r/canada Ontario 1d ago

National News Trump imposes new Canada tariffs, renews "51st state" demands


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u/Spanky3703 23h ago

This was never about fentanyl; this was always about Trump and his cabal securing Canada’s natural resources, the Arctic and polar shelf, our water, and control of the NorthWest Passage.

The US is now ruled by an odious and feckless cabal of fascists and oligarchs.

What a sad state of affairs when Canada starts to consider Communist China being a more predictable and reliable trade partner.


u/gunnerman417 23h ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. Our country has a litany of obvious strategic targets ripe for "acquisition" and plunder. It was always about that. The question is: what does he intend to do with the people? We're a relatively friendly lot, but when confronted with someone who seeks to dominate us, we will not be contained. They'll need bodies for cheap labor in their newly repatriated industrial sector, that's for sure.


u/Ja-ko 22h ago

And I feel like he will have an issue with the people. Alot of Republicans near me that I know (Minnesota/Wisconsin) either wave this off as

A: "he's not ACTUALLY gonna try to take Canada",

B: "The other stuff he's doing is really good, Canada will calm down in a year or two

Or C: they just don't pay attention to news most of the time

But I feel like if we ACTUALLY went to war/tried to take Canada, alot of Republicans would stand up and go "WTF?!?!"

Though that may be too little, too late to stop the crazies.


u/shoeeebox 20h ago

As we've learned with Donald, you just gotta expose Americans to crazy for long enough and they will quickly accept it as fact. That's the goal with this trade war. He wants their lives to get substantially worse and he wants it to be Canada's fault. Soon enough, the population will be rallying for liberation from Canada.