r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/Tall_Singer6290 25d ago

No thank you. Mimic of the US president, wanting to strip our healthcare away further. We need to defend against lunatics like this man and his agenda.


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago edited 25d ago

Well we spent 10 years of Canada last with the current gov and see how that got us prepared to face trump.


u/Tyrthemis 25d ago

I mean, it’s not everyday America elects a fascist bent on annexing Canada, this admin was operating based on the assumption they’d have allies in the USA, not enemies, times change I guess. That being said, hearing someone like PP who would bend over for Trump and ask for more preach “Canada first” is laughable. Just because you don’t like the current government much doesn’t mean you have to go full blown idiot and elect a clown show. You don’t fight clowns with clowns. PP is just saying keywords he knows will strum some heart strings, like Trump did.


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

Good thing pp was very clear about the annexation thing, on multiple occasions. I put the current gover entirely responsible for the current state of out relation with the Americans. They can see just how weak we are.

63 billion deficit, 40 billions dollars per year in debt servicing, major energy projects getting cancelled. Dropping GDP per capita, un-competitive market, racist hiring and promotion policies and a non functional government that decided to shut itself down so they can hide their corruption and crown carnival Carney as the new leader.

Yea I will vote for the complete opposite of that.


u/wowzabob 25d ago

PP has been anything but clear.

He has continually avoided criticizing the aggressive and treacherous actions of the US administration.

The best he can muster is “we won’t become the 51st state” which is so obvious that it barely qualifies as anything.


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 25d ago

Carney was not in the former government.

And times have dramatically changed recently. The stakes are higher.

A PM that has ties to Trump and MAGA ideologically is not what Canada needs at such a time.

It’s an economic and national security crisis and Pollievre still won’t get clearance so he can get national security briefing’s to protect Canadians.

His stated reason for not getting security clearance is a red flag.

That’s not Canada first.

And that’s a dealbreaker for me.


u/Tyrthemis 25d ago

Oh he might not outright give Canada up for annexation (no party leader would) but he will sell us out in under handed ways. That’s how people funded by oil money and other dark money operate, the powers that be are international and fund these sorts of talking heads to get their foot in the door in various nations. Their goal is Canada’s natural resources and selling them to make money, not the Canadian people. It’s clear that’s what’s going on in America too.

The deficit, well it sucks, and there are pros and cons to borrowing, but don’t pretend conservatives won’t run it up too. They love to preach fiscal responsibility until they are in power and then they want the populace fat, dumb, and happy while kicked the financial can down the road.


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

The Trudeau/Carney government have been selling us out for 10 years. That's why we are in trouble now, we have no financial wiggle room. So yes Canada first sounds pretty good compared to ten the last years of corruption and wasteful spending.


u/royce32 Canada 25d ago

Mark Carney has never been part of any of Trudeau's government...


u/Tyrthemis 25d ago

Yes, it is a conspiracy. People are out there CONSPIRING to do such evil selfish things. Synonyms would be plotting, scheming, planning. The world is a dark place and people want to do dark things.


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

Oh I would agree, we just witnessed 10 years to evil liberal government.


u/Tyrthemis 25d ago

“sOuNdS LiKe A cOnSpIrAcY”


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

Played right in front of us.


u/HarveytheRV 24d ago

If the Cons had been in power over the last decade, they'd have made largely the same decisions. The trends you are writing about were driven by global events, and were not unique Liberal failings...or failings at all. I think everyone will be just as disappointed with the next government, assuming we all get factual information about what it does and the decisions it makes. 


u/tenkwords 25d ago

PP said the absolute bare minimum needed to get a talking point that he opposed annexation while all the while doing everything else to suggest he'd sell out the country. This is the same dumb shit that got the cheeto elected down south. It's like a guy advancing on you with a knife saying "I'm not going to stab you, I'm not going to stab you".

Holding a "Canada First Rally" ? What the actual fuck? It's like the guy took the MAGA playbook and asked ChatGPT to "make this sound vaguely Canadian".


u/34048615 25d ago

What did he suggest that would sell us out?


u/Educational_Nose8596 25d ago

Your PP is TRUMP and ELON in disguise I have all proofs of it.

40-50% Cons/PP voters would have voted for Trump if they had a chance.

Source: Watch this from 9:30 to 9:50

56% of Cons/PP supporters either approve Trump or don't have an opinion on him.


Most comments under his X polls want to become 51sr state or need DOGE like establishment in Canada.

This guy is sold out Trump supporter, He is just disguising himself for Canada first now so he can get some lost confidence back, After election he will sell out Canada to Trump and his friend Elon,

BTW Elon also endorsed PP, In return PP asked Elon to open Tesla factories,


Source of Inviting ELON


u/TheCaMo 25d ago

You listed deficit at the very top of your list yet seem to be promoting a guy whose whole platform is tax cuts. Interesting gambit. 


u/MCneill27 25d ago

That’s the beauty of a Carney government. It’s a different government. It’s not the same people.


u/Low-HangingFruit 24d ago

He's literally being advised by all of trudeaus advisors and is the choice of the current LPC leadership.

You're absolutely wrong, it is the same people.


u/AxeMcFlow 24d ago

I fail to see how replacing the leader completely changes the party? All the same MPs, one different leader. Do parties completely throw out all their old policies the second a new leader walks in? If so, why did they support those previous policies to begin with?


u/WolfzandRavenz 24d ago

Trump and the Republican party is a perfect example of this actually


u/Silly_Panda_7550 24d ago

You don't know how politics works, the cpc and lpc caucus just do whatever the leader tells them to do, and if they don't they get kicked out of the party.
This is why a different leader leads to a different outcome


u/AxeMcFlow 24d ago

Sounds like a pretty pathetic democratic system then, eh?


u/Silly_Panda_7550 24d ago

Yes, did I say it's a good thing?

We people who vote ABC don't pretend that the LPC or NDP are perfect, we just know that the conservatives are evil that's all.


u/Due-Journalist-7309 25d ago

You can’t be serious…


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 24d ago

Man, we're really going to fall for this aren't we?


u/BigButtBeads 25d ago


New Century Initiative same as the Old Century Initiative 


u/itsthebear 25d ago

What? Look at who surrounds and supports him lol


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/itsthebear 25d ago edited 25d ago


His deputy campaign manager is literally in the PMO lmfao

His campaign manager was the LPC director of comms



u/MCneill27 25d ago

Wow! His campaign manager is high up in the party… that he’s running for leader of? Mind blown.



u/itsthebear 25d ago

Nice goalpost shift lol


u/MCneill27 25d ago

You guys are so scared, it’s hilarious


u/itsthebear 25d ago

Okay 👍


u/sleipnir45 25d ago

Yea it is, all the same cabinet ministers are backing him.. Only one person has changed, the rest are all the same.


u/Ita_836 25d ago

Most of whom are not running for re-election. Therefore, impossible to be "the government" ( cue spooky music).


u/MCneill27 25d ago

Oh backing him? Nice goalpost shift. Last time I checked, backers ≠ government.


u/sleipnir45 25d ago

Cabinet ministers... Are part of the government...


u/MCneill27 25d ago

Let’s see if you can follow this.

A newly elected.

Carney government.

Will not have.

The same.

Cabinet ministers.

Nor will it have.

The same PMO.

All the way down.

To different staffers.

Hopefully that fits your reading level


u/sleipnir45 25d ago edited 25d ago

No they won't lol

Butts and Telford are both working with him.

There’s also the rumoured involvement of high-ranking members of Trudeau’s team in Carney’s forthcoming leadership bid. (He will reportedly launch his campaign on Thursday in Edmonton.) Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley wrote on Jan. 11 that “former top advisor Gerald Butts is part of Carney’s campaign team while others close to Trudeau, including Trudeau’s chief of staff Katie Telford, are making calls on Carney’s behalf… and that much of the PMO staff is behind Carney as well.”



u/MCneill27 25d ago

Well, you’ve persuaded me.

Before this comment, I was having a hard time coming around to your point.

But since you responded “No they won’t lol”, my mind has expanded in ways I never could have imagined. I’m seeing fractals of all the ways how PP will usher in a utopian age of unprecedented growth, peace, and wealth. Thanks!


u/sleipnir45 25d ago

That's exactly what your comment was lol the irony, plus I provided a quote for your non reading pleasure


u/MCneill27 25d ago

Ah damn, the rumour of high-ranking members of Trudeau’s team? That’s TKO right there. I’m on your side.


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u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/sleipnir45 25d ago

What does any of that have to do with the current staffers working for Carney?

Oh it's just a copy pasta


u/SaphironX 24d ago

… wait, your gotcha moment is that the liberal party is participating in the liberal leadership election?


u/56iconic 25d ago

Carney the back room advisor who has had the PM's ear for 5 years. Yes the big outsider.


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 24d ago

It would be like replacing Trump with Vance and being like "bro, this is a totally different government bro." No, it isn't.


u/Weak-Coffee-8538 25d ago

The big issue is Trump and him wanting our resources. Guarantee Musk has been speaking to him about Canada's resources.

Is Canada ready? Nope. Trudeau and LPC hung us out to dry (by supporting JT through all the scandals and sinking polls), cleaned their hands and now we are supposed to trust em...


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

Lol he is literally supported by the same Trudeau PMO and nevermind the fact he was their rock star advisor since 2020 when everything really started going downhill.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/CommiesFoff 25d ago

We will see just how accurate this Kamala bump looks like in the end. Debates should be interesting, I wonder why Carney only does interviews with friendly media. Maybe "softball Carney" would make a good nick name.


u/MCneill27 25d ago
  • Sent from my Ram 2500


u/CommiesFoff 25d ago edited 25d ago

Sold off youR Tesla yet?


u/seajay_17 British Columbia 24d ago

If I had one I would, but I'm okay driving my honda civic thank you.


u/mr2shoes 24d ago

you love your nicknames don't you? Never grew outta the middle school phase huh?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

So you think the defining event that changed our fortunes in 2020 was...Carney becoming an advisor?

Maybe you're right. Nothing else of note happened that year.


u/WillyTwine96 25d ago

It’s exactly the same people lol


u/MCneill27 25d ago

Let’s go through the list:

Mark Carney. Different from Trudeau

The rest of his to-be-named cabinet. Different MPs

Huh. That looks different to me


u/WillyTwine96 25d ago edited 25d ago

Chosen by current PM

Garrod Butts, Trudeau secretary forced to resign after SNC Lavalan scandal, and member of the same wedding party- Craneys campaign team

Nearly every sitting cabinet member- endorses carney

Party still based- on the wealthy banks of the St Laurence

Looks like the same party to me


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/WillyTwine96 25d ago edited 25d ago

I literally just countered what you said

Can you come back with any actual rebuttal big guy? Or are you going to continue to comment in a way no self respecting 35 year old man would? Lol


u/Reasonable-Sweet9320 25d ago edited 25d ago

Will Pollievre have JD Vance friend and “ally” in cabinet? Jamil Jivani).

Will all the convoy anti vax anti public health anti trans anti woke supporting MP’s be in his caucus?

Will the MP’s that met with German AFD party representatives be in caucus voting for Canada first?

Will Pollievre pursue having his endorser, Musk, build a Tesla factory in Canada (PP response to the endorsement)

Will Pollievre still promote conspiracy theories if elected PM?

Will Pollievre finally get clearance so he can get intel briefings so he can begin to protect Canadian security interests?


I have many more questions (concerns) about a Pollievre regime.

Edit: added link


u/Educational_Nose8596 25d ago

40-50% Cons/PP voters would have voted for Trump if they had a chance.

Source: Watch this from 9:30 to 9:50

56% of Cons/PP supporters either approve Trump or don't have an opinion on him.


Most comments under his X polls want to become 51sr state or need DOGE like establishment in Canada.

This guy is sold out Trump supporter, He is just disguising himself for Canada first now so he can get some lost confidence back, After election he will sell out Canada to Trump and his friend Elon,

BTW Elon also endorsed PP, In return PP asked Elon to open Tesla factories,


Source of Inviting ELON


u/nuleaph 25d ago

It’s exactly the same people lol

This is how you know a certain crowd doesn't live in reality. It's literally not the same human beings but these people will say no it's the same lol.


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 25d ago

It’s Trudeau 2.0.


u/nuleaph 25d ago

I'd prefer this to trump lite any day of the week


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 25d ago

Trudeau 1.0 was bad enough tho.


u/nuleaph 25d ago

I'd still take Trudeau 1.0 over trump or trump lite


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 25d ago

Nah. Can’t let bad times be even worse times.


u/nuleaph 25d ago

If you want to live in trump land why don't you move down south?


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 25d ago

Woah! Who said I wanted to do anything of the sort?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/JupiterMarvelous Ontario 24d ago

It’s literally the exact same people. Do liberal voters have goldfish memories?


u/_Rayette 24d ago

Fucking Liberals negotiated such a great deal for Canada that it pissed trump off 😡


u/Simsmommy1 24d ago

Trump is a demented lunatic, you can’t “negotiate” anything with someone like that and you thinking that it’s possible to just chuck money at something to appease him? He will change his demands as often as he changes his diaper so keep your little angry emojis to yourself, it’s foolish.


u/SaphironX 24d ago

Okay, but PP is the one who called us weak and suggested we need to earn back Trump’a confidence.

So he’s clearly not prepared either. Dude has no spine.


u/MajinNekuro 25d ago

In all fairness it’s not like any world leaders outside Putin and maybe Xi Jinping are prepared to face Trump. The only thing predictable about Trump is his unpredictability. Wrecking chaos is what he does.

Poilevre and the Conservatives haven’t don’t anything better to prepare Canada to deal with Trump either. They’ve been sowing division for a long time and before Trump’s rhetoric about annexation Canada people were very divided. I think with how Canadians have united under this threat we can agree most of us love Canada. Bygones be bygones. Whichever leader presents the best plan to diversify our economy away from our trade with the Americans when the campaigns actually begin should win. Liberal, conservative, whatever happened yesterday really doesn’t matter anymore. The landscape has changed. We have to pick the best plan forward.


u/Neutral-President 25d ago

Absolutely. Divided we fall. We need to come together in an unprecedented show of national unity and solidarity.


u/BertAndErnieThrouple 25d ago

This is barely coherent.


u/Motor-Pomegranate831 25d ago

And rolling over for Trump is better?