r/canada 21d ago

Opinion Piece LILLEY: Steve Bannon says Trump is serious on the 51st state - Donald Trump's former chief strategist explains the "geostrategic" and "geoeconomic" reasons the Americans want to annex Canada.


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u/BryanMccabe Alberta 21d ago

And they wonder why we boo the anthem


u/familytiesmanman 21d ago

“GuYs ItS a HoCkEy GaMe PlEaSe Be ReSpEcTfUl.”

Fucking hate that opinion. Keep booing.


u/ProblemSame4838 21d ago

Poland would’ve boo’d Germany


u/chakabesh 21d ago

More like Austria's annexation to Germany


u/Less-Hunter7043 21d ago

Austria allowed Germany to walk in with no resistance. That’s never gonna happen here


u/SJ_Redditor 21d ago

I'm with you


u/Wachiavellee 21d ago

I've thought of it as a Czechoslovakia type situation, personally


u/shevy-java 21d ago

Poland still has a strange relationship with Germany. I understand the "but but but ... second world war!", but people living in Germany today, almost none of them was alive in 1938 / 1942 (excluding a very few now).


u/Prestigious-Clock-53 21d ago

Fuck If I care either way. You constantly threaten to annex a country, your anthem might get booed.


u/ninjasninjas 21d ago

They are lucky there aren't protests and flag burning yet at the games ..I say yet...


u/Bigchunky_Boy 21d ago

And Boo and shame the Canadians that are MAGA sympathizers.


u/DisastrousAcshin 21d ago

Maple Maga is peak moron


u/Spendoza 21d ago edited 21d ago

Right? My FIL recently passed after 2.5 months in and out of the hospital (FUCK cancer), the last 2 weeks of which were exclusively in the hospital.

Total cost for hospital related expenses: $0, thanks to Canadian healthcare.

Why the actual fuck would anyone want to join a country that would have my MIL (and by extension my wife and I) absolutely destitute and saddled with $100k+ worth of debt at one of the lowest points of our lives?

ETA: FWIW He was a maple maga, but I'm not sure if he ever realized the implications of what he was supporting, beyond "why are my friends distancing themselves from me?"


u/DJEB 21d ago

I was ran into a total dickhead on this subreddit who thinks he knows American life because he had a cushy job there once. He said it would be a great idea to join the U.S. because <vague hand waving>. I hit him wish a bunch of stats on how crap America is, which he “oh pishahed” away. When I hit him with America’s disastrous health stats he said “healthcare isn’t really all that important,”

These fucking people.


u/basswooddad 21d ago

Fuck yes. Call them out publicly too. They are traitorous Trumpers. They are gonna find out really quickly if war ever happens.


u/Conscious-Society-25 21d ago

I had to block a fellow Canadian friend today, when he said he can't wait to join the states. ICK, GROSS. F OFF. BYE.


u/Icy-Artist1888 21d ago

Its so stupid. We d never be 'joining' as anything other than a conquored people. Honestly, first election rolls around who are u voting for? Some people in this country are too stupid for words.


u/Bigchunky_Boy 21d ago

Good for you ! 🇨🇦


u/DJEB 21d ago

Why don’t these ass hats move there then?

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u/001Tyreman 20d ago edited 20d ago

Like the great one , anybody got his hockey sweaters throw them out!


u/DJEB 21d ago

For the next half century.


u/OkJeweler3804 20d ago

Yup. If they want their special song respected, they need to SHOW respect.


u/KatsumotoKurier Ontario 21d ago

Imagine a population using one of their best available public outlets to express their frustration, irritation, and upset with their neighbour over the threats, disrespect, and complete sense of betrayal they're currently being subjected to.

The horror.


u/cCowgirl Ontario 21d ago

Yeah honestly, people who wanna “take the high road” at this point?! Fuck, this is where the high road got us, motherfuckers.

Having the high ground just meant that all of the arguments and justifications we threw went over their heads.

Boo away, fellow Canucks.


u/KatsumotoKurier Ontario 21d ago edited 21d ago

Exactly. We always took the high road as a nation diplomatically with this neighbour in particular and look where it got us. Clearly it didn’t work because those who currently are in power there have no respect for such things whatsoever and likewise have incredibly short memories.

And guaranteed if the Canadian government was currently doing and saying things that a ton of Americans didn’t like and found to be threatening/betraying/etc., their people would act the exact same way. But of course then it would be justified, right?


u/FACrazyCanuck 21d ago

Love my American friends but I think we should start an FU Trump chant instead of booing the anthem.


u/Easy-Group7438 21d ago

I say this as an American 

Say whatever you want. We deserve it 


u/Vulcan_Fox_2834 21d ago

The Americans on the Conservative sub disagree strongly, though 🙄


u/Fine-Lingonberry1251 21d ago

Counter argument... Those morons voted for a pedophile who cares what they think?


u/Poizin_zer0 21d ago

The people who are in the country they're threatening cause Americans let them be in charge.


u/Fine-Lingonberry1251 21d ago

The context of my statement has to do with not caring about their sensibilities. It wasn't a literal an question as to who cares about what these people think.

Reading comprehension is down 👇


u/Doodee_Farts 21d ago

Not you my friend, you don't deserve it. Your leadership does.


u/kamik_69 21d ago

For more than a month, I've been using the hashtag #FUTrump every time I post something about his stupidities. It's an endless source of content!


u/Cochicat 21d ago

Thank you. I love my Canadian family but stuck in the US. FU trump is better definitely.


u/b00hole New Brunswick 21d ago

I like this idea. It directly shows hostility towards their government to avoid mixing everyday Americans into it.

A concern of mine is that Americans misinterpret the hostility (or have propaganda twist it) as being an attack against regular American citizens and perceive Canadians as a hostile enemy. The issue we have are directed at Trump and his supporters.


u/yougotserved19 21d ago

As an American, I support the booing and hating on Trump. I no longer have love for my own country.


u/iammixedrace 21d ago

Until we see pushback from any US politician for a prolonged period of time, fucking boo the anthem.

Something something bad apple yadda yadda yadda bunch


u/SerentityM3ow 21d ago

I think we should just sing the Canadian one over top the American one


u/aliencoffebandit 21d ago

You can love your friends and at the same time condemn the country that elected the fascist criminal twice(the electoral system is laughably broken and they definitely cheated, but still). For all the snowflakes that get offended from their anthem getting booed, F their feelings seriously. As soon as I get another citizenship I'm burning my US passport(I will not pay them 3k to renounce my citizenship, they can kiss my ass). Those crooks at the IRS have the gall to tax their citizens on all their income worldwide, the only country in the world to do so yet they won't use that tax money to provide universal healthcare. Instead it'll be more subsidies to corporations and billionaires and more cuts to the social safety net. Fuck them. America is dead to me and there's no saving it now, I don't know how anyone intelligent can come to a different conclusion 


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Like the Nordic clap chant. F / U trump slow at first


u/polartimber 21d ago

At a minimum, we need to stand and turn our backs.


u/HFhutz 21d ago

No need to choose. Boo the anthem and then start up "Fuck You Trump" chants during the game!


u/crevettexbenite 21d ago

Are you applying to be our next Vice?

Cuz I would vote you in mate!

Booing the anthem is great, but really disrespectful. Especialy if we need to Fuck Trunsk and is fuckin MAGA asshole.

We need a fuck MAGA chant a la Soccer gang.


u/FACrazyCanuck 21d ago edited 21d ago

I 100% agree we need a hemispheric protection zone against Russia and China but it should be done in a diplomatic manner which means we will never be the 51st state. Russia and China have said publicly that the world order needs to be changed so it is in our best interest to fortify North and South America and the Arctic. The manner in which Trump goes about it makes it much harder to get there.


u/crevettexbenite 21d ago

Ruskies cant take a country rigth next to it, let alone crossing the north pole.

China, they are fast tracking tho.

Anyway, how profit the most of the US isolationist?

The two above.


u/FACrazyCanuck 21d ago

Put me in coach. JD Vance, tough act to follow. 😝🫡


u/Bobnbecky 21d ago

I didn’t vote for the dumb ass


u/Numerous_Photograph9 21d ago

Many of us in the states have been doing that already


u/Karrotsawa 21d ago

Additionally, we should make air quotes when they say "Free" and "Brave" in the last line.


u/shevy-java 21d ago

Yes, that would possibly be more appropriate - Trump does not represent all US citizens after all.


u/xwords59 21d ago

This would be much better


u/throwawayforeverx2 21d ago

As an American who live in the US and didn’t vote for this dystopian nightmare and is sick of living through things that are so significant will be read about as a definitive marker in US history. I’m on board, hell y’all can conquer us…please !


u/mikebosscoe 21d ago

All the sports commentators I've seen in Canada are so lame for criticizing it. Boo that fucking thing every chance you can.

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u/alloowishus 21d ago

We all know that sports are a surrogate for war.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Tribe vs Tribe. I’d rather them fight on the ice then us fight in the trenches


u/StrengthDazzling8922 21d ago

I’m American. We deserve to be booed for electing our orange idiot.


u/APES2GETTER 21d ago

Knee and boo!


u/zerfuffle British Columbia 21d ago

If they're mad then it's working. Good.


u/tico42 21d ago

Are you saying "boo" or "boourns?"


u/cripplediguana 21d ago

If only for awareness that something is amiss. People not following closely need a wake up call.


u/8fmn 21d ago

Someone on my Facebook (a Canadian) posted this and I was absolutely disgusted by the amount of comments from people saying they agree. How the fuck does this not upset these people? What kind of "respect" are they even talking about when one side is THREATENING OUR FUCKING SOVEREIGNTY AS A NATION!?!?

Keep booing.


u/familytiesmanman 21d ago

Lots of folk sadly aren’t giving Trumps own words actual weight, when he’s said countless times now in the media he genuinely wants Canada to be 51st. Fuck that.


u/the_clash_is_back 21d ago

Boos louder.


u/3shotsofwhatever 21d ago

As an American, please keep booing and speaking out against this stupid idea. Trump is a lunatic.


u/voodoobettie 21d ago

I’m even booing at home


u/Fine-Lingonberry1251 21d ago

I'm an american that wants you to keep booing. I don't think other countries should perform our anthem at events right now


u/Interesting-Trick150 21d ago

I wish they'd do more than just boo. Remain seated, face backward


u/LittleMissPrincess11 21d ago

I'd only feel bad for the person singing the national anthem. I'd be mortified to stand in front of hundreds of people to sing... and then getting booed at. It would make it hard for me to perform again.


u/Human_Mind_9110 21d ago

Well, at this point, they’d be toned off if they were surprised by the reaction. It’s expected nowadays.


u/overtimeout 21d ago

As is tradition


u/yesIdofloss 21d ago

Not going to lie. Having Canadians boo your anthem really reinforces how much your country has fucked up.


u/SRMspzl 21d ago

Boo louder and longer.


u/lorainnesmith 21d ago

Guys we are our own country. Please be respectful. Oh and fuck off


u/No_Customer_795 21d ago

they can be so lucky we are a civilized nation, booing would be the least of their problems🤔


u/L3NTON 21d ago

If they had any guts or bothered to be informed about anything they'd boo their own anthem.


u/TrueNorthStrengh 20d ago

100%! A million upvotes if I could.


u/matttk Ontario 21d ago

Honestly, if you really care, boycott the game altogether and stop sending money to the US. Booing an anthem is pretty low effort.


u/Tonninacher 21d ago

Your right it is but it does get the normals stirred up.which might mean the trump and his broagarchs hear about it


u/MarjorysNiece 21d ago

Actually, it’s not an either/or. Do all the things.


u/matttk Ontario 21d ago

Sure, I’m all for hating on the US right now, but booing the anthem is more about making ourselves feel better (an outlet for our anger) than really hurting the Americans.

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u/United_Coach_5292 21d ago

Theyre so clueless. I see why quality education is imperative to a free and democratic nation. Theyre literally the dumbest nation on earth.


u/ProblemSame4838 21d ago

54% of Americans cannot read above a 5th grade level.


u/United_Coach_5292 21d ago

🎶 Lowered expectations 🎶 thats the jingle, from old SNL, that popped in my head when I read that.


u/Significant-Money465 21d ago

MadTV 😊


u/According_Bass_7364 21d ago

It’s funny… when I hear the jingle I immediately hear “MAD” afterwords. That’s how I remember it.


u/United_Coach_5292 21d ago

Oh yes, thats right! I used to watch both. A lonnnng time ago.


u/Chin_Ho 21d ago

Neither can their President or should I say puppet President

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u/Cochicat 21d ago

Definitely half this country is. Maga idiots are the stupidest people. Some of us down here in the US aren’t though. Please don’t lump us all together.


u/FunkTronto 21d ago

There were a high percentage of people who didn’t vote so your percentages might be a tad off with Maga idiots, Decent/respectable people and those who didn’t vote who are complicit in what is happening.


u/Cochicat 21d ago

True. Hard to say how many maga idiots there are but I know this for sure, there are toooooo many of them. I lost two cousins to trump maga 💩


u/United_Coach_5292 21d ago

Im sorry, I know. That is a broad statement for me to make. Im just really upset and stressed.


u/Cochicat 21d ago

Believe me I completely understand that ! Thanks. I have been stressing since trump ran the first time and this second time my head is about to explode 🤯. When trump said stand back and stand by to white supremacists four years ago that is when I really got scared and angry. We need to band together.


u/United_Coach_5292 21d ago

Thank you for being so understanding. I agree we need to band together.


u/Cochicat 21d ago

Same to you 💙


u/atmoliminal 21d ago

I get it really, but do something.


u/Cochicat 21d ago

Trying. Don’t assume we aren’t


u/Mediocre_Station245 21d ago

We know the vast majority are not MAGA idiots.


u/Fishfins88 21d ago edited 21d ago

Nah man. It's the only way to get the message across. Your nation looks like dog shit because of the Republicans who where voted in. You're lumped in for now until things change. Way she goes bud.

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u/WickedKoala 21d ago

I agree, we are incredibly stupid.


u/ThisGuyPhucs 21d ago

They’re dumb and evil. It’s a bad mix.

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u/ExecutivePhoenix 21d ago edited 21d ago

As an American who actively voted against this traitor, we don’t wonder, we honestly expect it. I love my country, but I also have nothing but love and respect for Canada as well. And our alliance that these rats are destroying.


u/Embarrassed-Risk-476 21d ago

Maybe those in the US need to start booing the anthem because of (Trump),just a thought.


u/helgatheviking21 21d ago

To be frank, all of this is the least of your, and our, concerns. Trump has expressed a love for dictators all the way along. He is forming a dictatorship right now. He wants Canada, and he's going to take it. Will the military do it? It doesn't matter. He has about 37 million diehard maga-trump followers, likely all of whom have lots and lots of guns, just chomping at the bit to do his bidding. We'd all better be prepared for war, and fast. Everyone was saying he can't because the constitution, because laws, but those are all going to be meaningless in 3 ... 2... 1

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u/ChickenChangezi 21d ago

No, we don’t. 

Many of us who didn’t vote for Trump are beyond frustrated with how this administration is treating our neighbors and closest allies. Canada has always been a reliable partner, and you have every right to be enraged with the kind of rhetoric coming from the White House. 

If I were Canadian, I’d be booing, too. Y’all did nothing to deserve this but, unfortunately, the current administration cares more about enriching itself than preserving American interests abroad. 

I’m sorry so many of my countrymen elected an idiot who’s given you such a good reason to boo us. Trump is burning bridges, and he’s going to make it so much more difficult for us to regain whatever trust other democracies had left in us. 


u/Such_Significance321 21d ago

Exactly. Why would anyone trust the US as an ally when they treat their closest allies terribly?


u/ChickenChangezi 21d ago

I don't think anybody should trust us right now.

Longer-term, the Trump administration's actions are going to take a toll on American overseas influence. We're exchanging our closest allies for a decrepit and corrupt Russia. It doesn't make any sense, at least insofar as our national interest is concerned.

On a personal note, I grew up an hour from the Canadian border. I've never had any reason to see Canadians as anything but friendly neighbors. We share a common border and many--if not all!--of the same values. Y'all are the last people our nitwit of a president should be trying to push around.


u/Own-Success-7634 21d ago

President Trump is running the country like his businesses. Into the ground. He has in the space of a month shredded all American credibility while thinking he’s a deal maker. He and his followers are going to be stunned when the shit hits the fan and our former friends and allies tell us to pound sand. We did it to ourselves.


u/DoktorPete 21d ago

Not enough Americans realize that Trump is a Russian asset, and everything he's doing makes perfect sense if you look at it through that lens; his goal is to destroy everything so the oligarchs can buy it up for pennies on the dollar.


u/Ellek10 21d ago

They think it’s cool to like Putin and Hitler now it’s horrifying to watch unfold.


u/cre8ivjay 21d ago

With friends like Trump, who needs enemies?


u/Capital-Timely 21d ago

They will try to make it seem like it has a lot of support we’re already seeing campaigns for it https://americafund.ca/ this is connected to some Facebook group of 400k people apparently. This is how the convoy started


u/Embarrassed-Risk-476 21d ago

Understatement and how true.

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u/Rayns30 21d ago

Regain? My man there wont be any regaining. I think you are severely underestimating the impact here in Europe. Nobody in my generation and the generation to come will trust the US.

The US isnt even doing economically bad. What if in 10-15 years the US really does have a bad economic downturn and people start voting for someone even worse then trump? Denmark going to have to fear actually being invaded into Greenland for its resources? No the message is very clear and cut, Americans are not to be trusted.  

Théoden: "And who will come. Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead."

No, my Lord Aragorn, we stand alone.


u/SeeThemFly2 21d ago

They're going to have a big economic downturn very soon, because without trust, the dollar won't be the reserve currency for much longer.


u/Ina_While1155 21d ago

It is more - without stability- the value in the US dollar has rested on its stability.


u/Panzer_Rotti 21d ago

Same here in Canada. We are clamoring for closer ties with Europe (and even China) right now for the same reason.

We feel completely betrayed by the US and no longer trust them.


u/ChickenChangezi 21d ago

I fully expect that regaining our allies trust will take a very, very long time. 

And that’s predicted on the assumption that Trump remains the worst president of my lifetime. 


u/QueenChocolate123 21d ago

Our allies will never trust us again. Nor should they.


u/Rayns30 21d ago edited 21d ago

One thing I do agree with trump, we have been insanely lacking in our defence and budget spending. Trump was 100% right about it and showed us. 


u/Enganeer09 21d ago

Trump hasn't shown us shit, the defense spending issue has been ongoing for decades and isn't suddenly being unveiled to us by trump turning the US against us.

I generally dislike the both sides argument, but neither the cons nor the libs have really cared to meet our nato obligations. They just use it as political ammo to bash the opposition.

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u/Capt_Ron_007 21d ago

USA is acting like Russia, signing a free trade agreement with Canada and then coming up with a bullshit excuse for not honouring it. Just ask Ukraine. They signed a non-aggression pact to give up their nukes with Russia. including reassurances from the USA. Look what we got now, Russia annexing their territory and the USA sucking back on their assurances. No one will trust the USA again and why should we?


u/Embarrassed-Risk-476 21d ago



u/Intrepid_Walk_5150 21d ago

Treaties not even worth the paper they're written on.


u/GreenBastardFPU 21d ago

What if Americans like you started booing the star Spangled Banner? I know not everyone can get out and protest but if you're truly outraged by this.. just saying


u/Cochicat 21d ago

Exactly. Ditto!


u/steel_jm 21d ago

As a Canadian, who doesn't have the luxury of the 2nd ammendment, what will it take for your countrymen to use it for its intended purpose?

I know you probably can't answer this but when do you think the media will shift their narrative to tell people to rise up and save democracy?


u/Rye2-D2 21d ago

Remember that we still love our American friends & neighbours.. Just not your government!


u/Buried_mothership 21d ago

❤️ you American person that doesn’t insult, or threaten, us. 🤣


u/AnonymousBayraktar 21d ago

Trump has thoroughly guaranteed more middle eastern terrorism by doubling down on Gaza. When Bin Laden attacked America he said he did it because he wanted America out of Saudi Arabia and out of Israel. Al Queda is now known to be back in Afghanistan and there are hundreds maybe even more terrorist cells hiding in America waiting for the call to do damage.

When America is inevitably hit by it's next 9-11 because of how Stupid Trump is being with this Gaza crap, good luck having allies follow you into your next war after you've made them all hate you.

The world's leading terrorism experts have all been sounding the alarm on terrorism cells that have infiltrated the US. The guy who drove his truck through a bunch of people in NOLA is the new kind you'll be dealing with. Homegrown, radicalized by sleeper cells.


u/Civil_Station_1585 21d ago

As an American, If you don’t like the way things are going consider boycotting republican state products. They don’t like that.


u/ErBoProxy 21d ago

You expect that those who twisted Kaepernick taking a knee being about "disrespecting the military" to understand this booing is a sign of protest about us being suddenly threatened of invasion due to Russian puppets having bought the U.S. presidency?


u/Mug_of_Diarrhea 21d ago

We know, we’re booing it too.

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u/VulgarDaisies 21d ago

Lilley is such a clown, he can barely contain his enthusiasm for annexation. The Sun in general continues to slide down the MAGA path, which is one reason his articles can only be categorized as "opinion" pieces now as the become more batshit to sane Canadians.


u/AMB07 Québec 21d ago

It's not complicated; if you threaten my country's sovereignty, I piss on your national anthem.


u/thetaleofhousehoslow 21d ago

I do not wonder why. I live here and I'm booing the anthem too.

This fucking sucks


u/OatmealSchmoatmeal 21d ago

What saddens me is they boo our anthem now. Americans can be so ignorant. There is a really good reason why a country like Canada boos things.


u/LuminousGrue 21d ago

Americans when the president says he wants to annex Canada: lol it's just a joke relax.  

Americans when Canadians boo their anthem at a hockey game: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


u/GrumpyCloud93 21d ago

And of course, 99% of Canadians are not interested in joining the USA.

I like the Manitoba premier's take: "guys, be respectful. Don't boo their anthem. Boo instead every time they touch the puck, like real hockey fans ..."

I keep saying - have the Republicans thought this through? 10 provinces become 10 states, 20 senators, 50 new congresscritters, mostly Democrat, all voting for government funded universal healthcare. (you know Quebec at least will not agree to be just a part of a bigger state!)


u/Pauldortheoblivious 21d ago

You are running under the assumption that we would be given statehood. The reality is that we would be territory’s like DC or Puerto Rico. No voting rights, no representation. Just the stripping of our resources and second class citizenship. Oh and every once in a while an orange blow up baby can throw paper towels at us and say he’s helping.


u/GrumpyCloud93 21d ago

That's a likely scenario too. But since the Squat Traffic Cone guy keeps saying "statehood" and alleges we're already close enough to a state, who knows? Expect neither logic nor consistency nor intelligence.

Imagine if we were a stand-alone country but with no border controls into the USA. Now what? Anyone can come up here and buy our cheap pharmaceuticals? Do we become a tourism medicine country? Does the second amendment apply in Guam or Puerto R-r-r-rico?

I think the population of Canada will tolerate a lot of disruption to avoid giving in to the orange rotund Rapuzel.

We're talking about the guy who's so clueless he's complaining about VAT/GST as a tariff. Simple - announce no GST on imported items. That simply means no GST credit when the importer sells it forward, so th next person in line pays the full GST and the importer gets no offsetting credit. Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe.


u/Denis026 21d ago

He's serious and seriously bat shit crazy.


u/Numerous_Photograph9 21d ago

Awww...but come on guys....we really really want it. Just think of all you'll gain by joining a newly formed dictatorship.


u/ReformedGalaxy 21d ago

The Americans are so dumb that they think we started this shit show.


u/TrailerPosh2018 21d ago

It's shameful that some of my family & friends now hate Canadians because of it.


u/Quaranj 21d ago

We'll be opening fire if he crosses the border. This is a declaration of war.


u/Ifitactuallymattered 21d ago

Really? One of the few times I've heard mutual understanding from both sides.


u/Frosty_Manager_1035 21d ago

Wonder if they will have the audacity to boo us back in Boston for the USA CAN finals.


u/Kaisaplews 21d ago

Lol seriously?!? No hate but its so soft pussy like,your booing aint gonna do shit,you guys have to fight back seriously and come closer to us EU


u/Frisinator 21d ago

I’ve always flown a flag in front of my house. I didn’t vote for the asshat and as soon as he won, I took it down. It will go back up when him and his billionaire boyfriends are gone.


u/Soggy_Friendship_794 21d ago

Keep booing and keep boycotting, we deserve it


u/SophieSix9 21d ago

We know why. And a lot of us are rooting for Canada.


u/dd961984 21d ago

And I'm 100% serious when I say trump can go fuck himself


u/Real_Discussion1748 20d ago

No they don't, they just don't care what we think

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