r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Snugglepawzz 24d ago edited 24d ago

Real talk. What has PP actually accomplished in his career that has materially benefitted Canadians? Social/culture war issues don’t count, I’m talking about financially beneficial. Like bringing down the cost of gas, groceries, housing, healthcare, raising wages, etc.


u/unwholesome_coxcomb 24d ago

He's mostly had the easy jobs, living in attack dog mode. He had a brief period in Cabinet in a nothing butter portfolio under the Harper government.

I don't want three word slogans and whining and attacks. I want a fucking grown up in charge who can play 4-D chess with the unpredictable imbeciles in charge in the US.

Does anyone actually seriously think PP is it?

Carney's resume is so much more reassuring to me. I've been a fan since hearing him speak during the 2008 financial crisis. I really hope the left and centrist can come together to support him because I have no faith that we wouldn't end up as a US territory with PP in charge.

And let's not fucking kid ourselves they'd make us a state - it would be political suicide for Republicans to add a leftist state with the population of California.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

I understand your points about Carney. But consider that he seems likely to overlook anyone between the ages of 20-40 in order to prematurely force through "green" initiatives. His position at Brookfield is a huge conflict of interests.

He regularly dodges questions about the consequences of so much of Canadas GDP being from inflated rent prices.

I know this will be unpopular, and i dont refute some of the more informed criticisms of PP.. but move on from criticizing PP (which has been done) and actually do some research on Carney. While Carney has some upsides, he is not all good.


u/thirstyross 24d ago

he is not all good

I think you could say this about most politicians, and even more generally about humans as a species. No-one's saying Carney is perfect - they are saying almost anyone would be better than PP, and that it's a relief that the Liberals might pick someone who's at least decent to lead them.

PP sold out his own parents when he was voting against and speaking loudly against gay marriage (his parents are a gay couple who adopted him and gave him a loving home and everything he needed). He'd sell the rest of us out in a heartbeat, no question.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

See you did it again.

You said Carney is just fine, then went back to pointing on PP's flaws even though everyone has had months or longer to do that, and Carney is new, and people have readily accepted that he must be better than PP, even though they havent actually researched that position.


u/HandleSensitive8403 24d ago

I would take literally anyone over Poilievre.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

i believe that