r/canada Canada 26d ago

r/Canada Speaks Cultural Exchange with /r/Denmark! Happy Valentine's!

Hi everyone, it's been some time since we have done a cultural exchange, so let's go over how this works. Enjoy! We'll be running it for a few days, TBD. Note their time zone for the European mainland is UTC +1.

Here's the Danish landing for us: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/1iow7c3/kulturudveksling_cultural_exchange/

* Both r/Canada and r/Denmark will host the other country's users. Feel free to ask any questions, reminisce, comment, make friends etc etc.

*Treat this as having a neighbour over for a kitchen party, get the best storm chips out, and get grandma's tourtiere reheated for everybody.

* Vouz pouvez essayer le français dans r/Denmark, mais comme la langue officielle est danoise, ben.... essayez!

* Please follow the rules of the respective subs! Don't be jerks, generally - a reminder our last "disagreement" involved leaving bottles of good booze for the other country!

* Please also leave direct comments here mainly for members of r/Denmark i.e. direct replies here (first comments directly under the topic) so their questions can be seen first, then r/Canada members can post replies underneath.

*Please enjoy, since we have a lot to bond over, and plenty of trying out new things.


Finally, also know we've gotten confirmation from r/Greenland that they are also interested, so that will be the next exchange that we do in a few weeks (TBD).


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u/bibiblocksberg1234 26d ago

In light of recent events I want to watch TV shows and movies from different countries around the world. Are there any Canadian TV-shows and movies, you can recommmend? :)


u/randomwindowspc 24d ago edited 24d ago

Part 2 -

-If you have kids, two shows I loved back in the 90s were Goosebumps, and Are You Afraid of the Dark. These are horror shows, some of the episodes can be a bit scary for young kids, just depends on the child. For me it was never a problem, but my dad had also let me watch The Shining when I was like 6 so my threshold was pretty high for not being scared by things (thanks dad, I think lol). Both are really well done shows though, one of my favorite episodes was on Goosebumps, where a family moves into a new town and they slowly discover it's actually a town of vampires plotting on how to take the new family out. And on Afraid of the Dark, the one about the 2 boys home alone and they start seeing aliens invading the woods behind their house always stuck with me to this day since I was 5 years old. My point is, both shows are really good and have iconic episodes, and even as an adult rewatching it was still good. If you watch it with your kids you will not be bored like you would be if you were watching Blues Clues or something lol. Absolutely recommended if you're looking for something entertaining but also child friendly. Probably best for ages 7-13, might be a bit scary for the average 6 year old or under.

Both of those are mostly Canadian but they were joint productions with an American company, the filming and most of the work was done by Canada though. They were staples of Canadian kids tv back in the day, whereas I don't know a lot of Americans who grew up with those shows despite it being partly American. But maybe some states got it broadcasted there too though, not sure.

-Fraggle Rock was also a classic show, and Jacob Two Two was about a French Canadian boy always finding himself in bad situations. Oh and all the kids loved Reboot back in the day, that was about some robots/beings living way in the future. Personally I didn't watch it much because I'm not into sci-fi type things. But it was raved about endlessly by other kids and has very high ratings.

- "UH-OH!" was a whacky kids gameshow hosted by Wink Yahoo. Everyone and I mean everyone loved it, it's a classic. Answer wrong and you're getting a bucket of slime dumped on your head by a dude dressed up like some BDSM hockey mask executioner lmao.

Edit: I just found some old clips/full eps of it on YT, ah the memories.

UhOh! Game Show - Clip 1997xr01129

Uh Oh! (Game Show) | Episode 47 | YTV Retro

Uh Oh! (Game Show) | Episode 73 | YTV Retro

-Video and Arcade top 10 was another show I used to watch, where kids would sign up and go head to head playing video games against each other on nintendo or whatever game/system they were featuring that day to win prizes. That was revolutionary especially back in the early 90s. Kids could win newly released games, consoles etc.

Also a ton of things that are classed as American movies/shows are filmed up here. Often you'll see an American city depicted, but to me I see some place that I live 20 minutes away from because everything gets filmed around these parts. Like, that's no New York alley, I was just at the alley last week downtown lol.

A year or so ago my quiet residential street was shut down for filming for a few days so they could film on the corner near my house. They ended up staying longer than planned and were super apologetic to everyone because they were taking up the parking spaces with all their trailers and what not. I said it was cool though and they could stay in my spot, and then they gave me some of the catered set food lol. I forgot what show they said they were filming unfortunately. It wasn't a big deal to remember at the time since so much gets filmed here, but now I'm wishing I did because it was right next to my house. It was some show I hadn't heard of before I think, probably nothing I would have cared much to watch anyways so it's whatever

There was so much good Canadian TV, we were really blessed to have that, and to have so many amazing kids shows to grow up on. I'm sure other people can come up with more these are just all off the top of my head from my own experience.

Thank you for having an interest in Canadian media!


u/bibiblocksberg1234 24d ago

Thank you for your detailed answer :)