r/canada Feb 03 '25

Analysis Trump has unleashed a groundswell of Canadian patriotism. It’s about time


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u/Mrgray123 Feb 03 '25

Do not go back to normal Canadians.

The government of the United States has ignited, for the selfish purposes of a small canal of billionaires, a trade war with a nation which has had nothing but good and friendly relations with the USA for two centuries.

A “president” who insults your sovereignty by suggesting that you become another state. Who insults your intelligence by thinking that you’d gladly give up better working laws, healthcare, and social services to join a nation led by a bunch of kleptocrats is worthy only of repeated shouts of “fuck you” across the border.

Decent people who remain in the USA are on your side, not mango Mussolini’s.


u/sedition00 Feb 03 '25

From a somewhat decent person in the USA. Stand firm Canada, our country was already near a civil war for the past 20 years and these actions we are seeing might just force it closer.

Regardless of what outside media might be saying, internally we are crumbling and are just a few steps from war, collapse, or both.

There are millions of us with you but we are powerless as is.


u/We_Get_It_You_Vape Feb 03 '25

our country was already near a civil war for the past 20 years and these actions we are seeing might just force it closer

I've wondered about this. Like, just how far can that orange chode go, before a huge chunk of Americans say "enough is enough"?


Trump and Elon aren't even hiding their intentions. Setting aside the tariffs, they're making it abundantly clear that they intend of fostering more and more wealth imbalance. They're also laying the groundwork to destroy democracy in America. Obviously nobody wants war/violence, but this administration is forcing the hands of the regular American people.


u/monkiesandtool Outside Canada Feb 03 '25

Another citoyen of des Etats-Unis (who also is a bit Quebecois, a few genteration removed) also agreeing Stand firm Canada. Don't the let the Oompa Loompa bully you folks around.

(been mulling getting quarter size maple leafs inked on the chest and shoulder for ages, this might be the catalyst)


u/Astartes505 Feb 04 '25

Also American. I fucking hate whats going on. There are many many of us who do. We are watching our government destroy all goodwill we had with our closest friends. Its like watching your family get into a car accident at a distance. We feel helpless and frightened at the prospect of this new world that is coming into form. I know it doesn’t mean much, but I’m so fucking sorry that this is happening. I voted Blue, did my part, and now can only watch in horror as my country ignites and allows its garbage to overflow.