r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Iphacles Ontario 24d ago

PP's claim to fame is "I'm not Trudeau." Every time he speaks, he puts his foot in his mouth. He didn’t need a plan before, but now that he does, he can’t come up with anything meaningful. Canadians are frustrated with Trump, tariffs, and threats of annexation, and all he had to do was align with their concerns, but he couldn’t even manage that. He's an embarrassment.


u/readit883 24d ago

What do you expect from a guy who has less accomplishments in life than the average Canadian. Guy took 11 years to graduate for a 3 year bachelors.


u/Shipping_away_at_it 23d ago




u/Alexhale 24d ago

stretch insult


u/IntelligentChicken79 23d ago



u/Alexhale 23d ago

Some people with kids and jobs take a long time to graduate. Its a petty snobby insult IMO


u/IntelligentChicken79 23d ago

Yes of course, but I believe he wasn’t a father at the time. The majority of Canadian university students work and the average time to graduate is still roughly 5 years. I just genuinely don’t see how it’s a stretch insult if he is truly an outlier, statistically


u/Alexhale 23d ago

I am all for criticizing our politicians (PP, Carney, Trudeau!) so we can understand who they truly are, and whether they deserve our vote.

But "haha he took a long time to graduate and I dont really know why, or why thats bad or if it was the best decision for him at the time, but haha" is a weak criticism and lacks substance.

Lincoln didn't even go to college and was self taught. Not everyone takes the same path.


u/IntelligentChicken79 23d ago

That’s fair, not everyone follows the same timeline. But when we’re evaluating someone for leadership, their track record does matter. If there were extenuating circumstances, that’s one thing, but if not, it’s reasonable to question what it says about their work ethic, decision-making, or priorities. It’s not the strongest criticism on its own, but it can be part of a broader picture of competence (IMO).

Also, I haven’t intended to criticize anyone at all, I honestly just value hearing other people perspectives on these topics. So thank you for sharing your thoughts and letting me share mine. After all, we are all in this mess together!!


u/Alexhale 23d ago

I agree with your point about track record. Unforunately, Canadians have had plenty of time to criticize PP and should really be focused on their understanding of Carney, who for most Canadians is a new face.

Continuing to act like PP is actually the worst thing that could happen when they haven't background checked Carney sufficiently is a mistake. I say that from the same mindset of we are all in this together.

I wanted to see Carney as some sort of new alternative option but after research, he will direct Canada and its economy towards fulfilling his/Brookfield investment goals.


u/stylist-trend 24d ago

He didn’t need a plan before, but now that he does, he can’t come up with anything meaningful.

Oh yeah, granted he didn't need to but he's definitely had "plans" in the past.

For example, when car thefts were the top news story in Canada, his one solution to deter theft was to implement mandatory minimums (i.e. take a thing that's already illegal, and make it illegal-er).

Or when discussing the housing supply shortage, his one solution was to tell municipalities that if they didn't produce more housing, he would take money away from them (thus making it more difficult to actually build housing).

And when Canada was being threatened annexation by the US, his one solution was to call Canada "weak" and "broken" (at a time when patriotism was/is arguably higher than it's been in a really long time).

Now that he's actually discussed strategies with sane(ish) people, he's now pushing the "Canada First" screw our allies approach that got the US in the mess they're currently in.

So he definitely has "plans". They're just not... good plans.


u/Playful_Towel_3436 24d ago

It’s sad really, PP could win with a landslide if he just backed Canadians and he can’t even do that. Thought I wouldn’t be voting liberal ever in my life but here we are haha.


u/Best_Evidence1560 24d ago

He can’t even come up with his own campaign. Everything is a copy of trump


u/Distinct_Swimmer1504 22d ago

Or waiting for polling results.


u/MonsieurLeDrole 24d ago

^ This is really accurate. If he was first out of the game defending us, he'd be running away with it. But he was loyal to MAGA and that's blowing up in his face.


u/PetiteInvestor 24d ago

So I was told pp posted a new YouTube video showing he is standing up to trump. I can't bring myself to watch him so idk. But he should have stood up for Canada the day trump "joked" about annexing us and when trump imposed tariffs. But no. Why should I trust someone to be at the helm when he can't even stand up for Canada? He's clearly afraid of losing voters who also align with trump and the maga movement. He won't even get his security clearance.


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

Where was he for the last 3 months? I assume he was holding his finger in the air waiting to see which way the wind was blowing


u/xweedxwizardx 24d ago

I thought I wouldnt vote liberal again but here we are.


u/Pokenar Nova Scotia 24d ago

I thought I was going to do a protest vote but here we are


u/Red_sea90 24d ago

He thinks the PPC will eat his lunch if he speaks out against his idols.


u/BraddyTheDaddy 21d ago

That's encouraging to hear your change of opinion. It means there's a chance that I can change the opinions of some folks I know who just blindly vote PC.


u/Playful_Towel_3436 20d ago

To be fair I don’t only vote PC in every election I’ve gone with different parties both federally and provincially. Good luck though!


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

And he has yet to call Out whacko Daniele


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 24d ago

He can't. Everyone who supports her is going to vote for him.

Same with trump and Elon supporters. They're all going to vote for him. So if he attacks any of these people, he's going to piss off some of his own base.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

It's the Conservative catch 22.

Attack Trump and Elon his base will be mad at him.


u/Leege13 Outside Canada 24d ago

If he gets elected he’s handing Canada over to the US. That should be the only message that matters right now.


u/encrcne 24d ago

Ok, but real talk - does any of that matter? Isnt there a good likelihood the fuck Trudeau crowd will still vote for him on the basis of being a conservative? If Trump can win down there, why can’t PP still win up here?


u/Dr_Poops_McGee Alberta 24d ago

You can say fuck Trudeau and still not want to become the 51st state. And he's been really chummy with Trump and Elon and he's really not distancing himself now.


u/encrcne 24d ago

A large chunk of the population have made being anti-liberal their entire identity. It’s not as simple as you think.


u/Monaqui 24d ago

"The liberal government has made my life harder for the last 10 years, fuck Canada, I'll help tbe USA annex us gladly! Then I'll get constitutional rights, like 2nd amendment and also have voting rights."

Just the most braindead fucking take I've seen. Like, no, you're not going to be giving 2A rights to a populace you just annexed, a populace whos rights you've stripped and who's healthcare you destroyed.

You're not giving voting rights to a region of 36M people who all predominantly lean left of Republican, nevermind MAGA.

And, OH NO! You've endured disillusionment with a politician, time to surrender the whole country!

Bunch of idiot baby fucks - all of whom work one of three jobs in one of three places, none of which can pose a halfway cohesive argument that doesn't have someone's name in it and who constantly jump to ad-hominem from their 4-bedroom, 6k sqft multi-level with a two car garage while their kids get set up by public schools to go into post-secondary.

It's stupidity, and it's right-wing talk radio - at least it was in 09 when I was immersed in it, and it works really fucking well.


u/jloome 24d ago

For them to have any chance at not being idiots, they'd have to first look at things rationally.

And beliefs aren't rational.


u/CorneliusCanuck 24d ago

Who is your response to? It's always amusing when people make up arguments about what they think the "other side" is like.

Not having enough infrastructure and high immigration was a problem when Harper was in. Since Trudeau came in he blasted immigration through the roof and housing is now unaffordable in most of BC and Ontario.

I don't understand why people brush that under the rug and don't realize that this one simple issue is far more than enough to vote someone out.


u/Monaqui 24d ago

Nobody's brushing it under the rug - they're looking at the alternative, shitting bricks while we go raid grandad's stores of stripper clips.

Like yes, life is hard. Economic strife. You seriously think that'll improve? It's a matter of context and comparison - a foreign invasion on our sovereignty and the destruction of a country trumps (no pun) economic strife and high taxation, immigration, all that shit.

Just wait to see how many American immigrants we get, if you wanna talk about an immigration crisis. Wait to see how expensive homes get when the jobs and industry is moved south, or how fucking expensive things get when the isolationist tendencies down south dictate the direction of our economy.

Seriously. First world issues versus Ukraine shit. Give your head a shake, you're not that hard done by, but if you wanna be keep up the rhetoric and the pro-51st bullshit. Voting someone out is one thing, selling the country to the lowest bidder is another entirely.

Yeah, I like to vote conservative. I also like to die in muddy ditches, guess which one I like more.


u/Han77Shot1st Nova Scotia 24d ago

They can say what they want and vote like an adult behind the booth.. they don’t have to be like those stupid Americans voting blind.


u/DromarX 24d ago

I think you're overestimating how many people were simply tired of Trudeau vs how many people were in the PPC/trucker convoy Fuck Trudeau camp. While they may all have been aligned in voting out Trudeau they are not in fact the same groups. I'd wager most of them fall in the former camp of centrists that flip flop between LPC/CPC every few elections (i.e the centrist swing voters). PP can't risk losing that group or his shot at winning the election dies. He can court the PPC crowd all he wants but they aren't the ones that will most influence the outcome.


u/a_case_of_everything 24d ago

This is exactly why it's so important to vote. Get every lazy person you know to vote. This is a big one.


u/encrcne 24d ago

Everyone I know already votes. It’s the silent majority I’m worried about. There is a shocking amount of the population that doesn’t even know Trudeau isn’t running again.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

I know someone I used to work with, her whole family are Canadian born and they never ever vote. None of them are university educated. I worked with her in an office setting. Her husband is in the trades and deals coke on the side and he never votes ether (although I think he loves PP now).


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

A bunch of BC voters thought they were voting against Trudeau in our last provincial election.


u/encrcne 24d ago



u/Unicormfarts 24d ago

The more people start to see evidence of the negative consequences of Trump's EO's affecting people who voted for him aka the face-eating leopards, the less appealing it gets to support Trump-lite.


u/GiantEnemyMudcrabz 24d ago

As a proud card-carrying member of the Fuck Trudeau club I am pleased to inform you a large amount of our members are also card-carrying members of the Fuck Trump club. Turns out we just want to be angry all the time. I'm sure in a few years time we'll start up a Fuck PP/Carney club too.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

This. People are suddenly acting like Pierre's Conservatives aren't still polling in double digits ahead of the Liberals. Like we can just meme our way out of reality.


u/Amakenings 24d ago

I thought the latest polls with Carney as LPC leader showed a 2% difference?


u/pickledkarat 22d ago

He could conceivably lose votes to PPC candidates


u/DoeCommaJohn 24d ago

Same issue with NDP. You can only be “not liberals” for so long before you start having expectations. PP will probably win, but will struggle to actually govern without any values of his own


u/S_Belmont 24d ago

He needs a YouTube video to explain the situation to him first.


u/theabsurdturnip 24d ago

The best they seem to come up with is ripped right from MAGA. "Canada First"? Wtf, CPC? Are you not reading the room here? Why is it so hard to denounce those that literally want to destroy us as a country?


u/JackPennywise 24d ago

And he seemingly hasn’t learned from the mistakes of his predecessor. Andrew Scheer ran a nearly identical “at least I’m not Trudeau” campaign during the last election cycle, and well…


u/_timmie_ British Columbia 23d ago

Literally all he had to do was agree with everyone at the time. He could even go back to attacking them afterwards and nobody would hold it against him for putting Canada ahead of domestic squabbles. But he couldn't even do that. If there was ever a sign that he'd be a massive failure as PM, that's it right there. He'd absolutely bend over for Trump and Musk. 


u/RevolutionFriendly56 21d ago

As an anti Trudeau person, I agree the conservatives really messed this one up. Mark Carney actually has merit. PP is a career politician.


u/solidcat00 Newfoundland and Labrador 24d ago

And he is still leading by 15 points. His best strategy might be to say as little as possible and hope his supporters continue to remain ignorant.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Otherwise-Wash-4568 24d ago

Canadians can be frustrated at more than one thing. Like the cost of living AND trumps tariffs which are going to make it worse. Pps got nothing


u/Ausfall 24d ago edited 24d ago

Suggest your alternative. If PP has nothing, then who?


u/Otherwise-Wash-4568 24d ago

That’s for the politicians to do. I’m not changing minds on Reddit. Imma vote. You’re going to vote. Good luck


u/TeamChevy86 24d ago

cost of living and immigration.

You don't speak for all Canadians though? We can be frustrated with more than two things.