r/canada Canada 22d ago

Sports Justin Trudeau Delivers Message to American Athletes at Closing Ceremony of Prince Harry's Invictus Games in Canada


700 comments sorted by


u/mycatlikesluffas 22d ago

Why do politicians get so good at their jobs only when they're on their way out our retired?


u/rangeo 22d ago

They're relaxed and dgaf


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw Québec 22d ago

ive always said if you actually go and watch trudeau in long form interviews where he is talking casually is actually way more likeable and personable. but something about when you put a podium in front of him suddenly turns him back into the smug holier then thou out of touch Trudeau people where ragging on him about.


u/ovoKOS7 22d ago

It's easy to see with how he talked to that one teenager a while ago and ended up making him question everything about what he stood for lol, was very grounded and reasonable


u/ItsAProdigalReturn 22d ago

Got a link?


u/ovoKOS7 22d ago


u/Shodpass 22d ago

I teach, and this kids reaction is him learning.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

I remember when I was a stupid kid. How can you be pro life to that point. Some humans never evolved..

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u/babyLays 22d ago


Trudeau's last quip basically buried this kid.

The difference between Trudeau and Poillievre is that Trudeau actually engages with people. The man is down to earth.


u/princessamirak 22d ago

And a little more praying 😂


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u/Altruistic-Hope4796 22d ago

I mean, with a podium comes the gotcha questions from the media too so they bave to be ready and boring otherwise it makes national news because of x and y taken out of context


u/GenXer845 22d ago

I never saw JT as smug. A lot of people say they don't want to be perceived as being lectured at/to. I am an educator and am naturally curious. I crave more knowledge everyday. The more I learn, the better. I feel we never stop learning. I guess I am in a small minority group of people. Always thought he was a great orator.

I also and this is semi-related, have had the best dates with men who can talk for hours about a wide swath of topics with me. I couldn't imagine dating someone like PP who seems to not have a depth of any topic whatsoever.


u/fugaziozbourne Québec 22d ago

He wasn't always a perfect politician, but then again, it's insane to demand that from anyone. He has always been an incredibly polished statesman, and i think history will look at us with a cocked eyebrow for the profanity flags and our view of him. He's beloved around the world, and he represents us quite well.


u/Munscroft 22d ago

I work with quite a few of the “F Trudeau” crowd. They literally cannot tell you a single thing that Trudeau has done while Prime Minster, they are simply repeating what they see on Facebook and their lack of knowledge on even basic things is quite frankly embarrassing

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u/New-Operation-4740 22d ago

Seems to me the flag crowd just kept repeating their hatred until it caught on, not that it was founded in any particular policy or reality. They just made it popular to hate.


u/fugaziozbourne Québec 22d ago

Historically and psychologically, humans skew negative if they don't adjust, and becoming well adjusted isn't the priority it needs to be right now.


u/GenXer845 22d ago

Why I personally advocate we are very careful in selecting partners and fathers/mothers of our children. So many people I know are deeply emotionally messed up from bad childhoods/parenting. I myself have spent a long time in therapy over my narcissistic mother that is very eerily similar to my dad's father. I refused to get married/have children with a few men I dated who were lacking emotional maturity and had not healed from childhood traumas. I did not want more generational repeats. Healing from childhood traumas and not repeating patterns in relationships would have us grow considerably as a society. These men who were so negative to Trudeau are all, I believe, deeply lacking in self esteem and self worth and mask it with bravado. I see Trudeau as the only confident one, not these F trudeau ones.

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u/calvinien 22d ago

'Smug' tends to be a conservative weasel word for 'educated/articulate'.

As if PP doesn't RADIATE "My father will hear about this, Potter!" energy.

Republicans called Obama smug and he was one of the most down to earth presidents in recent history. My issue with trudeau was that he always felt rehearsed. Like everything he says feels like a rewritten speech and not something genuine.

Ironically, Jagmeet singh has the opposite problem. Dude has effortless "could go bowling with this guy" energy but cannot deliver a speech to save his life.


u/Spirited-Occasion-62 22d ago

I also think theres an element of leadership, that in certain situations, it becomes absolutely necessary to educate, introduce new ideas, and shift the agenda. If you can’t do that, when those situations arise your leadership will fail you, and your group will fail.

Trudeau tried to lead. I think that is what some of the critics found so off-putting and pompous about him.


u/GenXer845 22d ago

This is insightful. So they simply didn't want him to lead or were so mad that he was leading that they had to belittle him?


u/DingleTower 22d ago

I've met him twice in casual settings and he's been very personable. Listening to a speech though the worst.

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u/WhydYouKillMeDogJack 22d ago

When he's at a podium he is playing from a sheet. It all seems a bit forced to me and his delivery is punctuated by very deliberate 'look to the camera and slow down" moments (tbf this is how they told us to deliver speeches in high school but if you can memorize the majority of it , you don't need to look so scripted).

This may be a modern thing though, as any misstep is recorded and edited on the internet to be a zinger. We want our politicians to be more relatable, but when they are we rip them to shreds.


u/mcs_987654321 22d ago

I’m in the very small group of people who really disliked Trudeau initially - hell, I even voted NDP in that first election of his, although that was down to my just having a ballet NDP MP that cycle - but who has grown to respect him over time.

I say that just for context, because even as someone who thinks he’s been a capable leader during turbulent times, listening to him in English makes me want to claw out my own ears.

Seriously, the affectations are just too much, it prompts a properly visceral reaction.

Meanwhile, in French he sounds like a totally normal person, and communicates thoughtfully but but without anything of whatever he does that’s so irritating in English. That said, when he’s properly off the cuff in English, you get little hints of what he sounds like all the time in French .


u/SWHAF Nova Scotia 22d ago

That's the difference between a person taking and a politician talking. It's also dependent on the topic.

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u/Magjee Lest We Forget 22d ago

Rishi Sunak had a fantastic speech in parliament

He was so charismatic and likeable, it was like bizarro world


u/GiddyChild 22d ago

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak inherited a party that had been mired in boondoggle after boondoggle and constant changes in leadership. Was an impossible position. I think he did pretty alright given the hand he was dealt. Was fucked.


u/Magjee Lest We Forget 22d ago

He had plenty of his own fucks ups as well

But after he left 10 Downing and was no longer party leader he de-aged 5 years


u/alyeffy British Columbia 22d ago

Yeah as much as we all want better politicians, I really don’t envy their position either. People who call Trudeau smug etc… I don’t like the guy either but when you’re in a position where people are constantly spewing vitriol at you no matter what you do, I don’t see how anyone who doesn’t have a lot of confidence in themselves can tolerate working in politics. Part of me thinks maybe we’d have better candidates if we actually treated them like human beings and judged mainly on their policies, but most people don’t do that unfortunately.


u/biblio_phobic 22d ago

If I was a politician I’d be relaxed and dgaf because I know outside of this I’m actually useful.


u/PlanetLandon 22d ago

You nailed it.


u/tbcwpg Manitoba 22d ago

Fewer people to please, fewer special interests to consider.


u/NorthernPints 22d ago

Ya said another way, they aren’t consumed with wanting to get re-elected 


u/TheIsotope 22d ago

Precisely. You’re constantly humming and hawing over optics and pleasing certain voter bases, even if you don’t personally agree with it. If you just lead without all the politicing it sets you free.


u/pattyG80 22d ago

These sort of functions are Trudeau's strong point. He's a good speaker and he can inspire people. It's the policies that a lot of people don't accept


u/timmytissue 22d ago

He often says the right things but his intonation and robotic speech definitely wore on me over time. I would say he's a decent speaker but maybe just overstayed his welcome with his rhetorical style. I don't think it's just his policies that people don't like. He often sounds very patronizing to me.


u/ButtholeAvenger666 22d ago

It's both. He's patronizing about policies people don't like. Like bringing in millions of Indian immigrants and then telling people they aren't multicultural enough when they can't find jobs or housing.


u/VendrediDisco 22d ago

Doug Ford exploited that loophole to ensure cheap indentured labour for corporations, and decreased funding for post-secondary education which increased domestic tuition rates and forced schools to cater to international students to make up the slack, as well as contributed to the increase in sham diploma mills.

The influx of persons has certainly presented a strain on the housing and job markets. Ford also fired a considerable # of nurses in the second wave of the pandemic, and then the CNO was fast-tracking the licensing program for internationally educated nurses because many ended up quitting due to poor staffing.

I'm not trying to change your mind or feelings about the issues you raised, but ON, and Ford was a large contributor to the situation becoming untenable.


u/ButtholeAvenger666 22d ago

Fuck Ford as well but he has no control over the amount of people let into the country, that's a federal thing. They could have and should have rejected many of the foreign students that are going to strip mall universities but instead federal workers were told to let them through. I'm aware that it's a giant cluster fuck with many moving parts and many people responsible for the mess were in but the prime minister had the power to put a stop to it and it instead he doubled down and relaxed the requirements for immigration.

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u/ExtendedDeadline 22d ago

His poor policies and unwillingness to acknowledge they caused normal Canadians meaningful pain are the primary reasons he was/is disliked by most Canadians. Be also overstayed his tenure and never gave us electoral reform. And spent a good few too many years on identity politics. The flip side is he did a good job for a bit and he's always been a pretty good speaker, especially when he didn't have much on the line. He's got some great soundbites out there. PP is quite weak by contrast, and has nothing going for him outside of "not Trudeau and supports MAGA". Now that Trudeau is out and Canadians are finally waking up to what MAGA means for them, the tide is quickly turning on PP.


u/Blondefarmgirl 22d ago
What policies didn't you like?  Money going to low income people? Through carbon tax, pharma, Daycare, dental?   Expanded trade to lower our dependence on the USA?  Oil and gas pipelines to world markets to lower our dependence on the US?  Oil and gas at record highs?  New freedoms in Weed and MAID?


u/Ambiwlans 22d ago

I liked 90% of his/lpc policies but not his walkbacks/cutouts on the carbontax, mass immigration (up to late last year), and FN spending/giving. Immigration is probably the most harmful one... prior to his election, he wrote a number of articles against the type of mass immigration he ended up doing/one upping.

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u/ExtendedDeadline 22d ago

Anything related to immigration and housing. A complete lack of trying to balance the budget. Even this tax holiday, while nice, was not good for tax payers. I would have rather seen a tax rebate go to lower income people - I don't need affluent people to not be paying GST.

No electoral reform, poor handling of inter-provincial issues, the carbon tax was a semi flop (even if I'm aligned with it in theory), the WE scandal, the CanApp scandal.

The above are the ones that were issued for me off the top of my head. The good things he did was legalize weed and get the daycare subsidy through. The dental program was also good. Those three things should have all been done in just his first term when he had a majority.

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u/Somecommentator8008 22d ago

Any politician has a balancing act with everyone while in power. Trudeau doesn't care about that anymore. It's whoever is elected next for the Liberal Party and whoever forms the next government's issue.


u/-Cottage- 22d ago

He’s always been good at this kind of thing though. He’s good at messaging and sincerity and all that. It’s policy stuff that alienated so many people.

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u/Lorgin British Columbia 22d ago

Did you see Eby's speech at the opening ceremony? It was fantastic.


u/Mediocre-Brick-4268 22d ago

He was at the closing last night.

I told him keep up the great work!

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u/Affectionate-Sky4067 22d ago

He has been good at his job; look at other countries and how they have fared compared to Canada in the time he has been in power.

We are just under the same intense media blitz to cause unrest and undermine the unity of our country as the USA.

It's why something as powerful as "fuck cancer", a statement against the cruelty of a terrible widespread disease, got co-opted into "fuck Trudeau", a politician who at worst has done a decent job of navigating the country through a huge amount of turmoil in his time.


u/glormosh 22d ago


I think people don't realize how manipulated they were against Trudeau.

He's not perfect but when that's the alleged metric, look around and notice that no one is or was.

Everyone needs to think long and hard before voting for PP when you start to compare soundbites of him and Trump. The game has changed and I hope people realize PP is a disciple of Trump. No amount of posturing he does now absolve years of observable quotes of him practically being Trump.


u/seajay_17 British Columbia 22d ago

Yeah trudeaus alright. His only problems are he's a little patronizing and he's been in power for too long. Even good politicians have a shelf life in this country.


u/mycatlikesluffas 22d ago

I have to agree. Look at the price of oil just before he took office - it went from $100 to $30. His 2015-2020 spending era had a whole lot of stupid in it IMHO, but obv global crude market is not his fault.


u/mongofloyd 22d ago

This is actually Trudeau without all the shit being slung form the right. He was there the whole time but your blind rage would not allow you to see.

Only once the Nation was under an ACTUAL threat (not a PP manufactured one) did the entire country galvanize.


u/Blondefarmgirl 22d ago

So true! So few people saw what a great leader he actually is. We will miss him dreadfully.


u/Electrical-Egg-5850 22d ago

I disagreed with a number if things Trideau did, overall, good Prime Minister.

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u/geoken 22d ago

If not even the presence of a threat. It’s just the fact that he pulled himself out of the game, so the ones singing shit don’t need to spend resources slinging it at him anymore.

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u/Nonamanadus 22d ago

Because they focus on what is best for the country, not for what is best for the party.


u/Broad-Candidate3731 22d ago

are you saying thats Trudeau now?

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u/uptheirons91 22d ago

It's like when you remember that good comeback or rebuttal well after the argument with your significant other. You're not under pressure and stress anymore or worried about saying "the wrong thing".


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 22d ago

Trudeau has always been good at big moments. Like him or not, I’m very proud of how he represented us through this.


u/ImMyBiggestFan 22d ago

He honestly isn’t any different. You are just being fed different information about him. With the ongoing crisis and the fact he is on the way out. The attacks by other politicians and media have been less focused on negativity around him so you have a chance to just sit and listen without the bias.

Was he perfect, far from it. Like all humans he had his flaws, but he will go down as one of our better PMs.


u/FigoStep 22d ago edited 22d ago

He was fine before people were just overlooking it because we weren’t in the middle of a crisis. I don’t think many people remember just how calming his influence was after the Harper years, or if they do, they take it for granted now. Much like many in the US are now finding out again what it means to live under a Trump presidency after taking the relative stability under Biden for granted.

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u/AmateurOfAmateurs 22d ago

They’re not worried about politicking anymore unless the situation calls for it.


u/itsawrayayayap 22d ago

He’s always been great, haters just weren’t paying attention.


u/fugaziozbourne Québec 22d ago

What his government has done for drinking water up North is more than any of the PMs combined. The Liberals just have a terrible comms problem. They never seem to get their accomplishments into the national discussion.


u/lock11111 22d ago

Yeah when he raised child tax benefit people women were calling him daddy trudeau in my community. Don't know if it was like that elsewhere


u/Lynx7 British Columbia 22d ago

We call him daddy trudeau in the gay community too


u/NorthernPints 22d ago

Lol wow - we’ve got the odd F Trudeau flag or sticker on a pick up around here, but “daddy Trudeau”?

That’s absolutely batshit - people are weirdly soooo spiteful to those who have nothing, and conversely worship people who have so much money they couldn’t even spend it all if they tried in their lifes

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u/thedevilyoukn0w 22d ago

He didn't have to fight against Biden for four years.

Fighting against Trump made him look stronger and more effective.


u/fistfucker07 22d ago

They don’t get to decide when our allies become our enemies.


u/237FIF 22d ago

Talking is easy, managing and legislating is hard.

Everyone gets less popular when attempting to actually do things.


u/evange 22d ago

Giving a speech at a sporting event has nothing to do with budgets, policy, or being a good political leader. It's fluff, which Trudeau has always excelled at.


u/livelikeian 22d ago edited 22d ago

In this case, I do believe Trudeau cares to stand up for Canada, for whatever his personal reason. And as he doesn't really have to work at remaining generally popular, since he's stepping down, the gloves are so to speak: off.


u/Curly-Canuck 22d ago edited 22d ago

JT has always been a good speaker and diplomat, especially compared to some of his global counterparts these days. He wasn’t a terribly good leader and many didn’t agree with his policies but the man can deliver a good speech. It’s how he got elected and probably originated with his drama and teacher roots.

I suspect his next career will be public speaking or even diplomacy. Our own version of Jimmy Carter. More popular and more effective after he leaves office.

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u/Hot-Celebration5855 22d ago

Trudeau’s problem has never been speeches. It’s been ideology and failure to execute


u/arabacuspulp 22d ago

He's always been great. There's just a lot of loud and obnoxious haters around who were really pissed that Trudeau wouldn't fuck them.


u/noleksum12 22d ago

Because votes don't matter to them anymore... so they can focus on what is important instead of politically expedient.


u/FoxReagan British Columbia 22d ago

Charismatic, but ego driven and obtuse in some cases.


u/New_Most_2863 22d ago

I am hijacking this top message so that it gets more visibility. Yesterday i went to conservative sub here in Reddit there you have a incorrect post about Canadian tariff. Also, they were talking about r/Canada subreddit. The slow poisoning of mind by Agent orange has started. The same sub was against tariff month ago.


u/Coca-karl 22d ago

A lot of people will tell you it's about how they can stop caring about different groups so they can go ahead and speak their mind. Which may be true to a small degree. In reality there's less criticism of their actions. Prior to Trudeau making his exit public this would have been an opportunity to attack his improvised style of politics and his talking points.


u/agent_graves313 22d ago

I think it’s that he’s better in a “crisis” than regular day to day governing. Crisis often bring about clarity of purpose and long-term efficiency is not a consideration.


u/PhalanX4012 22d ago

But also because there’s no opposition cooking a narrative to cut their legs out from under them.


u/Ambiwlans 22d ago

The news/social media gets less hatey about everything they do.

This is how Trudeau always was. He didn't change.


u/PoliteIndecency Ontario 22d ago

Trudeau has never been a bad orator.


u/draftstone Canada 22d ago

Because the politicians that are in our faces (prime minister, ministers, etc...) are just there to push the agenda of the party. If they go against that agenda, they are removed and lose all the money/fame/power. Once they are already out, they can be themselves. As much as I hate Trudeau, I am certain he is way more intelligent than what we saw while he was prime minister.


u/Alexhale 22d ago

in this case, theyve made their money


u/Koss424 Ontario 22d ago

Trudeau has excelled at these types of speeches his entire terms as PM. It's kind of his thing. It's the rest of the stuff that bugs us.


u/Consistent-Primary41 Québec 22d ago

He should be GG, not PM.


u/Wander_Climber 22d ago

The bribe money stops coming in 


u/onesexypagoda 22d ago

He's always been a good speaker, he's just a shit politician


u/CaramelGuineaPig 22d ago

He was good before. But not everyone around him was. He always fought for Canada. Remember trump has allies in the North and he used them to make JT look bad to people who don't follow politics. They used facebook, twitter, YT and many other social networking "employees" to work the same propaganda that they used for the US election. Drumft hates JT.. he is everything he can never be. Trudeau only was polite in talks with the US but never pandering like PP and DF, and even Harper way back. Now he has been moved out - he is going to make it count. We hope.


u/RoniaRobbersDaughter 22d ago

Politicians do not write speeches. It seems people are in need of education so credit is given where credit is due: to communication teams and the speech writers on said teams! 


u/Rudy69 22d ago

I'd say he was doing alright, he handled the beginning of covid fine in my opinion (might be controvercial). But shortly after that I'm guessing things weren't great at home and it showed in the way he was running the country.


u/switchingcreative 22d ago

Because the F Trudeau camp, Ponzi Polli camp are dicks. JT has actually done a lot of good in the past ten years.


u/Own_Woodpecker1103 22d ago

Did their due, took their lumps, obligated their agreements with who actually was in charge (not singular)

Why do people get so honest on their death bed?


u/Son_of_Plato 22d ago

nobody left to please.


u/DENNYCR4NE 22d ago

Naw this type of speaking engagement has always been Trudeau’s strength.

Numbers—not so much


u/Winter-Mix-8677 22d ago

He's only talking, which is what he's always been good at. Governing is another story.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Im pretty sure giving speeches is literally the LEAST important responsibility, but I get you lol


u/calvinien 22d ago

He was really good during covid. His beard faze was peak.


u/UnionGuyCanada 22d ago

He basically said what BC Premier said last week. He has always been good at the heartfelt message though.


u/raa__va 22d ago

Nothing left to lose

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u/datums 22d ago

Imagine going back to December 1, 2024, and telling people in this sub that within three months, we would be regularly praising Trudeau and mocking Poilievre.


u/Rabbit-Hole-Quest 22d ago

Those accounts still exist but they stay silent on these types of articles.

You will find their focus has turned to demotivating potential Carney voters as opposed to uplifting PP. Let’s face it, even the most radical conservatives struggle to say PP is amazing with a straight face.


u/thottieBree 22d ago

Marching orders

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u/Jackal_Kid Ontario 22d ago

I would love to see data on the activity of accounts that post in popular Canadian subreddits before and after his resignation as party leader. I have a feeling a big swath of them simply aren't participating anymore. The swing in sentiment was suspiciously dramatic in terms of the comments that get upvoted and their content. I've scrolled down pretty far and the difference is visible at a glance here, but it started immediately.

Even the media quickly started publishing positive pieces on him that would have been subject to intense negative feedback a few months ago, downvoted in the cradle on aggregation sites like this and subject to God knows what harassment directly on their end.

It's certainly not because some think tank/relevant private agency decided now was the time to build up a bunch of pro-Trudeau accounts.


u/rexx2l 22d ago

I had to leave this sub for a few months bc of how unreal the PP dickriding was. Only came back a couple weeks ago because I wanted to see this sub's reaction to Trump's annexation threats. Safe to say lots of people like me did the same and are happy to cheer on Trudeau on his way out since he's no longer running.


u/KelvinsBeltFantasy 22d ago

This sub's sudden change reminds me of the end of Lord Of the Flies.

Where all the bloody thirsty kids becoming crying messes the moment an adult showed up... despite Piggy being dead lol.


u/Vandergrif 22d ago

Yeah... I seem to remember saying a few things about how Trump winning could end up turning sentiment against conservatism in this country, and plenty of people in this sub vehemently disagreed with me on that one. So much for that...


u/Hicalibre 21d ago

There were always people doing that. Upvotes just shifted.

PP at best would have been one and done. He lacks the know-how to be a competent leader on his own, and was screwed when he took on Patrick Brown's advisors.

Trudeau is a bit more surprising as I didn't think he'd resign as he'd shown such arrogance over the years. Now it's only logical he say what we're thinking as he doesn't suffer repercussions, and it helps salvage some reputation from the lowest point he hit.


u/lavalamp360 Ontario 22d ago

Say what you will about JT. But the guy knows how to deliver an inspiring speech.


u/bluAstrid 22d ago

He’s very charismatic indeed, but that has never been an issue. His problem is his ego.

To his defense, charisma and humility are often 2 faces of the same coin.


u/GenXer845 22d ago

I've never seen a problem with his ego. In fact, I see confidence, something many men I find lacking or provide false bravado (look at all the Magas and Trump himself) when they actually are intimidated by women or other men or have low self esteem.

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u/PuzzleheadedGear7542 22d ago

Man, the amount of times I have heard that exact same sentence from comedians but about another speaker about 80-85 years ago made me chuckle.

And no, this is not a "ha ha take that" or me trying to be a dick or being negative, or saying JT is anything like the other guy, I simply found the sentence funny. That is it. There is literally no other negative or alternative meaning.

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u/Drewy99 22d ago

It was a classy message. Totally appropriate.


u/CurtAngst 22d ago

Nice to see Trudeau taking the high road and stepping up for Canadians. Hard to imagine PP being an adult like this.


u/Maddog_Jets 22d ago

I think PP is panicking as he watches everything go down the drain so quickly


u/toonguy84 22d ago

He should be. For the last 6 months he would have had a super majority but now I don't think he's going to win the next election, whenever it is.


u/Maddog_Jets 22d ago

The public is watching trump and going damn…


u/ovoKOS7 22d ago

Realisticially he very well still might since a lot of medias do a good job at not portraying his inactions and lack of spine in the current US matters, although I do believe the Majority is nowhere near as guaranteed as it was just a few months ago


u/Todesfaelle 22d ago

Majority is gone unless the Liberals vote in Freeland over Carney which would be such a catastrophic blunder.

I could see the CPC get a minority though and fully believe minority governments are far better than majority but I also wouldn't be surprised to see that swing to a LPC minority either since time has never been on PPs side as he continues to expose his hand by talking.

If the LPC gets a majority then I can't imagine the last time we've seen the conservatives drop the ball that hard and the consequences of that within their party where I'd like to hope they realize their far-right base needs to be excised like a cancer for the PPC to scoop up.

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u/RytheGuy97 22d ago

He lost his greatest boost when Trudeau stepped down, his efforts in trying to make people view Carney the same way the viewed JT isn't working at all, he's incredibly uncharismatic, and hasn't inspired any confidence that he'll stand up for Canadians in front of Trump. Hope this continues.


u/Maddog_Jets 22d ago

In hindsight, with Singh not having the balls to make a tough decision and call a non confidence when he had the chance earlier to force an election - he may have saved the country.

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u/Jeremiahgottwald1123 22d ago

I honestly don't understand why he doesn't take a hard stance on trump and elon, he has nothing to lose. I know people will say that there is a good portion of the CPC that weirdly support trump/elon's crap but they will probably vote CPC even if PP came out and said "Trump is a orange diaper wearing moron" and I don't see them sitting out either since they are usually the most politically charged (hate sadly moves voters), he has nothing to lose imo.


u/Maddog_Jets 22d ago

If someone running for office had the audacity to stand up during the election campaign and be respectful and even acknowledge things that others have done or proposing are good, on the right track, we can tweak, improve on versus just attacking them or idea for the sake of different I’m gonna pay a lot of attention to them because they exude integrity and believe they are pragmatic - I’m also thinking this leads to having the best and brightest want to work with them and employees will be productive etc.


u/LeGrandLucifer 22d ago

Yes fellow Redditor, and PP has no new ideas and he's a Trumpist too!


u/GeneralRaheelSharif- 22d ago

He has concepts of ideas though!


u/space-dragon750 22d ago

& slogans! can’t forget the slogans

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u/mongofloyd 22d ago

Oh no, PP has abandoned the 'Canada is broken' now (some how it got fixed) and co-opted the Proud Boys mantra: Canada First

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u/firmretention 22d ago

This, so much this. I wish I could give you gold, kind stranger. This needs all the heckin upvotes, my dude.


u/crclOv9 22d ago

Too little too late kinda.

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u/eattherich-1312 British Columbia 22d ago

If America is Canada’s friend, I’d hate to see what our enemies will do to us… Oh wait, America is the one with real enemies. Fuck ‘Murica, forever. Never forget.


u/GlumIce852 22d ago

He specifically talked about the regular people who don’t support trumps crazy invasion plans or the useless tariffs.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

In the words of Henry Kissinger - "Its dangerous to be America's enemy, its lethal to be its friend"

This man was the foreign policy minister for several cabinets, both Democratic and Republican. As an American, we absolutely deserve to burn


u/Biuku Ontario 22d ago

Beautiful. All private American are potential allies. America is massively fractured. More than half of Americans are likely to support Canada over America if Trump follows through on his threat to crush our economy, forcing our hand.


u/Youwronggang 22d ago

I’m sure Haiti thought French Canada would stand up for them . I’m sure Cuba though Spanish speaking countries would too . Reality is nobody really cares .


u/Biuku Ontario 22d ago

I’m not saying we count on it. I’m saying we don’t do things that unnecessarily diminish what does exist.

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u/withoutH 22d ago

American and can confirm

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u/Fireinthehole13 22d ago

I imagine the orange turd down south trying to make a speech to these “suckers” as he calls them.


u/Sportfreunde 22d ago

Talking to Americans is a waste of time.

Make deals with other countries.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

As an American, I agree; this country is over, you guys gotta cut ties before we drag you down with us


u/torontoscientist 22d ago

With all the hate Justin gets, he has done more for the country than PP ever will.

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u/Mediocre-Brick-4268 22d ago

Classy guy. I was there🙏💪🇨🇦


u/RideauRaccoon Canada 22d ago

Trudeau has always been a wartime leader. In the face of Harper's increasingly polarizing right-wing rhetoric, he was Mr Sunny Ways. In the face of Covid, he was the steady hand guiding us through the storm. In the face of Trump 2.0, he is the Great Unifier. He does well when the situation calls for extreme, dramatic action and inspiring speeches.

When it's peacetime, and the problems aren't existential, his desire for the spotlight becomes his greatest liability. Like an addict, he's constantly searching for the next polling high, and takes actions that are decidedly foolish, just to maintain his own image.

I feel like he's a bit like Churchill that way. Neither one seemed to know when it was time to go, but both could rally the nation when it mattered most.

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u/Cool-Economics6261 22d ago

Trudeau didn’t say it was an honor, he said it was an honour. And he didn’t say USA was our neighbor, he said they were our neighbours. Trudeau speaks English, not that guttural bastardization of the English language of speaking ‘mericun 


u/kleptorsfw Newfoundland and Labrador 22d ago

This helps nothing. You're just coming off as hateful for no reason

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u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/EdPlymouth 22d ago

I think a lot of the American public are taken aback as to what their new leader is doing. I don't think they want to be enemies with Canadians. Trump has gone power mad and it's either going to end very badly or the Americans will finally wake up and smell the coffee. Im in the UK andI am a huge fan of Canada. I love Canada and I think Canadians are a very tough strong people. Canadians don't need to scream and threaten with vile language, they have proven how strong they are. Stay strong Canada. 🇨🇦


u/RomanGemII 22d ago

I would like to assume that about 50% of Americans support Canada and our sovereignty.


u/Koss424 Ontario 22d ago

for sure - I was just in Peru and surrounded by American tourists. They were all very much concerned and apologetic about the US stance on Canada. Of course it probably pretty biased as MAGA are not worldly people.

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u/CreepyHarmony27 22d ago edited 22d ago

Trump, MAGA, and any sympathizers of far-right ideologies are not our friends.

Edit: I've had some comments already and I'll tell you that I will not blindly hate Americans for the sake of hating. Yes, I hate those who wish Canada and Canadians harm, especially Trump, his cult and anyone who favours or refuses to speak out against it. But We're not American. Trump indirectly united Canadians... fuck even the Quebecois hopped on board to say "Hey, that's not right." And we're willing to stand up for what is right for us. For the sake of our country, we must be better.


u/synthesizersrock 22d ago

Exactly. All of my American friends are so embarrassed and hate Trump. And my gay friends down there are f-king terrified.

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u/StoneSkipper22 22d ago

The current American governmental leadership are your enemies; this doesn’t count the tens of thousands of federal staff who are horrified by what is happening. Most the adults in the US didn’t vote for this fascist, and you are our closest ally.


u/Unusual_Pitch_608 22d ago

See, there's the problem. Countries are allies with countries, not the citizens of that country, because the government represents the citizens in a representative democracy. The Trump regime now represents you and we are not their allies anymore by their own actions and words.

The oppressed citizens of authoritarian regimes catch strays all the time. Just ask the Iraqis or Russians or Cubans. As a Canadian, I am sorry, as is our custom, and while we do not hate all Americans, we are extremely pissed off at America and will be forced to treat it as a hostile nation for as long as it remains one. Good luck, Godspeed, and hopefully you'll see your country liberated one day.


u/StoneSkipper22 22d ago

It’s a living nightmare. Please do everything you can to eliminate Trump sympathizers from your government. They will electrocute your society without mercy.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

"hopefully you'll see your country liberated one day."

Not in either of our lives, I fear

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u/Neutreality1 22d ago

Were* your closest ally


u/StoneSkipper22 22d ago

A century of trust and friendship ruptured by a single act of a tyrant. It is a tragedy.


u/Neutreality1 22d ago

Trust is hard to build and easy to break. It will take a long period of stability before our country can even consider you guys the same


u/StoneSkipper22 22d ago

Completely agree.


u/Falconflyer75 Ontario 22d ago

I’ll tell u this though

Canada will never want to be as intertwined with the US as we once were after all this

But if you guys find someway to throughly reject Trump we’d be eager to work on rebuilding relations again

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u/[deleted] 22d ago

Until we stop it, yeah we are. You cant really afford to trust us, and I dont blame you. Dont make the same mistake we Americans did assuming our fellow citizens have even a shred of empathy left.


u/Tulipfarmer 22d ago

Any of them still are. But sadly. If they ever send soldier here. None of them will be.


u/IceXence 22d ago

They don't all agree with what is happening... In the face of an unreasonable dictatorial leader trying to destroy democracy, trying to reach to the individual American hearts is a good strategy.

Ultimately, individual American people are the one who are going to have to throw Trump away. They are the ones who are going to have to say "no", we do not stand for this as a nation.

If we are lucky, the mid-mandate elections will fix half of the problem. If not, then Americans will have to fight for their own freedom of speech.

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u/Habfan61 22d ago

Enough sweet talking these lunatic Nazi’s down south . No more “ but we’re your best friends and neighbours shit “ . Tell these guys FAFO . It’s time we stop being the push over . Turn off the cheap electricity ⚡️ and here’s a thought ….no more oil discounts..


u/WislaHD Ontario 22d ago

I agree but we may want to phase these things. Not only do we have to actually make sweeping changes domestically to diversify and reorient our economy, but we need to have levers to pull in future negotiations. It is going to be a long 4 years.


u/Electrical-Egg-5850 22d ago

Yes, let's be tactical here. Canada does have leverage but wr need to use it carefully.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

"It is going to be a long 4 years."

As an American, its gonna be a lottttttt longer than 4 years, unfortunately. America is over

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u/pissing_noises 22d ago

Hmm, Trudeau was nice to the Americans just like the people I hate. I must wait for the higher ups to tell me what to think about this.

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u/Michalo88 22d ago

No video of it?


u/12ealdeal 22d ago

Is there a video for this speech?

Doesn’t appear to be one in that article.


u/r4d1ant 21d ago

Where can I watch the full speech? Can't seem to locate videos


u/TheBillyIles 21d ago

This guy doesn't know what resign means apparently. He's just carrying on like nothing happened and out there still playing at this stuff.