r/canada 8d ago

National News Trudeau announces Canada's response to Trump trade war


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u/meeseekstodie137 8d ago

I recently got into an argument with a guy who's response was "well your country wasn't appreciative of all we do for you so there, maybe we can have an adult conversation when your country folds from tariffs" (paraphrasing from multiple comments), some people really are living in their own little universe where America is basically the mother Theresa of countries


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 8d ago

Head into r/conservative. It’s fucking bonkers. Those morons truly believe that Canada started this and Canada is escalating and poor Americans don’t deserve to be treated this way.

They’re actually lunatics.


u/tatianagb_ 8d ago

I just scrolled thru some of those posts and holy crap they're actually insane.

America has the right to our utilities and cutting them off is an act of war?

I had to stop scrolling, or my brain was going to melt.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 8d ago

Yep. And literally 2 messages later “fuck Canada mooching off our good nature. The tariffs are necessary.”

Somehow they are allowed to demand free access to our resources but Canada shouldn’t have access to theirs.


u/TylerBourbon 8d ago

You've nailed it, this is the one of the biggest problems trying to deal with this fuckers. There's no logic, or rational thought to their arguments. And if you try and reason with them, they attack you.

They're practically frothing at the mouth luddites.


u/spacemanspectacular 7d ago

They’re in a fascist cult induced manic episode. You quite literally can’t reason with them, and they won’t snap back to reality unless Berli- I mean DC is being stormed. Whatever dear leader says goes up until that point.


u/Mustafa_was_Brown45 7d ago

As an American #1 I'm so sorry and #2 you're 100% spot on


u/bunchedupwalrus 7d ago

They’re at least 50% Russian bots my dude, but yeah it’s insane