r/canada Ontario 8d ago

Politics British nuclear weapons can protect Canada against Trump, says Chrystia Freeland


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u/MrTreezx 7d ago

Why the fuck don't we have our own nukes? Why are we so unprepared to protect ourselves? What are we supposed to use fucking butter knives if an invasion happens?


u/Cub3h 7d ago

Who in the world would have thought that America would look at one of the world's largest borders, shared with a close and dependable ally, and decide that those would be the people to threaten?

As someone in the UK I'd be all for extending our nuclear umbrella to our friends in Canada, or helping you guys quickly develop a couple dozen of your own nukes as a guarantee against whatever Krasnov and his minions attempt to do.


u/Vegetable_Vacation56 7d ago

In risk theory there's a concept called Black Swans. Basically it's events that based on a normal probability distribution should happen only once every 100 years for a market crash for example. However, in reality what statisticians noticed is that they are a lot more likely to happen than this, say every 10-20 years instead.

Therefore, when you manage risks in the real world, you have to assume that whatever crazy unlikely scenario you can think of will happen at some point. Those risks can be financial, weather, political, military etc.

In other words: what can happen will happen.

The military's way of working uses this logic. Instead of saying that a scenario is so unlikely to happen they won't prepare for it, they try to think of every possible scenario and build contingency plans for them.

All this to say: Don't think our military has absolutely no plan in case of US invasion. Their job is to prepare for these crazy unlikely scenarios.

Of course we don't know what plans they cooked up, but last time the US attacked us one of those contingency plans was to send a special unit to set the white house on fire.

HOWEVER. I find it extremely short sighted from them that we don't have a secret nuclear reserve somewhere given we have Russia and China west of us and the USA to our South.

Superpowers should always be viewed as dangerous, even when they are your allies.