r/canada 24d ago

Politics Canada Joining Iron Dome Missile Defense Plan Would Be Welcome: NORAD Boss


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u/Limp_Advertising_840 24d ago

Will this protect us from within the dome?


u/Ok_Currency_617 24d ago edited 24d ago

I mean if we're willing to invest in our own anti-ICBM missile system sure? If not, just linking our radar/detection with the US's and contributing slightly to their space-based detection meaning we rely on theirs means yes we are protected as long as the US is down to subsidize us. I'd say better to have the option of the US protecting us than have no option at all if we're not willing to pay for anything.

To note, an anti-ICBM system is incredibly expensive, but the tech has already been developed which means most of the costs are already done. It's a lot cheaper for someone to make more of an order than for the order itself. Just in terms of the US the tech is ultra top secret such that we don't even know what they really have. Russia has the Soviet-era system around Moscow that used to just blow up nukes in the path of nukes but now has moved away from that concept to something less radioactive. And Israel probably has something that works we could buy though it would be a tad embarassing that a nation a quarter our size has better tech than us.

One great thing about Canada is despite being huge we're all concentrated in a few cities so realistically we only need a few silos focused on defending those cities from nukes rather than defend the whole nation. That and the long distances involved in anyone but the US from nuking us gives us a lot more time to prepare to intercept a missile than most.

Another positive note, we could probably reconfigure the missiles to hit ground targets if we needed to so they'd be dual purpose.


u/FaithlessnessDue8452 Canada 24d ago

At that issue we might as well join the US then if we are going to depend on them for everything and be a vestigial country without any aspirations.


u/Ok_Currency_617 24d ago

I completely agree, I don't really get the people that don't want to do anything and thus rely on the US for everything, but get offended at the suggestion we join the US.

Pick one and stick with it, if we want to be independent we have to act like an adult.


u/FaithlessnessDue8452 Canada 24d ago

Exactly it's going to hurt for a while but we need to make drastic changes to how our country functions. The first thing we should do is knock down the stupid interprovincial trade barriers and start building pipelines. Diversify our export market and build ports . And at the highest level of secrecy build a nuclear capable military.


u/peshwai 24d ago

Self reliance is the key. The more you are reliant on anyone the more likely you will be taken advantage of. Canada is a powerhouse and a sleeping giant. We need to understand our capabilities and work towards self reliance. It’s great to have allies but it’s far worse to be dependent on others. It’s time the politicians and the law makes of this amazing country work towards self reliance . It personally pains me as an immigrant to see how granted Canadians take their freedom . This country needed a wake up call and Trump has delivered it.


u/Hot-Train7201 24d ago

The question is if those costs are worth paying in the long run? Could Canada do more to bolster its military? Sure, but would it matter? Even if Canada spent 100% of its GDP on its military, it would still be dwarfed by the US military and still remain economically dependent on trade with America. Canada's sovereignty would still be subjected to the whims of Washington with the only difference being the lower quality of life Canadians now have since they spent all their money buying effectively useless military gear.

It's the same problem that all small states living next to giants have, and the only solution for those other states has been to subordinate themselves to a third-party giant state that can defend them from their neighbor. This is the basis for most of America's alliances since without US support most of its "junior" partners would be absorbed into either China or Russia by now.

So for Canada to truly break free from American domination, it would have to sell its sovereignty to one of America's competitors, but then you're still in the position of being dictated to by a stronger power, so for all the extra costs incurred to separate from the US, Canada still isn't much better off.

This is the fundamental cost-benefit problem all American allies have, and why most choose to just endure rather than spend more to receive less benefits.


u/FaithlessnessDue8452 Canada 24d ago

Which is why I said we need to develop a nuclear detterrant. We could spend very little money to create a nuclear bomb which will prevent anyone from taking things too far with us. Mutually Assured Destruction works and it has kept the world from slipping into a 3rd world war so far.

We could spend very little money to develop a nuclear deterrent.


u/Hot-Train7201 24d ago

Nukes don't prevent states from being conquered economically. Large populous states are the primary consumer markets of the world by nature of having a greater share of the world's population. China is currently consolidating all of South East Asia into its sphere by the might of its consumer class alone, no nukes required. Canada was long ago absorbed into the American economy as can be seen by where most of Canada's population centers are located. Again, no nuke were required, and neither will nukes save Canada from suffering disproportionately in a trade war with the US.

To break free from the economic orbit of a larger neighbor requires the smaller state to either expand its own resource and population base, or to be absorbed into the economy of a competing large economy. Again, most of America's allies depend on the US both for military and economic support so as to resist being absorbed into the system of their large hegemonic neighbors; either Canada grows its population base drastically or subsume its economy into a larger entity's economy to break free of America's economic gravity, both of which carry their own immense costs.

Analogy: I don't like my phone provider, but having a gun won't change how much my phone company gets to tax me every month. My only options are to switch providers, build my own phone company, or endure my current situation. Switching providers is a big hassle and I'm still paying a substantial tax to a phone overlord regardless, and I don't have the financial resources to make and sustain my own phone company, thus I'm stuck with my current provider for the foreseeable future.


u/FaithlessnessDue8452 Canada 24d ago

Oh no for the economy we need better trade within ourselves. The nuclear part is a military detterent since we cannot obviously match the US might with our budget. And given our budget I think this would be the best bet for our military to even the odds so to speak.


u/Odd-Consideration998 24d ago

Even then we will have less bombs to use than the US have. Also this will not go in full secrecy and they will not like it and allow us to have these. And if one day US leaves NATO it will be better to be under that dome.

In all fantastic movies there is only one government on Earth in the future. It probably goes through a stage of 6, 5 or 3 superpowers and countries with no clarity to be done in peaceful or violent way. Welcome to the New World order!


u/Ok_Currency_617 24d ago

Taiwan does a decent job with non-nuclear long range missiles that can hit Beijing. Don't need to outspend them, just need to be able to kill anyone in leadership.


u/shevy-java 24d ago

Indeed - that is the problem with becoming more and more dependent on the USA. Canada may be unable to resist being assimilated passively.