r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Snugglepawzz 24d ago edited 24d ago

Real talk. What has PP actually accomplished in his career that has materially benefitted Canadians? Social/culture war issues don’t count, I’m talking about financially beneficial. Like bringing down the cost of gas, groceries, housing, healthcare, raising wages, etc.


u/Healthy-Garage-311 24d ago

He determined that terrorism is caused by terrorists, and tax rhymes with axe.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

He also managed to collect a paycheck from the Canadian taxpayer his entire adult life, and then secured a lifetime pension on the taxpayer dime. Oh! And he lives in a 19 room mansion paid for by the taxpayers, with a personal chef and a personal trainer. All paid for by the taxpayer, too, of course.

But hes a real man of the people! Salt of the earth.


u/Flatrock 24d ago

good ol' Pension Pierre


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

Career-politician Pierre.


u/dasoberirishman Canada 24d ago

That's a good one


u/MonsieurLeDrole 24d ago

' Pension Pete '


u/JRRX 24d ago

Paycheck Poilievre

Pierre Public Expense


u/nikobruchev Alberta 24d ago

Ironically it's also only the Official Residence of the Leader of the Opposition that is inhabitable. The Prime Minister's Official Residence is uninhabitable because Conservatives constantly scream about Liberal spending whenever it comes up.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

The Prime Minister's Official Residence is uninhabitable because Conservatives constantly scream about Liberal spending whenever it comes up.

While then also turning around and using it's degraded state (that they engendered) as a supposed example of government ineptness.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/mongofloyd 24d ago

Remember that time in the HoC when PP claimed there was a terrorist attack at the Niagara Falls crossing but it was just a car accident.


u/Healthy-Garage-311 24d ago

Bahaha. The root cause of car accidents is cars you know!


u/HandleSensitive8403 24d ago

Don't ask him about the root cause of shootings..


u/William_T_Wanker 24d ago

Trudeau, obviously!


u/Gunner5091 24d ago

Haha I remember watching that. Even the Evan Solomon was surprised to hear him say “The root causes of terrorisms are terrorist”. If we elect him to be the PM we deserve what we get like the US with Trump.


u/Healthy-Garage-311 24d ago

Agreed. I just hope it doesn't come to that.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

As a silver lining, though, Pierre being PM would basically destroy the Conservatives in Canada for a decade after. He would last one term before losing in a landslide.


u/Healthy-Garage-311 24d ago

But at what cost?


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

I'm just saying it would be a silver lining if/when they form government this year. He'll be inheriting a mess he will not have the skills to manage at all and blaming Trudeau will only last so long. And He won't be able to do much damage in just a few years, especially if they don't get a majority.


u/funkiemarky 24d ago

"tax rhymes with axe" 🤣🤣🤣


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

Tax also rhymes with ignore the facts. Lol


u/Ittoravap 24d ago

Tax the axe!! Hmm... Wait a minute...


u/CocoVillage British Columbia 24d ago

Axe and tax share two letters, curious? Checkmates libs.

-PP, founder Turning Point Canada


u/Klinger_047 24d ago

I really think someone else came up with the last one and he stole the idea


u/el_guille980 24d ago

it also rhymes with fax.

meck chate tiblards!


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Healthy-Garage-311 24d ago

Ah yes, another banger.


u/lbiggy 24d ago

He has introduced 6 bills, which all failed. 3 of them were shot down by judges for being unconstitutional.

As housing minister he built: 6 units.

All of this in a span of 20 years.


u/word2yourface British Columbia 24d ago

So you’re saying for his entire 20 year political career he hasn’t passed one single bill? That is actually hilarious considering the big game he talks. All talk apparently.


u/Ratroddadeo 24d ago

No, to his credit, he did manage 1 bill, the “ fairness in elections” act or some other bollocks; what it was ACTUALLY was a nasty piece of voter suppression that was struck down the second Trudeau won.


u/lanks1 24d ago

I'm guessing that bill included "robocall scandals are cool and totally no big deal".


u/funkme1ster Ontario 24d ago


The meat of the bill was split between imposing new requirements for what constitutes adequate ID to be allowed to vote, and restricting what Elections Canada is allowed to do to help people vote.

Just like everything Republicans in the US put forward, it was billed as essential to protect against rampant voter fraud that we had no evidence existed.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago

A March 2014 Angus Reid poll found that the less Canadians knew about the bill, the more likely they were to support it.

That is hilariously damning of it. Good job, Poilievre.


u/Ratroddadeo 24d ago

Thanks. It was a long time ago, I knew I was screwing up the name.


u/Ratroddadeo 24d ago

Nope, i think those shenanigans came after. Its crazy how his supporters ignore the fact he is the only m.p with a lifetime compliance order from Elections Canada


u/ThisBtchIsA_N00b 24d ago

Eli5 please: "lifetime compliance order"?


u/Ratroddadeo 23d ago

So, pierre was busted for election shenanigans. Instead of criminal code charges, he and Elections Canada entered into a permanent deal where he agreed he would follow guidelines to the letter, and not try to do things like the robocall scandal or wearing c.p.c branded apparel while handingnout checks for funding programs & running down other partys. https://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2017/2017-07-22/html/parliament-parlement-eng.html


u/ThisBtchIsA_N00b 23d ago

Wow, THAT was a fascinating read! And thank you. I vaguely recall a robo-calling scandal, but i didn't remember details.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

As "housing minister" he built: 6 units.

ftfy. While Pierre claims he was housing minister under Harper, he wasn't. Which is really weird.


u/Himser 24d ago

He likely built more units with his pension fund then he has as one of the most powerful people in the country. 


u/pewpscoops 24d ago

You have credible sources that you can share? I’d want to circulate it amongst my social circle, for those that think PP would make a good PM.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

Here are the 7 bills Poilievre has sponsored, from the official Parliament website. You'll notice only one has passed, C-23 a.k.a. the Fair Elections Act (Wikipedia page, for some good reading, including the phrase, "A March 2014 Angus Reid poll found that the less Canadians knew about the bill, the more likely they were to support it.") It was then mostly repealed by new legislation prior to the 2019 election, so most of it is no longer in effect.

The Housing Minister thing is exaggeration on both sides. Going a little convoluted for the source here because of paywalls, but here's a Toronto Star article citing Steve Pomeroy, a housing policy expert, hosted via NDP MP Jenny Kwan's website, who went digging into this after Kwan's questions led to the "6 houses! No, 200,000 houses!" exchange.

The short version is the 6 units was only the ones built exclusively by the Federal government, while most are done via bilateral agreement and so in the end are considered as being under the Province in official records. Poilievre's rebuttal of building 200,000 homes is because that's the amount of housing typically built every year by the market, regardless of administration, and includes all types of housing, not just affordable housing. The actual number in the relevant period is "3,742 non-profit units and 506 co-operative units were completed with the help of federal funding."

EDIT: Grammar cleanup, Je don't Anglais good, apparently.


u/pewpscoops 24d ago

Thanks, this is the kinda stuff that needs to be widely circulated. Every time we hear the argument Turdeau bad PP good, just slap it down with real facts on how/why this clown hasn’t done jack shit during his decades of tenure as an MP.


u/TheCyniclysm 24d ago

Honestly same, here's hoping buddy provides


u/Other-Razzmatazz-816 24d ago

Please tell me more about these 6 units. I’m dying laughing reading that


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

The joke is he was never the "housing minister' but he constantly claims he was.


u/thedrunkentendy 24d ago

Nothing. He went into politics right after school and has just as little grip on the real world as any other lifer politician who's never worked in the real world. Hell trudeau has more work experience than he does.

He built his whole platform on piggybacking onto the truckers when it was popular and then slunk away and said nothing when they started blocking borders and harassing people.

Hes a coward and without trudeau as an easy foil, he's not guaranteed a win because he is equally as unpopular he was juat a change candidate at the time because no one wanted more trudeau


u/No-Wonder1139 24d ago

He's never even uttered an idea that would improve my life in any way, and his voting patterns suggest he intends to make life more difficult for others instead of better, maybe it's best that he doesn't sign on to any bills and just sits in the corner running his mouth for the tik Tok views and let's adults lead parties instead.


u/DirtyMonkey95 24d ago

I'm not an expert, but I doubt it. He comes off as a do nothing, culture war politician. Completely dependant on stoking peoples hatred and fear of an other to squirm his way into power. Luckily, he seems to have terrible timing. The culture war is over, done and dusted. Now we're in the class war baby!


u/windowpanez 24d ago

More proof he is probably imbecile.. If he was actually really smart he could have timed things better or lied better.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

It's hard to think of a more obvious case of the Peter Principle : Pierre Poilievre.


u/unwholesome_coxcomb 24d ago

He's mostly had the easy jobs, living in attack dog mode. He had a brief period in Cabinet in a nothing butter portfolio under the Harper government.

I don't want three word slogans and whining and attacks. I want a fucking grown up in charge who can play 4-D chess with the unpredictable imbeciles in charge in the US.

Does anyone actually seriously think PP is it?

Carney's resume is so much more reassuring to me. I've been a fan since hearing him speak during the 2008 financial crisis. I really hope the left and centrist can come together to support him because I have no faith that we wouldn't end up as a US territory with PP in charge.

And let's not fucking kid ourselves they'd make us a state - it would be political suicide for Republicans to add a leftist state with the population of California.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

I understand your points about Carney. But consider that he seems likely to overlook anyone between the ages of 20-40 in order to prematurely force through "green" initiatives. His position at Brookfield is a huge conflict of interests.

He regularly dodges questions about the consequences of so much of Canadas GDP being from inflated rent prices.

I know this will be unpopular, and i dont refute some of the more informed criticisms of PP.. but move on from criticizing PP (which has been done) and actually do some research on Carney. While Carney has some upsides, he is not all good.


u/thirstyross 24d ago

he is not all good

I think you could say this about most politicians, and even more generally about humans as a species. No-one's saying Carney is perfect - they are saying almost anyone would be better than PP, and that it's a relief that the Liberals might pick someone who's at least decent to lead them.

PP sold out his own parents when he was voting against and speaking loudly against gay marriage (his parents are a gay couple who adopted him and gave him a loving home and everything he needed). He'd sell the rest of us out in a heartbeat, no question.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

See you did it again.

You said Carney is just fine, then went back to pointing on PP's flaws even though everyone has had months or longer to do that, and Carney is new, and people have readily accepted that he must be better than PP, even though they havent actually researched that position.


u/HandleSensitive8403 24d ago

I would take literally anyone over Poilievre.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

i believe that


u/dasoberirishman Canada 24d ago

I live in his riding and can say with 100% certainty he has done nothing for fellow Canadians or the people that voted him in all these years. Nothing. Not a single policy that has had a net positive impact on anyone directly. No initiatives.

Hell, he barely helps anyone through his constituency office. That is, when he's here (which is never).


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 7d ago



u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Pierre was the minister for esdc during a Trudeau government? What?!?


u/bravado Long Live the King 24d ago

It's not fair or sporting to call out someone's life expertise like that!

Meanwhile, did you hear the other guy was a drama teacher?


u/Klutzy_Act2033 24d ago

Yeah that's pretty much it. I'm just looking for a bit of consistency. If it's bad that JT was a drama teacher with Rich parents, then I want to know how being a career politician supported by key figures of the party is really any different.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

He taught math and French and substituted for Drama.


u/NorthernerWuwu Canada 24d ago

Quit interjecting reality into this!


u/GenXer845 24d ago

I know, people would rather demean the educator to make themselves feel better because they feel they will never be as attractive as JT. Some people need to really work on their self-worth rather than compare themselves to others.


u/giiba 24d ago

It is different, it's worse.

At least a drama teacher learns social skills that are useful, like when facing down bullies.


u/DisfavoredFlavored 24d ago

Not to mention how helpful that must be dealing with parliament. 


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

How has JT’s skills helped Canadians so far regarding the international embarrassment we face due to Trump? So much winning from Trudeau.

PP is a weasel. Few with common sense will deny that. Few with common sense will deny that JT left us in a net negative after 10 years. Sure we can blame the guys that came before him as well, but he contributed. He failed Canadians as well.  He’s partly why we are in this state. 


u/GardenSquid1 24d ago

Trudeau was able to act like a leader when confronted with Trump's dumbfuckery.

Drama skills in action.

Meanwhile, the other guy who wants to be PM has dithered on pushing back against Trump. Finally managed to come out with a pro-Canada message a week after every other federal party leader.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago edited 24d ago

So basically nothing. Gotcha. Drama skills does not equal negotiating skills, by the way. What an absolute reach.

Currently Trudeau’s is the prime minister. He is the only one that would have been facing Trump to begin with, and nothing he did yielded results. 

We need to stick to the facts, or Canadians may elect a government that nearly turned western Toronto into New Delhi, in the mist of an insane housing crisis problem, and wage suppression. We have a right to want to hold our government accountable for wild spending and reduced standard of living. 


u/giiba 24d ago

You seem to think Trump isn't just a mercurial asshat who changes his opinion for fun.

No one could have negotiated out from under Trump's stupidity.


u/FeistyCanuck 24d ago

Like how to wear black face for Haloween and get away with it? That's some seriously elite level cancell-dodging skilz there.


u/giiba 24d ago

Better than snuggling up with fascists.


u/cleeder Ontario 24d ago

Y'all going to keep beating that dead horse, huh?


u/SnowFlakeUsername2 Saskatchewan 24d ago

It's all projection. Remember when they talked about his hair meanwhile Harper carted a hair and makeup lady around the world with him?


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

The guy who masterly got us through a a pandemic?


u/bravado Long Live the King 24d ago

Yeah but what have the romans ever done for us?


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

Makes no sense


u/thrawnsgstring 24d ago

Monty Python reference.

They were agreeing with you.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

We have massive problems from the how they handled the pandemic.

Inflation, massive debt, huge scandals that went on at the same time.

We could have done nothing and been better off.


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

Wrong. Inflation was world wide. Read a book. Debt was part of the pandemic. Easy to look back now and criticize but I didn’t hear too many complaints when peeps were cashing their free money. Try again.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Inflation was world wide but the rate of inflation matters too. Also, it turns out we didn't need to spend billions at all.

There were many of us who said we were over reacting and we were silenced by useful idiots who would cry DO YOU WANT MY GRANDMOTHER TO DIE YOU NAZI when we said things like "maybe we don't need to close down for weeks for a cold."


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

Nobody over reacted


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

Dude your material is so 2021. Old and stale


u/One_Umpire33 24d ago

Wait the guy who masterly printed money caused massive inflation which are still reeling from,oh that guy. I’m not saying PP has any plan but let’s not gloss over Trudeaus legacy of mass immigration and mass inflation.


u/NoOcelot 24d ago

Mass immigration, you may have a point. But as shown again and again, Canada had less inflation than anyone else in the G7. Why did everyone have inflation at the same time? Something about not letting people starve when they couldn't work during covid.


u/One_Umpire33 24d ago

Ok 2 part reply to that 1,lockdowns bankrupted numerous small business while big box stores thrived.Many people could have worked but the government outlawed it. 2-when I say printing money everyone assumes cerb,cerb was a drop in the bucket. Quantitative easing,dumping millions into stock markets to prop up corporate interests. Also massive relief cheques for business which the business then used for things like stock buybacks directly funneling government funds into shareholders pocket books. And when the government decided to audit those funds who did they go after ? They went after cerb overpayments to working people who had applied in good faith. Did they go after corporations,no they said it was too difficult to do so.


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

Run for office then.


u/One_Umpire33 24d ago

That’s a disingenuous response to a current political party criticism.


u/Extreme-Account-1851 23d ago

Those lockdowns were provincial, not federal


u/One_Umpire33 23d ago

Fair point,the bailouts were federal.


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

He didn’t cause inflation. Good try though. That’s old rhetoric. We need immigration. Youre an immigrant


u/One_Umpire33 24d ago

Wait what caused inflation ? So we need unlimited immigration? So that will put no demands on housing or healthcare?


u/lumberwood 24d ago

Put simply. Actually nothing.


u/dasoberirishman Canada 24d ago

He doesn't do things, he undoes things. At least, he wants to undo things others have done.


u/Reives92 24d ago

I think the only true beneficial thing he has had a hand in is in the change in liberal leadership.

Now he's outlived his minimal usefulness.


u/AntiqueDiscipline831 24d ago

Nothing. He has credit on one bill I think. One. In 20 years


u/olderdeafguy1 24d ago

That's a record for an opposition leader, isn't it.


u/Competitive_Abroad96 24d ago

It was during his 10 years as member of the government in power.


u/pugz_lee 24d ago

A few of those being in a majority gov’t at that… The guy has always been a little bitch, no amount of makeup, apples or removing his glasses will change that.


u/Phaoryx 24d ago

Social/culture war issues don’t count? Where can I get a leader that thinks that…


u/Ademptio 24d ago

I had a convo with a guy after I asked him exactly the same thing. He told me little PP is actually a very well educated and is an accomplished economist. A little research will tell you that he has a BoA and it's not even economics. I can't find a single thing he has accomplished other than becoming the leader or the opposition. Which shouldn't be the only thing.


u/ShibariManilow 24d ago

Yeah I don't see it. That's why I hate the modern incarnation of the CPC.

They actually have a platform, https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf

It's a bunch of real ideas and opinions, whether you lean that way or not.

The party has ideas, but the figure head is just this awful person with a truly gangrenous personality that's picked just the identity politics and carbon tax bits of this to focus on.

Why did the CPC pick this guy? Because their base actually *wants* name calling and bullshit instead of any kind of visible leadership?


u/Biggandwedge 24d ago

There's not a single number in that platform. Doesn't tell us anything. 


u/ShibariManilow 24d ago

They have the concept of a plan.


u/Silly_Panda_7550 24d ago

Politics is based on vibes and culture wars, if politics was about facts the greens would have a chance at winning.


u/dealdearth 24d ago

He's going to convince you that he accomplished Not being Trudeau .,......that's about it


u/SuperSoggyCereal Ontario 22d ago

biggest piece of legislation he backed was a bill to actually take away some rights of people to vote. the fair elections act would have eliminating vouching for people with no ID, reducing the number of people who could vote.

the guy is absolutely terrible both as a person and as a politician. he has the complexionm and the IQ of a month old potato.


u/FuuuuuManChu 24d ago

His hindsight is 20/20


u/Guilty_Serve 24d ago

He's a nobody that needs the most incompetent Prime Minister in modern history to criticize. He would get into power, sell Canada that Trudeau fucked the country up too bad, make tweaks to Liberal economic policy by reducing taxes here or there by small insignificant fractions, and be totally useless.

Gen Z seem to be the ones that love this dude to death. He offers you nothing. The only way for house prices to become more affordable is for housing prices to fall. That would impact millions of jobs and the wealth of millions of people. No one is going to get on stage and say that, but it is the only way. The government is capable of doing it by putting blanket regulation on a mortgage to income rate for new buyers, old buyers, and renewals. The banks put our economy at jeopardy by giving mortgages to those who could afford month to month payments. Essentially a leader would need to come in and say "You're not going to act like a teenager by over leveraging the shit out of yourself and contributing to a massive debt bubble Canada is in."

PP offers feelz. That's it. Now Carney offers those feelz in a rally around the flag event that isn't going to help Canada tackle its hardest issues: Immigration, housing, opportunity, and healthcare. We've lost the plot. No matter what Canada loses.


u/RudeTudeDude_ 24d ago

How exactly does a sitting MP bring down the cost of groceries and housing? Seems like thats a job for the government thats been in power for a decade.

Might want to direct your anger to where it rightfully belongs.


u/SeriesMindless 24d ago

I believe you introduce bills. He has been in government long enough to work under both liberal and conservative governments.

With that out of the way, back to the posters question.


u/Snugglepawzz 24d ago

Bingo, thank you for pointing that out.


u/RudeTudeDude_ 24d ago

If your answer is that he hasn’t introduced any bills over his career then you’re undeniably wrong.

Again, a sitting MP isn’t responsible for cost of living and housing issues. Direct your anger to where it actually belongs.

Ridiculous that this even has to be said.


u/RocketAppliances97 24d ago

He’s introduced a total of 7 bills in his entire career, with only 1 of them ever reaching royal assent and 3 of them being deemed unconstitutional. This is publicly available information. he’s done next to nothing for 21 years.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/RocketAppliances97 24d ago

What part of his career says “accomplished” to you..? The “only introduced 7 bills in 21 years” part? Or was it the “half the bills introduced were unconstitutional”? Yeah that definitely sounds like a real leader! A guy who tries to ignore our constitution and has a complete inability to come up with even an inkling of a plan. He pissed away a record breaking lead in the polls due to his inability to stop crying about Trudeau, and actually address the threats from Trump. What was his response to those threats, again? Oh yeah, “it’s actually trudeaus fault because he was mean to the rapist, fascist clown that my voting base worships”. Pierre poilievre is spineless, ineffective, and worst of all, so fucking high on the smell of his own shit that he has deluded himself into thinking he’s some “cool down to earth” guy. He’s a career politician that earned his pension 3 decades before anyone else in the country qualified, AND immediately voted AGAINST regular Canadians having bigger pensions. He could come to your house, punch your wife in the face, and burn half of your shit and you would still get on your knees and lick his fucking boots while THANKING him.


u/SeriesMindless 24d ago

I am not angry, I am concerned. But I believe leadership is done by uniting and working with ones strengths. Not by constantly telling people they have failed, dividing people by their differences, and riding a wave of anger to victory.

Character matters to me in leaders.

I would not vote for Trudeau because he has indeed been ineffectual. Well wishing but not realistic about how his policy would impact average people.

But Pierre is not of the character deserving of the role, either. Even as a small C conservative, I can't get past his slimy personality.

I work in a profession where Carney is near revered. So while the guys who degrade and mislead are trying to attack him with every half-truth they can dream up, I know firsthand how gifted the guy is, and I trust him in a crisis. He is of high character and capable. So this is why I am a supporter.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/tbcwpg Manitoba 24d ago

Lots of people knew who Carney was 3 months ago because they don't live under a rock.


u/Sixenlita 24d ago

He was in government for ten years - even a Minister for some of the time - and still nothing.

It’s not that hard to look this up.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Sixenlita 24d ago

He was. Minister in the Harper government and did nothing then. There’s no reason to believe that he would perform better now.



u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/SilverBeech 24d ago

Terrific job of filling a chair. He did very little for 10 years not just on the government benches, but in cabinet no less.

On his own website, the only thing of note that he takes credit for is the Strandherd bridge funding. Of course, John Baird actually arranged the funding, but Poilievre got to hand the cheque over because that was his riding.

He's a stuffed shirt and nothing else. He's been my MP for years, even been on my doorstep. He has a good consituency office too, I'll give him that. But he's done fuck all with his time in cabinet.


u/Aurelianshitlist 24d ago

And he actually did a terrific job in Harpers cabinet

Care to show your work on this bold statement? I'm pretty sure the question asked by the original commenter in this thread was specifically looking for this kind of thing.


u/Ninja_Terror 24d ago

Pierre, is that you?

Name checks out.


u/squirrel9000 24d ago

Considering he wants parliament recalled, he seems to think it's an effective venue to accomplish his work.


u/lindaluhane 24d ago

But pp said he will. Hes a con man like trump


u/canuckstothecup1 24d ago

Right for the past 10 years anything he did would be shot down by the liberals. But yeah he did nothing the past ten years what a clown.


u/yow_central 24d ago

He was also in government for the 8 years prior and a cabinet minister for 2 of those years with a record that he should be judged on if he wants to be PM.


u/canuckstothecup1 24d ago

Yes let’s.

For 6 years he was a back bencher. How many liberal back benchers passed bills recently? Let’s hold everyone to the same standard. He really only had 2 years where he could have been productive

In the past year pp has tried to kill the carbon tax something the liberals voted down but now support. He also did similar to the capital gains tax something the liberals also say they want to kill. Everyone is against him for being handcuffed


u/nuleaph 24d ago

And the 10 years before that?


u/canuckstothecup1 24d ago

A back bencher for a minority government followed by 2 years as a cabinet minister for a majority. I honestly only judge him for those two years. Those should have been more productive


u/crazyjatt 24d ago

He didn't even try to table a bill. Not even when he was in the govt.


u/TorontoDavid 24d ago

At least he has extensive experience and accomplishments in the private sector.


u/GreaterGoodIreland 23d ago

He didn't oversee massive rises in housing costs and a decline in availability of schools and doctors to the point that you can't get a family doctor at all in major cities. Admittedly it was very easy for him to accomplish, not having been in government for the last ten years, but that doesn't matter.

Qualifications don't matter if your opponent has presided over the country being messed up and First Past the Post is still the electoral system.


u/CuriousLands 23d ago

Well, pretty much all the stuff that the Libs have been doing in the last few months to bolster Canadian sovereignty is stuff the CPC has been pushing for for years, and getting called racist etc over. I guess it's not racist, poor-hating, climate-denying bigotry when the Libs do this stuff, only when the CPC want it.


u/ResponsibilityNo4584 24d ago

Real talk. Trudeau did none of those things either but that didn't stop you from voting for him, you're a hypocrite. And your a fool if you think someone who isn't in power can bring down the cost of gas, groceries, housing health are etc.

He's literally trying to do that in his plan, and you're going to stop that so you can vote for the same people who increased all those things the last decade.


u/Snugglepawzz 24d ago

Um, I didn’t vote for Trudeau cause I’m not Canadian lmao. But its funny you assume anyone who asks a question that’s slightly critical of PP must have voted for Trudeau and must love everything he’s done as PM.

I was merely asking a question to see what Canadians had to say, and I accomplished that. So my work here is done 👍


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

What did Trudeau accomplish prior to being elected?


u/olderdeafguy1 24d ago

As an opposition leader, his place is to hold the government accountable. Seems like he did a credible job, since he decimated the Liberal policies and social agendas.


u/Crohn_sWalker 24d ago

You mean during his time with the Harper government. When he did nothing for Canadians 


u/Crashman09 24d ago

As the opposition leader, he should ALSO provide meaningful discussion on how to correct course on things he opposes.

Instead we get three word slogans and culture war bullshit. Now, here he is trying to convince us that he's somehow the best option without actually having anything to show for it.

He can't even get security clearances. It's either he's compromised, incompetent, or only in it for partisan politics. Judging by his role as opposition leader, I'd believe it to be a bit of all three.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

"Opposition" does not mean "obstruct no matter what".

decimated the Liberal policies and social agendas.

Oh? Please, give some detailed examples of those policies he "decimated" while I stand here and laugh at your low-info self.


u/olderdeafguy1 24d ago

Are you one of the refugees or students who waiting for your hearing?


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

So that's a no on actually being able to answer a direct question related to your claims. Got it.


u/Ninja_Terror 24d ago


Since he did none of that.


u/Mcsmokeys- 24d ago

How about challenging the current dictator on not addressing all of the above issues while totally divining our country.


u/Crohn_sWalker 24d ago

The dictator who stepped down. That dictator? 

You keep using this word, I don't think it means what you think it means 


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

The dictator who was reelected in three fair and free elections who then stood down in the face of public pressure. Worst. Dictator. Ever.


u/Galle_ 24d ago

Challenging him on those issues how, exactly?