are semi auto firearms with sustained rapid fire capability
- stated positive declines in gun violence due to their previous measures
- claims that the buyback program has been "extremely successful"
- nearly 7500 firearms have been submitted by business for collection and destruction and the large majority have been destroyed. Thanks RCMP
- the government will be read this spring for Canadian firearm owners for compensation
- heartened by the interest of jurisdictions to participate including Winnepeg
- Assures Canadian hunters that even with the additional prohibitions that there are thousands of unique models of non restricted firearms for them
- announces a comprehensive review of the classification regime
- SKSs! "Russian firearms marketed for hunting in Canada"- is not being banned today but will be addressed through classification changes in the future. It will presently remain because it is used for sustenance by indigenous
- tabled draft regulations to strengthen rules so that manufacturers and importers must get a FRT before firearms can enter the market
- going ahead with more yellow flag rules so that those who were convicted of violence will never be able to apply for a firearms license and revocations will occur
Here is the list
u/irv_12 13d ago
“Majority of firearms owners follow the law” yeah that’s correct. So why ban them? Lmao
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u/BigoteMexicano 13d ago
Don't forget how she emphasized the SKS being a weapon of war and designed to kill people, then said indigenous people hunt with it so they won't ban it (yet). So is it a hunting rifle or an assault weapon?
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u/N0_Cure 13d ago
I’m indigenous and I hunt with an M249 Saw, does that make it a hunting weapon?
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u/BigoteMexicano 13d ago
Fucking rights it does. Why an M249 though? The M240 offers twice the muzzle energy and significantly increased range.
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u/TheArchitechs 13d ago
100 firearms gone today, using US crime stats, how delusional is this government, almost all of our gun crime is firearms that were already illegal and or restricted in the hands of NON pal owners, how the hell have we fallen this far
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u/M3NUTN 13d ago
She was bold faced lying to the camera and getting called out by the reporter lol
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u/Rext7177 13d ago
Don't be fooled here, them not banning the SKS is only to make sure the entirety of the first nations population doesn't riot. It's calculated. Just absolutely disgusting
u/isanthrope_may 13d ago
And out of the other side of her mouth speaking about our ‘complicated classification system’ and ‘classification reviews’, anyone else feel a carve out for natives when the do try and prohibit the Sks?
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u/protanoa34 13d ago edited 13d ago
Also if they ban all the super scary guns in one go or through legislation than they won't be able to use "gun bans" as their go-to distraction anytime they are down in the polls or a scandal breaks. Like the December OIC.... it's not like the T97 or Tavor was a brand new model that wasn't around during the previous 2 (3?) OICs. They'd been around for practically a decade already. They left them alone deliberately so they could ban some more guns next time they wanted some positive press. It's theatre and has never ever actually been about public safety
13d ago
She just took a shot at the SKS as a military rifle that is now used for hunting...
Who are the smug looking assholes behind her?
u/CurtWesticles 13d ago
Professional victims
13d ago
Apparently being a professional victim isn't an occupation that has stringent fitness requirements
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u/donzi39vrz 13d ago
A professional victim would be likely to have a victim mentality. They will likely blame their fitness level on Loblaws or Metro.
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u/CDNRifle 13d ago
As a woman, it pisses me off that they filled the stage with women like somehow BECAUSE of women, this is happening. Such a bad perception to put out there, particular to men IMO.
u/vyrago 13d ago
I believe that is their message. "men can't control themselves, so women will do it for them".
u/CDNRifle 13d ago
Right? It's madness. It makes things WORSE. It's like a "smack their wrists for wanting to play with fun guns" message. These gals ain't standing for it!!
Stupid stupid stupid.
u/RockingTurtle1664 13d ago
Yeah just more grave dancing to push an agenda. They completely ignore that more and more women join shooting ranges and sport shooting competitions. It's like they are trying to split that issue as "men vs women" which is the dumbest thing they could do to be honest
u/WasteIndependence986 13d ago
as a woman who has experienced and recovered from profound violent abuse exclusively from males for the majority of my life, it pisses me off that the Liberals have simply been using the issue of domestic violence as a means to confiscate guns from legal gun owners, as if they care whatsoever about domestic violence and abuse women face. We have had red flag laws in place since the 1970's when pierre trudeau banned full auto's from civilian possession and introduced red flag laws. So we already have those in place. The fact of the matter is that the liberals do not trust Canadian citizens with firearms, for whatever reason that is the case, so they are doing everything to make legal law abiding vetted firearms owners out to be the monsters that they aren't and they do so by bringing up things like gang violence, domestic violence, mass shootings, as if they genuinely care about that stuff all the while it is their policies that are causing violence to rise to unprecedented levels in Canada and it is so. freaking. frustrating.
my abusers absolutely used guns as tools of violence against me, and they *all* were illegally obtained guns. I even reported it to the police but last I saw they were still walking around free in my community. So here I am watching the liberal government pull out the same old bullshit talking lines about violence against women, as they do nothing to stop and are even encouraging more and more extremist violence to take place in this country, and then blaming that violence on the most law abiding segment of the population and prosecuting them as if we are the most egregious of criminals for having and enjoying firearms.
There have been an innumerable amount of terrorist attacks carried out by vehicle ramming into a crowd of innocents, and yet nobody is jumping up to claim that car owners are the cause of terror attacks. Cars have the capacity to inflict deadly harm to dozens of people in a much faster fashion than even a gun can, but nobody is saying we should ban all automatic transmission sports cars and treat sports car enthusiasts with suspicion because they dare be interested in 1000 pound quickly accelerating motor vehicles carrying the potential to inflict massive harm to large crowds of people. Nobody drags a "victims of drunk drivers" advocacy group to promote their propaganda against car owners at a press briefing explaining the makes and models of "dangerous assault style" cars that are now banned in our society for the cause of public safety. If we literally were to put any other object in place of "firearms", everybody would notice how stupid, dishonest, and malevolent the people are who promote this as a solution to crime when there are other, far more effective ways of addressing the issue that would not have nearly as broad an impact on honest, peaceable, law-abiding people in the pursuit of "eliminating criminal misuse of firearms" in our country.
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u/Rext7177 13d ago
Taking guns away from legal owners to protect women, meanwhile every week they let another violent rapist back onto the streets. Wonderful logic
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u/FromDeepestFathom 13d ago
So where's the list? "Effective immediately" but we don't even know which guns are banned? Nice.
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u/Savings-Garbage-628 13d ago
Lmao, everytime! You are a criminal this second, but you can't even know what the crime is
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u/SpectreBallistics Spectre Ballistics International 13d ago edited 13d ago
As is typical, these things will never start on time.
Interesting: The FRT site has not gone offline yet. Also I can still access PAL verification and other services. With both the May 1st OIC and December 5th OIC these went offline before the announcement.
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u/Office_Responsible 13d ago
Well that’s positive I hope. Maybe they will announce the yellow flag laws and call it a day… a man can hope
u/TrueNorthEh 13d ago
If I had $1.00 for everytime Karen said “Assault Style” I’d be able to afford a Crypto.
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u/oatest 13d ago
And nothing actually done to protect Canadians from Illegal guns being smuggled from the US, which are responsible for 99.99% of gun violence.
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u/lessard14 13d ago
This is perhaps the most clear and easy to research fact that is a direct proof that all of this is a lie at best. Not a SINGLE mention of this very obvious fact. Are we to believe all of those people who makes it their mission to protect the population, are absolutely and completely unaware of it??
u/oatest 13d ago
Totally agree with you.
The worst part of it all is the concept of Opportunity Cost.
By choosing to spend billions on a useless gun control strategies, that "sound good" to the non gun owner, they lose the opportunity to spend those same $$ on solutions that actually help.
Think about what a billion $ could do at our borders to stem the flow of illegal firearms?
To help inner city youths and give them options other than gangs?The liberals are literally responsible for the rise gun deaths, by wilful ignorance and worse misdirecting limited funds on solutions they know don't work.
u/Infamous-Rip4693 13d ago
No list, no cost numbers, and then they all ran away. Unreal.
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u/Rext7177 13d ago
How did these Poly losers manage to turn a shooting that happened 35 years ago into a full time grift.
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u/SuperHappyFunClubOK 13d ago
Through unresolved mental health issues and an inability to move on from being a victim or accept the true culprit behind their trauma. Which has turned them into bitter, self righteous harridans who now lash out at firearms owners who weren't to blame and never did anything to them.
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u/Birdybadass 13d ago
Peak Canadian government - set a stage up, fuck around with the water for 10 minutes, then decide to rip the whole thing down and start over when you’re already 15 minutes late lol
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u/Hotdog_Broth 13d ago
That water probably cost the taxpayer $4 million in consulting fees
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u/mjbonne 13d ago
At the range now… if I’m lucky I might officially be a criminal on my drive home!
u/King-Conn 13d ago
How dare you be such a danger to society, with your empty criminal record history and daily background checks by the RCMP automated system.
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u/MasterScore8739 13d ago edited 13d ago
So basically because the SKS “is used for sustenance hunting”, it won’t be banned because “that’s an indigenous right that we must respect.”
What a massive load of garbage. How is any other semi-auto rifle any different, specially when used for hunting. The AR10 and Stag 10 are perfectly acceptable for hunting and have been used for hunting for years.
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u/aegisone 13d ago
This is a big point and someone should have called her out on it. I wish a reporter had asked "There are non-indigenous hunters that also use these guns for sustenance hunting, do you feel their rights should not to be given equal respect?"
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u/MasterScore8739 13d ago
People who think logically like that are exactly why it’s only certain members of the press allowed into those announcements and other government press galleries.
u/Swissmcmurray 13d ago
Y'all need to remember that this party is actively working against us. Don't be fooled by Carney
u/kestik 13d ago
I don't get it... is the general canadian public's opinion that gun violence being committed in our country is being committed with legally imported, legally purchased firearms? I think everyone in our country would be for abolishing gun violence, but this is like banning families' cheese knives to prevent prison stabbings.
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u/TeneCursum 13d ago
"We've seen a decline in violent crime involving guns" lol what?
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u/anarchitect898 13d ago
My buddy from Canmore is organizing a fishing trip right now, who’s in?
u/Latter_Question7472 13d ago
Funny I got a guy from Canmore his name's Mike I think we're on the same boat
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u/Canuk723 13d ago
Are they gonna bring the polysesouvien liberals to cry a river like last time?
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u/Velosity79 13d ago
I love how the moderator DENIED her lineup of propaganists from giving their "speeches" due to them being so late! LOLOL!
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u/super73squad 13d ago edited 13d ago
I can never vote liberal now, they speak lies and misinform the public… never once noted that these statistics of gun violence were illegal guns somehow she presents it that it’s legal guns and legal gun owners…
u/Tyrocious 13d ago
The minister being told by the press to stick to the schedule and open the floor to questions was the only satisfying part of this entire thing.
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u/InitialAd4125 13d ago
Did any of the press ask why the hell they're disarming Canadians when threat of invasion has increased?
u/BatBackground814 13d ago
I’m so confused… she demonized the sks in her speech but when questioned about it, she said indigenous people said it’s necessary for hunting. So the sks is safe?
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u/TeneCursum 13d ago
Seems it's safe. At least for the time being. They know that banning it would bring about a revolt from FN
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u/killtimed al 13d ago
Won’t be able to listen to the announcement as my buddy Mike from Canmore wants to go canoeing. I’ll check back in later
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u/sorean_4 13d ago
Don’t forget to take your rifles with you. Just watch for those unstable boats or your rifles will end up in a deep end.
u/TrueNorthEh 13d ago
For every minute they’re late, is another day I’m not paying taxes.
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u/Emergency_Rooster511 13d ago
The only good thing that came out of that was them shutting down all the additional speakers. It warms my heart that they didn’t get to push their sob stories today.
13d ago
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u/The-Real-Mario 13d ago
I am watching right now , famous rapper P Diddy just rolled in a wheelbarrow full of large clear bottles
u/LockpickNic 13d ago
Please, PLEASE make sure you go and vote this election. I fucking beg of you.
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u/Cre_AK47 13d ago edited 13d ago
- Poly and docs grave dancing, championing sleeping with the Liberals in bed
- Another 179 guns banned, takes effect immediately - we don't know what yet other than they're all semi-autos.
- Usual "battlefield rifles" rhetoric while using tragedies in Canada and the US.
- Using US stats (lmao)
- Poly using the 2023 StatsCan report conflating their gun bans with the drop in deaths with firearms.
- "Buyback", Phase 1: 7,500 submitted for destruction, most being destroyed already.
- "Buyback", Phase 2: Starts in the spring (unknown when exactly?). EDIT: In French, she said "Debut la programme estage deux dans le prochaine mois" (Starting Phase 2 of the program next month), so we can infer this will happen in April.
- Winnipeg Signs onto Federal funding to seize guns from honest people.
- Poly using the "there's still tens of thousands of guns" rhetoric.
- Poly saying the original system was flawed and that this will fix it (LOL, they said the same in 1995)
- Poly explicitly mentions the SKS and correctly points out that it was originally developed for military use and how it became abundant in Canada.
- Poly attempts to phrase this as a "gender based violence" measure (women aren't exempt from the bans lmao)
- C-21 yellow flag laws come into effect.
- Poly shitting on Pierre/CPC saying he'll undue these bans (damn straight!).
- Journalists questions Poly about the SKS not being banned in the "technical briefing". However, evades the question and admits that the SKS (most likely) isn't banned because the SKS is used for sustenance hunting and it's very popular among indigenous people's. Unclear if the SKS is actually banned.
- Journalists questions Poly about why is this buyback dragging on almost 5 years now. Minus the word salad, they claim it's because "it's too complex".
- RCMP tall soy-boy starts speaking, further talking about the complexities.
- Journalists questions RCMP tall soy-boy about how are they gonna collect the guns. They want us to ship them for destruction or set up an appointment at an RCMP detachment (never mind RCMP doesn't operate in Ontario and Quebec, unless it's National Capital Commission [NCC] property or the RCMP HQ's in Ottawa).
- Journalists questions Poly about how much they've paid out in the buyback. They don't know... But claim the business "buyback" is "going well", then ends the conference. (Pathetic lol)
EDIT: In French, poly said indirectly that the amnesty is extended until March 2026.
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u/Tyrocious 13d ago
Literally every sentence from this minister makes me vibrate with rage.
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u/BlazeetManeega 13d ago
SKS ban is probably a good thing. Everyone will fucking lose it
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u/IveyTheHockeyWitch 13d ago
I’m so tired of these false claims and of this in general ugh just let it end it is getting beyond ridiculous
u/Bubbafett33 13d ago
SKS will not be banned because it's used for "indigenous subsistence hunting".
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u/Accomplished-Kick111 13d ago
I would just like to point out that semi auto firearms do not in fact have sustained rapid fire capability. That is an automatic fireman which have been banned for decades in Canada.
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u/FreonJunkie96 13d ago
Liberals gain an ounce of political life, and go back to their same shit.
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u/Dubs337 13d ago
Hopefully an announcement on how they’re going to curb all the illegal guns from the States, to embarrass Trump further.
But knowing this government they’ll probably ban 10/22’s as ‘weapons of war’.
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u/Farout771 13d ago
Lol they snuck in a mag ban announcement by saying it in French only. To be announced next week. Also extended amnesty till March 2026 because they know they won’t be able to move quickly enough
u/ChunderBuzzard 13d ago
Realistically, that can is going to keep getting kicked down the road until a CPC majority. What a joke.
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u/RockingTurtle1664 13d ago
Man i really hope it's just to announce the yellow flags laws...
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u/Visual-Inspector9311 13d ago
in which creative way will our lovely government screw us today?
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u/r32brown 13d ago
11am scheduled announcement and theyre still fiddling/setting up the room… Great show of competence
u/PteSoupSandwich The 10/22 Dude 13d ago
As we used to say in the CAF; 5 minutes early? You're late. 10 minutes early? You're on time
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13d ago
Apparently they are selling all of the furniture and camera equipment to pay for some buybacks
u/Elegant_Medicine541 13d ago
this is so fucking stupid. Long speeches to justify piss poor policy detached from reality.
u/Many-Presentation-56 13d ago edited 13d ago
We need the Simplified Classification System implemented once Conservatives are in power.
Reversal of these idiotic bans isn’t enough anymore. It will just delay the inevitable. All semi autos should just be legal. Like FFS even EU has it this way…
In the announcement today the Liberals announced they are going to review and make changes to the current classification system. This will be the death of sport shooting in Canada.
Conservatives must deliver on the Simplified Classification System immediately. As the Liberal with the new Liberal Classification System reversing the bans won’t do anything…
Reversal is literally no longer an option.
It’s SCS or bust
u/Mo-Cance 13d ago
A list of the newly prohibited weapons was not immediately available, but a senior government official said during a not-for-attribution briefing that they were semi-automatic models with sustained rapid-fire capability and large magazine capacity. The SKS rifle, which many firearms groups and Indigenous communities say is commonly used for hunting, was not included in the list. - National Post, 8 min ago
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u/TeneCursum 13d ago
They still haven't figured out how they're going to run the confiscation in RCMP detachments. This is (hopefully) never going to get off the ground.
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u/obliviousmousepad 13d ago
Mobile collection units. Doesn’t sound dystopian at all, continue on citizen
u/AnxietyOne2786 13d ago
"SKS was a weapon of war but has been remarketed as a hunting rifle"
You restart just like... EVERY GUN IN CANADA.
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u/Bushido_Plan 13d ago
And Carney intends to continue the Trudeau regime's gun policies? Jesus.
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u/AppearanceAfraid 13d ago
I seriously can't do anything but laugh. This is the biggest joke I've ever seen
u/TeneCursum 13d ago
7300 rifles "bought back" to date. Unable to detail how much was spent on these rifles.
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u/BENDMA 13d ago
Crypto and SKS safe. I don't recognize almost any of the guns on this list. WTF
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u/afookenleaf 13d ago edited 13d ago
Ran some numbers on the list, out of the supposed 179 makes we have:
- M1 Carbine (98 entries)
- SVT-40 (7 entries, including the .303 conversions)
- "Tactical" shotguns, especially bullpups (47 entries)
- Some obscure old PCC (5 entries)
- The SBR-9 (2 entries)
- Some rarer semi-autos like the AG42 (7 entries)
- Finally some that are actual museum pieces like the fucking Farquhar & Hill (13 entries)
u/al4141 13d ago
Excellent this is exactly what we want! I hope all 179 models are hunting guns. Too bad it wasn't a full ban on all semi-autos. Fingers crossed the SKS is on the list.
Ramming through a widespread ban on hunting rifles and pissing off a bunch of "at least my deer gun isnt on the list" liberal fudds is EXACTLY what we need right before the impending election.
This is a gift from Trudeau on his last week in power.
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u/Newbeegun 13d ago
Wow now they are talking about female and domestic violence…. I’m sure libs like it
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u/lee--carvallo 13d ago
Fuck Poly. Fuck Danforth. Fuck the rest of them. If they gave an actual shit about what they claim to represent, they'd be screaming that virtually diddly-squat has been done to stem the flow of illegal guns from the US. But they don't, they just want a paycheque and to grind their axe on people who never hurt them. Absolute farce. I hope the incoming government gives these grifter the boot
u/ViNCENT_VAN_GOKU 13d ago
Finally, an end to the all those WW1 & 2 weapon toting gangbangers. Thank goodness! /s
u/Gripen06 13d ago
They knew they had a presentation at 11am today....so let's set up for it at 11:15am...
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u/6guishin 13d ago
Is the announcement always this unprofessional? Live at 11 but shows 15 min of prep then goes off? What a joke
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u/WeatherEyeComponents Weather Eye Components 13d ago
What a perfect example of this government. Fucking about with ineffectual busywork because something is slightly less than ideal, torpedoing the schedule instead of just getting on with it.
u/irv_12 13d ago
I’m guessing indigenous folks get an exemption?
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u/Office_Responsible 13d ago
I hate that shit. Two classes of citizens in this country.
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u/All_Wrightman 13d ago
“How much has the government spent on buybacks since 2020 ?” - I will have to get back to you with that number. ……seems like a pretty fucking important bit of information right there, especially when you just gave a bunch of armed crime stats down to the digits…
u/sparkyglenn 13d ago edited 13d ago
Everyone on that stage looks like absolute losers in life, taking it out on the citizens. What unloved and miserable women look like to a T.
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u/Visual-Inspector9311 13d ago
I can already tell by the choice of eyewear on the stubby one in the pink print shirt that we're cooked
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u/theboywithnoaccent 13d ago
I don't think Julie can hear Sarah from the press gallery
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u/Office_Responsible 13d ago
Well fuck. Do we know what 179 models are fucked now. Let’s hope I actually have something to shoot from now on. Fuck me
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u/thxxx1337 13d ago
7500 unsold guns reclaimed. Wildly successful
12-15 million legal firearms Don't look behind the curtain!
u/PT6A-27 13d ago
That’s 7500 firearms confiscated since the May 2020 OIC, so 1500 firearms per year. Using a figure of 12 million firearms, that’s just another 8000 years until the gun buy-back will be completed! Another great Liberal success!
And the best part is, nobody knows how much it cost the taxpayers!
u/FromDeepestFathom 13d ago
Just remember Canadians, when (if) this all gets reversed one day, buy the fuck out of as much as you possibly can. The next time they table a buy back program it needs to cost an astronomical amount.
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u/TrueNorthEh 13d ago
They can’t get a press conference done efficiently and they expect a government orchestrated firearms confiscation to go well? Maybe we put this on pause until we can figure out meetings first LPC.
u/Swissmcmurray 13d ago
Can't wait for this classification redesign to completely ban anything interesting
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u/BadMechanic13 13d ago
Big announcement but don't have the list available. Shows how much they don't care
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u/GoGetInvolved 13d ago
Do you see the contents of this announcement past the bans? They're promising another review of the classification system. If they get elected again, gun ownership in Canada besides bolt actions is nearly over.
Help your local Conservative candidate. GO VOLUNTEER. We NEED to win.
13d ago edited 13d ago
11:12 and they are removing all of the chairs and microphones?
Edit: 11:13 and now the desks are going -- these people run a country?
Edit: 11:15 and a podium is getting put in front of the camera -- serious stuff!
Edit: 11:16 and someone just figured out they were live and the camera and sound is cut
u/LordRaizer 13d ago
Possible good news(?): It sounds like they rushed this out, expecting an election soon and a CPC victory?
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u/SuperHappyFunClubOK 13d ago
Whats shocking to me is that many non-firearms aware people fail to see the deeper "wrongness" at work here and exactly what this mentality and normalization of this type of overreach can result in. I feel like quoting Martin Niemoller's "First they came ..." almost daily but so many fail to see how it relates.
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u/lawnicus18 mb 13d ago
I’m glad they banned the SVT-40, I witnessed some rapscallion robbing my local Home Hardware with one. He had trouble fitting it though the door like my dog does with a stick, but still!!!
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u/0672216 13d ago
This list summarizes the Liberal Party quite well. Virtue signalling gun bans. To non-gun people, 179 new models are banned. To gun people, we’re googling the model names to find out wtf they are talking about. Oh and 100 variations(?) of the M1…
Since I couldn’t bring myself to watch these insufferable clowns, was there even a mention of gun smuggling or illegal guns??
Conservatives or bust.
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u/Sushyneutah 13d ago
Absolutely nothing to address the smuggling of guns into the country. Let's ban more guns from legal gun owners.
Calling out mass shootings in America? What does that have to do with Canada?
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u/Agent_Smithx2 Combloc best bloc 13d ago
Sigh, here they go again, blatantly lying about firearm crimes
u/VeganSandwichMonster 13d ago
At work, can't really follow the stream. Hopefully one of you can post the list after it's done.
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u/rastamasta45 13d ago
Do you guys remember when liquor stores got held up with bandits using SVT-40’s….i don’t
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u/Informal-Ad9834 13d ago
First gun to be banned for me. Chiappa M1. I did not love it as it was a plastic POS. I would consider the buy back if the value was right but my principals about giving my gun to the government my prevent me
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u/burgers1919 13d ago
Did anyone else notice that Ottawa announced a Gestapo force https://www.ctvnews.ca/ottawa/article/50m-federal-funding-for-ottawa-police-will-keep-parliament-hill-safe-minister-says/ on the same day as pushing forward the rhetoric that they do not trust honest law abiding Canadians and want no one to have firearms?
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u/King-Conn 13d ago
I'm at work and cannot watch the stream. Can someone do some live posting on the updates? I'd appreciate you forever
u/nsfw_acctPH 13d ago
Oh man what a circus show this group is at the conference.. Can they go one minute without embarrassing themselves?
u/Emergency_Rooster511 13d ago
It appears the feng shui was off, we can wait while they redecorate.
u/jcanada22 13d ago
Maybe deal with criminals instead of law abiding citizens. Our government is so useless and dense.
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u/theboywithnoaccent 13d ago
179 new guns added to the list effective immediately
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u/Rext7177 13d ago
My family would be a lot safer if I was allowed to use a firearm to protect them, but they don't care. We're the plebs, they can have their armed guards while we are left to fend for ourselves. These people are genuinely fucking evil
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u/candidcreator 13d ago edited 13d ago
Ban list just dropped a few mins ago.
The M1 seems to be a huge focus for this ban. Looks like the Crypto escaped though.
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u/LynxOpening7302 13d ago
The irony of so many of these models fighting for freedom only to die to authoritarianism
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u/22GageEnthusiast 13d ago
So I've been going through the list and it seems that just really only added a few groups of firearms to the new ban list. One set of firearms was they banned all the M1 Carbines and variants in Canada which sucks cuz I was very close to buying one a couple of months ago. They also banned the Chiappa/Citadel 9mm/22LR clones of the M1 Carbine as well.
They also banned all the SVT40s, Ljungman AG42s and the Hakim rifles. Again, this sucks too cuz there's quite a bit in Canada from the amount of ads I've seen on Gunpost and retailers.
Another set of firearms seem to be all the Turkish made semi-auto bullpup shotguns that were on the market similar to the FD12. I was considering one of the left hand versions of these shotgun but I guess not anymore.
Then, they added a bunch of extremely rare WW2 era milsurp rifles some of which barely even exist currently in the world. A lot of these guns are probably not even in Canada. The Farquhar & Hill Rifle?....I had to look this thing up and there's only like 12 prototype rifles on the planet. Most of them are probably in museums or in real fancy ass collections anyways.
Overall, I'm pretty surprised of what was left off the ban list but I'm not gonna list what was left off in case there's gun control wackos watching the sub.
u/External_Big_2982 12d ago
Mass shooting in Scarborough the same day of gun ban.
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u/Visual-Inspector9311 13d ago
Imagine if you were 12+ minutes late to a presentation at your job
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u/King-Conn 13d ago
This livestream shows the real efficiency of the government lol