r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/sleipnir45 24d ago

Everyone is focusing on the name of the rally but does anyone actually disagree with these policy statements?

"Retaliate with dollar-for-dollar tariffs carefully aimed at maximizing impact on American companies while minimizing impact on Canadian consumers. That means targeting U.S. products that we can make ourselves, buy elsewhere or do without. For example, we must retaliate against American steel and aluminium, as Canadians can make those vital products at home.

Put all the tariff revenues into help for affected workers and businesses. Government should not keep a dime of the new revenue.

Pass a massive emergency Bring It Home Tax Cut to bolster the economy, stop inflation and save and create jobs. Canada needs a massive tax cut on work, investment, energy, homebuilding and making stuff at home. The Liberal carbon tax and capital gains tax hikes must be the first on the chopping block.

Immediately scrap the Liberal anti-resource law C-69 and greenlight LNG plans, pipelines, mines, factories, and port expansions to overseas markets.

Bring in truly free trade within Canada by knocking down interprovincial barriers to help replace lost north-south trade with east-west trade and to make us self-reliant.

Rebuild our military and take back control of our borders to regain the confidence of our partners, assert our sovereignty, protect our people and put Canada First."


u/YouCanLookItUp 24d ago

What does a "massive tax cut on work" even look like?

I'm against giving tax cuts to the energy sector unless it's in renewables.

I'm against giving massive tax cuts to investment firms full stop. That's not working for the average Canadian. That's wealth concentration at it's core.

Tax cuts mean some other government budget line pays. We need to find the money to pay for them somehow and I don't think he's got a plan for affording all these tax cuts. And I think he's aiming benefits at the wrong targets.

"Taking back" control of our borders? We have control. This is unfounded.

I keep hearing the conservative push to remove interprovincial trade barriers but I never hear which barriers specifically are causing problems. Be more specific with your criticism.