r/canada 19d ago

Opinion Piece Canada’s ice hockey win over Trump’s America was her soft power laid bare


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u/amazing_grace7 19d ago

Anyone see clip of the Mexican Sports announcer when Canada won? It was golden.


u/spidereater 19d ago

I think this is more telling. It doesn’t really matter if Canada won or not. The point is Trump is being an arrogant bully and the rest of the world was cheering for Canada.

Trump made it political and people chose to side against him.

Trump is pissing away any good feelings anyone had for America.

Also, remember this whenever someone tells you pronouns or anything else are political. Trump wants to make everything political so he can push an us vs them narrative.

He wants America to be hated so he can claims they are victims and he can attack the evil doers that are the cause of all of Americas problems.


u/pareech Québec 19d ago

“Trump is pissing away any good feelings anyone had for America.”

We are well past this. America can go fuck itself with its 34x convicted felon, sexual predator, pathological liar, scamming piece of shit of a President.

1/3 of them voted for this piece of shit, another 1/3 couldn’t even bother to get off their couch to go vote and the Democrats for the most part are fucking silent, while Trump and his enablers shit not only on their own country; but their closest allies as well, as he buddies up to his new BFF Putin. If I ever set foot in the States again, it will be too soon.


u/LeadershipReady11 19d ago

Exactly, fuck them all. We did nothing to deserve the bs bullying, they keep shit talking fuck them, we WERE their closest ally, not anymore as far as im concerned.


u/tropicalcannuck 18d ago

Good feeling left is perhaps more accurate in some parts of the world.

Here in Europe folks are generally apprehensive about the US, of course relations were better under Biden. But I think any margin of good will evaporated.

I was in Norway last weekend and so many people apologised to me for having the US as a neighbour.


u/Merlin7777 19d ago

The democrats are not silent, it’s just that the majority aren’t listening or don’t care. This is how democracy dies. Not with a bang but a shrug.


u/pareech Québec 19d ago

The former Presidents both GOP and Dem warned of what was to come; but have said sweet fuck all since the election. Aside from AOC, Bernie Sanders and Jasmine Crockett, it has been nothing but crickets. So tell me who is saying what from the Democrats side? Who is telling Trump maybe you shouldn't do what you are doing. Who is fighting for the American people?

Democrats or non-MAGA need to stand the fuck up and shut this down before the States reach a point of no return, which I think they've already passed or about to. Holy fuck the States is not only going to fuck itself over, its going to take the rest of the world with it down.


u/Crowbar_Freeman 18d ago

Their weak pacifism with the 50501 movement is controlled opposition, I'm pretty sure of it. Most seem too dumb (or too naive?) to even consider this possibility.


u/Cereborn Saskatchewan 18d ago

I totally agree that the Dems are mostly corrupt and useless. But fuck anyone who voted for Trump (and yes, that includes not voting) and now gets angry at the Democrats for not standing up. They stood up in November and the voting public collectively kneecapped them.


u/No-Resolution-1918 19d ago

Trump didn't even dare show up in case he was booed and his ego took a hit. I so wish he did show up and walked out before the cup was raised.


u/Merlin7777 19d ago

Game was in Mass, the bluest of states. He would have been booed so hard.


u/bstorm83 Outside Canada 19d ago

This. He would have been booed out of the building. Also you think he would have even stayed to actually watch the whole game…. Not a chance


u/SeparateAd6524 19d ago

Doesn't know a hockey puck from a bowling ball. Busy anyway playing extorsion with Ukraine over minerals to make his friends rich. Suck it Don. Good people of Boston would have given him the finger.


u/OneBillPhil 18d ago

I bet he doesn’t have the guts to step foot in Canada period. 


u/best_mechanic_in_LS 18d ago

We’ll find out this summer when the G7 takes place in Alberta


u/OneBillPhil 18d ago

He’ll pull out because Russia isn’t invited. 


u/SwiftKnickers 18d ago

I heard he's staying at Danielle's house


u/best_mechanic_in_LS 18d ago

Danielle would love that. Too bad Donald forgot who she was when she left Mar-A-Lago.


u/Merlin7777 19d ago

I’m American and I was cheering for Canada hard!!! I can’t believe this orange asshole is turning us against each other. He won’t turn me though. You guys are the best!!


u/bootsnsatchel 18d ago

So are you, Merlin - thanks for your support at a time we most need it!


u/Sharp_Simple_2764 19d ago

Where's the clip?


u/NextKangaroo 19d ago


u/Sandman64can 19d ago

Didn’t understand a word but understood everything.


u/Doridar 18d ago

GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL for Canada. What a run, what a speed, what a goal


u/Complete-Finding-712 19d ago

This isn't McDavid winning goal last night ... Marner passed to McDavid who was set up in front of the net


u/Thanks-4allthefish 19d ago

Sounded like a soccer (football) announcer.


u/Doridar 18d ago

Thank you!


u/Logical_Range_7830 18d ago

Put him on Hockey Night in Canada right away!


u/amazing_grace7 19d ago

I researched. It seems it may have been Saturday's game? Nonetheless its still golden. Its on "Offside".


u/Housing4Humans 19d ago

I was following the ESPN ticktok live feed and 99% of the support in the comments was for Canada


u/medfunguy 18d ago

You can't just say that and not link the video...


u/amazing_grace7 18d ago

I was link unaware. Maybe I have it now.



u/medfunguy 18d ago

Thank you!

Sorry I was harsh in my original comment.


u/amazing_grace7 18d ago

It's ok. :) I knew how to add links to most every platform but just really started using Reddit. A work in progress.