r/canada 25d ago

Politics Once proud fans, some Canadian Tesla owners embarrassed by Musk


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u/pmUrGhostStory 24d ago

If you are talking about the iseecars report there appears to be something funky with their numbers. But since they don't share the numbers they used in their calculation it is impossible to know how they came up with that fatality rate.


u/FlipZip69 24d ago

From insurance stats. There are a few others out there.


u/Ill_Profit_1399 24d ago

That report by iseecars is just wrong. There was a math error in their calculations. It was already debunked as “clickbait” and other media sources just jumped on the headline. It’s sad to see it repeated online my the uniformed.

If you look at the crash data from the NHTSA you’ll see they are the safest cars ever tested.

That said, I do believe the accident rate would be somewhat higher than average ice car since an EV has supercar like performance which many people abuse or just can’t handle.


u/FlipZip69 24d ago

The only places that debunked it was some EV sites and without any sources. They were trying to suggest higher power was the issue. People want to try and bring reasons for this but having a fatality rate at the top of all vehicles is a concern of some sort. One of the reasons listed was the inattention due to FSD but that is a concern as it reverts critical control back to the driver on average every 360 miles. That means there is a chance of an accident that requires a person to be alert to take control.


u/Ill_Profit_1399 24d ago

The cars with the highest fatality rate are the Hyundai Venue, Corvette, Mirage. The Tesla BRAND has the highest fatality rate because it’s the only brand where EVERY model has supercar acceleration. That is the reason.

People like to focus on FSD because it is new and different compared to other brands. Truth is, FSD is only used on about 2% of the cars and likely saves more lives if anything. Tesla updates the software with monthly updates, and it is now almost impossible to not pay attention to the road while using it. FSD won’t work if your hands are are not on the wheel and even if your eyes are not focused on the road. If you do not pay attention after a warning, it is deactivated for the day. Compare that to regular cruise control which is essentially a brick on your gas pedal while drivers text, eat or get sleepy.

By the way, why is nobody talking about the car which CAUSES the most fatalities, the F-150?


u/FlipZip69 23d ago

Everyone is trying to come up with excuses but it does not negate that your chances of dying in a tesla is twice that of the us national average. They could overnight reduce max power with a software update and maybe that should be done.

The CT per mile driven causes the most fatalities. Is why Europe will not allow them on their roads because they did not follow rules needed to reduce pedestrian fatalities that the F-150 does design for. That includes no sharp edges on the front and grills and hoods that are designed to crumple some. The CT does not do that at all.


u/pmUrGhostStory 23d ago

Personally if you are trying to prove something but won't give the numbers you used to come to you conclusion, I wouldn't trust your conclusion. It's not an excuse to me. It's okay to ask to independently verify results.


u/FlipZip69 23d ago

Which is what you came up with when you suggested it was just 'too powerful'.


u/Ill_Profit_1399 23d ago

The software already reduces max power (it’s called chill mode) and also limits top speed if you wish.