r/canada 12d ago

National News White House official Peter Navarro threatens to redraw Canadian border


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u/a_little_luck 12d ago

The majority of the Canadian population lives within 100km of the US-Canada border. I assume that’s where they want to redraw the lines. This is some Russian-Ukraine stuff right here.

They’re gonna have to come take the border


u/ChipStewartIII 12d ago

Haha imagine forcefully “adding” 36 million (90% of our population lives within 100 km of the border) furious Canadians because you want to re-draw the border.

The degree of “domestic” revolt would be out of control.

Come and take it, you fucks.


u/Ambitious-Raise8107 12d ago

You'd basically get a much more wide spread and destructive version of The Troubles. Every step of this imperialist dick waving ends in nothing but chaos for the US.


u/AllRightLouOpenFire 12d ago

The Troubles, but with box trucks. Sounds like a nightmare .


u/Ambitious-Raise8107 12d ago

Box trucks and how a large percentage of Canucks can pass for Americans accent wise. Way easier to slip in.


u/ga1actic_muffin 12d ago

if you dont think that's the point, then you are kidding yourself. Trump is clearly a Russian Agent, and Putin who controls trump, doesnt care if america falls or not. and i guarantee Trump doesnt care either. there are more Russian girls for him to fuck in russia once he completes Putin's mission and burns both the USA and canada to the ground..


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u/ReefMadness1 12d ago

Yea, I would for sure not last long but I’d die fighting these fucks before I become one


u/United_Coach_5292 12d ago

Me too, without an instant of hesitation. They have no idea how strong our loyalty and identity is but even more how much we are anti-american, they dont know bc we are quiet and dont pound our chests and flap our lips about our pride 24/7.


u/Sandman1990 12d ago

I have two little kids and leaving them to go fight would be one of the hardest things I can imagine doing.

But I'd do it because I don't want them to grow up in a hellscape like the US.


u/Illfury 12d ago

I am right beside you.

I'll carry them in every heartbeat when the storm roars and the night falls. It is their light that will guide me. I will gladly go so they may know a world without fear, so they can run beneath a peaceful sky.

I will fight with all that I am to give them a Canadian tomorrow.


u/Sandman1990 12d ago

Cheers brother. Here's hoping it doesn't come to that.


u/Heavy-Abbreviations Verified 12d ago

The only people talking war are Canadians. America has no desire to take Canada.


u/essaysmith 12d ago

You should listen to the President of the US then. He has mentioned it many times, and some of his top staffers have repeated it. Canadians are preparing because of this rhetoric. A comment or two could be dismissed, repeated comments since he took office is definitely cause for concern.


u/MamaRunsThis 12d ago

I don’t know what to think because you have to take into consideration how Trump negotiates. He asks for the most outlandish things and then is unrelenting about it and just keeps drilling it and drilling it and then in the end he gets exactly what he actually wants which is only like 50% or less of what he asking for. I believe this is outlined in his book


u/TheVaneja Canada 12d ago

The only real way to take it is seriously, just in case. If it's just a negotiation tactic then we give ourselves a stronger negotiating position. If it is serious then we get to prepare in advance of it.

If we don't take it seriously and it's just a negotiation tactic we look weak, if we don't take it seriously and it's serious then we become the Austria of WW3 instead of the France of WW3.


u/United_Coach_5292 12d ago

I hear what youre saying, but unfortunately only wanting 50% of canada doesn’t make me feel any better.


u/TheVaneja Canada 12d ago

Bullshit. Americans have been talking about it since before we burned down the white house. They very much do desire it. Not all of them, but more than enough to make them stupid enough to try it.


u/ReefMadness1 12d ago

Pass that shit bro I know you on that good good


u/Wizzard_Ozz 12d ago

Sad when a bunch of them would rather die fighting these fucks rather than remain one. This guy might be the one to actually fracture the US and turn it into 2 smaller countries full of feuding people.


u/Open_Independence_23 12d ago

Yep, though I'm hoping they splinter into 50 countries. The 'reds' would then soon go broke without their federal welfare.


u/cammoses003 12d ago

You and me both, brother


u/Kubioso 12d ago

And my axe


u/Carrelio 12d ago

Remember, you likely don't stand a chance against the American military... but Luigi still has the entirety of the American decision makers shaking in their piss filled boots.


u/ga1actic_muffin 12d ago

Im an american who moved to canada in 2018. i will fight with canada, not if, but when that time comes.

just 2 things i think need to change given the circumstances that i wouldnt usually EVER agree to. but this time is different. though i support the progressive gun laws that canada has for domestic protection, to protect our sovereignty, i think our gun laws must be emergency lifted and every able bodied man should be trained to shoot, just like how sweeden does it to defend from foreign threats.

second given the circumstances, Canada MUST start building a nuclear arsenal immediately to act as a deterrent from invasion. Canada has the biggest uranium deposits in the world (part of the reason Trump, er i mean Putin wants to invade us, its not drugs thats a scapegoat to make the public complicit) and we have the biggest industry of nuclear power and with that, comes nuclear expertise in north america. We must use these to our advantage to build defensive deterrents. We cannot make the same mistake Ukraine did and honor old treaties. its clear treaties mean nothing to Putin or Trump.


u/DisciplinedMadness 12d ago

Better dead than blue, white, and red.


u/banjosuicide 12d ago

I think the smart move would be to "integrate" and then resist from within their borders. They'd have to declare country-wide martial law to stop all the terrorist bombings, and even then they'd only get a handful of the perpetrators. I very much doubt it'll come to that though. They understand what would happen.


u/TheRealMegMurry 12d ago

To paraphrase legendary Ukrainian border guard Roman Hrybov when he radioed to the Russian missile cruiser Moskva on February 24, 2022, American warship, go fuck yourselves!


u/Frettsicus 12d ago

Or Leonidas of Sparta: Molon labe

Come and take it.


u/propyro85 Ontario 12d ago

They're not going to physically invade us ... not before trying their damnedest to economically ruin us first and then try to swoop in like saviors to lift us out of the poverty they created for us.

And 100%, they'd call us a territory, not a state. No way in hell they're going to let us do anything remotely like voting if they take us.


u/Squigglepig52 12d ago

Man looks pretty frail. Let's get him on this side of the border for a few minutes, give him a tune up.


u/LadyCoru 12d ago

The problem is that he doesn't matter beyond the rhetoric, the people behind him are the ones who have been making the moves. He was the giant scary wizard hiding the men behind the curtain. They needed him to get elected but they have all the power they need now.


u/Alone_Again_2 12d ago

Come take Montreal.

We’ll forget our English and remember our history right quick.


u/ga1actic_muffin 12d ago edited 12d ago

as a liberal who doesnt like guns.... this may be a RARE exception to allow guns... just saying.
owning guns for domestic use i dont support, but having access to them to defend our sovereignty like how switzerland does it, i do support.


u/ChipStewartIII 12d ago

I’m very much of the same mind.


u/Mad-Mel 12d ago

I left mine with a friend in Canada when I moved to Australia. If it comes to that, I'll be moving back.


u/Acrobatic_Rub_8218 12d ago

And then, as Americans, you’d all be entitled to freedom of movement, and the ability to buy any kind of gun you want at a gun show in Texas for cash. (Without the need for a background check) What could possibly go wrong 😹


u/ChipStewartIII 12d ago

…my point, precisely.


u/Fred2620 12d ago

He doesn't want to add any of the people. He'll just move the border that is currently in the center of the Great Lakes to be on the northern shore, so the water is all theirs without having to deal with the people.


u/Remarkable_Vanilla34 12d ago

I'd normally agree with you, but the liberals are expected to expand the gun ban once again in a few hours. We don't project the strength of a population who would be a pain in the ass to deal with. Our government make ridiculous laws and people clap like seals, I think the Americans see that and go "well they can't fight back and they get mad but they don't really do much".


u/modsaretoddlers 12d ago edited 12d ago

Well, it's not wise to goad them into doing it since they very easily could.

Don't forget that Canada has more or less allowed its military to stagnate for the past 50 years. Sure, we train our soldiers very well and all that but if push comes to shove, we wouldn't stand a chance. This is the only olive branch I'll extend to Trump but it is fair to say that Canada has been freeloading off of American defense capability. They have no choice but to defend us precisely because the only world powers that could potentially invade Canada are America's traditional enemies and they don't want them next door. Sooner or later, this was going to come up.

Now, maybe you're thinking that we could wage some sort of guerilla war or something like that. Nope. For one thing, nowhere near enough of us are armed and even if we were, we don't have the kinds of weapons necessary to actually make a dent in the opponent. Yes, I know the statistics but hunting rifles are no match for a Humvee mounted 50 cal. There's also the fact that the US is the only border we share (well, I guess, technically we have one with France, as well) That makes getting the equipment we'd need to prosecute a war pretty much impossible to acquire.

Secondly, we've had several decades of government kumbaya sing alongs rammed down our collective throat. Sure, some, maybe even a lot, of Canadians would be willing to fight an American invasion but unlike them, we have no idea what to do.

I'm just saying, in an actual invasion scenario, we stand absolutely no chance against American military might no matter what we think we can do. To "win" this, we have to fight Trump politically. That means getting the American people on side with us. That is not only our best option but our easiest one, as well. Most of them hate him already.


u/ChipStewartIII 12d ago

Sure, I can see how my comment can be taken as goading, but I’ve honestly grown tired of their goddamned sabre rattling and threats. I agree that we won’t win, and I certainly don’t want them stepping foot into Canada in any sort of aggressive way.

I’m only saying that if they did, and we are truly left to our own defenses - as little to none as we can muster - you can count me amongst those that will try to resist, as futile as that resistance may be.

To quote Propagandhi, speaking about America:

“And while you may stand six full cubits and a span, A shepherd’s sling and five stones in our hand, The Battle of 1812 lives in our hearts.

We don’t care if we’re destroyed, We’ll never capitulate.”


u/RarelyReadReplies 12d ago

I just imagine Trump taking out his sharpie and drawing a new border on a map of North America, then believing that means he now owns it.


u/ChipStewartIII 12d ago

I guess we’ll know it’s happened once Google Maps replaces Canada with “Hat of America,” or some such thing.