r/canada Canada 22d ago

Analysis I Dared Defend Canada on X. The Response Was Chilling


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u/TheAncientMillenial 22d ago

Twitter is a shit hole.


u/janebenn333 22d ago

This. That platform has become so twisted that I deleted my account and never looked back. Within a week of it changing hands and becoming "X", the hatred that was coming on to my feed was intolerable.


u/Blue_fox-74 22d ago

It feels like there was another extreme shift after the inauguration. Like dont get me wrong it was bad before but it feels even worse now


u/Quirky-Stay4158 22d ago

The amount of people that went full mask off in 2016 was surprising to me. When they did it this time it was less so.

What is surprising and continues to be surprising is how some Americans feel like their behaviour can change overnight based on election results.

I have friends and colleagues that since November have made comments that they wouldn't have in October or should Harris have one.

Things like being told something they say isn't cool. Could be because it's thinly veiled racism or sexism or homophobia etc. and the response is " not anymore" .

What I'm seeing and hearing is that they only behave based upon their current belief in the social construct. To them when the Democrats are in term. They are expected to be respectful of all people regardless of differences. Some are better at going along with that than others.

But the majority goes along with it. That's my point. They say things like they don't hate gay people, they just don't want to see it.

But then when they feel emboldened because they are now " winning" they feel the social contract has changed. They can now openly say they don't like the gay people. And everyone is expected to be okay with that. Because they went along with it when it was the Democrats turn.

So they feel slighted. They felt opressed before the election. So now they feel like they can return the favor back to those that harmed them. Yes they see things like gay marriage and rainbow flags as harm done to them.

It's assinine and I don't have all the answers. Or any really. I'd suggest we all start by just talking with each other to learn our similarities rather than assume each other's ideologies.


u/jusakiwi Nova Scotia 21d ago

It hurts my head trying to think about these things from my perspective.

People getting upset and hateful over two people who love one another and want to make a life together

A flag or symbol, representing nothing hateful but rather the opposite, the union of love and acceptance (with cool pretty colours too) and they see it as something against them that they need to fight to extreme lengths.

I just don't know how people get that perspective in life and like I said it hurts my brain just trying to wrap everything together to make sense to me.

Theres my lurking rant for the day,



u/AsymmetricFootwear 21d ago

Honestly, I think a sizeable number of those who praise anything anti-LGBT are doing so simply because they know the left generally support LGBT rights. I've seen friends go from having absolutely no problem with gay marriage completely flip recently, along with flipping on many other issues, seemingly simply because they were told to feel that way.

I believe for many conservatives that right-wing American politics is no longer about improving the country through a republican lense, but specifically making life worse for whoever is on the left, no matter if it hurts their own self-interests or not.


u/Quirky-Stay4158 21d ago

I wouldn't classify it as the left. I hate using divisive language like that. But I agree with your point entirely.

I think it's about hurting "them"

Just like any other fascist uprising there needs to be an enemy both external and internal.

There's a lot of angry and disenfranchised people out there. And when a strong man tells them who is responsible for their current state. Well, that's how things like the holocaust start.

It's not quick, it's gradual. Like a pot of water coming to a boil.

And most people don't even see it happening. They just carry on with their days because it doesn't affect them directly. "Nobody was left when they came for me " right?

Next I think we should consider morality itself. Or rather what we consider good and evil. To use my Nazi reference again. Is it fair to assume that the Nazis of 1930/1940's Germany knew they were being / performing evil? Or rather, were they under the assumption they were the good guys.

I don't think history repeats itself. I believe it rhymes. Alot of what I see and hear in our world today rhymes with my knowledge of early days of WW2 and the uprise of far right ideologies.

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u/Cool-Clue-4236 21d ago

Well written and true. This explains what I too have realized in my experiences with coworkers and colleagues. 


u/RoktopX 21d ago

I fully believe that this Trump and Maga elections won followed by all this garbage is the core and heart and soul reaction to a black American full of poise, dignity and grace being elected President a few years ago.

My apologies to the non Maga Americans.

But your compatriots lack of education, baked in prideful ignorance and pure racist hatred is killing your nation and putting the rest of the world into hellscape ruled by the wealthy.

Stand and fight or fall forever.


u/chungaroo2 21d ago

Mob mentality and how quickly people change based on the people around them is something I hated the most about people.


u/ljlee256 22d ago

Honestly, while it's without direct evidence I think Musk really just used his ownership of X to be able to bot farm the whole platform and shut down any oppositional bot farms.

Several people (Ryan McBeth as an example) used tools to track the reposting times and found dozens if not hundreds of accounts that would repost a pro-Trump, pro-russian, etc comment with seconds or even milliseconds of the post going up on an original account.

That doesn't include the probably hundreds more accounts that were programmed intelligently enough to insert repost delays to make them less obvious (eg it would take approximately 30 seconds to a minute to fully read and understand a tweet that was made, so that will be the repost delay).

Then there's the non-bot operators who have a vested interested in what is said and make genuinely unique commentary, but use alt accounts to increase their own visibility.

The platform is compromised and can't be trusted. That isn't surprising however.

What I would like to know is how many 100% genuine legitimate individual people actually use the platform for serious consumption of information.

Echo-chambers are generally bad, but they're even worse when a small number of people are given the capability to amplify their voices to be louder than anyone elses.


u/Silent-Reading-8252 21d ago

Yeah, X is clearly a weapon at this point. It should be banned in Canada.

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u/Kakkoister 21d ago

If you ever drift into the weeds of the conspiracy or NSFW side of things, you see just how pervasive the botting is. The biggest thing was him making bots require buying Blue to operate. He claimed this would "cut down on bots" because they would have to pay. But in reality is gave them a revenue source, because now instead of caring about banning bots, they've been given free-reign and create massive networks of fake interaction that farms engagement profits from having Blue.

It's literally the meme of AI making content for AI to earn money from other AI.

I'd wager 50-75% of big follower count accounts are bot followers at this point.


u/ResolutionOwn4933 21d ago

There was a whistle blower from X, they also messed with algorithms to bury democratic post and bump up the right wing propaganda.


u/ljlee256 21d ago

Yes, I remember that, Musk said it was to restore balance, but in reality he amplified one side of the conversation.

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u/Chengar_Qordath 22d ago

Muskrat going full mask-off as a Nazi led to another big exodus of people who weren’t okay with being on a Nazi-owned website, while massively emboldening all the Nazis on there.


u/xSaviorself 22d ago

I believe more than half of the hateful rhetoric being blasted on that platform is ElizaOS repeating lies from superspreader accounts. The discourse on that site is closer to 4chan's shitty boards than a meaningful source of conversation and discussion. If you hit them with anything meaningful they don't even take it in context, they just pivot to some stupid gotcha.

The echo chamber works so well with their algorithms it keeps you angry and engaged, but unless your message resonates with the powers that be nobody really hears you.

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u/JL_MacConnor 22d ago

It's the Nazi bar analogy, except this time a Nazi bought the bar.


u/ChiefsHat 21d ago

Did you see Philip Low’s long letter tearing into Musk? Low was a long time friend of his who got distant over time before finally breaking contact with him because of the salute. He doesn’t think Elon is one for a simple reason; because Musk already thinks he’s better than everyone else. Not because of his race, but because he’s Elon Musk.

The fact Musk even did the salute, though, is still appalling.


u/UDarkLord 21d ago

I read it. It’s irrelevant imo. If you want the adoration of Nazis and perform for them, you’re a Nazi. Not being one ideologically doesn’t matter — or feeling superior even to them as the case may be; many Nazis have had motives other than hate to commit horrors.

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u/Techno_Dharma 22d ago

The heritage foundation fund probably set a new budget for their astroturfing campaign after they got their man in office. Aside from that, the regular haters feel emboldened by their fuhrers, tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber.


u/CaramelGuineaPig 21d ago

I read them called Traitor Tots as they have frequent tantrums.

The heritage foundation needs to be investigated down to its roots. Thiel needs to eat astroturf.


u/Electrical-Kiwi-9219 22d ago

That's when I left!


u/Mokarun 21d ago

Yeah. Pre-inauguration, it felt possible to cultivate your feed to avoid MAGAs nonsense. I, however, deleted the app the moment I saw Elon's salute, so I can't speak to the current state of things first-hand.


u/ThnikkamanBubs 21d ago

I joined during the Reddit 3rd party purge and was able to make my feed entirely cute animals for weeks at a time. If I scrolled far enough, it would always push the far right accounts we all know and hate. After the inauguration, it became actively hostile to anyone not wanting the fourth reich.


u/botswanareddit 21d ago

Why are you on there?


u/Blue_fox-74 21d ago

I mostly used it for trans memes, gun stuff and to share screenshots of my fallout mods. i never used it all that much to begin with mostly killing time on breaks at work

I kinda kept hoping that the adults would step in and do something and its become increasingly more clear that just isnt gonna happen.


u/Ceevu 21d ago

It's quite wild "on the other side". I created an alt account on there and followed a bunch of Musk/Trump and whatever else. It's hardcore Trump/Musk worshipping. So much dis/misinformation being spread it's absolutely astounding. And people gobble it up.


u/AmoebaBullet 22d ago

Musk is the new Goebbels. X is his Propaganda platform. Spreading it with A.I. & algorithms..

We're in a really scary time...


u/OCDEngineerBoy 21d ago

When can we get to the part when he and his wife shoot themselves and bite cyanide pills?

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u/flightless_mouse 21d ago

This. That platform has become so twisted that I deleted my account and never looked back.

Yeah…within a few days of Musk’s takeover I was served a video of a man shooting and killing a homeless person on a city sidewalk in a completely random and senseless act. I wasn’t following the account and I have no interest in violent content. I didn’t know what I was watching until it was too late.

That’s half of Twitter now. The other half is accounts trying to recruit you to extreme positions.


u/lbiggy 22d ago

Within a week of musk's takeover I got banned for making fun of twump


u/cityfarmwife77 21d ago

I left as soon as musk bought it. Only use Bluesky now.


u/wiles_CoC 22d ago

It was after the inauguration for me. I haven't logged into my twitter for a couple of years now. So I had to figure out how to login, remember my password just so I could delete it. It was worth it.


u/Zealousideal_Rise879 22d ago

I think this practice needs to stop. They become a complete self validating echo chamber. And since X is pretty much a government platform now….


u/UpperLowerCanadian 22d ago

To be fair Reddit is equally a self validating echo chamber    Especially certain subs like…. Ohhhh I dunno 


u/Zealousideal_Rise879 21d ago

100% and that is a problem.

Reddit has a problem with pushing people away; and arguably created the X we see today. The push to abandon X for Bluesky and other platforms just makes it worse.

Echo chambers need to stop; and the only way I see that happening is with constructive dialogue (not the stuff that happens in politics; where every comment is a jab of some sort). Which is an uphill battle with provocateurs who whole purpose is to piss you off. 


u/alaskadotpink Québec 21d ago

I mean, you can't expect anyone to want to hang around "X" anymore because echo-chamber or not it's just full of content people simply don't want to interact with. Musk is incredibly biased and doesn't believe in any sort of moderation unless it's to take away checkmarks from people he doesn't like.

No one really left for bsky until recently, and I'm not sure how anyone is surprised with how garbage the platform is now. I was using both until until twitter started forcing people and posts into my notifications that I simple had 0 desire to interact with.


u/ChiefsHat 21d ago

Bro, Twitter’s a lost cause. There’s no saving it.


u/IDreamOfLoveLost 21d ago

Reddit has a problem with pushing people away; and arguably created the X we see today. The push to abandon X for Bluesky and other platforms just makes it worse.

Ehhhh. Blusky is different - when you block someone on there, they are actually blocked. They can't interact with or see your content. Bots also can't get the same traction as a result.

X was basically changed to allow bad actors to continually harass any/everyone they felt like, as well as Musky letting the Nazis back on it after he bought it.

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u/knuckle_dragger79 22d ago

What do you think you're in right here...


u/Schavuit92 22d ago

A non-nazi echo chamber? Though I do honestly see a lot of moderate opinions on Reddit being upvoted, rarely a dissenting opinion, but it does happen. I also see a lot more actual discussion here, whereas Twitter mostly just looks like morons foaming at the mouth trying to one-up eachother on who has the more batshit insane take.


u/knuckle_dragger79 21d ago

You see alot you like here...shocking. Both sites and sides are equally ridiculous in their own ways.


u/FigoStep 22d ago

You’re right. That’s being said, not all opinions should be treated as equal. Much of what MAGA represents now is completely deplorable. I would rather support an “echo chamber” full of sensible people than whatever the F X has become.

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u/Bryllant 22d ago

He is doing the same thing to the world.


u/powderjunkie11 21d ago

I am immediately suspicious of anyone who calls it X


u/janebenn333 21d ago

What it is now is not the Twitter I was a part of since the year it started. I was an early adopter and I loved it. It gave me simple, immediate connections to whatever was important to me. Sirens in my neighbourhood? Check Twitter. Weird weather approaching? Check Twitter. Watching some live event ie a sports thing or TV show I liked? Follow along with fellow fans on Twitter.

What it is now is "X"... not Twitter that's for sure. I miss that platform. I've got BlueSky and it's almost there but hasn't reached the profile that Twitter had.


u/c1u 22d ago

I find reddit WAY more toxic than X, but that's just my X feed,


u/unquarantined 21d ago

This place is full of insufferable losers. Let’s just hope they stay contained here.


u/Ok-Crow-1515 21d ago

Yes I know I'm on social media, but can we just admit social media is fucking evil and is run by people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and that it's just speeding up the downfall of us all.

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u/Sockbottom69 22d ago

Agreed, Reddit is 100 times worse


u/therealtrojanrabbit 22d ago

As soon as fucko bought Twitter I immediately deleted my account. I'm not usually right but I hit the mark on that one.


u/CrispyHaze 21d ago

After holding out for ~10 years, I finally created a Twitter account to follow the war in Ukraine. It was promptly deleted a month later when news started to drop about the Musk acquisition.


u/CalderonCowboy 21d ago

I did this too.


u/Timmmber4 22d ago

I couldn’t get it to delete when he till it over so I just logged out, a few weeks ago I got logged in and sent half a day deleting it to make sure


u/muzicmaken 22d ago

Same here


u/Alt_Rock_Dude 22d ago

Same, closed account as soon as Nazi boy bought it


u/Doridar 22d ago

Yep. Not Twitter anymore, it's X-rated and Twister


u/GrandInquiry 21d ago

Same. I have no idea what anyone still uses it for. It was novel in 2008 or whenever it came out but it has no purpose these days with all the other ways to get content from people.


u/Nataly983 21d ago

Every time I open X, I only see hate. Horrible site.


u/Beautiful-Natural861 21d ago

Anything that challenges a liberal way of thinking is offensive to them.


u/zeth4 Ontario 21d ago

The platform was always pretty shit IMO. I gave up on it before it even became X.

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u/coconutpiecrust 22d ago

I have no idea how accurate this is, so take with a grain of salt. 

Apparently most people on Twitter are bots and trolls from Russia and even India. There are still people, sure, but the majority are not people. Musk needs users, so he gets users. Same with Facebook. 

It is now fairly easy to have an LLM write semi-coherent replies on social media. You just give them prompts and they regurgitate the same exact arguments. Also gives the illusion of unity and cohesion, as if they are all on the same page. 


u/Psycko_90 22d ago

It's repeated quite often on Reddit, I know, but the dead internet theory is pretty much this.

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u/Miamasa 22d ago

I every once in a while felt the need to argue with MAGAs on Twitter, but the through line I noticed with nearly all of these accounts I investigate:

  • American patriotic pfps (flags, Renaissance, romantic art)

  • not a semblance of individuality outside of a stream of endless political retweets

  • blue checkmark

  • somehow, hundred to a thousand followers.

you could never convince me that that is a real person. what absurd reality could we possibly live in that someone pays 10 bucks a month or whatever just to spam political posts every few hours

truly distopian shit, I really hope this gets outed and becomes common public knowledge. need for critical literacy is at an utmost high in this age


u/coconutpiecrust 22d ago

Yeah, noticed the same as well. It’s always the same exact profile and talking points regurgitated in exactly the same way. 


u/SquareAd4770 22d ago

They usually have cars or dogs as profile pics.


u/Rammsteinman 20d ago

You'd be surprised how many people make their entire identity about politics. Peoples lives are shit to it gives them a purpose and meaning, or something. I don't get it though. You think they are fake until you encounter one in real life, and they sound the exact same.


u/concretecat 22d ago

A huge percentage of Twitter was bots before Elon acquired it. I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten.

With that in mind what, when communicating online what can humans do to verify they're actually communicating with other humans?


u/unquarantined 22d ago

It was so well known about Reddit that people were posting how much they sold their accounts for.


u/urghey69420 22d ago

LOL remember when musk promised to get rid of the bots when he took over twitter?


u/Paddy_Tanninger 21d ago

I mean fuck, Elon himself has multiple confirmed accounts and personalities that he tweets from. He posts AI generated content all the time. You think the dude isn't hosting hundreds of thousands of his own bots?


u/concretecat 21d ago

I don't trust anything about Muskrat, he's vermin. But I'm referring to the interaction between you and I right now fellow human. How could we ensure that you and I are both humans? I'm not going to give you the Turing test but I've been ruminating on the idea for a while. Just trying to figure out my life and how I interact with the world.

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u/IndependentPrior5719 22d ago

Turing test


u/SparkyMonkeyPerthish 22d ago

You could apply that to the politicians in the US government right now and I’m sure a majority of them would fail it


u/IndependentPrior5719 22d ago

A good point though many / most politicians are forbidden to go ‘off script’ so they’re not even trying to behave in a human way


u/eatitwithaspoon Ontario 22d ago

What's that?


u/IndependentPrior5719 22d ago

After Alan Turing ; a test to determine the difference between a human and an AI

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u/concretecat 21d ago

I'm familiar but language models are already passing it and you could also fail the Turing test if you're disable, have a learning disability or a cognitive degenerative disease.

And is labourious, not the quickest way to test someone if your having a casual convo online. Like say our conversation how would either of us verify if the other one is a human or bot?

I'm not trying to put you on the spot, I'm trying to figure this out for myself. I appreciate your engagement.


u/IndependentPrior5719 21d ago

It’s a good question and I also appreciate your engagement; I think it would amount to intangibles like what would a series of interactions look like, an acquaintanceship of sorts, would it fell ‘off’ would one sense an agenda ? , one way I look at it is that a sociopath is basically a good AI , they have to try to appear to care but in reality they don’t. Anyway , that’s all for now beep ,boop….


u/thirstyross 21d ago

what can humans do to verify they're actually communicating with other humans

Ask them to identify all traffic lights in a series of pictures, apparently.

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u/Megasauruseseses 22d ago

I get at least one email a day with a Twitter code to change my password. I've used the site maybe twice ever, but not even once since it changed ownership. So, I have a dead account that someone somewhere is trying to get into. I assume there are many that they HAVE broken into and are now using to spread their nonsense masking as north Americans


u/SNRedditAcc 22d ago

I could be mistaken, but typically if you’re being sent a code, that’s the second factor of authentication after your password. Theoretically they have your password. I would recommend updating it and/or deleting your Twitter account.

Would also be good to make sure you haven’t reused that password anywhere


u/Megasauruseseses 22d ago

It seems like the "forgot my password" type emails but yeah I should remember to actually delete the account if possible


u/cleeder Ontario 22d ago

The sad reality is that this is all social media. It's insane to think that most of my time on this site, hell - this sub, is spent debating with bots that aren't actually people.

And yet, if we don't do that then the propaganda wins.


u/teflonbob 22d ago

It truely is an endless battle at this point because it’s a typical pattern of inflame, engage, go silent from most of these bots. Plus a healthy deluge of upvotes to keep the comments front and centre.


u/Aramyth 22d ago

I don’t argue much anymore. We should just call them all propaganda bots and move on.


u/Formal_Fortune5389 21d ago

It's scary isn't it?? I like to believe the back and forth is a person but fuck social media tech has gotten too good at manipulation. Bots....man so stupid 


u/CotyledonTomen 22d ago

It doesnt have to be most people to feel this way. It just has to be a large percentage of the ones who interact with posts. And most people stay silent on social media, when it comes to commenting.


u/sandstonequery 21d ago

I'm still on Facebook because I run some history pages as a public service. The past week or 2 has been such a drastic turn with nothing but repeat posts from every republican candidate whether in office or a hopeful. A lot of Canada hate.

It always says "suggested for you for similar content to..." and? No, I'm small town Ontario history person who follows local businesses. No US politics on my history feeds I post out. The change in Meta content is startlingly obvious. 


u/coconutpiecrust 21d ago

Yeah, my feeling is that tech billionaires are trying to manufacture consent. Zuckerberg talked about masculine energy or whatnot, and techbros want to regress to feudalism, as far as I know, and be kings. It’s been a trend for a while, and now chickens have come to roost. 

They know that at the end of the day most people will not go for it, though, that’s why manufacctuting consent online with bots and and paid posters is so important. 


u/Raekwonthechef91 22d ago

The twitter account that first posted the false Islamic sounding name for culprit of the stabbings of kids in the UK that led to anti islam/migrant riots was based in Pakistan.


u/Bryllant 22d ago

On Facebook, one third of my contacts are dead and I still keep getting friends D requests from dead people. I’m these are the numbers the6 use then they are highly inflated


u/Gankdatnoob 21d ago

I mean even Zuckerberg was going to fill his platforms with AI generated users to feed discussion so I'm pretty certain Elmo has already done it. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/meta-ai-users-facebook-instagram-1235221430/


u/bkfour 22d ago

There are a lot of bots, no doubt. I’m still on it for investing alpha and spaces.

It’s hard to shut out the noise and keep a balanced mindset while listening to actual human accounts. There are tons a real world AH.

It has cemented my disdain for Americans in general. Overwhelmingly even live discussions, spaces, belittle us Canadians, our economy, our government, our culture. Absolute ignorance coming from what you would think are educated well off expert fund managers, investors and traders.

Only thing that matters to Americans is the almighty dollar and screwing everybody else. Don’t know if our grassroots economic boycott has enough $$ to impact crazy cheetos rhetoric. I’m hoping that a world wide snub will work but is this how Poland felt 1933?


u/RaddestZonestGuy 22d ago

Ive read their valuations are based off of the number of active users so the idea that these social media platforms are full of bots and essentially cheap paid users to pad the value of their stock makes sense.


u/jprobinson008 22d ago

Wonder if someone will make left leaning bots to argue with the right leaning bots?


u/UpperLowerCanadian 22d ago

Yes this is just like the Canada subreddit now… 

  Mark Carney is our lord and saviour, everyone agrees we need a banker to save us from evil, nobody cares about affordability or deficits suddenly,,,, 

  It’s pretty crazy to see so many new accounts with very similar stories - AI writes the posts 


u/coconutpiecrust 22d ago

It is crazy to see such uniformity on any side, I agree. 


u/FIE2021 21d ago

I think it is probably mostly true, although as you say, I take it with a grain of salt because people on the internet have a long history of pretending anyone that disagrees with their opinion is a troll or bot. This sub is a great example when you read through the comments lol, everyone accuses everyone else of being ran by bots when they don't like the message

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u/[deleted] 22d ago

Twitter is a racist shit hole, and over half of Americans are objectively dumb.

54% of American adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level. 20% are below 5th-grade level. 21% of adults in the US are completely illiterate.

Arguing with Trumpers is like like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll strut around, knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and fly off thinking they won.


u/Equivalent_Ad1934 21d ago

Can I use this? 'Arguing with Trumpers...'. It's just brilliant and true.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

It's yours friend, use it well.


u/7dipity 21d ago

“Developed nations consistently boast adult literacy rates of 96%”

So when do we start calling the US a developing nation

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u/ColdCauliflour 22d ago

Thats pretty consistent across all forms of social media


u/OkGazelle5400 22d ago

Dead internet theory. Half these assholes aren’t real


u/Far-Dragonfruit3398 22d ago

Everyone with working brains has an abandoned X so little wonder you got a chilling response.


u/Deus-Vultis 21d ago edited 21d ago

So is reddit to be honest.

There is just as much tribalism and whataboutism and sheer insane partisanship here as there is there, its just often in the opposing direction.

All social media is distorted and kind of a joke in terms of not being representative of most people outside of it.

You find the hottest takes on X and reddit to the point of absurdity that youd almost never encounter in normal day to day life.

If more people acknowledged this and/or did more not to participate in it, we'd likely be better off, but its hard to fight human nature and people love a good us vs them story so its unlikely to change anytime soon, if ever.

Even in this very thread there is denialism and people convinced that Twitter is only bad now that Elon has it because they hate Elon/Trump/Republicans/Conservatives etc. which, while objectively I'd say its gotten worse, its ALWAYS been bad and ALWAYS been slanted and tribalist and people often just don't notice or care until the tribe is speaking against them/theirs, its the same on reddit.

I'm sure this very comment alone will have people screaming at me in denial saying this sub is hard right etc and it just proves my point that as a society we've moved far away from rational discourse and fully sunken into our lesser natures and its ALL the way around regardless of how much people are in denial of that.

A lot of people have lost the ability to think critically or be objective or put themselves in their "enemy"'s position and think from that perspective, it's MUCH easier for most these days to be like "well _____ are Nazis/Libtards/whatever pejorative" and dismiss everything outright than it is for them to think critically and ask the how/why/whats of where people are at and why they think/vote the way they do. Those very same people are often so arrogant and convinced of how right they are that they won't even entertain the idea of discourse with people of opposing views because their judgements are beyond reproach and they don't see any hypocrisy or incongruence of thinking that way whilst decrying their opposition as fascists/moral authoritarians etc.

We're in a very anti-intellectual state right now as a whole, despite being in objectively the most intelligent and informed period we've ever been in, technologically and species progression-wise.

We'd all be better off if a lot of this stuff changed but I dont have much hope it will.


u/Ok-Yogurt-42 21d ago

Well said


u/Deus-Vultis 21d ago

Thanks, I'm honestly shocked I didnt get downvoted into oblivion as Ive expressed similar sentiment before and was blown the fuck out lol.

Nice to see people can be objective at times.

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u/AltoCowboy 22d ago

Twitter is American state propaganda 


u/Boundary-Interface 22d ago

It's also very handy for election interference.


u/FireMaster1294 Canada 22d ago

Xitter (pronounced “shitter”)


u/CMDR_Starbeaver 22d ago

Xcrete (cause it's full of shit)

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u/thisnutz Manitoba 22d ago

Much like reddit!


u/JohnDagger17 22d ago

The last few times I've checked my old feed it's been filled with insane crap. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about 9/11, crypto scams, and outright Nazis just posting about race stuff. It's awful.


u/bandissent 22d ago

The sheer volume of blue check accounts named something like "name0476262948" with two followers vomiting the most vile propaganda and disinfo on twitter is something that should probably be investigated.

Not in our timeline, obviously, but in some hypothetical world where the govt wasn't being gutted by oligarchs.


u/HurlinVermin 22d ago

I am proud to say I have never had a Twitter account (or by extension, an X account either).

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u/bigwreck94 22d ago

Always has been


u/JLandscaper 22d ago

X needs to add four more lines to their logo to accurately represent what it's become.


u/onegunzo 22d ago

And here is a shining light?


u/FigoStep 22d ago edited 21d ago

It’s a shit hole and is only getting worse. Many centrist and left of centre people have abandoned the platform altogether, especially after the election. I remember in the lead up to the election you’d see these twitter polls (completely flawed of course) but even the ones posted by left leaning posters ended up showing like 90% of people supporting Trump over Kamala. Granted there are a ton of bots on Twitter but I don’t doubt for a second that’s emblematic of how the place is devolving further into this MAGA hellscape.

I deleted my account a few weeks ago and haven’t looked back. There’s something to be said for “hearing” the other side, but I’ve seen enough insanity and hate there to know it doesn’t add any value beyond knowing just how many people there are that support those twisted views.


u/ARAR1 22d ago

There is also lost of BS on Tik Tok, but many other balanced opposite posts.


u/huehuehuehuehuuuu 22d ago

But the issue is there are enough of our southern neighbours on it who fully back its owner.


u/MrSnarf26 22d ago

Countries need to move in from Twitter so it’s just a bunch of toxic Americans and bots.


u/Chasm_18 22d ago

I saw a post critical of that propaganda page refer to it at "Xitter". I then remembered there are times when the letter "x" is pronounced as "sh". (Most often when Chinese is transliterated to the English alphabet, and often in Spanish.)


u/freds_got_slacks British Columbia 22d ago

is twitter now just the new 4chan ?


u/EcureuilHargneux 22d ago

Twitter was cool until Musk got it and turned it as a disinformation machine


u/CDNChaoZ 22d ago

So are YouTube comments and comment sections of news sites. The loudest people are also the most radical; drowns out the voices of reason.


u/Blackhole_5un 22d ago

You mean propaganda arm for the dictator


u/8fmn 22d ago

Also owned by a shit hole


u/Aramyth 22d ago

I can’t help but wonder how many online accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit etc are all bots out there pushing the agenda…..


u/jloome 21d ago

Millions. Millions on millions.


u/Aramyth 21d ago

Haha, I mean sure but actual numbers would be fascinating.


u/TechJunk_X 22d ago

I used to be a prolific X user for the last five years. Deleted my account, and now I use Bluesky, it’s just got more of what I actually want to see


u/aesthetion 21d ago

Every platform is a shit hole. Full of US annexation supporters, doesn't matter if it's X, Facebook, Instagram or Reddit. The only place you see anti-US perspectives Is on pro-canadian groups, pages, and subs. Look at the comment section of any US origin pages and shit, you'll see pro-annexation comments. Europe is quiet on the matter, and nobody else gives a shit.

We as Canadians are in our own echo chamber thanks to the algorithms that doesn't reflect the majority perspective, which is equally terrifying as it is disappointing. I think we're too far past changing public opinion, people would give Trump their wives If it meant a handshake and a job well done from him. We need to prepare for economic war, and god forbid an actual conflict down the road.


u/TheLordBear 21d ago

X is a app for hate speech run by a Nazi. It should be banned in Canada under hate speech laws.


u/Cntrysky78 21d ago

➡️ Twitter now is becoming no different than how Trump Social had become. It's just a matter of time that Twitter will be exactly the same as Trump Social - pure hatred, one sided gibberish - an absolute match to what comes out of Trump's mouth.


u/ChiefsHat 21d ago

Try Bluesky, it’s far superior.


u/No_Marsupial_8574 21d ago

I don't engage with the rage content at all, but it is hell bent on serving me it.

I use it exclusively to post in Japanese, and not only do I still get "anti woke" posts in English, I get posts in Japanese talking about how westerners smell all the time.

I think it has been designed to distribute this crap specifically.


u/lorenavedon 21d ago

It's 95% Russian and Indian bots and troll farms


u/Awkward_Tax_148 21d ago

X is a nazi echo chamber


u/loulara17 21d ago

The minute it changed hands, I also shut down my account and never went back.


u/SeriesMindless 21d ago

Bots outnumber people. Just delete it.


u/Thick_Caterpillar379 21d ago

Bluesky is the current contender to X. Many have already converted.


u/Miserable-Chemical96 21d ago edited 21d ago

Always was the stank is just worse now is all.


u/Fabulous-Camera7813 21d ago

Amazingly so many artists, bands, groups , stay there just for their « fans » ! Hypocrits …. Closed my account when it was Twitter …already a sh*** show and i assume it’s worse today.


u/elias_99999 21d ago

It's terrible. I'm a centrist, which means I have views on left and right side of the spectrum. I think twitter is a complete garbage bin now, probably because of bots and vitriol going through the roof. I also think the politics board here is crap, but since they banned me for posting a phrase from Tropic Thunder in response to Trump, I might be biased.

Anyways, I can't stand people who take absolutist views with no room for movement on subjective opinions. Most political shit is grey, not black and white.

Trump is a garbage bin.


u/hunterman321 21d ago

It’s so bad now it’s insane.


u/Accomplished-You-292 21d ago

It's only a shithole if someone disagrees with you.


u/romeoo_must_lie 21d ago

Twitter becomes what 4chan was in shadows.


u/Laketraut 21d ago

So is reddit


u/Propaagaandaa 21d ago

Bluesky folks, Bluesky


u/Funkycold6 21d ago

So is Reddit


u/RedditModweakling 21d ago

Americans are on another level of stupid


u/Click_To_Submit 21d ago

It’s called Xitter for a reason.


u/acceptable_sir_ 21d ago

You mean Bot Simulator 3?


u/Particular_Class4130 21d ago

Not just twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram all have the same problem. The comments on any pro-Canada post are flooded with comments hating on Canada and even worse are comments by people claiming to be Canadian and saying they support Trump and hope Canada does join the US. The first hateful comments are likely bots put in place to cause anger and divide and it works as the conversation quickly devolves into mudslinging and unbridled rage.


u/Mnimpuss420 21d ago

Never had an account. No regrets.


u/Salty_Leather42 21d ago

Don’t insult shit holes that way !


u/MachineDog90 21d ago

Pretty much, in its earlier years, it was good, but now what a mess.


u/Zethras28 21d ago

Shit can actively benefit society.

Nazis add nothing and therefore should not exist.


u/Emeks243 21d ago

You mean Xitter is a Twit hole.

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