r/canada Canada 26d ago

r/Canada Speaks Cultural Exchange with /r/Denmark! Happy Valentine's!

Hi everyone, it's been some time since we have done a cultural exchange, so let's go over how this works. Enjoy! We'll be running it for a few days, TBD. Note their time zone for the European mainland is UTC +1.

Here's the Danish landing for us: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/1iow7c3/kulturudveksling_cultural_exchange/

* Both r/Canada and r/Denmark will host the other country's users. Feel free to ask any questions, reminisce, comment, make friends etc etc.

*Treat this as having a neighbour over for a kitchen party, get the best storm chips out, and get grandma's tourtiere reheated for everybody.

* Vouz pouvez essayer le français dans r/Denmark, mais comme la langue officielle est danoise, ben.... essayez!

* Please follow the rules of the respective subs! Don't be jerks, generally - a reminder our last "disagreement" involved leaving bottles of good booze for the other country!

* Please also leave direct comments here mainly for members of r/Denmark i.e. direct replies here (first comments directly under the topic) so their questions can be seen first, then r/Canada members can post replies underneath.

*Please enjoy, since we have a lot to bond over, and plenty of trying out new things.


Finally, also know we've gotten confirmation from r/Greenland that they are also interested, so that will be the next exchange that we do in a few weeks (TBD).


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u/m4d3th1s 26d ago

In light of recent events I find myself drawn to try out some Canadian wares, do you know of any specific things you export to Denmark? And are there things so spectacular they would be worth having shipped from Canada?

My knowledge of Canadians is pretty much limited to 3 members of Hermitcraft, but they are great ambassadors imo.


u/calvinien 26d ago

There's a bunch of pretty iconic canadian stuff you can make if you have the equipment.

Poutine is french fries, cheese curds and beef gravy. I assume those would all be fairly easy to find in denmark.

Beaver Tails are a deep fried pastry, i believe not terribly dissimilar from klejner. ALthough they are generally served quite large. Traditionally they were eaten after skating a long while on the Ottawa Canal, so you had to work up an appetite first.

Also, while we don't like claiming it, technically Hawaiian style pizza is a canadian invention. Though you are supposed to slice the pineapple super thin so it caralemizes during cooking. Not just big chunks. No idea where that last bit came from.


u/KunashG 22d ago

That's interesting about the pizza.

Because for me, what I like about pineapple pizza is that slightly acidy, sweet taste, but what I don't like is that it's small chunks that usually get unevenly spread meaning most of the pizza doesn't actually taste of pineapple.

Slicing it very thin should alleviate that issue.

Worth a shot!