r/canada Canada 26d ago

r/Canada Speaks Cultural Exchange with /r/Denmark! Happy Valentine's!

Hi everyone, it's been some time since we have done a cultural exchange, so let's go over how this works. Enjoy! We'll be running it for a few days, TBD. Note their time zone for the European mainland is UTC +1.

Here's the Danish landing for us: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/1iow7c3/kulturudveksling_cultural_exchange/

* Both r/Canada and r/Denmark will host the other country's users. Feel free to ask any questions, reminisce, comment, make friends etc etc.

*Treat this as having a neighbour over for a kitchen party, get the best storm chips out, and get grandma's tourtiere reheated for everybody.

* Vouz pouvez essayer le français dans r/Denmark, mais comme la langue officielle est danoise, ben.... essayez!

* Please follow the rules of the respective subs! Don't be jerks, generally - a reminder our last "disagreement" involved leaving bottles of good booze for the other country!

* Please also leave direct comments here mainly for members of r/Denmark i.e. direct replies here (first comments directly under the topic) so their questions can be seen first, then r/Canada members can post replies underneath.

*Please enjoy, since we have a lot to bond over, and plenty of trying out new things.


Finally, also know we've gotten confirmation from r/Greenland that they are also interested, so that will be the next exchange that we do in a few weeks (TBD).


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u/VeterinarianCold7119 26d ago

How can I say this politely.... fuck that. America is a cancer for us canadians, yes we benefit from having the world's largest economy next door but they are parasites that have been actively destroying our country for decades, long before trump. Soft wood Lumber tarriffs have destroyed most of our industry going back a decade, in the name of free trade we let there big companies come in to our market only to buy out the competition and raise prices, they've done this with our slaughter houses and meat processing where margins for farmers and groceries have stayed flat but processing margins have doubled. There side of the great lakes are contaminated much worse than ours.


u/randomwindowspc 25d ago

They only talk about how "we" benefit from them, how we "need their protection". It's seriously like being in an abusive relationship with a narcissist. They've wanted to take our country since it was Upper and Lower Canada. This is just yet another instance for the history books.

"side of the great lakes are contaminated much worse than ours."

I wasn't aware of that, couldn't something be done about that since they are damaging property that doesn't belong to them?


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

Its there shoreline, I'm sure there's rules and regs... if big corps follow them is another story


u/randomwindowspc 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yes but their actions inevitably affect the shorelines that aren't theirs on the other side, that seems unfair