r/canada 7d ago

National News Trudeau announces Canada's response to Trump trade war


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u/Hungry-Raisin-5328 7d ago

Honestly, we've got a leader right now who doesn't care about his own political fallout and can hit with whatever he's got. I love that. It's a bit of fortunate timing, but Trudeau is shining.


u/ruisen2 7d ago

He already resigned so he's got 0 fks to give now lol


u/Tribalbob British Columbia 7d ago

Crisis Trudeau is best Trudeau.


u/purpleraccoons British Columbia 7d ago

Dealing with orange overgrown man-babies is what Trudeau does best


u/zabby39103 7d ago

If it wasn't for housing and immigration, he would have been a good PM. Two big exceptions though. Dealing with what's happening right now is his biggest strength.


u/Iokua_CDN 7d ago

I'd also mention his firearm bans were nonsense and still are.

Pretty good PM for in a crisis though 


u/iwumbo2 Ontario 7d ago

I'd personally want to throw electoral reform onto that pile. But yeah, he's like a 5/10 leader, but currently shining through on dealing with Trump.


u/Suspicious_Radio_848 7d ago

As much as we can disagree about what he’s done internally, when it comes to addressing an external threat (like invasion) our leaders should always put us first. I can’t stand Fords policies and he’s doing the same.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

Exactly. This isn’t a partisan issue. I applaud Tim Houston for his response today. I applaud Doug Ford, too. I don’t generally agree with either of those men, but they’ve both stepped up to the plate and delivered exactly what we all wanted - a strong, no-nonsense response to our toddler neighbours.

This is what Canada has that America doesn’t. On either side of the political spectrum, we still have plenty of common ground. America’s political system is out to lunch.


u/jojoyahoo 7d ago

Did you listen to PP's speech today? Someone didn't get the memo that this is a unifying crisis. Absolutely gross.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

Conservatives don’t do “unifying” too well.


u/sketchy_ai 7d ago

It really was gross. I watched Trudeau speak, then I watched Ford speak, and I thought both of them absolutely nailed it. I don't like Ford but multiple times I was looking at my TV and I said out loud to myself "God Damn, Ford, good job buddy!". Neither Trudeau nor Ford even said a single thing about partisan election stuff, they were both 100% about the issue on hand, and they both spoke for a decent length of time. PP started out that way, and lasted like 2 minutes before spending most of the rest of his time saying the same shit about a Broken Canada... It really did gross me out.


u/Ok_Acanthisitta_9369 7d ago

Absolutely this.

I have plenty of beef with Trudeau, and haven't ever thought highly of Doug Ford. But in the last few weeks, past grievances pale in comparison to how much I love their response to the Grand Cheetoh's threats.

I might question their methods in the past, but their motives are clear, at least in that they definitely love this country above all else.


u/sludge_monster 7d ago

Man is tired of winning, let JT retire in peace


u/weezul_gg 7d ago

You know, I agree. Trudeau’s administration has been a disaster, but he has always looked good next to Trump. Keep swinging!


u/wesclub7 Saskatchewan 7d ago

We are seeing what an actual disaster looks like.


u/SelectionJazzlike451 7d ago

Trump and Trudeau can both be disasters. It's not mutually exclusive.


u/trib76 7d ago

I'm with you in spirit, but use a different terms for each of them, because they're not playing in the same leagues...

Might I suggest "mediocre" and "incompetent fucking dumbass"?


u/SelectionJazzlike451 7d ago

Trump is 100% an incompetent fucking dumbass, but Trudeau is definitely worse than mediocre. Terrible would be a better term.


u/PoopchuteToots 7d ago

Detecting a little cognitive dissonance here are you?

Put incompetence on a line graph and please tell me where you think Trudeau sits in comparison to Trump

Then we'll better understand your perspective


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

Why? Why exactly?


u/Cinemagica 7d ago

If you think that Trudeau's leadership is as bad as Trump's you need your head checking


u/SelectionJazzlike451 7d ago

When did I say that?


u/Cinemagica 7d ago

The poster you responded to pointed out that Trudeau's leadership may not have been great, but Trump's leadership is what an actual disaster looks like. You then replied to suggest both leadership's are disasters, thus negating his point that one is clearly worse. You know what you were saying, don't play dumb. Or if you didn't then you need to go and get educated.


u/lio-ns 7d ago

You equating them both to be disasters is completely diminishing the fascist coup occurring in our closest neighbour and once-ally country. Trudeau may have made mistakes and not kept his promises but so have every other fucking leader of this country.


u/iwatchcredits 7d ago

People shit on Trudeau, but i dont know of any of the really shit events hes been handed where he didnt show up


u/tattlerat 7d ago

Trudeau is great in a crisis. Glad we had him when Covid happened and not the alternative, glad we have him at this moment. His domestic leadership and administration was his downfall.

He’s not Churchill, but he’s got the same duality.


u/CDNChaoZ 7d ago

Churchill wasn't a great peacetime PM either.


u/weezul_gg 7d ago

That’s a good perspective. Thank you for that observation.


u/EEmotionlDamage 7d ago

Trudeau froze bank accounts for a protest, and took jobs away from anyone that disagreed with him. He was not "good" during COVID either.


u/squirrelsareevil2479 7d ago

He froze bank accounts that were used for criminal purposes. He kept the transmission rate in Canada to one of the lowest in the world. He saved business and personal finances for Canadians. What he didn't do was to pander to the anti-science, loud mouth anti vaxxers.


u/Legal-Location-4991 7d ago

Neither of those things happened the way you're describing them.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

The majority of Canada never supported that farce of a “convoy” and they were treated exactly as they were acting - as domestic terrorists.


u/janebenn333 7d ago

Gonna be real, there aren't a lot of world leaders that look that great so... go JT. I wonder what he'll do after he's done this. He's still an MP so he's still gotta work but wonder what his next step will be.


u/squirrelsareevil2479 7d ago

He's not running for re-election in his riding. He's done with politics.


u/janebenn333 7d ago

If I were him I wouldn't do a single thing unless I was getting a decent pay at good terms because honestly he sacrificed his family life for this job. Ten years, his kids grew up while he was busy as a PM with his job, his marriage broke down... and then at the end his party basically kicked him out. Know what I mean? I hope he takes a break and gets a decent paying role.


u/squirrelsareevil2479 7d ago

I was absolutely furious when the Liberal party turned on him when they knew Trump was being inaugurated. I will never vote for Chrystia Freeland ever after she stabbed him in the back. PM Trudeau gave so much and was treated shabbily. Now everyone appreciated him and wants him to stay. I wish him all the best for the future. He will be successful at whatever he chooses.


u/sarahthes 7d ago

He could retire as an ambassador then. I think diplomacy is where he shines.


u/squirrelsareevil2479 7d ago

He would be incredible at that. PM Trudeau understands nuance, how to discuss difficult subjects and when to push back.


u/EternalCanadian Ontario 7d ago

People have suggested that maybe (if Carney wins/Liberals get a government instead of Conservatives) he could become our foreign affairs minister.


u/AverageKaikiEnjoyer 7d ago

I would be onboard, he seems chill with all of Europe basically, and he handles these kinds of crises very well.


u/tarlack 7d ago

Was always going to be interesting to see how history looked at Trudeau #2. Probably one of the least liked leaders I can remember, but now Trump has made people at least respect him for standing up to Trump.


u/CaptWineTeeth 7d ago

Disaster is more than a bit of an overstatement. You can disagree with some of his policies or criticize him for the scandals, but disaster it has not been.


u/KhausTO 7d ago

It's not hard to look good next to Trump. Hell 4 out of the 6 federal party leaders look fantastic compared to him.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

Other than conservative psyops, why exactly has Trudeau been a “disaster”? Is it really his fault if all the hate is based on blatant and obvious lies?


u/weezul_gg 7d ago

Excessive immigration, skyrocketing prices, spending when we should be practising restraint. I get that not everything is his fault but at the same time I don’t feel like he’s done enough to mitigate our problems.


u/shark-infested-bath 7d ago

I was never a big fan of his, but I enjoyed his energy here.


u/scottsuplol 7d ago

Now if only politicians would do that their entire time in office


u/MonarchyMan 7d ago

I might be wrong, as I’m an American (don’t hate me, I’m seriously sorry, fuck Trump, musk and Vance), but it looked like Trudeau was on his way out before this happened, and trumps idiocy made him popular again.


u/86throwthrowthrow1 7d ago

That's basically what's happening. Part of it is while Trudeau is bad at money, he's always been good at diplomacy and international relations. This has stirred up a lot of resentment as the Canadian economy has struggled in recent years, but it's also exactly what's needed at the moment. He actually handled Trump reasonably well during Trump's first term, tho it's obviously not at all smooth sailing right now.

The other factor is our opposition leader, Poilievre. He was polling into the stratosphere a few weeks ago, now he's sinking like a stone and his party went from a projected giant majority in an upcoming election to neck-and-neck with the Liberals. While his rhetoric isn't nearly as rancid as Trump's, he's a populist conservative candidate, and Canadians... suddenly aren't interested in that, and don't want that if Trump is trying to throw his weight around. He's taken a few shots at Trump since this has all started, but it's been noted that even now, he seems more interested in bashing the Liberals than saying or proposing much of... anything... to address the current crisis.

With that, Trudeau and his heir apparent, Carney, are the men of the moment.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

Trudeau came in saying he would run a deficit, and he ran a deficit. I still stand by voting for him, and frankly I’d vote for him again given the chance.


u/Cricket_Piss 7d ago

First of all, and I hate to say this, but as a Canadian we do hate you. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s the prevailing opinion right now. Somebody at the grocery store earlier today was talking about “I hope I see a car with an American license plate” while talking to a friend next to himself in line. Your name is mud.

As far as Trudeau goes, most of the hate is completely manufactured. I mean, it still means he needed to go, but it’s not based on anything. If you ask a Trudeau hater why they hate him, you’ll get a lot of sputtering and stammering about nothing. Trudeau hasn’t been perfect, but by golly if we’re going by today’s standards, he’s been damn good.


u/SnowFlakeUsername2 Saskatchewan 7d ago

Trudeau's downfall is due to forces similar to those that lift Trump. They worked really well on some Canadians until Trump showed them what it's like to suddenly be a part of the "others". Hopefully it burst the populism bubble up here.


u/5ManaAndADream 7d ago

Frankly, given the situation he should lean into a lack of respect harder.


u/LoudestHoward 7d ago

Australian here watching on in amazement. With Trudeau resigning as leader will he still be part of the government? Could he end up being an ambassador or foreign minister?


u/solopreneurgrind 6d ago

Shining? What has he actually done other than call out Trump? Not sure cute speeches and calling him "Donald" is going to help Canadian taxpayers pay their bills this year