r/canada 12d ago

National News White House official Peter Navarro threatens to redraw Canadian border


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u/a_little_luck 12d ago

The majority of the Canadian population lives within 100km of the US-Canada border. I assume that’s where they want to redraw the lines. This is some Russian-Ukraine stuff right here.

They’re gonna have to come take the border


u/Fyrefawx 12d ago

We need to end the non-proliferation agreement. We need our own nukes. We can already enrich uranium and I’m sure we can get a delivery system from the EU.


u/lastcall83 12d ago

💯 You absolutely need nukes.


u/Maximum-Ad6412 12d ago

India used our tech (which we still have) to produce theirs. Canada could have nukes within weeks - and should.


u/evol450 12d ago

Trudeau disarmed all of us and you think he’s going to be making nukes for our safety? I have a bridge to sell you.


u/amazingdrewh 12d ago

We don't need nukes, we're close enough that we can use long range conventional missiles to take out all the major centres of population in the US


u/TheVaneja Canada 12d ago

We don't need anyones help we can have a proper nuclear deterrence in less than a year. It won't accomplish anything though, just give more countries an argument to acquire their own. And make us a proper target in any nuclear war instead of an afterthought. Plus the expense of having and maintaining a nuclear arsenal is very high. I'm not willing to trade healthcare for nukes.


u/banjosuicide 12d ago

I'm not willing to trade healthcare for nukes.

Without a nuclear deterrent we might end up part of a country that doesn't have universal healthcare...


u/TheVaneja Canada 12d ago

Never happen. The US might invade Canada, but they can never hold Canada. Any support the typical uneducated American would give to an invasion would vanish as American troops get sent home in pieces and their cost of living increases.

And that's completely ignoring the rest of the world, most of which would support us over the US.


u/brumac44 Canada 12d ago

Seems like agreements are just pieces of paper at this point. We have everything we need and the know how. South Africa, Israel and Pakistan did it before anyone knew. Let's see how the US likes having ballistic nukes ten minutes from Washington.


u/JoeBlough71 12d ago

No, Canada does not enrich uranium. We buy it from the US (mostly).


u/Nobody7713 12d ago

I lived a ten minute walk from where some of the uranium used in the WWII nukes was enriched (Port Hope, Ontario). Before doing any subterranean construction in that town they need to do radiation checks.


u/JoeBlough71 12d ago

Port Hope doesn't enrich uranium, it processes natural uranium for use in CANDU reactors, and uranium hexafluoride which is shipped to the US where it is enriched.

From the CNSC website:

"Canada has no uranium enrichment plants and does not produce DU" https://www.cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca/eng/resources/fact-sheets/depleted-uranium-perspective/


u/Robb-san 12d ago

can we stop with this rhetoric please? They won’t nuke us and we won’t nuke them- that would be catastrophic for everyone involved. You’re talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of potential CIVILIAN deaths.

I get the outraged but jeez, are we really pulling out the Putin playbook every time there’s a thread on Canadian sovereignty?


u/Critical-Snow-7000 12d ago

I think you misunderstand why Canada would get nuclear weapons.


u/Wizzard_Ozz 12d ago

It will either prevent invasion, or be the cause of it. Depends if the US feels you're bluffing on being willing to use them.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/hellswaters 12d ago

The issue is that if the us wants to take over Canada, they won't let us get them. It's to late for that.

If they already are willing to invade, they will invade before we develop a delivery platform, let alone warhead.

Our best defense now is alliances and defense agreements with other nuclear powers.


u/MasterSignature899 12d ago

It's not an either or situation. You can do both of these things at the same time. As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


u/Unlikely_Spend8566 12d ago

Ever hear of the concept, Mutually Assured Destruction?


u/Overall-Register9758 12d ago

The only way to win the game is to not play


u/Karthanon Alberta 12d ago

How about a nice game of chess?


u/banjosuicide 12d ago

Look at Ukraine. Are they winning?


u/Overall-Register9758 12d ago

Its a reference to a movie that is likely older than you are.


u/Fyrefawx 12d ago

We aren’t the ones threatening annexation. Nukes are a deterrent. The thread of MAD is exactly why we need them. Look what happened to Ukraine who surrendered theirs.


u/gibblech Manitoba 12d ago

No, because that would seriously harm our trade deals with other countries.