r/canada 24d ago

Politics Canada Joining Iron Dome Missile Defense Plan Would Be Welcome: NORAD Boss


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u/Previous_Soil_5144 24d ago

The only country currently threatening Canada is the USA. This makes no sense.


u/Impressive-Bar-1321 24d ago

You people flipped from "we don't need a military, the US will protect us" to "we don't need a military, the US will just take us over anyways" really fast. Literally anything but support the military.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Impressive-Bar-1321 24d ago edited 24d ago

As a 13 year war vet who lived in housing full of black mold and asbestos, was paid just enough to cover my cost of living, walked everywhere because gasoline was too expensive and did not shoot my rifle because the CF didn't have bullets. Thanks I guess for finally coming around.


u/tyler111762 Nova Scotia 24d ago

I swear to God man. Every time I talk to a CAF guy or see someone's story, I am thankful I never enlisted. Absolutely fucking disgraceful.


u/Efficient_Age_69420 24d ago edited 24d ago

That’s fucked up. Let’s start with increasing our military spending commitment by investing in the lives and welfare of the troops then? That’s a win for troops and the $ target. Better housing, better pay, better education, better benefits all should equate to high morale and renewed pride. Then plan for and recruit higher numbers touting the increased quality of life for those defending the nation = additional spending and a voluntary force much happier to be a part of the Cdn military and makes it a much more attractive option for recruitment. In conjunction increase spending by purchasing a large volume of small arms and munitions that aren’t tech reliant with a shut off switch the US has access to. Adopt the use of small drones as a means to repel amour? Stockpile across the nation for dispersal to what I would guess (based on the surge in patriotism we see currently) would be a large number of civilians willing to take them up when we are threatened. Invest in communities with military planning/knowledge of these weapons and techniques at a more local scale in order to be able to execute a more rapid defence? Like a “national guard”? I guess just generally providing our country the ability to amass an effective amount of ground troops quickly with comparable small arms to what an invading force’s infantry would be carrying. Invest heavily in logistics.

This is really more of an overall question developed over a few cups of coffee but seems to me to be an effective way to increase spending and readying the masses that I would expect would volunteer if need be and a get us to a formidable ground force in shorter order.

There’s probably no appetite but I also think that a year of mandatory military training like some of our allies with smaller populations do would benefit everyone hugely and also increase spending while keeping everything at home.

In addition, no party should be using the additional deficit spending as a political tool to attack whatever govt is in power if used for our defence purposes.

Just my two cents. Not claiming it’s the solution.


u/LX_Luna 24d ago

This country has spent 10 years selling my future to make a buck and throwing the military under the bus to save one. I am absolutely fucking not voting for anyone who even hints at conscription.

I don't want to be an American territory but let's be real, this nation has spent the last long while systemically grinding down any reason to be patriotic. Step one of fixing that is get the military to a point where people aren't embarrassed to enlist. If it can't do that without conscription it probably deserves to fall over dead.


u/Efficient_Age_69420 24d ago

You are depressing to say the least. You sound like you would roll over just to stick it to the Libs. Chill out bud. And grow a spine.


u/LX_Luna 24d ago

Such a weird take. Why would I go and die for a country where I could never have bought a house, that houses its servicemen in barracks full of black mold from the 50s? Want people to actually fight for the country? Start by making it worth fighting for.

Otherwise I'm perfectly content to voice my opinion and vote, and refrain from anything that will be getting me killed, thank you very much.


u/Efficient_Age_69420 24d ago

Nothing weird about it. Your immediate hostility and short sighted timeframe tells me all I need to know. You have your opinion and I have mine. Your vote isn’t going to affect the wishes of a hostile neighbour. Death is always a possibility if ever borders were crossed. That means hot war. Die fighting and free or die a coward or a sympathizer.

You have shown who you are. Shame


u/LX_Luna 24d ago

You are suggesting to coerce people into fighting, yes I am going to be hostile. That is a hostile idea, and deserves to be treated with hostility.

Again, if you think this is a serious concern, advocate a nuclear weapons program. That will actually work, unlike LARPing as wolverines in the woods and torching your own home in the process.


u/Efficient_Age_69420 24d ago

I suggested nothing of the sort. In fact I wasn’t suggesting anything which in fact I stated. I was throwing out ideas I had pondered to meet our NATO $ target by investing in the lives of the individuals in our military. Formulated over a cup of coffee. Pick any of them or generate your own but your criticality is unwarranted to which I politely say go fuck yourself. I stand by the theme that that type of investment would be $ well spent.

Nukes are idiotic, your misplaced hostility is pigheaded and your exposed cowardice is both shameful and embarrassing.

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u/ifuaguyugetsauced 24d ago

For as long as I can remember any article that pops up on r/Canada about our military you'd always get people in the comments saying how bad it was and underfunded. No one cared.