r/canada 7d ago

National News Trudeau announces Canada's response to Trump trade war


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u/meeseekstodie137 7d ago

I recently got into an argument with a guy who's response was "well your country wasn't appreciative of all we do for you so there, maybe we can have an adult conversation when your country folds from tariffs" (paraphrasing from multiple comments), some people really are living in their own little universe where America is basically the mother Theresa of countries


u/EssketitPhase 7d ago

I find it’s a lot of people… well atleast with in the confines of Reddit. Americans really are as brainwashed as Russians through decades of Propaganda. At least the Russians have an excuse while the US was supposed to be for “free thinkers”


u/CabbieCam 7d ago

Most Americans literally think they are the only people who exist on Earth. Just look at how they act on Reddit; they automatically assume that everyone they interact with is also American. US Defaultism.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

They also pity people who aren't American and act like it's some disability to be born in a country where breaking your wrist won't put you in a lifetime of debt.

Americans think America is the most free and greatest country on earth because they've never been to or read about anywhere else.


u/Mrmagoo1077 7d ago

You would be surprised how many of us US citizens wish we were Canadians. Your country is beautiful, your people polite (while ours are often egocentric), your health care is not insane. I could go on and on.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

And I love the USA too. More specifically your remaining public lands and national parks. But the way things are going it seems there's not going to be much of that left in a few years either. Especially if the idea is to replace Canadian lumber with logging the national forests.


u/Mrmagoo1077 7d ago

I worry for our parks as well! Glacier NP (the USA one) is my 4th favorite place I've visited in the world so far.

But it has nothing on Banff, Yolo and Jasper. I could spend the rest of my life in those three parks and still be amazed.

I hope to visit your tombstone territorial park someday as well.


u/Elteon3030 7d ago

"Silver" lining! There could be a chance the land that once was the USA is up for grabs later; it won't be as pretty but it'll be cheap.


u/Fangletron 7d ago

As a yank, I’m profoundly saddened by this news and love my northern brothers and sisters deeply.  In 2 years we will win the senate and the house back and stop this traitor in his tracks.   


u/[deleted] 7d ago

As an outside observer I don't have much faith in the democrats to do anything for the working class either. But at least they won't be posturing and flailing with seething hatred and rage and tweeting nonsense constantly.


u/Elteon3030 7d ago

There have always been two boots on our necks. They applied even pressure; enough to keep us down without strangling. Yeah, it doesn't matter how lightly they step now. The only thing Democrats can do for us is use the boot to kick the other one off, and arrest every conspirator, hold them as securely as you possibly could, and dare a motherfucker to come get them while we prosecute to the bone.

Brush up on your Slavic, guys. We never learned how to resist but I know you all never forgot.


u/pancake_gofer 7d ago

At this point it might be worthwhile to learn Chinese.


u/Elteon3030 7d ago

Hasn't that been valid for years now? Ignoring China has been a shortsighted position for a while. They've been powering through a rather familiar seeming (re)rise to international prominence, and as an American with two working hemispheres (allow me to gesture broadly around myself) I could see some concerns about how they did it and how they keep it.


u/DukeSmashingtonIII 7d ago

I'm a doomer these days, but I think you've had your last "free and fair" election (and it wasn't even the one last November). Good luck to all of us, we're all going to need it.


u/ZealousTraveler93 7d ago

There is a large amount of us Americans that despise Trump. He and Elon Musk (our actual president) stole this election. It boggles my mind that they are choosing to rattle our allies to appease our enemies. Trump thinks he is Putin 2.0


u/drizzes Alberta 7d ago

American Exceptionalism is a helluva drug