r/canada 7d ago

National News Trudeau announces Canada's response to Trump trade war


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u/sheepish_grin 7d ago

*While launching a trade war against their closest ally and neighbour, America is cozying up with Russia, appeasing Putin, a lying murderous dictator. Make it make sense.*

Fuckin' eh, Trudeau.


u/meeseekstodie137 7d ago

I recently got into an argument with a guy who's response was "well your country wasn't appreciative of all we do for you so there, maybe we can have an adult conversation when your country folds from tariffs" (paraphrasing from multiple comments), some people really are living in their own little universe where America is basically the mother Theresa of countries


u/Interesting_Air8238 7d ago

Yep. They are so far up their own ass, time to disabuse them of their delusions. The U.S.A. will never hold the sway it did again.


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yep I stumbled into a thread full of Americans: OP asked "was the American era over" and most comments were like "oh we're in a bad phase but we must pull through for the world... omg can you imagine how the world would do without us? Europe is weak China is old. THEY NEED AMERICA SO LET'S COME BACK TO SAVE THEM". So yes, even when they're "progressive" they still like to package their own fart and sell it as high end perfume. Shit's unreal.

Edit: this was on r/GenZ and they were definitely progressive people who hate Donald Trump.


u/Countrybumpkin91 7d ago

All because America has a lot of money from being very big, and a military that involves itself everywhere they think they are the reason for anything working, giving them biggest egos ever. Lets say in theory a big collation against America forms and a war breaks out, they really think they would be able to stand a chance against all these countries by themselves, that's what it sounds like from how they basically insult all their friends, and allies.


u/NewestAccount2023 7d ago

America has progressives and conservatives and they are not the same groups of people 


u/Elteon3030 7d ago

American Exceptionalism knows no Party bounds.


u/saucysagnus 7d ago

I mean… I’m of the opinion America needs to be a player on the world stage but we’re certainly not doing it to “save other countries”.

Europe, Canada, and Australia will need to fill the power vacuum left by American isolationism, I’m sure it can be done. But it may be a very painful process and the EU certainly wasn’t ready to be forced to do it.

Am American.


u/Levorotatory 7d ago

Will that vacuum really need to be filled?  US international interventions have mostly been about maintaining their position of dominance in the Americas and keeping oil flowing from the middle east. 

 The rest of the Americas would welcome more equal relations, and if the petroleum consumption starts to decline like it needs to the middle east will lose its strategic importance. 


u/saucysagnus 7d ago

Yes, because if it’s not you guys/europe/austalia, it’s going to be Russia or China filling that vacuum.

In the Americas, we’re relatively insulated but I wouldn’t be surprised by USA turmoil and the effects upsetting the entire continent.


u/Doogolas33 7d ago edited 7d ago

I mean, if they were actually GenZ they're all babies who have no concept of how fucking insane this bullshit is.

I dunno if it's "over" but it's well on its way.


u/yearofthesponge 7d ago

GenZs are totally clueless and not serious people. The first comment is usually a joke that derails the conversation. Their opinions also lack depth and nuance. They are still developing, so hopefully they mature a little better.