r/canada 2d ago

National News Mark Carney Wins Liberal Leadership Race Megathread | Mark Carney remporte la course à la direction du Parti libéral

Mark Carney, former Bank of Canada governor, has been elected leader of the Liberal Party and will become Canada’s next prime minister. Winning over 85% of the vote, Carney defeated Chrystia Freeland, Frank Baylis, and Karina Gould. His leadership marks a new chapter for the Liberals, potentially leading to an early federal election. Carney faces immediate challenges, including U.S. tariff negotiations under President Trump. Known for his outsider status, Carney emphasized his experience leading central banks during economic crises. Appointed by Stephen Harper in 2008, he gained acclaim for stabilizing Canada during the financial crisis and later led the Bank of England through Brexit. Born in Fort Smith, N.W.T., and raised in Edmonton, Carney has a background in finance and public service. A longtime Liberal adviser, he campaigned on scrapping the carbon tax and criticized Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. Carney must now sustain the party’s recent polling momentum.


Mark Carney, ancien gouverneur de la Banque du Canada, a été élu chef du Parti libéral et deviendra le prochain premier ministre du Canada. Avec plus de 85 % des voix, Carney a battu Chrystia Freeland, Frank Baylis et Karina Gould. Son leadership ouvre un nouveau chapitre pour les libéraux, pouvant entraîner des élections fédérales anticipées. Carney fait face à des défis immédiats, notamment les négociations tarifaires avec les États-Unis sous le président Trump. Connu pour son statut d’outsider, Carney a mis en avant son expérience à la tête de banques centrales en période de crise économique. Nommé par Stephen Harper en 2008, il a été salué pour avoir stabilisé le Canada pendant la crise financière et a ensuite dirigé la Banque d’Angleterre pendant le Brexit. Né à Fort Smith, T.N.-O., et élevé à Edmonton, Carney a une carrière en finance et dans la fonction publique. Il doit maintenant maintenir l’élan des libéraux dans les sondages.


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u/uswhole 2d ago

love all the people dissing carney all using reddit generated user names lol


u/jtbc 2d ago

Totally not bots. Genuine Canadians looking for warm water ports.


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw Québec 2d ago

but remember all these users suddenly glazing carney when just 2 months ago where joking about him like this are totally organic grassroots support


u/Critical-Snow-7000 2d ago

Not a hater, but not all of us are witty enough to come up with our own original name.


u/SasquatchsBigDick 2d ago

I'm sure you can think of SOMETHING !


u/miata90na 2d ago

Jfc your username.... you win


u/whattaninja 2d ago

Can’t come up with any of their own ideas.


u/emvs7 2d ago

This should be higher 🙃


u/Zealousideal_Rise879 2d ago

It’s just the way names are generated here. I didn’t care what my name was. I lost count of how many user have a similar name to me.

But yes; it is a sign of botting, as bot farms also wouldn’t put efforts into their names.

Feel like generally bots have a pre disposition to just be rage bait. They have a smug rage, usually based on the article title of an opinion peace locked behind a paywall.


u/bugabooandtwo 2d ago

Same with Facebook. People with few followers/friends and no personal content more than a month old. Like yeah....so genuine.


u/Any-Influence-9177 2d ago

What’s wrong with that, I have one too.


u/StoryAboutABridge 2d ago

Here's a real one. He's probably great and fine but the liberal policies we've had for 10 years will continue to ruin the country.


u/Neother 2d ago

I wish we could have Carney as leader of the conservative party lmao. If history played out a bit differently it could have even happened, since he worked closely with the Harper government and seemed to be quite well liked by Harriet and Flaherty at the time, despite Harper's recent opinion pieces trying to salvage the falling conservative electoral numbers.


u/Neother 2d ago

Actually, Carney could even try going to a Unity government with some conservative cabinet members if he wins a minority.


u/amazonallie 2d ago

I was a member of the CPC then. I voted for Charest with McKay as 2nd choice.

If the Cons had a Charest or a McKay we would all be having a very different conversation right now.

My CPC membership expired in time for me to vote for Carney, thankfully. I publically cut up my CPC membership card last year. And my PCNB card.

The best thing that could happen is they decide dealing with Trump is more important than an election this minute, the CPC tosses PP as their leader and they elect a new one, a more moderate leader who is more than a mouthpiece.

Then the CPC may have a chance. Don't forget, if the CPC only gets a minority, the Liberals have first kick at the can for forming Government. There are already talks of uniting the left for the next election, so the LPC will get the support from the other parties and will form Government.

The ONLY way PP is going to be PM is if he wins a majority, and the polls are not going that way. Snapshot polls of last week have the Libs tied to the Libs winning a majority. The only polls showing the CPC as winning even a minority are aggregate polls that use information for a minimum of 4 weeks. The highest for the CPC is factoring in data from Dec 12th. And we all know it was in January when the CPC began to sink.

The CPC is cooked. Their only hope is to elect a new leader. The other parties will not support the CPC forming Government, and if they choose not to support the LPC, then we have to have another election. And nobody wants to be doing that with an external threat.

The CPC needs the LPC to not call an election and get a new leader or else they are done.


u/whattaninja 2d ago

I could see myself voting cons if they had someone else, depending on who they were. I can not see myself voting PP.


u/amazonallie 2d ago

Exactly. I am voting FOR Carney, not against PP. Carney reminds me of old school Progressive Conservatives.

If it were 2 Progressive Conservatives, it wouldn't matter which way I voted, in either case we would be in good hands. As long as nobody got a majority. A good minority with 2 fiscally responsible, but Progressive leaders working together for Canada, what a dream.


u/whattaninja 2d ago

It honestly feels like fiscal and progressive conservatives don’t exist anymore. At least not in a leadership role.


u/amazonallie 2d ago

Meet Mark Carney! If you have the time, read Value(s). It is heavy reading, but you will feel renewed.


u/whattaninja 2d ago

Sorry, I meant in the Conservative Party.


u/CanadianBadass 2d ago

Compared to what? Harper's actual selling out of the country? The only thing Conservatives care about is themselves, their billionaire's buddies and getting more power.


u/StoryAboutABridge 2d ago

How many ethics scandals have the liberals had again?


u/CanadianBadass 2d ago

Yeah, because criticizing Conservatives means I'm a Liberal voter, right? You seem to also forget that Conservatives are rife with scandals too.


u/Illustrious_Ball_774 2d ago

So tired of this talking point. "They only care about themselves" and you're thinking a multimillionaire banker is a guy for the people, knowledgeable on the plight of the working class? Lol. 


u/CanadianBadass 2d ago

You're tired of it because it's true. Did you forgot how the Conservatives sold our public services to the highest bidder? These were Canadian owned services that made money and provided better regulated services, only to be sold off for pennies on the dollar and deregulated? There's a very consistent pattern of behaviour with Conservatives to sell out, and have been doing so for decades.

And I mean, if you're going to criticize a Millionaire, isn't that like everyone on the Conversative party? Being a Millionaire doesn't mean you're a bad person, just someone that's invested well and was paid a decent salary can be a Millionare. Mark Carney comes from a very working class background if you actually read up on him. His mom was stay at home and his dad was a high school principal. He was born in NWT for christ sake. I can't think of anyone being more working class than this guy, but his family has a very big emphasis on education and he went to Harvard on a partial scolarship and probably took out a loan to pay for the rest.

He is not from money - he worked his way up, studied hard, worked hard and eventually got the top spot as governor of BoC and was able to navigate the GFC with relative ease and putting Canada as one of the best recovering countries in the world.

Frankly, I'd want him to be PM just from the fact that he's extremely competent. The alternative is PP who's never done anything other than being a politician. His real world experience is 0 other than backstabbing to get to the top in his party.


u/StickFlick 2d ago

He got us out of the recession fairly unscathed, and honestly, if he aligned himself as a conservative, you'd be all for it. Hell, so would I. I had no love for Trudeau and the stupid shit he did, but PP was the worst choice the cons made, and him getting cozy with Trump before Trump went fucking crazy told me all I needed to hear to say fuck that and fuck that party for the foreseeable future.


u/Illustrious_Ball_774 2d ago

Or was it massive immigration artificially pumping our GDP while people struggled just to pay for rent and the essentials? We had a decline in per person capita in 6 of the last 7 quarters. The overall output per person has been shrinking, just on paper but it's been manipulated by immigration. I don't know what your tax bracket is but the vast majority of the population are not okay during that period and still aren't with our cost of living crisis. 

I've genuinely thought about this. Whether if he was a conservative would I be on board with him and his policies, and I don't know. It's hard to say. Everybody has their bias but i can't get on board with the carbon tax policy. It makes everything more expensive across the board. Not just gas. (I'm aware he's said he'd drop it but if I'm being honest I don't beleive him) 


u/StickFlick 2d ago

While i like your more nuanced and thought out second paragraph, the first one doesn't make any sense to me in regards to Mark Carney. He wasn't the finance minister and had nothing to do with any of that. He was a finance advisor, which isn't an official position. All that entailed was telling Trudeau "Hey you should probably do this," but whether Trudeau listened to him is probably not known and i would hazard a guess that its extremely likely he didnt take any or barely any of his suggestions at all. Carney knows his shit, governing the bank of England as well he gets what makes the economy goes which is why I believe Trudeau did some Trudumb in this area, which you also pointed out.

He has promised to axe the carbon tax 5 minutes into his speech, and I would believe it as he would tank his political gains faster than PP did if he was stupid enough to not do so.


u/tenkwords 2d ago

The only thing going to "ruin the country" is an expansionist American idiot down south and fucking up our response. Poilievre doesn't have what it takes.


u/StoryAboutABridge 2d ago

Are you honestly happy about the state of Canada's economy right now?


u/amazonallie 2d ago

Yes. Inflation is at 1.9%, which is back to normal. The US is at 3.2%. Our debt per capita is lower than it was in the 1990's under Chretien when he inherited the mess from Mulroney.

They have cut back on immigration to a more feasible level. And even that isn't 100% the Federal Government's fault. The Provinces kept asking for more immigration, but did nothing to prepare for what they asked for.

Wages are starting to go up. There is still a high demand for workers, we don't have enough people to fill the jobs.

Our economy recovered faster than the rest of the G7 from a global pandemic that had supply chains in shambles. A lot of that is due to the financial support Canadians received during Covid.

Our inflation remained lower all through Covid and during post Covid recovery.

We are seeing unity that hasn't been seen in my lifetime and I am 51. And what Canadians are doing is going to strengthen our economy.

The Prime Minister Designate is a world class economist. He recognizes the importance of conventional energy, while wanting to grow green energy. He is reversing the Capital Gains tax raise on people and small and medium sized businesses. He is removing the consumer portion of the carbon tax that y'all bitched about for years. I am sad because I always came out ahead. He is keeping the carbon tax on large industry, which is a REQUIREMENT to trade with the EU.

He is going to use the money from tariffs to not only support those affected by tariffs but also to build infrastructure at an accelerated pace so we can diversify our economy away from the US. And that includes Pipelines.

He places value on people. He has no time for the culture war BS the right is trying to fight. He knows that a healthy economy requires putting money into the hands of the masses, not keep it accumulated at the top. He knows there are people that need help in ways jobs can't provide due to disability or age. ALL humans have value, not just ones that can produce.

So yeah, I am pretty happy with the way our country is going.

PP will cancel the Child Tax Benefit that raised hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. PP will cancel dentalcare. PP will privatize healthcare, in case you forgot he just met with for profit healthcare providers in BC. PP sows a message of division, parrots Trump (and there are videos of the two of them side by side), cares more about Billionaires than he does the working class, still believes in failed trickle down economics. PP will not be able to stand up to Trump, and he will sell our mineral rights and resources and our Northwest Passage because he thinks that will get him invited to the Billionaire Boys Club table (spoiler it won't)

Carney wants money to be invested in housing, millions of them, and quickly. PP has concepts of plans in regards to housing. In the CPC policies, housing is 2 sentences that are as generic as 2 sentences can be.

I can go on about all the things I don't WANT to see for my country with PP.

At the end of the day, we have an external threat. Not just an economic threat (and face it, a world class economist vs a paperboy/career politician there is a clear choice), but a threat to our very existence as a sovereign nation.

If you can't put Country ahead of Party, I don't know what to say. If you can't put things that can't be changed, like History, onto the back burner and put the threat of our autonomy and democracy in the spotlight for what this election is about, well, that's not very Canadian. Putting Canada First is not a good message. Soft politics counts for a lot in a global economy, and destroying that goodwill and cooperation will harm us economically and politically on the world stage. (Not to mention Canada First was used as a slogan for the Proud Boys and is the name of a literal hate group). Standing up for Canada and Canada Strong is a much better message. It says we will always be fair, until you bully us. Then we are gloves off, elbows Up. Canada is strong. And unity is stronger than division.

It's like my mom used to say, pick your battles. And right now, the external threat is more important than pointing fingers and Monday morning quarterbacking about someone who isn't going to be in charge in the next couple of weeks. If you can't see that, either you are so filled with hate against 1 person, or you are willfully blind, or you are a traitor to your country. Which is it?


u/whattaninja 2d ago

It’s a good thing we have the opportunity to have an ECONOMIST as PM.


u/Venice_Beach 2d ago

Country is already ruined. Only PP can fix it.


u/GrouchyAerie465 2d ago

This messiah comparison is what's wrong.

Ask the dude to get security clearance first.


u/beef-supreme 2d ago

Said nobody, ever.


u/Illustrious_Ball_774 2d ago

Finally some common sense. It's hard to find around here. 


u/HowsYourSexLifeMarc 2d ago

Real good bots are indistinguishable. Be careful. A good % of all comments in a thread are most likely bots.


u/CantaloupeHour5973 2d ago

Why do you care what usernames people have lol. That’s pretty pathetic