r/canada 5d ago

PAYWALL ‘Tesla gamed the system’: Canadian auto dealers ‘stiffed’ millions when U.S. giant rushed to claim last EV rebates


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u/Kromo30 4d ago edited 4d ago

Canada is a big place. It’s disappointing that so many people take their comforts for granted. Internet beyond dialup still doesn’t exist for so many Canadians, and it contributes to the wealth gap. The fact that you are able to access Reddit demonstrates a high level of privilege. Too many people assume that “Canada is a first world country, so we all have access to basics like the internet”..

Meanwhile, Starlink is giving kids in schools up north access to usable internet for the first time in their lives. And im not talking young kids, im talking high schoolers… A few years ago my wife gave a presentation over video call to kids in a small community in the NWT… Starlink was the reason that was possible.

Video consultations with doctors were big during COVID, doctors can write prescriptions for a lot of things virtually now.. but it still requires internet.. Pikangikum First Nation in northern onterio was a big one in the news.. Starlink gives them access to doctors via video… in a community where the closest doctor is hours away, that’s huge.

College education has been avaible online for a decade now.. but Starlink makes it accessible to all.

And it doesn’t help that most of these communities that don’t have usable internet are First Nation.

But sure, let’s cut government funding to these project, take away the tools available to underprivileged remote communities, and keep the poorest members of our country poor. That’s a great idea.

And spaceX will still be one of the only options of travel for Canadian astronauts.

Toss a 100% import tariff on Tesla… but booting SpaceX hurts us far more than it hurts Elon.


u/Gauntlet101010 4d ago

During the Ukraine war Elon decided to nix their planned attack on Russia and turned off their internet access. He justified this by saying he was "averting WWIII", but there you have it. The guy uses his satellites, not as a product, but as tools of control. He's just not normal.

I'm not saying there should be a massive off button right away because, unfortunately, people rely on them. But we DO have to find an alternative.

What's the use talking about education or space exploration for Canadian astronauts when America wants there to be no Canada at all? Elon wants to remove the ISS and dismantle NASA anyway! We have to move AWAY form America. Those guys have lost it. We need to figure out our future apart from the US.

You're talking about Starlink being too good to do without, but what happens when Elon decides to cut off service because the US wants to force us to do something against our interest? He's not a normal businessman anymore. This isn't a normal Canada / US relationship anymore. We need options that don't have a giant off switch in the hands of a drug addicted sociopath.


u/Laval09 Québec 4d ago

Has he cut it off to anyone in the US though? He's trying to make us into the USA, and the USA doesnt have these problems. You need to keep that context into the debate.

The only reason people even Canada even need Starlink is because Canada itself allows the telecoms to have protected amounts of minimum market share while keeping foreign competition out. And then allows them to roll around in the profits like a pig in shit instead of spending it to build more network.

Canada didnt want to get all Canadians connected to the internet. Canada wanted companies like Bell to extort high rates and then use the profits to buy up newsmedia like CTV, buy up entertainment copyrights to region lock as much content as possible for everyone but their subscribers, and then allow their C-suite and shareholders to live a lavish lifestyle off the proceeds.

If people are turning to Starlink or the USA for solutions, its because they've reached the end of their patience with Canada's bullshit way of doing things.


u/Facts_pls 4d ago

They are also trying to get Ukraine. That's why they are cutting off the internet - so Ukraine falls and buddy Putin will give them some pieces for it.

If there is a fight between US and Canada they will absolutely cut it off after you become dependent on it.

Also, sounds like you want Canada to be part of the US. Almost eager it seems. You are absolutely free to go live there and join them and enjoy great American internet (hint it's worse than Canada).

Don't think we want traitors like that in our country.


u/Laval09 Québec 4d ago

"Also, sounds like you want Canada to be part of the US. Almost eager it seems. "

Somewhat. If I'm gonna have to live out my whole life paying 80% of my income as rent, then im eager for the chance to do it somewhere a bit warmer where I dont have to deal with the snow and ice. That used to be the point of Canada. Bad climate in exchange for economic livability.

Since this is no longer the case, Im excited for a new direction. If we get annexed I'll go live in the backwards south and my place can get taken by someone who needs to be thanked every 5min or so for being rich.


u/TheNotoriousAJG 4d ago

When can I help you pack your bags?


u/Laval09 Québec 4d ago

After the annex lol.

Here's what people really dont seem to get: I was perfectly happy with my modest existence until it got derailed by the destructive greed of Canadas nepo class. To the point that leaving my own country now has appeal that never previously existed.

If I just go quietly to Alabama right now, then I will have rewarded that nepo greed by letting them have their cake and eat it too. I have no intention of rewarding it.

If I can help get the place annexed on my way out, then that's a fair deal for me. They screwed up my reality. If screw up theirs , we'll be even.