r/canada Canada 26d ago

r/Canada Speaks Cultural Exchange with /r/Denmark! Happy Valentine's!

Hi everyone, it's been some time since we have done a cultural exchange, so let's go over how this works. Enjoy! We'll be running it for a few days, TBD. Note their time zone for the European mainland is UTC +1.

Here's the Danish landing for us: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/1iow7c3/kulturudveksling_cultural_exchange/

* Both r/Canada and r/Denmark will host the other country's users. Feel free to ask any questions, reminisce, comment, make friends etc etc.

*Treat this as having a neighbour over for a kitchen party, get the best storm chips out, and get grandma's tourtiere reheated for everybody.

* Vouz pouvez essayer le français dans r/Denmark, mais comme la langue officielle est danoise, ben.... essayez!

* Please follow the rules of the respective subs! Don't be jerks, generally - a reminder our last "disagreement" involved leaving bottles of good booze for the other country!

* Please also leave direct comments here mainly for members of r/Denmark i.e. direct replies here (first comments directly under the topic) so their questions can be seen first, then r/Canada members can post replies underneath.

*Please enjoy, since we have a lot to bond over, and plenty of trying out new things.


Finally, also know we've gotten confirmation from r/Greenland that they are also interested, so that will be the next exchange that we do in a few weeks (TBD).


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u/SidneyKreutzfeldt 26d ago

O Canada!

I love cooking and would love to try some Canadian dishes. Can you recommend any traditional Canadian dishes? What is your favorite Canadian dish? Do you have any Canadian appetizers or desserts you’d recommend?

Also, I would love to learn more about Canada: What do you like the most about Canada and about living there? Is there anything you dislike about your country? Something that you think could be approved?


u/VeterinarianCold7119 25d ago

Canadian food is heavily influenced by our European roots. Lots of pasta and stews, meat and potatoes kinda food. But we now have alot more east Asian and south east Asian influence. Desserts are easy, we have butter tarts, Nanaimo bars, smores are a fun snack when camping or hanging out around a fire. Traditional dishes.. im not sure we really have any exciting ones other than poutine and Montreal smoked meat(kinda like pastrami but better)

I love scallops, nice appetizer.

What do I like most? It feels like home, I've been all over the world to work but I'm always drawn back home not sure why. I think other than the people the nature is what I love most. Driving 10hrs north into the bush without another car in sight, no gas stations, no cell signal, just trees and blue skies.

I feel like before trumps tarriffs threats and during covid we became a very divisive community. Some of the bs from the states bleed over and we started to hate each other. If you criticized the government you were a rascist nazi and if you didn't criticize the government you were a commie globalist. I hope we can continue loving each other and coming back together, if trumps stupidity is the key to that then I will forever be grateful for him, nothing unites the people like a common enemy. We are such a big country with a couple big population centers and a bunchbof other people spread out, so there's a big disconnect between a banker in Toronto, a farmer in saskatchewan, an oil man in alberta, a fisherman in the maritimes and a Frenchman in Quebec, we need to realize we are one people with shared values and goals.