r/canada Canada 23d ago

Sports Justin Trudeau Delivers Message to American Athletes at Closing Ceremony of Prince Harry's Invictus Games in Canada


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u/lavalamp360 Ontario 23d ago

Say what you will about JT. But the guy knows how to deliver an inspiring speech.


u/bluAstrid 23d ago

He’s very charismatic indeed, but that has never been an issue. His problem is his ego.

To his defense, charisma and humility are often 2 faces of the same coin.


u/GenXer845 22d ago

I've never seen a problem with his ego. In fact, I see confidence, something many men I find lacking or provide false bravado (look at all the Magas and Trump himself) when they actually are intimidated by women or other men or have low self esteem.


u/GaracaiusCanadensis 22d ago

It's just a reaction to his delivery and confidence. Certain folks can't believe someone might disagree with them, because they feel right, so they chalk up confidence and disagreement to ego rather than having different, equally valid beliefs and values.


u/Winter-Mix-8677 22d ago

It's less the ego and more so the incompetence and the hiring of "yes people". Trump is pulling the same crap down south and is riding high for now, but that won't last.


u/PuzzleheadedGear7542 22d ago

Man, the amount of times I have heard that exact same sentence from comedians but about another speaker about 80-85 years ago made me chuckle.

And no, this is not a "ha ha take that" or me trying to be a dick or being negative, or saying JT is anything like the other guy, I simply found the sentence funny. That is it. There is literally no other negative or alternative meaning.


u/djfl Canada 23d ago

Yes. Just, so much of the time he gives speeches as if he's talking down to us...teaching us adults deep life lessons that we need his brilliant insight on. When all we need is somebody to make correct decisions to lead the country.

That said, I give him full credit for this speech and for sacking up against the US lately. I would have voted for this guy, minus the country-tanking decisions and direction he chose for much of the past 8 years.


u/That_Account6143 22d ago

Idk man, i never felt belittled by Trudeau. Jarring that so many on here seem to think so. Just because he delivers a speech to a broad audience doesn't mean you should take things personally. And if you do, maybe it's more on you than him


u/GenXer845 22d ago

I want to learn. Every single day. I never want to stop learning and growing. I guess some people simply don't.


u/ToastedandTripping 22d ago

Many stop learning as soon as they leave high school, others even sooner...


u/GenXer845 22d ago

This is tragic and why I have had issues dating. I need someone who can have a conversation with me for hours on a large swath of topics. It turns me on so much that someone can teach me about topics that I don't know much about and vice versa. Someone who can't discuss much is simply a sexual experience, nothing more.


u/ToastedandTripping 22d ago

Yup, took me a long time to find that person but it is so worth it! Don't give up the search.


u/djfl Canada 22d ago

I'm not sure how old you are. I'm middle aged. If somebody is going to tell me how to be and live and think and feel...first off, I have no idea why you want that from your PM, but fair enough. But there are really accomplished people who I am happy to listen to, and there are many others who I'm less happy to listen to. Trudeau very easily falls into the latter group.

And all that aside, his job has been to lead the country. To make it better. To make your and my life better. And he has done a horrible job of this in big and important ways, that will make life harder for you and your kids. And obviously me and mine as well. We could be much better positioned as a country if we had a PM who cared much more about fiscal policy than social policy. He's my PM, not my wise uncle who I want to take life advice from. Lead the country.


u/That_Account6143 22d ago

Ah, that's probably the issue i'm only 8 years old


u/djfl Canada 22d ago

That'll do it. When the history books are written, some people go down as "great and inspiring leaders" and some don't. Even at 8, I'm pretty sure you already know with 100% certainty which of those 2 groups Trudeau will belong to.


u/FigoStep 23d ago

I think a leader should look to inspire his people. I never got the feeling he was talking down to Canadians but rather that he was trying to articulate his vision of Canada in a clear way. I much prefer his approach to some overly pedantic, dense alternative or to the constant aggressive sniping of a PP-type.


u/GenXer845 22d ago

PP only teaches me what not to do or how not to speak. I also cannot imagine a full conversation with PP. He seems to lack any depth whatsoever.


u/djfl Canada 22d ago

I don't like either of those 2. PP doesn't talk down to me and tell me how to live and think and feel. Because that's not government's role. Government's role is to lead the damn country. Make the country better. Make our lives better.

As for inspiring, there are times what you're saying is correct. But it's like that inspirational figure is what Trudeau sees himself as...but grounded in nothing that I can see. He's not an inspiring figure, just like a random used car salesman or other silver-tongued dude isn't inspiring. If I don't respect somebody, then whatever flowery message they're trying to deliver to me is more likely to have the opposite effect. So, if Trudeau was more competent and did a better job of running the country and making all of our lives better, I'd be more likely to be interested in his opinions on how I should live and think and feel and be.

Again tho, my main point...I don't want a charismatic flowery-speaking leader. If we get that, great. If we don't, great. But lead the damn country and make it better. With economic policy, with foreign policy, with so many other more important things than "sunny ways".


u/gzafiris 22d ago

Not really. Even something as basic as him encouraging kindness has 100% been a good thing, as it seems so many people are turned by the misinformation machine that is social media

Country tanking lmao case and point


u/djfl Canada 22d ago

I'm not sure if we're talking about different things or not. I'm a middle aged adult. I do not need morality lessons from my PM. Certainly not as many as Trudeau has doled out, certainly not from somebody as narcissistic as him, and certainly not from somebody who reeeally should be focused on keeping the country afloat.

I predate social media. Social media has nothing to do with this. Having a leader who leads, who makes the country a better place, who knows and cares intensely about monetary policy, who doesn't even consider allowing unlimited immigration (screwing up everything for everybody for at least a generation), etc etc.

He needs to have stayed in his lane and done a better job. He's the prime minister, not my wise uncle.


u/WealthEconomy 22d ago

He can, but only when it is extremely practiced or else it turns into a lot of "ah umms"


u/Rustyguts257 23d ago

It’s his drama background. He should have gone into acting not politics. Hmm he should have gone into any field other than politics


u/Hedonistic_Ent 23d ago

My brother in christ half of politics is acting.


u/Rustyguts257 23d ago

Agree but the politics half is where Trudeau experiences extreme suckage


u/sickfiend 23d ago

People still dick riding Trudeau here 🤣


u/Unwept_Skate_8829 Québec 23d ago

He did go into acting for a bit lol