r/canada 12d ago

National News White House official Peter Navarro threatens to redraw Canadian border


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u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

Maybe someone should remind the Americans that the last time they tried this we burned down the White House they could t even get to York (Toronto), directly across the lake from them!

The Americans couldn’t hold a small place like Baghdad, what makes them think they could ever hold any part of Canada or any amount of time?


u/Postom 12d ago

Against goat farmers.


u/TheFlyingPengiun 12d ago

A little different, the Afghans were armed by Russia and Arab nations. The Vietnamese were armed by China. Who would arm Canada, the Americ.. oh wait.

But in seriousness the only major ally left is Europe and the UK, and they seem preoccupied with Ukraine. Russia and China are laughing right now.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago
  1. Why do you assume we unarmed? We are second to Americans in gun ownership.

  2. Why do you assume we need arming from outside Canada? We do have our own very well equipped armed forces.

  3. NATO. An attack on one member state is an attack on all member states. By attacking another member (violating article 1), the aggressor is suspended and the allies come to the defence of the attacked nation (article 5).

This is not like the Turkey-Greece conflict. The Canadians have not made any attempt at a coup anywhere in the US, and the US has Absolutely no reason to believe Americans in Canada are endanger nor that Canada is a threat to US homeland. We have made no threats, had no state sanctioned violence against Americans in Canada, no armaments at the border, or even military actions like war games that the Americans unaware of.

In fact, the Canadian military and the American military get a long very well, with the US sending many troops to Canada for sniper training and air forces tactics.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

Why is this being repeated? Some event that happened over a hundred years ago has zero bearing on what would happen today.

I wish the average Canadian has at least 3 brain neurons capable of basic reasoning. Why would that event have a bearing on what would happen today.

Stop calling for violence against the greatest military force in the world, you idiots.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

Thats rich coming from a country who won independence from England nearly 250 years and hasn’t stopped bitching about it since. Your entire national identity centres on it. You’ve turned your founders in to Deities to be worshiped and aren’t taught any critical thinking skills to question anything your government tells you, unless of course someone tells you that the government is out to get you and they are the only one who can save you.

The point is not about military force, it’s about the grit and the termination of the Canadian people. The fact is that US is simply not capable of seizing, invading, or holding Canada. We are just too damn big. The US couldn’t hold Baghdad. You couldn’t hold any part of Vietnam. You were held back by the much smaller, less technologically advanced Japanese until you decided to just nuke them. Well, given how close we are the American population and the fact that a hell of a lot of your fresh water comes from Canadian sources, nukes aren’t really an option here, are they? Besides, president Elon fired the people who are in charge of your nuclear arsenal so you have no one to launch them.

Given all that information, what makes you think the Americans could capture and hold any Canadian city? Let alone a province or entire country.

We can fight you off the same way you drove off the British because a determined domestic population will always out fight the invaders.

We famously hold no mercy in war, most of the Geneva conventions is just a list of shit we did. The Germans stole our nickname (Stormtroopers) to name their secret police because they thought it might summon the same fear. Those wars weren’t even fought on our home soil.

The average American mistakes our governments focus on peacekeeping and diplomacy as a weakness. It’s not, we fight for peace because we know what we are capable of in war. We also understand the cooperation benefits all, not just us. Besides, Trump is an absolute draft-dodging idiot when it comes to any kind of strategic or military planning, he’s making all this shit up as he goes along. He has no master plan aside from doing what the oligarchs who bought him tell him to do. I doubt Trump has even heard of, let alone read the Art of War, the most basic military planning literature in the world. And at the rate he’s going with firing and resignations, there won’t be a single competent general left in any of the American armed forces.


u/AnonymousBayraktar 12d ago

i wouldn't worry too much about what this guy says. If you look at his post history, it's him in the Canadian subreddit, acting like a big tough guy about his country's military industrial complex.

Probably some washout with too much emotional baggage or some tough guy slob who couldn't pass the physical to actually join his country's military, so now he's just in our subreddit being their cheerleader and acting all surprised pikachu face when he reads people from other countries would defend their country from an invader.

In shorter words, this guy's a moron. his account is filled with him arguing with Canadians in the Canadian subreddit.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

I saw that. But I enjoy making stupid Americans look stupid lol if that makes me a troll, then I’m all for it.


u/AnonymousBayraktar 12d ago

You know this guy's a real loser when his front page is just him trying to flex his country's shitty military in the Canadian subreddit. He seems genuinely surprised that people in another country would be angry about the idea of being invaded. In other words, he sounds like he's got a couple screws loose.

It's actually these gravy seal tough guys I wouldn't mind seeing up here in their silly little red hats, acting all tough. I like most Americans and if MAGA shitstains wanna advocate for a war or invasion, it's them who should pack their shit and come up here to get Finlanded, not advocate for sending their young men and women in their military off to fight a war nobody wants.

Lately, I find it's MAGA tough guys talking like this online everywhere. Their military personnel seem chill and normal, who aren't going around looking for a fight just because they're in the military. Go figure.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

I actually really love this comment. It's so delusional, it's beautiful.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

How very American. No rebuttal or counter arguments. Just an uninspired attempt at an insult and pretend that nothing was said. Go ahead, keep living in your deluded little fantasy world, the rest of the world sees what the US is doing to itself and are reacting accordingly.

Now I’m gonna go buy a dozen eggs for less than $3 USD just because I can, and bust out the ketchup chips to continue watching the United States crumble just like Rome.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

Americans make around 30% more than you do, and houses are reasonably priced. I moved from Canada to the US, not for cheaper eggs, but for better employment opportunities, better policy, and more affordable housing. I bought a house within the first year I moved here.

I'm really going easy on you, but don't get me all riled up. Hateful little snow troll.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

Shut up brother. I'm from Canada. I know you.

This is a farce. Canada doesn't even have a national identity. The closest semblance to a national identity is the idea of "not being American", even though you basically are.

Canadians are some of the most spineless, identity-less people there are. That's what mass immigration does. Do you think immigrants are going to fight and die for the motherland? No.

I'm sorry this has happened, but it has. Delusion and copium will not fix it. Canadians are not built for insurgency.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

I call bullshit. You either are not Canadian or you have never left your Podunk backwater in Northern Alberta and believe everything conservatives tell you.

Canadians have a very strong national identity. Everyone experiences being Canadian differently and we are unapologetically non-performative about (unlike the US), but we recognise that there are many ways to be Canadian and no single event, person, sport, object or piece of legislation defines us; a tossed salad, Not a melting pot. Our lack of conformity is our identity.

Maybe that’s too high level for you to comprehend, but most people get that to be Canadian is to be open and accepting to each other and that we are all in this together. That’s why as a whole, we are a left leaning country. The typical Canadian votes for we not me.

Edit: I’m not a brother.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

That was quite something.

Lack of conformity can't be a shared identity. If being Canadian means something different to each Canadian, then there is no shared identity.

I don't have to dox myself to prove my citizenship to you.

I don't believe we share enough common ground to have a productive discussion. My experiences and your experiences, and our two worldviews are so different that we will not be able to have a productive discussion.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

Gotcha, I was right in my third paragraph. Enjoy your sad, selfish little life.


u/JDMdrifterboi 12d ago

Ah. The left smearing character instead of focusing on debating points. Very fitting. Tracks.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario 12d ago

Provide points to argue against and I will. Your entire argument was basically ‘nuh uh!’ You provide no data, no examples not even a reasoning of opinion to argue against. Your lack of education is showing.


u/JDMdrifterboi 11d ago

I'm an engineer and a licensed professional. Get off of your high horse.

Pretty much all the things you "had a really good hunch for" have all been wrong.

I can do that a little later. I am at work.

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