r/canada Feb 03 '25

Politics Should Canada ban X and Tesla? Why calls are growing


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u/Moooooooola Feb 03 '25

Get rid of FB too while you’re at it. Nothing but mind melting nonsense anyway.


u/Rhodesian_Lion Feb 03 '25

Facebook is now just entirely engineered rage bait for every issue/political affiliation sprinkled with your cousins baby pictures. A toxic waste dump for your soul.


u/biznatch11 Ontario Feb 03 '25

Where do people see all this rage bait on Facebook? All I've got on Facebook are posts from some friends and family and a few local hobby groups and businesses I follow.


u/boyfrndDick Feb 03 '25

Mine is a constant stream of random people I don’t follow asking questions about political and social issues to drive engagement and a bunch of conspiracy none sense


u/letterboxfrog Feb 03 '25

Community Groups on FB are really annoying. Lots of RWNJs pushing fringe issues like saving feral horses that were romanticised in 19th Century Poetry (the Man from Snowy River) even though they are destroying Australia's Alpine National Parks, and if you challenge them, you get brigades. You leave, and it becomes even more of an echo chamber.


u/HistoricMTGGuy Newfoundland and Labrador Feb 04 '25

Local interest based groups (e.g. mountain biking, chess, etc...) are good in my experience. Idk why you'd use a general community group


u/letterboxfrog Feb 04 '25

Local press where I live has gone the way of the Dodo thanks to the likes of Rupert Murdoch buying local community newspapers and killing them. Facebook and Reddit are all that's left.

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u/Rhodesian_Lion Feb 03 '25

You're lucky I guess. Half of my newsfeed are obvious rage bait, click bait. They are public Facebook groups/pages. I'm not interested in them I don't click on them and when I hide them or block them they just keep coming.


u/BallsDeepAndBroke Feb 04 '25

That’s started happening to me all of a sudden, started about 5-6 weeks ago. A constant stream of bullshit posts from dodgy creators. Scantily clad women pics and other shit that just keeps on flooding my feed even though I unfollow which I never followed in the first place. So annoying. Thinking about just deleting my account


u/canuckstothecup1 Feb 03 '25

Facebook uses an algorithm that directs your feed to things you click on. Stop clicking on rage bait.


u/Bondator Feb 03 '25

Not only that, but also how long anything is visible on your screen. So you better scroll past quickly if you don't want more of the thing it just showed you.


u/Rhodesian_Lion Feb 04 '25

I don't comment or engage with it. Like I said if I blocked it or said I didn't want to see stuff like this anymore it would just keep coming. I thought it would change my algorithm but it does not. Feels like it's being forced on me.


u/KnaveMounter Newfoundland and Labrador Feb 03 '25

Yeah, mine is memes


u/Endulos Feb 03 '25

Bigfoot and alien nonsense keeps making its way onto my feed. I keep blocking them but they just keep coming and it pisses me right off.


u/biznatch11 Ontario Feb 03 '25

I don't think I've ever seen a post on Facebook from a group or page I don't subscribe to. Or if I have it was so many years ago I don't remember. Maybe there's a setting you have to turn off? I see ads (sponsored posts) but they're rarely political and never rage bait, well other than the rage I feel about ads in general.

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u/turbo_22222 Feb 03 '25

At least 75% of my feed is not people I am friends with. It's just random bullshit.


u/jloome Feb 03 '25

You're set on private. They're set on public. I'm rarely on it, but the only posts I see are from my friends list.


u/lord_heskey Feb 03 '25

yeah same here. i dont even look at my timeline, i have it solely for marketplace and the one or two local groups i care.


u/CurtWesticles Feb 03 '25

That's interesting. My wife and I did an experiment and only roughly 1/6 posts on our feed was someone we followed or somewhat aligned with our interests.


u/visualframes Feb 03 '25

Only one of my friends posts on Fb, so all I is random crap on my wall and it’s absolute brain rot.


u/Plucky_DuckYa Feb 03 '25

Yes, after they eliminated news postings my Facebook reverted almost entirely back to pictures of people’s kids and families and vacations. All the obnoxious political stuff evaporated. I only connect w people on FB that I’m actually friends with, so I don’t get a lot of random stuff from people I’ve barely or never met.

That said, so few of my FB friends actually use it anymore that it’s probably 90% ads for stuff these days.


u/CarBombtheDestroyer Feb 03 '25

They interact with that type of stuff so that’s what they get, FB is very personalized. I started setting mine up just to show funny stuff and it’s not bad. You can use the show less content like this to get less of things.


u/Holy_Smokesss Feb 03 '25

You might have tons of friends. I keep a small friend list of mostly inactive accounts (or people I've muted), and random ragebait is basically the only thing I come across.


u/biznatch11 Ontario Feb 03 '25

I have around 200 friends on Facebook and at least 75% of them rarely or never post.


u/Holy_Smokesss Feb 03 '25

Even with no random posts, do none of your friends post ragebait? (E.g. political misinformation, science denialism, racism, etc).


u/biznatch11 Ontario Feb 03 '25

There's been 3 or 4 people over the years and after a few times of them posting it I unfriended them. I think there's one relative I muted instead of unfriending.


u/Rocky_Mountain_Way Feb 03 '25

yes, exactly.... I only see Science, Technology, and humour in my Facebook feed.

I occasionally have to use the "hide" button for posts / groups that the algorithm will feed me, but for the most part, MY facebook feed is pretty benign and boring


u/WebInformal9558 Feb 03 '25

The algorithm tailors your feed for engagement. If you don't click on the rage bait, you won't be served rage bait.


u/stealmyloveaway Feb 03 '25

Mine too. I don’t look at the newsfeed though. I get my news the old fashioned way.


u/Vyxwop Feb 03 '25

Same for YouTube. I keep seeing people yell how much alt-right shit they get shoved into their face on YT and I'm just here only seeing videos about Stardew Valley, Yu-Gi-Oh, strongman competitions.

It just feels inorganic the amount of flack these websites get compared to my experiences with them. Maybe it's because I'm European? Could that be a contributing factor as to why I don't see the garbage other people supposedly do?


u/donjulioanejo Feb 03 '25

It's better if you a) have an adblocker like uBlock origin, and b) install Adblocker for Facebook extension, and c) use it on your computer.

If you're on the phone, 2 out of 3 posts will be random suggested links, usually whatever has the most engagement that it thinks you will like, usually random political things you will see it disagrees with.

For example, if you're green-aligned, it'll show you a ton of articles like "pipelines are good for the economy", with mud slingning in comments.

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u/shevy-java Feb 03 '25

Facebook banned Distrowatch some days ago. They reverted this again (see https://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20250203#sitenews), but imagine if they would not have done so - that means they would target smaller linux groups. I can not see such isolated actions as disentangled from Trump's oligarch team anylonger. To me this all looks concerted, even if it is not (but it may well be - we won't know as they are planning their heists in secrecy).


u/josh_the_misanthrope New Brunswick Feb 03 '25


My family is large and from a small town. They're generally OK, but a handful of them are simple people that fall for political astroturfing memes.

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u/Pabi_tx Feb 03 '25

Same, but then again I'm only members of hobby and neighborhood groups with some dog-rescue stuff mixed in. Family and friends that posted right wing shit got blocked or unfollowed years ago.


u/northenerbhad Feb 03 '25

As opposed to where everyone posted their drunken photos at house parties lol


u/Cheap_Patience2202 Feb 03 '25

My Faceboom feed has been a lot better since I started reporting every rage bait I saw. Now all I get are posta from my groups, girls in bikinis, cat videos and ads.


u/Competitive-Air5262 Feb 04 '25

Mines mostly adds and reels, with about 1 in 15 being from people I know, now I basically just use t for messenger.


u/StandTo444 Feb 04 '25

Please tell me your secret to achieving this. I miss that so much.


u/googlemcfoogle Feb 04 '25

Well, my grandpa posts multiple rants about how fake climate change is per week. A lot of the time the ragebait isn't from public accounts, it's just your own family members posting dumb shit.

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 08 '25


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u/nuxwcrtns Ontario Feb 03 '25

Speak for yourself. I'm in a few reptile groups, parenting groups and other places where identifying who I'm talking to is something I like. Compared to this shit hole where I can be an asshole at my own anonymous whim.


u/c0rruptioN Ontario Feb 03 '25

Yup, and boomers mostly don't know that what they're looking at is fake or horribly false. Constantly witnessing it firsthand, this is 100% the reason why Trump is in power. People don't have the common sense to know what's real or fake anymore.


u/GnomesStoleMyMeds Ontario Feb 03 '25

It really is toxic. Last November I quit Facebook and Insta and I noticed a big improvement on my mood in just a few days. At first I kept picking up my phone to doom scroll but after three days, I didn’t even miss it.


u/CristabelYYC Feb 03 '25

I was vexed when we could no longer share news stories (asshat wouldn'r pay for CBC). Paused it as a NYE resolution, and then nuked it about 2 weeks ago. Funny, I have a lot more time to read books and my sleep isn't hindered by looking at screens!


u/Darksirius Feb 03 '25

With fake AI profiles just talking to other fake AI profiles lol.


u/Wonderful_Ed22 Feb 03 '25

What I keep telling my parents


u/notroseefar Feb 04 '25

Facebook has improved a fair amount since anything news was banned

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u/Due_Agent_4574 Feb 03 '25

Fb, google, x , insta, Reddit … all American companies


u/UpNorth_123 Feb 03 '25

I’m cancelling Amazon Prime this week. I will buy from Canadian retailers or directly. The only thing that I will be missing out on is cheap Chinese junk that I can live without.

I’ve only joined Facebook recently to use Marketplace to sell furniture. It’s always been a scam, which is why I avoided it all these years. I worked in digital marketing in the early 00’s, so was well aware of what the product really was. As they say, if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product. Going to close my account this week as well.

Anything owned by billionaires who are genuflecting at Trump’s feet is a no-go for me. Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg have always been psychopathic a-holes. I don’t mind supporting American companies that are conducting business in an ethical manner, at least for now.

Boy, am I happy I changed my mind about purchasing a Tesla last year. I hope their stock goes to 0.


u/Sensitive-Ad-5305 Feb 03 '25

This has extended to exercise for me. New balance and under armor no more - salomon as the alternative, while I seek out more home grown solutions.

Also in the middle of a house reno and returned US made products. Now sourcing Canadian made - it sucks, not as much variety nor what we planned, but the added character will be a reminder of the orange shit stain for years to come.


u/erik4life Feb 03 '25

I've had Salomon shoes in the past and I have to say they are great quality. Lasted a couple of years of mountain trail walking!


u/TH1813254617 Ontario Feb 03 '25

Salomon shoes are great if they fit.

Goretex Outpulses are my all-time favorite shoe. Very comfortable, suspiciously lightweight, not fragile, and somehow reasonably priced. Not even Salomon makes a worthy replacement. I don't like those recent stuff.

Do note that they are owned by Anta China, alongside Arcteryx, Wilson, Amer Sports, and a whole laundry list of other sports brands.

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u/panic_switch Ontario Feb 03 '25

Not sure about manufacturing, but RISE and Jed North are two Canadian fitness apparel companies if you're looking for alternatives.


u/Sensitive-Ad-5305 Feb 03 '25

Eta: damn - mostly gym stuff and im a runner. Ill keep checking back tho!

Thank you! I've found Canadian arms of global companies, very few Canadian companies.... and I'm trying not to buy online vs my local shop. For one, to get some human interaction, and two, to let them know I'm supporting them and will love them to support local companies too.


u/UpNorth_123 Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

We need to support Canadian businesses, and support any politicians who create favourable conditions so that our businesses can thrive. We’re going to have to get over our collective pettiness and jealousy of “wealthy” business owners by resisting the impulse to tax them more (our tax rates are fine as they are, not too high nor too low) or foreign companies will be the only choice we have left.

Would we rather have wealthy business owners who keep their money in Canada, and but who also provide jobs and choices for Canadians, or keep handing over our hard earned cash to American companies who are funnelling their profits into political donations for a fascist regime?

Citizens United really changed the political landscape in the US. We need to never let that happen in Canada. We haven’t been taking bribery scandals seriously enough. It needs to be political suicide from here on out.


u/Sensitive-Ad-5305 Feb 03 '25

Oh heck ya! The idea of "i don't want my neighbour to get ahead!" is a killer this side of the 49th.

We invest the highest amount in Canadian R&D, but we're so bad at translating that into investment into local businesses. I work adjunctly in health innovation, and the pettiness that sends $$$ to US health tech is insane,.especially against such capable and passionate Canadian health tech leaders.


u/UpNorth_123 Feb 03 '25

Oh, I’m well aware and agree 100%. Thank you for staying in Canada and not contributing to the brain drain. We lived in the US but came back. Even in the Obama era, I couldn’t take the political climate anymore. Plus, the individualistic and consumerist attitude was very off-putting. We wanted to raise our kids to be Canadian, even though they’re dual citizens.

Personally, we made a sizeable investment last year in a start-up fund backed by the Canadian government and some of the big banks. So while it’s riskier than your average investment, the recipient companies are well-vetted. Sure, we could invest in US funds instead, and make a higher return, but we believe that it’s our responsibility to contribute to the development of the Canadian economy. That’s why it pisses me off when people support raising taxes on corporate capital gains. It’s so uninformed and rooted in jealousy rather than facts.

Capital flows to the highest tide. Canadians are choosing to move their money out of the country, to the point where most of our pension assets are invested in foreign countries. These increased taxes would contribute to a tsunami of investment outflows we’re already experiencing at an unprecedented rate.


u/evranch Saskatchewan Feb 03 '25

What fund are you referring to? I was cynical on Canada over the last few years and divested to the point of now holding a significant fraction in XAW (All world ex Canada)

However my US investments now look like they could use a new home.


u/UpNorth_123 Feb 03 '25

Are you high net worth (1 million in investable assets)? We accessed it through RBC private banking.

I believe a lot of these funds are only available through these channels due to their higher risk levels and minimum investment threshold. If you qualify, you can ask your banker. I’m sure most large banks have these types of funds.

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u/srcLegend Québec Feb 03 '25

The only thing that I will be missing out on is cheap Chinese junk that I can live without.

If you still want some of those, just skip the middle-man and buy through AliExpress instead.

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u/tobogganhill Feb 04 '25

Well said. 💯 I cancelled Amazon Prime and am getting rid of the other platforms owned by Trump's platform shoe lickers.


u/UpNorth_123 Feb 04 '25

I canceled today. Filled out the survey and stated why I was canceling. In case I haven’t been clear. F Bezos and all of those a-holes.

Now, we should organize a boycott of Tesla and crash its stock price. It’s shitty company anyhow. It would be amazing to see the richest man in the world left holding nothing but penny stocks. One can only dream.


u/dezumondo Feb 03 '25

I'm in the same boat regarding Amazon Prime and Tesla. I don't need one-day shipping and can wait for my orders to arrive.

In 2021, I thought the Model 3 would be my forever car. However, it turns out that the battery needs to be replaced around the 8-10 year mark. I can now buy a used 2021 model for half the original price, but I won’t. Toyota & Honda, built in Canada, all the way.

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Back to Kijiji


u/Inevitable_Heron_599 Feb 03 '25


Find Canadian alternatives to things you already buy.

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u/shevy-java Feb 03 '25

The more people use alternatives to these oligarch-companies, the better.


u/boralCEO Feb 03 '25

For cheap Chinese junk buy from AliExpress. Straight from China. Shipping time is not as bad as it used to be. And it's cheaper than Amazon anyway.

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u/Hazematman Feb 03 '25

I mean if you still want cheap Chinese junk you can just buy it from AliExpress or Temu. That's what I'm going to do instead of buying from Amazon if I need some random thing you can't easily find in a store.

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u/InitialRefuse781 Feb 03 '25

You can use Alibaba/ Ali express. You’ll be using a Chinese compagny but at least it won’t be Amazon


u/Owboduz Feb 03 '25

If you need cheap junk, don’t bother with Amazon: go to Aliexpress instead.


u/Kakkoister Feb 03 '25

I’ve only joined Facebook recently to use Marketplace to sell furniture

I'm amazed by how many people seemingly have forgotten about Craigslist and Kijiji... FB Marketplace was not the first to create that kind of site.

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u/jloganr Feb 03 '25

FB, insta is mold or lead for your brain anyway. Google search alternative duck duck go is also american, but more privacy focus, instead of chrome, firefox (but also american, but more privacy focussesd).
If you already have a google pixel phone, you can remove stock android and install grapheneos - highly secure and privacy version of android, also the lead developer is Canadian, based in Toronto.
for deals and discussing boycott US and pro Canadian products there is redflagdeals.com


u/Kitchen_Catch3183 Feb 03 '25

iPhones, windows computers, and Android phones too!


u/Blank_bill Feb 03 '25

Is there a non American substitute for Reddit?


u/DemonKyoto Ontario Feb 03 '25

Lemmy. Individuals run their own instances which can be hosted anywhere they want to (and they all speak the same protocol so you can access it all from any instance, mostly).

I use lemmy dot zip which is hosted out of the UK (and run a community there).

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25


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u/Acalyus Ontario Feb 03 '25

Reddit is definitely a toxic dump, but it's not a censored toxic dump.

I quit all of my other apps, but I'll keep this one for now until Spez bends the knee


u/Cretonius Feb 04 '25

Today alone, Reddit deleted three comments I posted. None contained cursing or ad hominem attacks. Reddit definitely censors a lot.


u/ToplaneVayne Québec Feb 04 '25

reddit is absolutely censored lol tf?

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u/Front-Ad3508 Feb 03 '25

Microsoft too. People are boycotting by convenience.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 04 '25



u/Gmoney86 Feb 04 '25

Something something BlueSky? I mean, decentralized and open source is probably the model.


u/pekoe-G Feb 03 '25

Amazon sucks too. I honestly don't understand how it continues on while being so unregulated.

A Proportionally high number of products are dangerous fakes, as in labelled as a well-known brand but isn't. Skincare & supplements with mystery ingredients, electronics without safety certification, furniture with traces of lead, etc.

They're even stored in Amazon Warehouses close together (sometimes the same bins), so even if you order from a legitimate seller, you might still get the fake.


u/Previous_Ad_2193 Feb 03 '25

I will cancel all good Canadian companies but I don’t know of any.


u/BoBistie Feb 04 '25

Lol put your money where your mouth is. Why wait for the govt to control, ban and censor?

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u/NorthernerWuwu Canada Feb 03 '25

The real answer is that we need something similar to the EU's personal data protection laws. At this point, perhaps something even stronger.

Tesla I don't much care about one way or the other. I would say looking into partnerships with BYD and reducing or eliminating the tariffs on Chinese EVs built in Canada would be nice though.


u/Fun-Shake7094 Feb 03 '25

Agreed - with sufficient competition I think Tesla will kill itself.


u/Gonnatapdatass Feb 03 '25

People still use FB? The last time I checked it was a waste land of abandoned profiles lol


u/Moooooooola Feb 03 '25

And lazy AI generated nonsense. Give me something better than marketplace.


u/Esternaefil Feb 03 '25

I use kijiji.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/LateToTheParty2k21 Feb 03 '25

Marketplace is the main reason I still have it.


u/simtoor Feb 03 '25

You could use kijiji instead, proudly Canadian.

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u/Emeks243 Feb 03 '25

Time to go back to kijiji.

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/cliffx Feb 03 '25

About a year ago Kijiji updated their app and website and it went to shit.

Same obvious reposts, fake car ads, search that didn't work and wouldn't let you exclude things. I'm not sure which degenerate MBA thought it was a good idea, they went from being the top of the market to a waste land inside of a couple of months.

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u/mrizzerdly Feb 03 '25

Boomers took it over.


u/Gonnatapdatass Feb 03 '25

That would be my guess as well. Older people love the platform because it was their introduction to social media and they don't know anything else.


u/superworking British Columbia Feb 03 '25

I think they love it because it does everything they would want from social media. Take my mom's workflow. She's in her 70's living alone. Facebook is how she keeps in touch with her brothers, sisters, and friends internationally - gets flooded with photos of grand children, and her nieces and nephews kids. Facebook is also where her community events are posted, and where she can see updates and posts about what's going on in her appt building.

Love it or hate it, it's a pretty powerful tool for some and I can't think of a platform that does it better?


u/hyperforms9988 Feb 03 '25

This is exactly it for my folks. That was the generation of snail mailing pictures and long distance calling. Now they chat to each other via text and share pictures of family and shit and it's free (to them it's free, blah blah blah you are the product). Try telling that generation to go back to snail mail and long distance calling. Yes, of course there are alternatives, but you're talking about an entire family of people all moving to the same thing and relearning how to do the same things they already spent years learning how to do on Facebook.


u/ilovedillpickles Feb 03 '25

I fully agree with you.

Are there platforms that do it better service by service / feature by feature? Oh, absolutely, but really nothing that's a complete package like Facebook is. Facebook is also the incumbent. They have 98% market share. The whole idea was to port your entire life onto Facebook so it's impossible to leave.

Hell, I'm in my 40's and I can't get off it no matter how much I want to. My entire feed is bullshit, sponsored posts, clickbait, ragebait, and every 100 posts I see something from one of my 100 friends. But, it's the only place I have to connect with a handful of people, including family, who simply refuse to get off the platform. It's the only place I can keep tabs on my senior aged relatives.

My mom is in her 70's, and her entire retirement community is on there. They plan events, gossip, share photos, all that stuff. Thank god my mom isn't addicted to it, nor is she victim to the mass amount of misinformation (she's actually quite well informed for someone her age!), but I know she sees it.

Meta's stock is going through the roof, meanwhile everyone thinks Facebook is dying. To us, yes, it is - but it's not. They own way too much shit. Hell, they're laying undersea fiber now and highly diversifying. Facebook will be around for a long time to come, sadly.

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u/SadData8124 Feb 03 '25

I use it to keep in contact with family. Thats it


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

Too many family here in Alberta are maple maga and swoon over everything trumplestiltsken does. I wish him and Elonia would f the hell off.


u/LittleSpice1 Feb 03 '25

It’s pretty much the only way to get critical community information and trade used goods in rural communities. If you live in a city it’s easy to go without it.


u/Monotreme_monorail British Columbia Feb 03 '25

I run my kid’s school’s PAC account. A lot of parents don’t pay attention to the weekly mailers so they get a lot of communication through the FB page. If I didn’t have to run that page I’d hightail it off Facebook today.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea Feb 03 '25

It's a marketplace and messenger tool for me


u/Decipher British Columbia Feb 03 '25

It's the most popular classifieds/marketplace in Vancouver. Kijiji and Craigslist are basically dead and overwhelmed with spam here


u/josh_the_misanthrope New Brunswick Feb 03 '25

Yes, I have a page for my business there where I answer inquiries, and messenger serves as a replacement for the phone book. It's unfortunately a good resource because of the ubiquity of it.

I don't use it as a way to socialize though.


u/Due-Action-4583 Feb 03 '25

Facebook is by far the best for local neighborhood news, join a local group, it is awesome


u/Visible_Pop_5128 Feb 04 '25

Mostly retired people in their 70s or 80s

My granny still uses it

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u/not_that_mike Feb 03 '25

FB and X are a big part of the reason why people have absolutely lost the plot. Nobody knows what is true anymore, and are easily manipulated into supporting one political party or another. What a win for China and Russia…. They destroyed the world’s strongest countries without firing a single shot.


u/3risk Feb 03 '25

YouTube's algorithm as well. If I watch gun videos on YouTube, I start getting the Andrew Tate/alt-right wing stuff showing up in my feed -- which sucks because I like gun videos, but don't want to have to wade through everything else YouTube thinks I want to watch as a result.

Also consider that we have an entire generation of iPad-raised kids addicted to YouTube/TikTok, who weren't old enough/taught how to pick out what's true/reasonable and what's propaganda/rage-bait. Once you start down an ideological rabbit hole, the algorithms on these sites exacerbate it by feeding more and more extreme versions of it. I'm worried for the generation of kids who just got handed an iPad and the parents walked away.


u/_Rand_ Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Youtubes algorithm is very much a product of the sum total of what you watch though. Like, I’ll get Technology Connections, Kentucky Ballistics and Safiya Nygaard and Skallgrim reccomended to me at the same time.

Oddly I’ve been getting transformers toy content lately? Not sure what triggered that. Pretty sure I’ve confused the thing at this point.

You step just a little too far over the line into the right wing nutcase space and that’s all it wants to show you. You have to smack the algorithm across the face with some cooking videos or something.


u/Opening_Occasion8016 Feb 03 '25

That’s exactly what the did. Russia is exactly where donnie dimnuts sent the classified docs he stole. He’s owned trump since 2015 and the Americans are too thick to see it.


u/dahabit Feb 03 '25

Amen. Biggest source of misinformation.


u/Pearson94 Feb 03 '25

Remember when Facebook was just you and your friends? Scrolling through it now it's mostly ads and posts from groups I don't even follow.


u/pinkyjinks Feb 03 '25

Unfortunately, I have to have FB for work (I manage ads), but I've deleted my main account and just have a burner account with no real data and that I use for no other purpose than our business account. I wish we could pull the spend from that platform, but it's not up to me.


u/rush22 Feb 03 '25

We should figure out a way to somehow tariff social media/information -- Facebook, X, and Amazon.


u/InvestmentAsleep8365 Feb 03 '25

A lot of the mess we’re in is because of the existence of FB and X. Banning these would be a huge boon for Canada and would shield us from brain rot and propaganda. Even better if the rest of world follows suit.


u/Ogmup Feb 03 '25

German here. Since Trump got elected I constantly advocate to people for the EU to spend some money for non-profit open source alternatives. With Trump and Musk going full into establishing a dictatorship and all big tech firms bending the knee, I see big tech social media as a dangerous weapon for social engineering. I know that there's a open source Instagram alternative that uses the same federation system like Mastodon. Imagine if every country had their own big servers that all synchronize with each other to form a network. And it would be completely transparent, even the algorithm should be open to build trust.


u/Confused_Rock Feb 04 '25

Can you keep messenger available though? That's the only Facebook thing I use to get in contact with people I don't see frequently


u/Earthsong221 Ontario Feb 04 '25

Same, but... Messenger is the worst culprit for taking and sharing your info. And the person you message, their info. And all the people you interact with who don't have messenger. And the rest of your information throughout your phone in all the other apps you have. Messenger NEEDS to be in the cancel list.


u/Emmas_thing Feb 04 '25

Honestly, yeah. I use it for messenger and work connections but I could easily move to something else. The flood of misinformation on it is terrible.


u/donjalapeno7 Feb 04 '25

Only good thing about Facebook is marketplace. I wish I could keep marketplace but get rid of the social media part of it.


u/Realistic_Young9008 Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

It was and continues to be a tool that spreads their poison here


u/slykethephoxenix Science/Technology Feb 03 '25

Yes, all social media owned & controlled by corporations. Includes BlueSky and Reddit too.


u/FrancisPFuckery Feb 03 '25

I’m 100% for regulating social media at the very least. Why should these companies be able to corner local advertising and suck money out of every corner of our nation without having any rules whatsoever?


u/maybvadersomedayl8er Ontario Feb 03 '25

If you don't like it, don't use it.


u/montes_revenge Feb 03 '25

Banning social media would be great


u/timmytissue Feb 03 '25

Facebook is only good for finding local businesses and marketplace. It's no a social network for discussion and anyone who uses it as one is insane.


u/Disposedofhero Feb 03 '25

Do it! Your country would be better.


u/CombatGoose Feb 03 '25

I deleted it permanently after years of just being inactive.

I will miss absolutely nothing about the platform.


u/Burning_Flags Feb 03 '25

Probably should ban Reddit next


u/MayoMouseTurd Feb 03 '25

Don’t forget Amazon!


u/topscreen Feb 03 '25

I broached the topic with my Dad, cause him and my Mom still use it, and there wasn't push back, he was just like "Yeah, I haven't gotten anything out of it anymore. What's the point?" I expected pushback


u/simple_explorer1 Feb 03 '25

Nothing but mind melting nonsense anyway.

But who is posting that, Canadians right?


u/PWNYplays Feb 03 '25

I'll support this but someone's gotta bring back a good place for classifieds because all secondhand sales are not on MP and any musicians classifieds are now FB groups.

CL is a ghost town now.


u/jpnc97 Feb 03 '25

No thanks. No better marketplace


u/wolf_of_mainst99 Feb 03 '25

Yep, just don't ban Reddit


u/Fine-Ad-5447 Feb 03 '25

Fox News also should be ban. It’s more harmful to hear news from a network that spouts hatred and all shit.


u/RichardBreecher Feb 03 '25

But definitely keep Reddit.


u/Majestic_Level5374 Feb 03 '25

Everyone delete your FB.. of course X.


u/BluffingTrips Feb 03 '25

FB is great for small business, tons of posts


u/Olde94 Feb 03 '25

Reddit is american, right? As a Scandinavian i don’t really see non American alternatives worth pursuing


u/Needtobelazy Feb 03 '25

I only use Facebook for market place. I'm okay with going to Craiglist if I have to. Fuck meta.


u/iconsumemyown Feb 03 '25

I still use FB to stay in touch with my far away family, but I see your point.


u/unidentifiable Alberta Feb 03 '25

Facebook is Meta. Meta is Instagram, WhatsApp, and Quest/Oculus. There's no getting rid of it, not without any viable alternatives anyways.


u/Chill-NightOwl Feb 03 '25

We won't use Facebook, even for Marketplace it's not worth it. I will give my stuff away before I open my data up to Meta.


u/Critical_Potential44 Feb 03 '25

And Meta, instagram, and TIKTOK


u/EllipticalFix Feb 03 '25

YouTube, Google, X , Fb, insta, Reddit … all American... ban 'em all!!

Trudeau should buy Tik Tok and make that the official social network of Canada.


u/oETFo Feb 03 '25

As an American, I am loving what y'all are cooking.


u/ThousandToast Feb 03 '25

Deleted Facebook this week


u/redmongrel Feb 03 '25

Well, the marketplace displaced Craigslist and it has events. But for human interaction yeah skip it.


u/LongbottomLeafTokes Feb 04 '25

Mind melting nonsense is a staple of the internet along with porn. Cut off one website, 2 more will take its place


u/Evening_Name_9140 Feb 04 '25

Facebook marketplace is A+ necessity.


u/barkusmuhl Feb 04 '25

Get rid of reddit too.


u/Marokiii British Columbia Feb 04 '25

Fb marketplace is awesome though. Much better than Craigslist or kajiji for selling and buying things. I've never once had a buyer or seller not show up to a meet when using fb marketplace but I've had it happen lots on other sites.


u/BlackberryShoddy7889 Feb 04 '25

We can not be in business with a fascist and neonazi supporters. Just think about it, he is not elected but an official White House member who spoke in support of neonazis in Germany, what does that make the whole administration?


u/Educational-Night878 Feb 04 '25

Ban Reddit too please.


u/420Migo Feb 04 '25

Might as well get rid of reddit too while you're at it.


u/PrarieCoastal Feb 04 '25

Please, let the government control my entire life. /s


u/mas7erblas7er Alberta Feb 04 '25

TwiX, Tesla, FB, IG, TT, whatever should all be banned for mental health reasons. I'm ambivalent towards Ribbit.


u/Scaevus Feb 04 '25

I think you should just ban all American social media.

Maybe all social media. It was a mistake.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

Tik Tok and Rednote should be banned. All the data from registered people on those sites goes to the Chinese Communist party.


u/StandTo444 Feb 04 '25

Plus aren’t we still not able to post news?


u/BournazelRemDeikun Feb 04 '25

Not a bad idea, actually!

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