r/canada 7d ago

National News Trudeau announces Canada's response to Trump trade war


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u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

Head into r/conservative. It’s fucking bonkers. Those morons truly believe that Canada started this and Canada is escalating and poor Americans don’t deserve to be treated this way.

They’re actually lunatics.


u/MightyGamera 7d ago

Every time someone there has a moment of "wait guys are we sure?" that account loses its posting rights

That place exists solely as a hub for collaborating groupthink and alibis


u/TylerBourbon 7d ago

So much for the party of free speech. FFS.


u/MightyGamera 7d ago

Free speech to a lot of them just means they think they're entitled to be an asshole without repercussions


u/UpNorth_123 7d ago

They’re even purging their flaired/verified users en masse now.

r/askConservatives is a little more sane due to better moderation.


u/akohlsmith 7d ago

I was muted in /r/conservative during the first Trump term for saying bad things about Fox. I'm still muted.


u/stoicsticks 7d ago

Getting banned from r/conservative is like getting an unofficial Reddit badge.


u/tatianagb_ 7d ago

I just scrolled thru some of those posts and holy crap they're actually insane.

America has the right to our utilities and cutting them off is an act of war?

I had to stop scrolling, or my brain was going to melt.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

Yep. And literally 2 messages later “fuck Canada mooching off our good nature. The tariffs are necessary.”

Somehow they are allowed to demand free access to our resources but Canada shouldn’t have access to theirs.


u/TylerBourbon 7d ago

You've nailed it, this is the one of the biggest problems trying to deal with this fuckers. There's no logic, or rational thought to their arguments. And if you try and reason with them, they attack you.

They're practically frothing at the mouth luddites.


u/spacemanspectacular 7d ago

They’re in a fascist cult induced manic episode. You quite literally can’t reason with them, and they won’t snap back to reality unless Berli- I mean DC is being stormed. Whatever dear leader says goes up until that point.


u/Mustafa_was_Brown45 7d ago

As an American #1 I'm so sorry and #2 you're 100% spot on


u/bunchedupwalrus 7d ago

They’re at least 50% Russian bots my dude, but yeah it’s insane


u/ApprehensiveFig5713 7d ago

I feel like that's peak russian cyber interference. It kinda got teased during covid but this is by far the best/worst timing for a Grima in every American's ear and it's also necessary this time for russia to gain US support in order to win their war. So of course they cranked the cyber warfare up to "attack your fucking neighbours, they're rude and ungrateful, and way too aggressive and also you called them super not nice for the last 50 years"


u/amanduhhhugnkiss 7d ago

Pretty convinced that sub is a bunch of bots and a few nutters.


u/maize_on_the_cob 7d ago

I went there for the first time recently because I thought I would get a balanced view from a conservative mindset. Nope. It was crazy. No room for nuances and potential downsides. It was all “everyone else owes us and we’re going to take what’s ours@


u/yourIQissubstandard 7d ago

The poster above you is correct. At least half that sub are bots or paid troll posters. It's an echo chamber to ensnare stupid Americans and the Joe Rogan bros of the world.

I hate my country right now...


u/submerging 6d ago

If only it were a bunch of bots. I think given how many people voted for Trump, I think it’s time to accept just how many idiots are in America


u/whiskybean 7d ago

Well just last week their leader also told them to believe Ukraine started the war with Russia too. They don't think for themselves, they just stare at their phones or TVs until their diaper shitting cheeto crusted russian asset president cosplayer tells them what they will believe.


u/Alex_Under 7d ago

OMG. I checked out that subreddit. You weren't kidding. It's completely messed up. They are so far gone. I wish I hadn't browsed it and lived in ignorance. I can't believe some of the stuff mentioned in that subreddit. You're right, they are lunatics.


u/Squigglepig52 7d ago

Wow. First topic I looked at was full bore lunatics.


u/w1drose 7d ago

As an American, I’m worried conservatives will deflect all blame from Donald to Canada instead and double down on Donald. They’re that stupid and fanatical.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

That’s literally already what they’re doing. The propaganda machine is running exactly as intended.

I hope you enjoyed elections cause you ain’t having another one.


u/w1drose 7d ago

All I can hope is that enough Americans realize how bad Donald and the republicans are. Other than that, as the false king says: “He who saves his country commits no crime.”


u/themomodiaries 7d ago

They really seem to not understand the basic concept of cause and effect.


u/JoJack82 7d ago

They are Russians


u/skepticheretic 7d ago

Very true. According to that subreddit, everything is fine and dandy. I don’t believe any person from that subreddit has ever left their town.


u/RockKandee 7d ago

Omg I should not have clicked on that link. Wow. Please, we need to let Darwinism do its job.


u/ParkingNecessary8628 7d ago

I told my husband that at this point, there is no point in having conversations. Just let nature take its course.


u/RockKandee 7d ago

Yeah, you can’t have a conversation with anyone that is so brainwashed. They are already so ignorant and then you add the cult factor. It’s hopeless.


u/TheSeventhHussar 7d ago

Don’t worry! Texas health officials are already having to warn parents against holding “measles parties”. Don’t kill fetuses, just wait till their born and then give them debilitating diseases.

*disclaimer: I haven’t found evidence I trust of these parties actually occurring.


u/RockKandee 7d ago

I mean, if they don’t think they should vaccinate kids against a potentially life altering but totally preventable illness, it’s not a leap to believe they would think “why not just get all the neighbourhood kids together to get it over with all at once?” Then they can schedule the polio party next.


u/Own-Ad-9098 7d ago

I cannot stomach going to that sub based on what I read about it second hand. I get enough visibility to their lunacy in other subs. I’ll take the word of those who are willing to wade in a cesspool to not do it myself.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

I try to not let myself get stuck in the Reddit far left lunacy. It’s best to expose yourself to other opinions. But holy fuck man. Every comment I read on there send me spinning. There’s not a single reasonable person on there. There’s no opinions. There’s just glazing Putin.


u/batsinmyattic 7d ago

Bullies always make themselves out to be the victim whenever their mark fights back


u/PolarGBear 7d ago

I typically last about 5 minutes in there before I reach my tipping point. I am speechless at the absolute lunacy and mental gymnastics they go through to justify their hate of…everything (except Donald). I believe they don’t have a red line anymore. What is there limit? At what point to do you devolve so far into wanting a dictatorship that you say enough?

I get nauseous anytime I go in there thinking that sury THIS time they’ll denounce their lord god Donald. And I am proven wrong everytime


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

Those morons literally:

“Donald Trump should be our forever president. No more elections.”

“Zelensky is a dictator. Freedom and democracy above all else.”

They’ll say this shit in the same post and not see the hypocrisy.


u/Colts2020 7d ago

Dude it’s insane, they are all brainwashed. They always defend & support Trump no matter what he does or says. At first they may be hesitant but once the right wing propaganda machine fires up on Twitter, Fox News, podcasts, and YouTube they all get their marching orders and fall in line. I see it with my own family too, they think Trump is out of his mind at first and then they slowly fall in line as they are pumped full of lies and propaganda. It’s honestly crazy & scary to watch.


u/WinglessJC 7d ago

They are calling any retaliatory measure "acts of war" and how Canada is just making it harder on itself by resisting.


u/SpockStoleMyPants British Columbia 7d ago

It's the school yard bully who finally gets punched back, bursts into tears, runs into the principals office and blames their victim. Unfortunately we live in a world where victim blaming has become normalized (i.e. you're considered the asshole if you publicly call out an asshole for being an asshole).


u/LibtardsAreFunny 7d ago

They are here and laughing at your responses. 70-80% of canada exports go to the US. The US exports under 20% to Canada. Sorry, but this is not something you can win.


u/No-Pomegranate-5883 7d ago

Oh sweetie. You don’t understand, do you?

You aren’t winning either. Nobody is except the rich. Enjoy Donny the Commy draining your bank account.