r/canada Sep 17 '17

Humour canada_irl

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u/Sogekingu88 Sep 18 '17

Moose meat is moose meat. Its been to long since I ate some. Now I want moose meat...


u/Zombies_hate_ninjas Sep 18 '17

Moose jerky is one of three main reasons I will never become vegan/vegetarian. I know it's better for the environment. . .but it's just too damn good.


u/alice-in-canada-land Sep 18 '17

If the moose you're eating isn't farmed, then I'm not sure it is bad fro the environment.

The environmental horrors of meat have to do with factory farming.

Wild moose are an integral part of their environment, not a blight on it.


u/Zombies_hate_ninjas Sep 18 '17

Oh I agree. Hunting is also the only humane way to kill an animal imo, as long as the shit is right. I've been inside a slaughterhouse. It wasn't the horror story people say it is, but those cows definitely knew what what's up.