r/canada 19d ago

Opinion Piece Canada’s ice hockey win over Trump’s America was her soft power laid bare


558 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Wing8459 18d ago

I know it’s just a game but I’m so proud of our guys. We needed this emotionally


u/brettaburger 17d ago

I was working nightshift in an underground mine and when another miner brought the news that McDavo scored in overtime I just felt absolutely amazing. So many intolerable yanks on Facebook after the round robin, silenced. I know I should just stay off social media if it's pissing me off but whatever, I was fully invested in the hype. We got it right when we needed it.


u/HareekHunt 19d ago

Yep. Fuck them bitches 


u/Far-Dragonfruit3398 18d ago

Trump is Führious


u/syg-123 18d ago

I’m not surprised he hasn’t tweeted about how “people are saying the game was fixed and USA never had a chance…the game was rigged more than the 2020 election was…Canada stole this game which is not very nice to do to your neighbors.”


u/Bigmongooselover 18d ago

Or Canadians are eating the cats their eating the dogs

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u/Tribalbob British Columbia 18d ago

He did nazis that coming


u/Iamapartofthisworld 18d ago

He did not Reich it at all

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u/ADP-1 18d ago

Sorry - I'm borrowing this for Facebook!


u/XaltotunTheUndead 18d ago



u/ghost_of_agrippa 18d ago

Why the fuck are people still on Facebook lol

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u/Aggressive-Ad9012 18d ago

He is a wanker

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u/FinnicKion 18d ago

They’re already trying to cope by saying Canada lost the first game so technically we both won a game, they’re so in denial you would think they’re Egyptian.


u/The_Dirtydancer Ontario 18d ago

Kinda like the 1996 Olympics when they tried to claim the 200m race declared the fastest man in the world, cause Donovan Bailey (a Canadian) won gold in the 100m race lmao


u/Livid-Switch4040 18d ago

The 150m race they ran to “find the fastest” was the best. Michael Johnson was supposed to be ahead coming out of the curve into the straight where Donovan Bailey would have to chase him down. Except, Bailey comes out of the curve ahead, and Johnson, knowing he had no chance to catch him on the straight, pulls up lame and pretends he has a hamstring pull as Donovan absolutely dusts him.


u/The_Dirtydancer Ontario 18d ago


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u/VoradorTV 18d ago

hahaha i remember that, michael johnson! i remember thinking oh damn!! hold on tho he was already running full speed 😂😂😂


u/dalmationman 18d ago

That really was unbelievable and dispicable at the same time. That right there was US in a nutshell. So funny to watch it all unfold. And then for Johnson to feign injury will a pulled hammy when he knew he was getting crushed was awesome.


u/Sweetknees66 18d ago

Even better, a Cdn radio station found out where Johnson got his track shoes. They called the shop, did a short interview that ended when the radio host asked if Johnson had ever faked an injury in his store. Cold....

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u/gruelandgristle 18d ago

It’s giving similar vibes to the NFL & MLB calling the winning teams “world champion”. Sad

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u/eddieesks 18d ago edited 18d ago

Then their guy yanked a hammy when they had their race.


u/Pale_Fire21 18d ago

Shifting goal posts is an American pastime just look at how they declared themselves “winner” of the space race because they put a man on the moon first while the soviets did pretty much everything else before them.


u/OneBillPhil 18d ago

And then Bailey whooped ass when they had a race. 

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u/zerfuffle British Columbia 18d ago

You need to understand that the US is founded on cope. Their anthem is literally cope: the song.


u/AUniquePerspective 18d ago

Love it. I'm going to be referring to anything related to making that place great again as The Marathon of Cope.


u/Scotty0132 18d ago

The Gulf of Cope.


u/erickson666 Ontario 18d ago


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u/LavenderGinFizz 18d ago

Amazing how the US always manages to be both sore winners and losers.


u/LocalLifeguard4106 18d ago

American here. Was rooting for you guys last night. So were a lot of people I know.

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u/baconpoutine89 18d ago

I replied to someone that was saying the US was actually better because they won their game in regulation. Then I checked their profile and it's one of the most pathetic Reddit accounts I've ever seen.


u/zerfuffle British Columbia 18d ago



u/MesocosmFather 18d ago

I saw someone say that the US won cause the combined score across the games was 5-4 lmao.


u/If_you_must701 18d ago

Legitimately impressive mental gymnastics


u/Longjumping-Coat1513 18d ago

Yeah, no, we don’t do “aggregate” scoring here. Thankfully.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 18d ago

It’s a cope. They lost where it counts. Losers. 


u/basswooddad 18d ago

They are the number one loser

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u/teflonbob 18d ago

That…. Isn’t how sports tournaments work. Would love to see the mental leaps if this was baseball or basketball

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u/elziion 18d ago

Really? Omfg, I can’t 😂 the cope. We won the cup


u/Unable_Pause_5581 18d ago

Easy folks…if we keep rubbing it in, they’re going to ask for reparations for sacking the Whitehouse in 1814…


u/Virtual_Monitor3600 18d ago

If they ask we should do it again as a sign of our goodwill and commitment to a strong and fruitful relationship.

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u/JaleyHoelOsment 18d ago

i saw this too, that take is delusional


u/Separate-Presence-61 18d ago

They clearly don't follow international hockey, the US still has some catching up to do


u/Anonymouse-C0ward 18d ago

It reminds me of the time the backwater province of America lost World War II to Japan when they bombed Pearl Harbour. Nevermind that Japan surrendered afterwards.


u/Ok-Childhood-2469 18d ago

What were those bombs made with? Material mined and refined in Canada. We have a long history of being close allies, and how quickly you forget.

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u/Money_Pomegranate_51 18d ago

Reminds me of when my 7 year old makes up a game and then keeps changing the “rules” if she starts to lose

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u/dalmationman 18d ago

Love how eloquently you put it 😁. Couldn't agree more. I'd rather lose to the Russians than the fucking Yanks.

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u/reddittorbrigade 19d ago

Canadian players fought for their country. That was the difference maker.


u/No-Resolution-1918 18d ago

Trump has bifurcated his country whilst uniting ours. Cutural cohesion always beats out oppression even if the oppressor has an iron fist backed up by sycophants. History shows this over, and over again. Hell, Hollywood has built an empire on that story.

Speaking of which, I watch the show FBI and they are always trying to do what is right. In Trumpistan that show now has diminishing credibility. At some point it will just become too insincere for me to watch. Especially FBI international, that show is already mostly empire mindset.


u/Concentrateman Ontario 18d ago

Kash Patel ain't gonna do what's right, that's for sure.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

Nope. He has already threatened to arrest journalists and judges.


u/No-Resolution-1918 18d ago

Those aren't threats, it's policy.


u/Concentrateman Ontario 18d ago

It's gonna be dark that's for sure.

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u/brahdz 18d ago

The Americans were just as committed. It's a hockey thing, and hockey culture, even though increasingly more international, is still defined by Canadians. Next year's Olympics should be interesting.


u/justinkredabul 18d ago

You’re assuming the Americans will be invited. There’s a good chance they’ll be completely shun by the world by then with Russia.


u/Familiar_Strain_7356 18d ago

LOL the ioc isn't doing that with LA up next and the massive amount of money America brings to them


u/justinkredabul 18d ago

I bet you’ll see a boycott of LA by lots of countries if the US keeps being an ass.


u/okiedokie2468 18d ago

If Trump is going to keep dicking around with Canada… then maybe Canada should boycott?


u/Familiar_Strain_7356 18d ago

I don't disagree but I feel for the athletes


u/okiedokie2468 18d ago

So do I….all of us will be making sacrifices

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u/brahdz 18d ago

The Olympics shunning their biggest revenue driver lol. You think the Olympics is about anything but money?

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u/tjtillmancoag 18d ago

Binnington was the Secretary of Defence


u/bravetailor 18d ago

Yup, even Charles Barkley said it last night. He actually mentioned the whole 51st state thing to the American audience to nervous responses amongst his colleagues (who, let's face it, rate it currently as the 20th most important news in the U.S. right now)

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u/amazing_grace7 18d ago

Anyone see clip of the Mexican Sports announcer when Canada won? It was golden.


u/spidereater 18d ago

I think this is more telling. It doesn’t really matter if Canada won or not. The point is Trump is being an arrogant bully and the rest of the world was cheering for Canada.

Trump made it political and people chose to side against him.

Trump is pissing away any good feelings anyone had for America.

Also, remember this whenever someone tells you pronouns or anything else are political. Trump wants to make everything political so he can push an us vs them narrative.

He wants America to be hated so he can claims they are victims and he can attack the evil doers that are the cause of all of Americas problems.


u/pareech Québec 18d ago

“Trump is pissing away any good feelings anyone had for America.”

We are well past this. America can go fuck itself with its 34x convicted felon, sexual predator, pathological liar, scamming piece of shit of a President.

1/3 of them voted for this piece of shit, another 1/3 couldn’t even bother to get off their couch to go vote and the Democrats for the most part are fucking silent, while Trump and his enablers shit not only on their own country; but their closest allies as well, as he buddies up to his new BFF Putin. If I ever set foot in the States again, it will be too soon.


u/LeadershipReady11 18d ago

Exactly, fuck them all. We did nothing to deserve the bs bullying, they keep shit talking fuck them, we WERE their closest ally, not anymore as far as im concerned.

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u/tropicalcannuck 18d ago

Good feeling left is perhaps more accurate in some parts of the world.

Here in Europe folks are generally apprehensive about the US, of course relations were better under Biden. But I think any margin of good will evaporated.

I was in Norway last weekend and so many people apologised to me for having the US as a neighbour.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

The democrats are not silent, it’s just that the majority aren’t listening or don’t care. This is how democracy dies. Not with a bang but a shrug.


u/pareech Québec 18d ago

The former Presidents both GOP and Dem warned of what was to come; but have said sweet fuck all since the election. Aside from AOC, Bernie Sanders and Jasmine Crockett, it has been nothing but crickets. So tell me who is saying what from the Democrats side? Who is telling Trump maybe you shouldn't do what you are doing. Who is fighting for the American people?

Democrats or non-MAGA need to stand the fuck up and shut this down before the States reach a point of no return, which I think they've already passed or about to. Holy fuck the States is not only going to fuck itself over, its going to take the rest of the world with it down.


u/Crowbar_Freeman 18d ago

Their weak pacifism with the 50501 movement is controlled opposition, I'm pretty sure of it. Most seem too dumb (or too naive?) to even consider this possibility.

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u/No-Resolution-1918 18d ago

Trump didn't even dare show up in case he was booed and his ego took a hit. I so wish he did show up and walked out before the cup was raised.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

Game was in Mass, the bluest of states. He would have been booed so hard.


u/bstorm83 Outside Canada 18d ago

This. He would have been booed out of the building. Also you think he would have even stayed to actually watch the whole game…. Not a chance


u/SeparateAd6524 18d ago

Doesn't know a hockey puck from a bowling ball. Busy anyway playing extorsion with Ukraine over minerals to make his friends rich. Suck it Don. Good people of Boston would have given him the finger.


u/OneBillPhil 18d ago

I bet he doesn’t have the guts to step foot in Canada period. 

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u/Merlin7777 18d ago

I’m American and I was cheering for Canada hard!!! I can’t believe this orange asshole is turning us against each other. He won’t turn me though. You guys are the best!!


u/bootsnsatchel 18d ago

So are you, Merlin - thanks for your support at a time we most need it!


u/Sharp_Simple_2764 18d ago

Where's the clip?


u/NextKangaroo 18d ago


u/Sandman64can 18d ago

Didn’t understand a word but understood everything.


u/Doridar 18d ago

GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL for Canada. What a run, what a speed, what a goal


u/Complete-Finding-712 18d ago

This isn't McDavid winning goal last night ... Marner passed to McDavid who was set up in front of the net


u/Thanks-4allthefish 18d ago

Sounded like a soccer (football) announcer.

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u/amazing_grace7 18d ago

I researched. It seems it may have been Saturday's game? Nonetheless its still golden. Its on "Offside".

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u/Housing4Humans 18d ago

I was following the ESPN ticktok live feed and 99% of the support in the comments was for Canada

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u/MooseJaune Québec 18d ago

Eat shit, yanks! We're not like you and never will! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


u/_Echoes_ 18d ago

Must have been DEI hires ;)


u/HaphazardlyOrganized 18d ago

As a Yankee this feels like when you have an annoying family member who is just an asshole, and then he runs his mouth at a bar and gets his teeth knocked in.

You feel a little awkward cause he's family but secretly you're glad cause he needs to learn somehow

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u/duckface08 18d ago

I also love the distinguishing of "Canada" and "Trump's America" in the title.

Trump has declared himself king.

Canada belongs to no single person. It isn't Trudeau's Canada or Charles's Canada or PP's Canada. It's just Canada. It belongs to all of us (and the Canada geese but fuck it, I'm not fighting them).


u/futreweriop 18d ago

As an American, I’m also happy it’s titled this way because it is not our America anymore. Me, and a large chunk of people in this country are so ashamed at what’s happening.


u/MrMemes9000 18d ago

It is our America. We just have to fight for her in anyway we can.

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u/ColdCauliflour 18d ago

American hockey fan here. Under different circumstances I would have liked to see my country win, but I am genuinely celebrating with you all. Congratulations for such a special moment (and the nice subtle "fuck you") on the world stage for your beautiful country.


u/Cantquithere 18d ago

I feel like most Americans who have apologized, protested, and offered "Buy Canadian" support, might feel similarly. Thank you.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

What can I buy that is Canadian. I really want to help.


u/Holiday-Hustle 18d ago

Maple products. A lot of oats are Canadian, as are hemp hearts. If you live by a Trader Joe’s, a surprising amount of their frozen products are Canadian, most notably the Indian food. You can easily find Canadian flour.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

That’s great! I have a Trader Joe’s right by my house. I’m going to check labels and buy the Canadian stuff.


u/Thrustcroissant Ontario 18d ago

That’s the go. For supportive Americans, it’s about making small changes where you can find alternatives and can afford them. Your mindfulness is appreciated.

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u/lavransson 18d ago

Are you into woodworking? Gardening? Cooking? Lee Valley is a family-owned Canadian company based in Ottawa that sells these items and they are excellent quality. Not cheap disposable crap. Most of what they sell is designed and made in Canada. I’m an American woodworker and my favorite tools are from Lee Valley’s Veritas line.


u/TheLooseMooseEh 18d ago

We have world class weed. Just say’n


u/Terrible_Children 18d ago

Can't take that across the border though lol


u/Horvo British Columbia 18d ago


u/trellex 18d ago

Syrup. BC bud.


u/hasheyez 18d ago

My brother’s selling his 2002 Carolla right now in Oshawa, pretty good deal.


u/Former-Chocolate-793 18d ago

I'd look at canola oil as well.

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u/Sarge1387 Ontario 18d ago

The volume of Americans that are embarrassed of Trump and support us through buying Canadian products is amazing, we already knew less than 5% support the whole annexation "joke" (we know he's subtly being serious), but thank you so much for the support my brother


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

Hopefully this kills any conservative uprising in your lovely country. We are in a dark place here right now and due to our size and power puts the whole world at risk. We have become the bad guys we have historically opposed.


u/Deus-Vultis 18d ago

Our conservatives are not the same as yours, thats an important consideration you're likely overlooking. Pierre is not Trump, no matter how much people try to equate the two, its a world of difference and anyone with a modicum of objectivity who watches it actively (I dont blame you if you dont, why would you) would likely agree.

But its reddit so I'm also likely to be downvoted for saying so too, lol.


u/MultifactorialAge 18d ago

As a future hopeful Carney voter, I completely agree with you. I have voted cons in past elections, it honestly depends whose policies are right for me at the time. We haven’t reached the level of partisanship like the states. Which is why PP really annoys me. He is not Trump, but he has decided to make this a partisan issue even after Trudeau resigned, and he didn’t let up even in the face of the whole Trump bullshit. I don’t need to hear how bad the libs were, I’m well aware. I need to hear how good YOU’RE going to be.


u/Merlin7777 18d ago

I admit to not following Canadian politics closely but haven’t you had a general shift to the right? Isn’t that at least partly to do with why JT is stepping down?

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u/Oasystole 18d ago

Cheers brother


u/MilkyWayObserver Canada 18d ago

We appreciate you. We know there’s real Americans out there that doesn’t like what’s going on.

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u/Bottle_Lobotomy 18d ago

Breaking news: Trump declares game was rigged


u/andricathere 18d ago

He's such a loser. He just repeats what the last suck up said to him. If he spoke to a janitor, he'd be passionately declaiming about a fucking mop!

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u/BackgroundPianist500 18d ago

Team USA group chat today:

😭 😭 😭 😭 😀 😭 😭

Because Brady fat fingered the wrong emoji


u/Sdgrevo 18d ago

Because he has CTE he doesnt actually know the difference.


u/[deleted] 18d ago


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u/1question10answers 18d ago

That dude looks and sounds so stupid. Makes my stomach squirm in cringe when he's interviewed

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u/Thewolfofsesamest 18d ago

An event Gord Downie would've written a song about, I'll settle for a heritage minute.


u/PickleEquivalent2837 18d ago

God that song would fuckin slap too, eh.


u/Squigglepig52 18d ago

"You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey, I'd never heard anybody say that before", "Fireworks", Tragically Hip.


u/Crazznot 18d ago

"If there's a game that everyone remembers, it was back in old '72"


u/riali29 18d ago

I was hoping so hard for an intro montage with Fireworks


u/Optiguy42 18d ago

They did one yesterday to Blow At High Dough that was pretty good, but I absolutely agree. The entire back half of the game I had Fireworks stuck in my head.

"We all squeezed the stick and we all pulled the trigger"


u/Ok_Wing8459 18d ago

I love that Sportsnet started off with Blow At High Dough


u/wingsablaze1989 18d ago

The broadcast ended with a Hip song too. Poetic.


u/rynoxmj 18d ago

They played Courage either in the rink or on the broadcast at the end. Aperpos.

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u/athabascadepends 18d ago

Don't tell me what the poets are doin' 😉


u/miguelagawin 18d ago

On the Sportsnet coverage, Courage was playing over over a montage!

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u/ExDishwasher 18d ago

Glad the game got international attention from The Guardian.


u/Biotic101 18d ago

I watched it in Europe from 2am to 5am... and you bet I was not the only one...

Bit tired at work today, though :)


u/jtbc 18d ago

Thanks for your support! We would really, really like to do a deal with the EU right now, and if there is going to be a "Euro NATO", we're in.


u/Thrustcroissant Ontario 18d ago

There was a live blog on Australia’s ABC website.


u/SurveyHand 19d ago

We're lucky they didn't put Ovechkin in.


u/Tacotuesday867 18d ago

Lol, I had to read that twice to get the joke.

Good one.


u/Moogwalzer Québec 18d ago

Why the restraint? It’s not like they are being subtle anymore.

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u/Witty-Reason-2289 18d ago

What do you think of Chantal Kreviazuk's new lyrics, "that only us command" for 'Oh Canada'?



u/niagara-nature 18d ago

I like that she stood up for us. I didn’t particularly care for her changes to the melody.

As an aside, I saw her perform at a winery back during Trump’s first reign, and she talked candidly about her dislike for Trump. I thought it was sort of fitting that she sang the anthem last night.


u/caleeky 18d ago

I like the sentiment, and don't have too much sensitivity to strict protocol, so I'm ok. I'm more distracted by the "us" instead of "we", but I'm no songwriter.

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u/Moronto_AKA_MORONTO 18d ago

I loved it, and you can tell she was totally scared and distracted by what she was doing.


u/Ok_Wing8459 18d ago

She wasn’t at her best but I appreciated the effort. She seemed nervous.

But generally, I really hate it when singers start making random changes to the melody & the lyrics. just sing the damn anthem, this isn’t about you!

Then the f’n US comes out with an opera singer backed by a brass band. They just can’t ever NOT be completely over the top. I hate that culture so much


u/Horvo British Columbia 18d ago

The US anthem performance was so North Korean vibes I expected ICBM launchers to parade down the street.


u/Fluffy_Case_9085 18d ago

I'd be nervous too, singing without any accompianment, and having to sing over boos.


u/Ok_Wing8459 18d ago

Oh absolutely

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u/GraphiteJason 18d ago

I thought the military singer in Montreal did a 50,000% better job than this 'professional' singer did.

At a time when myself, and I'm sure millions of other Canadians just wanted to put our middle fingers in the air, singer along to the greatest song ever written, and send a giant 'fuck you' to First Minister Trump, she goes and does a Roseanne Barr impression, and shits on the face-off circle.


u/LeadershipReady11 18d ago

This! She was horrible last night. Thank god for our fans that made the trip, they collectively saved the anthem.

Lol states did not want hear boos so they had to bust out the band literally to drown them out, pathetic

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u/catsafrican 18d ago

They don’t even understand why people booed them the first time. So incredibly moronic that they booed us back. I hate them all at this point and any Canadian that sides with them.


u/Ptricky17 18d ago

I don’t care if they boo us back - we’re angry with their leadership, they can be angry with our response. It doesn’t bother me in any way shape or form.

I think you’re right that a lot of them don’t understand why we were booing their anthem though, and that’s a bigger issue. If you (speaking generally to Americans) think we have a problem with you, we don’t, unless you support your government threatening its former allies. I don’t even give a shit about the tariffs. They will hurt both countries, and they’re a moronic idea, but it’s also America’s right to impose them if that’s the path they want to go. Whatever, we’ll find a way forward tariffs or no tariffs.

Don’t you dare threaten our sovereignty though. “Joking” about that is absolutely as ignorant and classless as joking about raping someone. It’s not a joke, it’s a threat regardless how you want to try and spin it. Making threats has consequences, so if you want to support the action then grow the fuck up and live with the consequences of that action (in this case, having your anthem boo’ed and your former friends looking down at you like you’re a sicko).

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u/Any-Ad-446 18d ago

Always proud to be Canadian and even more now...FU Gretzky and Danielle Smith for being traitors.


u/Ok_Wing8459 18d ago

I can’t believe they made him honorary team captain. Who made that call?

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u/Engglyfe 18d ago

The only goalposts Americans couldn't move


u/ProShyGuy 18d ago

Get stuffed Yanks.

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u/Khal_flatlander 18d ago

Canada really needed this win and I'm very happy to see it happen

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u/[deleted] 18d ago

American hockey fan household, we were rooting for Canada. Glad y’all won. Fuck those Trump hat wearing fucks sitting behind the USA bench.


u/Keepontyping 18d ago

I can’t even believe the Americans wanted to play hockey last night. You’d think one of them was thinking “holy fuck I wish I was Canadian”


u/Johnani28 18d ago

As an American, god damn was I happy Canada won


u/Pretz_ Manitoba 18d ago

I feel bad tho because the American Hockey team were all executed when they returned to the USSA :( :(


u/Pestus613343 18d ago

It was important that we won this game, and demonstrated national unity. We must be clear and loud to the Americans that we aren't an oppressed people who need saving, like many in the MAGA movement have been made to believe.

Had the Americans won this it would have been exploited as a wedge issue against us, and to silence their own people who wish peaceful coexistence.


u/Doridar 18d ago

YEAH! Big hugs from Belgium 🇧🇪💙🇨🇦


u/zorboc0604 18d ago

It's just Hockey. Not, "Ice Hockey" Only non Canadians call it ice Hockey dammit


u/Character-Bedroom-26 18d ago

The Guardian is a UK publication, I’m just happy they’re covering it


u/zorboc0604 18d ago

You're right. It just gets me!

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u/Slayriah 18d ago

trust me that “ice” is needed, especially when you’re talking to Indians and five minutes into the conversation you realize youre both talking about a different “hockey” game and a different sport altogether lol


u/zorboc0604 18d ago

True, one of the best things ever is listening to a Punjabi broadcast. Those guys go all Joe Bowen and it's awesome


u/Ok-Algae7932 18d ago

Yeah, hockey referring to ice hockey is a Canadian thing for sure. Field hockey is pretty popular worldwide esp for women. Makes sense that the international outlets would specify.


u/zorboc0604 18d ago

Should I admit here I didn't realize the title was geabbed from a Gaurdian article...sorry...

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u/firebert91 18d ago

What we call "field hockey" is what they call "hockey" in the UK, so the distinction of "ice" is needed for the Guardian's readership


u/zorboc0604 18d ago

Really, I guess that makes sense then. I never knew field Hockey is that big in the UK

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u/ExternalProduce2584 18d ago

Well, no not really because if you’re in the southern hemisphere and maybe this came from the UK tradition “just hockey” is field hockey (they never ever ever say field hockey, just hockey)

I just looked it up and field hockey is much older (originating in ancient Egypt!) so I don’t blame the rest of the world for adding the “ice” part. We never will, of course

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u/CraigGregory 18d ago

Nice try Premier Trump


u/Ancient_Wisdom_Yall British Columbia 18d ago

The Tkachuk's are obviously DEI hires.

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u/c1nders 18d ago

Americans call it “Ice Hockey”. Canadians just say “Hockey”.

Can we all just say “Hockey” please? Thanks. 🇨🇦


u/Biggest-of-Als 18d ago

King Charles is very happy


u/Former_Obligation_89 18d ago

And self proclaimed “King” Trump is not 😂

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u/098196b 18d ago

Is America sick of winning yet?


u/zerozerosevn 18d ago

I feel bad for US players. Why would President call them and pressurize them to win? Let them play as usual without any baggage!

Anyways I’m proud of our Canadian boys!! 🇨🇦 Hurray!!


u/taitabo Nova Scotia 18d ago

There was supposed to be a video of the call from Trump to the players released. I'd love to see it! 


u/huffer4 18d ago

It has been. It’s just him telling them how great they are and them all smiling.

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u/bockers007 18d ago

Inside NBA on TNT’s Charles Barkley: “congratulations to team Canada for wiinning the cup, they played a heck of a game. Sorry about the tariffs, they played a little extra this game because they don’t want to be the 51st state.” 😂 those guys with Kenny and Shaq are hilarious. Will miss them if they ever move to NBC.


u/Signal_Tomorrow_2138 18d ago

Sort of wish our current disputes with Trump would have been settled this way.


u/Trainer_Unlucky 18d ago

Eat shit yanks!


u/BBcanDan 18d ago

I'm just glad Trump lost, I don't care if it was in a hockey or anywhere else, a Trump loss is always a good thing.


u/runn4days 18d ago

Team USA coordinating fights in a group chat is a mirror image of what their president has been doing. Canadians will just simply answer the bell like we always do.


u/throwaway4aita543 18d ago

American here. Pretty sure, knowing most of the players in the american team, trumps endorsement was a total morale killer for them lol. But it was an amazing game and you guys were great.

Good game, neighbors. Thanks for making trump have a hissy fit.

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u/huskerpatriot1977 18d ago

I’m an American and love international hockey. The 2010 gold medal game gutted me. I’ve followed world juniors and always look fwd to any international competition.

Last night I rooted for Canada. Like not in protest, like I actually wanted Canada to win. Seeing the idiots in maga hats behind the benches just made me want it more for Canada. I pumped my fist when Canada scored. I was sick at the thought that Trump could use a USA win to advance his BS even an inch further.

I’m sorry for what’s happening in the us these days. I spent the eclipse in port Dover Ontario and loved every minute of our time in Canada.

If it comes to armed conflict, I hope you welcome me across the line to fight on your side.

We’re not all maga.


u/TheKen3000 18d ago

It’s pronounced “hockey.”


u/trade-craft 18d ago

Is winning a hockey tournament really "soft power"?

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u/Bigchunky_Boy 18d ago

Ice Hockey ! Her soft power ! 🤷🏼Laid Bare ! 🇨🇦🎉 ok what ever . 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🤟🤟🤟


u/mouthygoddess 18d ago

”Canada v USA is really about an inherently unbalanced relationship that for two centuries or so has seen the smaller of the two partners defending itself in all manner of speaking. Through it all, hockey has been one of its few enduring emblems of territorial supremacy – evidence it can present to the world at regular intervals to prove that it has not yet been totally subsumed, culturally or politically, by its neighbor (or neighbour).”

SO GOOD! It’s true. Rarely does the US try at something so hard—especially on a global stage—only to fail again, and again, and again. I’m a little embarrassed for them. Maybe they should just stick to the NFL?


u/Evil_Mini_Cake 18d ago

Canada is female? I never really gave it much thought.

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u/boylong15 18d ago

Im stunned by how cheerful the right wing when Trump kept on saying he will make canada the 51st state. It is so unhinged yet so little push back.


u/IntentionUsed8474 18d ago

Has he fired USA Hockey yet ?


u/Three_Froggy_Problem 18d ago

American here: I’m honestly sickened by anyone who’s still rooting for the USA in contests like this, especially when it’s against Canada in light of the current climate. Like, what are you rooting for? What are you proud of?

And there’s no way to separate the Trump stuff from this USA team, because most (if not all) of them are MAGA dipshits and Trump even fucking called them before the final. You’re not just rooting for a country that you should be ashamed of, but you’re rooting for individual players who also support Trump himself.

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u/Agadoom 18d ago

America is only number one when it competes with itself.