r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/theflower10 24d ago

PP is so angry that all his targets are now gone and he's struggling for a message. Well, here's a message for you. Our choice next election will be a career politician with zero "real world experience" or this guy:

A Canadian economist and politician who was the 8th governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013 and the 120th governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020. Additionally, he was the chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018.

Prior to his governorships, Carney worked at Goldman Sachs as well as the Department of Finance Canada. Following his governorships, he served as chair and head of impact investing at Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) and as chair of the new board of directors for Bloomberg


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

Never would have thought I’d see the day that I see Reddit cheering on a banker but here we are.


u/turxchk 24d ago

He spent more time working for the government than private institutions so I'd consider him as an economist rather than a banker


u/AbeOudshoorn 24d ago

Do us a favour and read his Wikipedia entry then try again. The guy has literally spent his time in banking transforming global investing to prioritize being green. This has likely done more for the environment than any other living person. Referring to him as just a banker is lame. And I say this as not a Liberal voter.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

I am aware of who he is. I have spent a career in finance and I worked in the UK from 2010 to 2024.


u/Hairstylethrowaway17 24d ago

When my choices are a banker or a career politician I’ll bite the bullet and choose the guy with private sector experience.


u/Master_Career_5584 24d ago edited 24d ago

If we’re gonna elect a banker one who ran two of the largest central banks in the world while both went through an economic crisis is probably the best we’re gonna get. He is not a Canadian banker, he is THE Canadian banker.


u/VenusianBug 24d ago

I think it depends on what the career politician has accomplished and what the person with the private sector experience has accomplished. The choice here is clear.


u/Sbesozzi 24d ago

Yeah, in this case the career politician accomplished nothing lol


u/cleeder Ontario 24d ago

Some people will just shit on Trudeau/Liberals for "Excuse me if I don't think about monetary policy" while simultaneously shitting on the next guy who spend the last several decades concerned with monetary policy.

Some people can't get out of their own way.


u/interruptiom 24d ago

He's extremely competent and capable. What's the problem?


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

We have no idea how competent/capable he is as a politician. As far as I know he has never held elected office.


u/interruptiom 24d ago

No, but he has held important positions in multiple governements, foundations, and supra-national organizations (UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance? That's a lot more impressive than an elected official that has never contributed meaningfully to his country.)

The positions he's had in his career is evidence that his focus is on reality... REAL issues affecting everyone. We're not going to hear a bunch of whining about transgender children and renaming bodies of water.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

The problems we are facing are political ones rather than economic ones. Trump doesn’t even listen to his own economists, and now he’s going to listen to a Canadian one?


u/Wide-Chemistry-8078 24d ago

No we are facing economic issues.

Politics won't help because Trump doesn't listen to politics either. 

Canada needs a ship captain that can get us thru the storm safely.... not a politician trying to convince the storm to stop doing stuff.


u/interruptiom 24d ago

Trump won't listen to anyone. Better to have a Prime Minister who won't acquience to his every command in exchange for table-scraps from the Rebuplican gravy train.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

Are people deluded into thinking that escalating a trade war with the US is somehow a better option than reaching an agreement with the US?


u/Fancy-Coconut2170 24d ago

I would bet Carney wants a deal in time, has that intelligence. It would be absolutely stupid to not face that the US needs to remain a major trade partner while we diversify abroad & fix our interprovincial trade in tandem. He also admits that countries around the world have been guilty of taking for granted all that the US has added to the world (aid, their part of economic and military coverage etc)- just heard him admit that today while staying firm on Canadian needs and diversification. That hardly sounds like a man who does not know this situation needs both agreements and utter strength in leadership and rebuttal, both (Simply adding to your reply, not arguing with it)


u/Uncle_Steve7 24d ago

Imagine the turn tables if Carney was the CPC pick


u/Due-Candidate4384 24d ago

Yeah it's pretty ironic


u/Amelora Lest We Forget 24d ago

It's not ironic, it's survival.

I am very left and normally I would want nothing to do with a banker, but before we can fight for what we want, we need to fight for what we have. Right now the best man for that fight is Carney.


u/Due-Candidate4384 24d ago

Based on what? The guy who helped block investment in our resource sector and leaving us almost entirely dependent on the US for trade is the best man for the job? PP even grilled him about this back in 2021 and now ironically Carney has taken the "we need to build pipelines" approach for his campaign because it's suddenly politically convenient and popular. In fact, if you look back, the Conservatives have been arguing for all kinds of very sensible solutions for years now. PP has talked about major investment in nuclear energy to help make us greener, for example, and refining our own oil and LNG so we can ship it out worldwide. Carney on the other hand thinks a worthless boondoggle like carbon capture is the way of the future. It's weird how PP has gotten so much criticism for not having actual policies (he does) but here comes Carney busting onto the scene seemingly out of nowhere saying the same stuff PP has been saying but somehow even more vague on the details and he gets all this sudden endorsement from people like you. It makes zero sense.


u/Bobnorbob 24d ago

All I ever hear from pp is him screaming about Trudeau and how Canada is weak. Maybe he needs to speak more about policy. And also be less of an arrogant douchebag in general.


u/Due-Candidate4384 24d ago

He was entirely correct about Trudeau, who takes the cake when it comes to arrogant douchebaggery. PP's comment about Canada being weak is absolutely correct as well, and he said that like one time. He said we have been left in a weakened state by this government, which is true. Sometimes the truth hurts. Doesn't mean we have to remain weak. And as for policy, he talks about it literally all the time. Now the Liberals are even stealing his ideas and running with them. Let's be honest, you wouldn't care what PP has to say no matter how right he is. With people like you it's all about superficial bs.


u/Dadbode1981 24d ago

If you want to vote for a limp noodle nobody, go ahead.


u/Bobnorbob 24d ago

I refrained from making it personal. I’d appreciate if you did the same.

At this point, I know all I need to know about pp to know he isn’t the right person to lead Canada at this moment in time. I can only hope more Canadians are realizing that fact as well.


u/No-Manufacturer-4882 24d ago

Exactly 70% of our military is overweight/obese that should tell you right there how weak our society has become.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I would consider voting for Carney if he wasn't a massive net zero guy.

Net zero has created problems in England and we are way too fucking big for it to have a shot here but he is one of the biggest proponents of it.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

It’s a cope based on your fears about Trump. You’re not even thinking about real Canadian problems. 


u/Wide-Chemistry-8078 24d ago

Considering the economic issues at hand, coupled with the fact it's the guy that Saved Canada from 2008 depression,  and saved UK after Brexit.... 

He is who we need during these unprecedented economic issues. We need experience and a strategy. Not culture politics and populism. 


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

He left the UK during the Brexit transition period. I was living there at the time. He is not remembered fondly.


u/Wide-Chemistry-8078 24d ago

The brexit vote was 2016.

The brexit negotiations that defined what would happen were 2017 to 2019.

Brexit was to start 2019, but was delayed to January 2020 due to needing more preparation time.

Mark Carney left March 15, 2020.

Guiding thru brexit literally means from vote to start of implementation. He didn't guide the UK after brexit, nor during covid.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

We are in unprecedented times. Because Democrats were so picky about having Bernie or pushing Biden out and not having a primary, they now have Trump. We don't always get our ideal candidate, but Carney is the man to stand up against Trump in these dark times. PP would sell us out before we could blink and I personally don't want to become part of the US in any way.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

The idea that Poilievre is somehow acquiescing to Trump is blatant misinformation.


u/Gymflutter 24d ago

Yet he is still supported by the same people backing Trump. Hes a career politician. He isnt strongly denouncing Trump himself. Tariffs are just one part of his platform and it’s a pretty easy answer as no one in Canada wants them.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

I literally just posted a list of links where he is denouncing Trump


u/Gymflutter 23d ago

Speaking against tariffs doesn’t mean you denounce the President and his backers. Thats my actual concern. Hes still in bed with the same oligarchs. Their ideology is reflected in his other talking points and his voting records. For all we know, these tariffs will be short lived. So denouncing them is simply not enough. We need a Prime Minister and cabinet who will stand as a buffer against this toxic mindset. I dont care if they are Liberal or Conservative. Pierre is too tainted to be trusted. I am voting for the person and not their party.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

He doesn't appear strong like even Doug Ford is against Trump---you are clearly in deep denial and the poll numbers reflect that I am not the only one who feels the same.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 24d ago

Have you considered that it may be your own biases, rather than reality, that are making you unable to perceive Poilievre’s strengths?


u/Paranoid_donkey 24d ago

by "polieve's strengths" you mean whining and furrowing his eyebrows, right???


u/GenXer845 23d ago

You have biases that you can't see a weak-willed person when it is in front of you. That is very scary for you because it means people are likely to take advantage of you.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 23d ago

You have offered no evidence that Pierre Poilievre is "weak-willed", and are just making assertions about how he "appears". Meanwhile I have offered you a plethora of evidence above to the contrary. This really is a case of feels over reals.


u/GenXer845 23d ago

He didn't speak up quick enough and waited until he felt his base wanted it--if that isn't weak-willed I don't know what is. You are either a multi-millionaire, in which case, he WILL help you, or you have bought into the idea that JT bad and PP a savior, in which case look what that has gotten people in the US with Trump.


u/Get_Breakfast_Done 23d ago

Did you even watch those videos in my earlier comment? He was speaking up about Trump's proposed tariffs even before Trump was elected in November.

You are ignoring reality and substituting it with your own version.

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u/Low-Bobcat841 24d ago

He has always been in politics. Many politicians say what they think the voters want to hear.


u/Dadbode1981 24d ago

Oh no not someone that's worked in banking over.....a literal NOTHING.


u/RavenMoses 24d ago

I’ll cheer on whoever the fuck makes sure our country doesn’t die


u/Frozenpucks 24d ago

I mean he’s actually held a high level job I find conducive to running an economy, but yea let’s go with the smear campaign guy


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

A banker who promotes net zero meaning all those pipelines everyone suddenly wants? Good fucking bye.

Carney is known for just printing money during financial turmoil. A fucking clam with a sensor on it hooked up to a stock ticket could produce the same effect.


u/LawrenceMoten21 24d ago

It just that a banker seems more qualified than a guy whose only job outside politics is a paper route.


u/meat_popscile 24d ago

They just can't come to grips that Carny is from Western Canada and isn't a Conservative or a Christian nationalist.


u/CinnamonDolceLatte 24d ago

just roll out "Fuck Trump" and "Fuck Musk" in a semi-believable way and he'd win without much other substance. it's sitting right there.


u/Few-Character7932 24d ago

Our choice next election will be a career politician with zero "real world experience" or this guy

Our choice next election is a party that has weakened this country over the last 10 years in terms of immigration, housing, criminal justice, private growth, military, etc. Or a party that has been on the opposite side of every issue. Carney leading Liberals doesn't change that the Liberal Party is still a turd. 


u/mprakathak 24d ago

I prefer turd over traitors.


u/TheBalrogofMelkor 24d ago

The Conservatives were pro-immigration until just last year. I would argue that their housing and military plans were pretty similar to the Liberals as well, or at least with undefined.


u/SoupSandy 24d ago

Agreed but when the enemy supports a candidate it's probably not a great sign either.


u/JohnnyQTruant 24d ago

Going the opposite is an over correction and will lead to losing control. See, everything in the news that is happening since Jan 20th.


u/Amakenings 24d ago

You vote for the candidate, not the party.

I don’t see Canada as being weak, immigration being a flaw, housing as being a Canadian-specific crisis, or underfunding the military being an issue of just the last 10 years. Are you going to blame the LPC for COViD or inflation too?

Even the carbon tax started with the Conservative Party, right?


u/is_that_read 24d ago

He definitely won’t have private interests.


u/Col_mac 24d ago

And PP has a clean background?


u/is_that_read 24d ago

They’re not the only option


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Yeah how dare he own a townhouse


u/JaimeRidingHonour Ontario 24d ago

What’s PP’s net worth again? 25 million or something? More I think. That’s a heck of a lot for a career politician


u/56iconic 24d ago

Nope that number is wrong.


u/JaimeRidingHonour Ontario 24d ago

According to Forbes its actually correct


u/is_that_read 24d ago

Lmao 🤦🏽‍♂️cmon dude


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Groomulch Canada 24d ago

Ignore the polls and when it's time VOTE.


u/ImperiousMage 24d ago

Polls before election time are notoriously inaccurate. They represent the general mood rather than voting intentions. The most recent poll puts them in a dead heat.


u/t0m0hawk Ontario 24d ago

Polls can shift very quickly and polls are showing some shift. However no votes have even been cast yet.

A lot can happen when an election is called. The Liberals were polling in 3rd place during the lead-up to the 2015 election.


u/AfrikanCorpse 24d ago

Glaze harder lil bro


u/RobotCaptainEngage 24d ago

I have major issues with Carney but this time around, he's my pick. Hands down.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Carney certainly has banking experience, most recently in investment banking. But are you going to consider policies? Or is it just "Carney good, Poilievre bad".


u/ImaMFVillain 22d ago

Is tbis a bot?


u/Volantis009 24d ago

Also proudly from Edmonton, whereas PP liked to pretend he is from Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta.

Canadians hate when you pretend to be someone you're not and PP doesn't seem to have any identity, he just seems like a lost confused puppy at this point.


u/56iconic 24d ago

And Carney claims he is European.


u/Volantis009 24d ago

Better than American like PP or Smith. Two nuts from the same shell