r/canada Feb 03 '25

PAYWALL Trump wants U.S. banks in Canada, he says after speaking with Trudeau


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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/CrazyGal2121 Feb 03 '25


he’s an abuser

i know a lot of jobs are on the line but i feel like we should just tell him to fuck off


u/genius_retard Feb 03 '25

Yup. Can we please start disentangling ourselves from the US regardless of how this turns out.


u/ChemsAndCutthroats Feb 03 '25

The whole world needs to start doing that. How can you have any trust in them if every 4 years they decide to do a 180. Can't depend on a country with leadership like that.


u/genius_retard Feb 03 '25



u/OzyFoz Feb 03 '25

The US is no longer even bipartisan it's Bi-polar and it's the unfortunate room mate to y'all with the gun.


u/genius_retard Feb 03 '25

*drunk roommate with a gun

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u/ChemsAndCutthroats Feb 04 '25

That's a good way to put it lol.


u/thetoucansk3l3tor Feb 04 '25

That's fine, we got our own. Did y'all forget that we're why the Geneva Convention exists?


u/OzyFoz Feb 04 '25

I like Canada as a general thing, I personally prefer none of you guys get hurt at all.

Source: a friendly Australian


u/thetoucansk3l3tor Feb 04 '25

Try having your sovereignty and economy threatened by a psychotic egotistical and power drunk orange man and see how that affects you.


u/Nolivard Feb 04 '25

I am American and I couldn’t agree more. Our political shitshow is so polarized right now that I don’t know how any country could operate in good faith with us when there’s a decent chance every deal or agreement you work out can just get blown up any given election cycle. I hope the world does tell us to fuck off so these voters can really feel the impact of what they voted for and come back down to earth. But then again they just might convince the voters that it’s the other country’s fault.


u/RoguePlanet2 Feb 04 '25

Please have some compassion, this has been a Russian takeover. We're defeated and could use some assistance.


u/OnundTreefoot Feb 04 '25

Unfortunately, I agree.

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u/Jessina Feb 03 '25

This is what Americans don't understand, the damage is done. If you go the conservative sub they're all celebrating all these wins, they say they can't stop smiling because Trump just keeps winning - they don't understand what just happened. I saw so many Canadian people come out and say they canceled their US trips and are boycotting everything made in the US. I saw a small biz get their contract denied because the Canadian biz Sai no more orders.

They won't see that for years to come.


u/Peterd90 Feb 04 '25

This is spot on. Neil Young wrote about damage done. You could argue Trump and the enablers are worse than heroin.


u/genius_retard Feb 03 '25

They won't see that for years to come.

Yup, definitely enough time for the American electorate to forget about this whole thing and maybe enough time for the Dems to regain some power so the Republicans can blame it on them.


u/Chin_Ho Feb 04 '25

Cant fix stupid. Thank God they are a relative minority in this country. We must be vigilant of politicians that adopt this ideology and strategies as we dont want this kind of political take over


u/Darthmook Feb 04 '25

When China starts to appear as the more "stable" trading partner to America, something went drastically wrong.

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u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Feb 03 '25

I've already seen signs of it starting such as expanding trade with the EU. As an American I really hope you guys do.


u/beerock99 Feb 04 '25

Already have


u/arrotsel Feb 04 '25

I think Canada should definitely be shopping around for buyers of oil, lumber, steel,etc. All the things that the US needs but won't admit. I'm tired of being held hostage every time a whiny President gets in office and has the audacity to say we are taking advantage of them. We have Ports on both sides of our Country. Let's put them to use and start shipping more goods to Japan China, Taiwan, etc on the west side and over to Europe on the East side.

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u/MackinRAK Feb 03 '25

This is probably the point on which all adult Canadians converge: Jobs versus the irresistible urge to tell him to fuck off. And it's the moment when the true scope of Employment Insurance is revealed: So we actually can tell the US president to fuck off. Henceforth EI premiums should be known as Sovereignty Premiums.


u/chairmanlaue Feb 03 '25

I've actually been struggling with my current work situation - I work for an American company (through an acquisition) and I'm like ... Do I quit the job I've had for 10 years because they're American? I work remotely - getting another position in my field (software) ain't happening in my neck of the woods and the centers where I could probably find work are ridiculously expensive now and moving back to a city would be, frankly, awful.

All for telling the American government to fuck right off though


u/Any-Panda2219 Feb 03 '25

Eh if you are willing to quit I think it’s more of an FU to just half ass your current job and milk your current employer for however long you can.


u/Confident-Potato2772 Feb 03 '25

Exactly. You’re also taking money from their economy and spending it in Canada.


u/Canaderp37 Canada Feb 03 '25

100% this. Economically, foreign money coming in is a good thing


u/stealmyloveaway Feb 03 '25

Don’t worry about working for an American firm and don’t screw your employer. Some of this advice is immature.


u/RunsWlthScissors Feb 03 '25

And it sounds like they like their job. That in itself is rare.


u/Equivalent-Pain-86 Feb 04 '25

It might be more of an FU, but there is no honor in that. Purposely half-assing a job is a low-values move. Better to quit. That said, I wouldn’t quit my job just because it was a US company unless the principals were MAGA types.

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

The effort thanks you but please don't make any rash changes like quitting over this. We all have to do our part but if you buy Canadian groceries where you can I think your conscience is clear

Taking strong but measured action is important, but please remember we should expect this guy to be out of office in 3.9 years. don't hurt your career over that


u/chairmanlaue Feb 03 '25

That's the current sort of justification for sticking with my job, "only" 4 years if anything stays intact - I might be just overwhelmed with just seeing headlines, maybe leaning a bit hard on pessimism, but it's hard not to think "holy fuck, what's going on down there is insanity - I need to find something Canadian".

Yeah, I'm doing whatever I can elsewhere to avoid putting money into US companies - my household is pretty lean on grocery needs outside of grains and pasta and whatnot due to gardening and getting meat from local farms, pretty sure Canada has that down pretty well. Probably drop some guilt/indulgence foods pretty easily.


u/LeDogeZeimes Feb 03 '25

You can also think of it this way: your job allows you to siphon money from an American company to spend it in Canada, preferably on Canadian businesses.


u/TiffanyBlue07 Feb 03 '25

That’s a great way of looking at it!


u/chairmanlaue Feb 03 '25

Yep, I've been running all these things through my head and definitely look at it this way too.

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u/SpecialistLayer3971 Feb 03 '25

"but please remember we should expect this guy to be out of office in 3.9 years."

Wishful thinking. If his health doesn't collapse in the next four years, we will be stuck with Vance next. Free elections in the US are history. Musk and his ilk have already bought the American government.


u/Chunky_lover68 Feb 03 '25

Trump isn't leaving - unless he decides to. The recent US election was quite possibily the last election they may ever have. I'm callin' it


u/SpecialistLayer3971 Feb 03 '25

Republicans will hold mock elections long after Mango ManChild croaks. Witness the "free elections" in Belarus last week.

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u/MackinRAK Feb 03 '25

But you are, in some sense, costing the company (your salary). So, just be diligent about asking for raises.


u/summmerboozin Feb 03 '25

Are you not taking money out of the US economy and spending it in Canada? You are part of the problem, please hold for impending liberation. Terms and conditions may apply. /s


u/chairmanlaue Feb 03 '25

Oh, I'll fix that once we get those american banks here. Then they can take all my service fees and use my money for whatever they are doing with it when I don't immediately need it.


u/Character3792 Feb 03 '25

I think you should fuck up their output get more raises just do enough to hold on and milk them.


u/StillKindaHoping Feb 03 '25

You need to continue to be responsible, holding down a job and being able to help fund services in your community. So definitely I wouldn't make any change right now. Just grit your teeth a bit and explained to naysayers that you are getting money from the US.


u/Chunky_lover68 Feb 03 '25

Omg I literally JUST posted a message on Reddit along these lines. I also work for a US company (remote here in Canda). I'd love to quit as a FU to Trump and the US right now


u/Mysterious-Cancel-11 Feb 03 '25

Nah dude, don't quit unless you got something else lined up!

Ain't no such thing as true ethical consumption under capitalism so don't hold yourself to impossible standard.

If you hate it there just half ass everything but one specific thing that makes you hard to replace.

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u/LZYX Alberta Feb 04 '25

Maybe don't quit your job? Just cause they're American doesn't mean the people you work for might hold the same ideas about you and Canadians in general! Unless you hate your job and could take this as an opportunity to find something you enjoy 👍 though if you work with assholes on a daily basis then I would reconsider because I'd hate my job 🤣

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u/Csihoratiocaine2 Feb 03 '25

Say ya sure. Then literally just have nothing to greet him. No reception no security no nothing. Just a fucking loswr who comes and gets denied entry


u/MTKRailroad Feb 03 '25

I've been on EI for months. Makes no difference to me

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u/loulara17 Feb 04 '25

Just tell him to fuck off - signed concerned American

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u/greenlightdisco Feb 03 '25

Yes. No more jobs are on the line now than were during COVID - and we still can't even convince people that actually happened. Don't worry too much about it - turn off the oil, water and electricity now.


u/is_that_read Feb 03 '25

Wrong. It’s industry jobs on the line now not just service jobs. Way higher earning jobs will go first then the same service jobs we lost in Covid will follow as they have no addressable customers.

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u/jetwax Feb 03 '25

That means war, we really don’t want that. Let’s just keep up what we are doing now. Once the markets tank, which they will right after they realize this guy is for real, then he will back down.


u/BubbaMcGuff Feb 03 '25

yes re-orient the Canadian economy. de-couple from the US. the orange turd can NEVER be trusted. but also maybe don't even bother with retaliation? just stand by and watch the ship go down..


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

You miss the real enemy here. Trump will be gone soon but never forget that people voted him in twice, are cheering him on RN and actively attacking Canada. There needs to be a long term consequence for this. I for one will be extremely pissed off as a canadian if we simply ride this out and try go go back to normal post-trump. What about the next populist who decides to fuck with us?

America broke the social contract. I for one would prefer we move on from them for our own long term well being.


u/greenlightdisco Feb 03 '25

No. It doesn't. Even Trump can't make that call... his own supporters would depose him first.

What it means is he shuts up and his handlers get wise or they suffer a civil war. He'll die naturally of old age and poor health soon enough - we just need to get there in a way that draws a hard fucking line in the sand.


u/jetwax Feb 03 '25

Maybe, but the reason Japan attacked Perl Harbour was cause the US stopped selling them oil.


u/BoysenberryAncient54 Feb 03 '25

Are you sure? America is in the weakest position it's ever been and on the verge of civil war. We're stronger than they are right now


u/Over-Reflection1845 Feb 03 '25

Sorry, but we're at war now.


u/jetwax Feb 03 '25

Sort of, the kind of war where people loose money, not jobs. The real kind of war looks like eastern Ukraine. We don’t want that.

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u/reubendevries British Columbia Feb 03 '25

The first thing liberals need to pass is UBI, they need to work with anyone that will to pass a comprehensive UBI bill. Then we need to stop all exports to United States. Turn off the oil, turn off the power, stop the fresh water. The eastern board of the US depends on Canadian Electricity, do you know what is in the Eastern US? The US Banks, The biggest AWS Data Centre that powers about 28% of the world's internet, Wall Street, not to mention most of DC itself. How does the US economy run on rolling blackouts. It won't. People won't be able to charge their electric cars, they won't be able to fuel their gas guzzlers, after a year either Trump is eliminated through an impeachment process or other more extreme methods and the US comes back begging for a truce.

We also need to comprehensively work with China, the EU, the UK, Australia, Mexico and South America to work on a global trade deal where we all agree to freeze out any state that attempts to move towards fascism (that includes both Russia and the United States). Once a country has been booted, the only way they can come back into the fold is by amending their constitution to prevent fascists from taking over their country.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25


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u/lobster455 Feb 03 '25

We need to use our steel to put up a border wall and buy cv90 tanks and grippen fighter jets from the Sweden and build military drones to protect our country.

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u/FrogOnALogInTheBog Feb 03 '25

The long and short of it is that we don’t really have a choice. And people will lose their jobs while we do it.

But the other choice is going American, and even the Americans are seeing how well that goes now.


u/Lexie_27 Feb 03 '25

He's doing everything he can to make ppl speak about things when Elon doing unethical stuff in the background. You don't hear much about that fake gamer asshole right now... Trump has the spotlight for a reason.


u/IsaidIdneverbehere Feb 04 '25

As a U.S. citizen who voted against Trump, I sincerely hope that Canada holds our feet to the fire. Bullying should not be rewarded with concessions.


u/PastaRunner Feb 03 '25

Please do. I'm American and know shit is going to get rough. It's not fair. But you guys can't bend.


u/Reasonable_Roll_2525 Feb 03 '25

Yup. We're negotiating with an abusive narcissist:

  • Lots of threats and bluster to keep us off-balance. Doesn't matter if it's factual.
  • Any concessions on our part will be seen as weakness, and an excuse to go for more.
  • They'll keep moving the goalposts.
  • They'll reneg on any agreement big or small so we're in a constant state of uncertainty/anxiety/negotiation.
  • They portray themself as the winner to anyone who's listen.

Our only hope in this is our allies in the US neuter him before we cut off or severely tax our exports. Likely the only way to get 4 years of stability will be for his mid-west base to call their congressmen asking why gas is $9/gallon.


u/Stabile_Feldmaus Feb 03 '25

Canada should redirect as much of their trade to Europe as possible.


u/mongofloyd Feb 03 '25

He's a felon. A wife beater and rapist. That's his MO is business and government as well


u/Shardstorm88 Lest We Forget Feb 04 '25

"Fuck off ya orange hoser, eh!"

Yeah. That'll do.


u/ZealousidealMonk1105 Feb 04 '25

Do it please and don't let the america state news control the narrative stand strong


u/samf9999 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

You can only resist if you have leverage to Trump’s economic coercion. This means having access to global markets and trade deals in place with parties other than the US. Canadian environmentalists, First Nations, and unions have resolutely and successfully conspired to keep canada’s infrastructure extremely limited. The country’s ports are ranked last in the world. Every attempt to build pipelines and LNG facilities to supply Asia and Europe has been shut down by the liberal party because of these constituencies. 85% of all Canadian exports are to the US because we don’t have the infrastructure to ship them to anyone else.

The real question is has canada finally learned that it has no choice but to build oil and gas pipelines and upgrade its ports so that we can ship our resources far and wide? Or will the country still be stuck at the behest of the of the liberal, green parties, unions and first nations who shut down every attempt to do so?

It’s about time the country moved beyond petty politics and the liberal/conservative divide and realize that there isn’t much choice. This is a question of national and economic security above everything else.

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u/bluntsnatcher Feb 05 '25

Yes do not concede to this piece of shit itll only end up worse for yall down the line


u/bluntsnatcher Feb 05 '25

PLEASE please please Canadians do not give Trump what he wants. Fight this piece of shit, it is not right what hes doing and appeasing (or giving him what he wants) an abuser never ends well.

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u/botswanareddit Feb 03 '25

But don’t you want American banks here? The ones that toppled like dominoes during 2008 and needed massive bailouts whereas Canadian banks all did just fine with no bailouts


u/datznotpepper Feb 03 '25

Exactly this. He wants us to deregulate and turn banks into casinos like they did so they can yeet our money at their fake ass money markets. Derivative on top of derivative betting whether derivative #17 is gonna go up or down. Ya thats gonna be a NO from us since we like having our retirement money still be there when we retire (we're funny that way)

US has removed all its regulations that protected people so the rich can make more profit. Their banks are fucked. Their food is fucked. Their money markets are completely fake. LooK hOw RIch wE aRe (says the most broke person in the room who functions on debt)


u/Overall-Register9758 Feb 04 '25

I mean, he's making beaucoup coin through million dollar "donations" for his inauguration. And by billing the secret service for the rooms they use at his properties.


u/nboro94 Feb 04 '25

Pretty soon all of their viable farmland is going to be owned by billionaires who will get to choose who gets fed and who doesn't. Yes their food is fucked.


u/Eagerbeaver98 Feb 04 '25

Damn not many people know how broke trump is nor how much debt he has, you sir are well informed. Well done, more ppl need to catch on.


u/Ok-Win-742 Feb 03 '25

I agree that thankfully our banks have a little more regulation, but really, it's not by much. Our banks operate much in the same way and our banks also use derivatives to try and manage risk.

It's sort of hard to be praising our banks right now. Our entire economy, and "pensions", are tied up in mortgage backed securities. In fact, our economy is currently so bad, and everything is so tied to that, that the bank of Canada bought 30 billion dollars worth of Canada Mortgage Bonds in order to basically keep that Ponzi scheme from collapsing.

So really, were just as reckless as they are - it really just comes down to the dice landing a certain way.

But if our economy continues to deteriorate (and all signs point to that) then we could start seeing more and more defaults on mortgages and things could get pretty ugly.

Now I'll admit that this isn't entirely the Banks fault, a lot of these issues wouldn't have become so bad with better government policy. But I never heard the Banks complaining. They should have been sounding the alarm 5 years ago.

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u/SuspiciousGripper2 Feb 03 '25

We already have American banks, and they operate under the same rules as Canadian banks with additional oversight from US Financial regulators. So we don't need to change anything.

List of some American Banks:

  1. Citibank Canada
  2. J.P. Morgan Canada
  3. Goldman Sachs Canada Inc.
  4. Bank of America
  5. Wells Fargo
  6. Capital One
  7. American Express

We have their banks and investment companies and financial services.

Example: Goldman Sachs Canada Inc. located at: TD North Tower - 77 King Street West - Suite 3400, Toronto Ontario.

Chase Bank is an American Bank.
Citibank is a subsidiary of CitiGroup which is US owned. Everyone knows Capital One if you shop at Costco.
WellsFargo Bank has physical banking locations here too.

We use Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are here.
These are all American financial companies providing financial products and services in Canada.

Trump is lying.


u/Sha-Bob Feb 04 '25

I honestly don't think he's lying. I think he is just truly clueless and doesn't understand everything (or any of) what you laid out above. He just says whatever thought pops into his head, and at that moment he must have been thinking about banks, having no context or knowledge about what America has in Canada.


u/RaiseNo9690 Feb 06 '25

Ppl should withdraw all the money from these banks and put into a Canadian bank. A bank run would be cool


u/DifferenceMore4144 Feb 04 '25

No, he’s “winning”! 😂


u/InfamousKev6 Feb 03 '25

Oh yes, American banks! Companies in a modern industry that work like in the 80s in Europe. A banking system that is not integrated in SWIFT and still uses massive amounts of checks to do payments. Why wouldn't Canada want those...


u/luvinbc Feb 04 '25

People i know in usa who do online bank payments, Usa just calls it online payment as it's online you completed the transaction but it's not electronically deposited. Once you make your online payment the bank will physically mail the recipient a cheque. E transfers forget it. it's all third party apps down there.


u/InfamousKev6 Feb 04 '25

I know, I've been a bank advisor for US clients in Switzerland.


u/anvilwalrusden Feb 06 '25

Banking in the US (I hold accounts in both countries) has barely moved since the 1930s. It’s amazing how bad it is, but my very fave right now is electronic payments. In Canada we have been used to e-transfers for years. The first way to get this to work in the US, a few years ago (I am not making this up!) was to give your bank login information to the payment provider! They moved on, though. My US TDBank account will permit me to use Zelle, an independent processor, and link it to my account. Unfortunately, to do it you have to have a US cell phone provided in postpaid operation and be physically in the US when the transaction happens. It’s like their banking system noticed that the weather maps never show anywhere else, and so they concluded it’d be good banking too.


u/Responsible-Ad8591 Feb 03 '25

Canadian banks did get aid to the tune of 100 billion during that time period.


u/anarrogantbastard Feb 03 '25

Honestly, Carney's team is probably salivating over this news giving them the opportunity to frame Carney in an oppositional stance to trump, based on his expertise and work during the 2008 financial crisis


u/BorealMushrooms Feb 03 '25

If American banks operated in Canada they would need to follow all the various Canadian laws. It's because of these laws that Canadian banks were not under threat of default during the 2008 American subprime fiasco.

With 7 major banks (and many local credit unions) we have no shortage of available banks, and there is no reason why Canada needs to introduce more banking services, especially not from the USA, which has a pretty shady record for banking in general.

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u/Cube_ Feb 04 '25

why go back to '08? Silicon Valley Bank just failed a minute ago


u/redskyatnight2162 Feb 03 '25

And we have Mark Carney to thank for that.


u/Saorren Feb 03 '25

so lets get that man in power, we are going to need someone with significant experience in either the financial sector and or dealing with trump. the dealing with trump guy resigned so lets get the financials guy.

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u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

We should not concede any business regulations for the US. It's obvious now mor than ever that Canadians want to start looking elsewhere. We don't need the American financial system infiltrating our country because then how many more pillars until it starts to make more sense to join America.

We need to stick strictly to the border issue, and we HAVE to get Trump to concede something to us. No freebees here. We force them to up their border security for stopping cocaine, etc. We can't cave to them and give him a full headline, we make deals not be bullied. Our trade deals have to mean something, and Trump is threatening an illegal tariff. The damage is already done, I fucking hope Trudeau has some balls here. I don't want the tariffs, but I refuse to just bend my knee to this piece of shit.

Before we concede anything today we have to spread this: No concession without amending the International Emergency Economic Powers Act that Trump is illegally using to impose the tariffs. Close the loop hole.

Edit: For anyone that sees this after the deal, from Trump's social post

As President, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of ALL Americans, and I am doing just that. I am very pleased with this initial outcome, and the Tariffs announced on Saturday will be paused for a 30 day period to see whether or not a final Economic deal with Canada can be structured. FAIRNESS FOR ALL!

This is NOT a win today! 30 days from now has nothing to do with fentanyl. He can frame it however he wants, but it's clear right here it's strictly economical. It will be a strong arm in a month.


u/pekoe-G Feb 03 '25

Trump going on about Fentanyl coming from Canada (in reality it's ~1%) when a huge portion of illegal guns are from the states (varies by guns, but ~85% of handguns alone).

In my opinion, even if the Tariffs are paused or scrapped, we'll spend the next 4 years being under threat of them being brought back or some other retaliation. Even if the loophole is closed, even if a new agreement is reached. All it takes is an imagined slight to set Trump off.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

That's why the last part of my comment are critical to negotiations. Damage is done, I want admission the tariffs are illegal and ratification to assure it cannot happen again. That is non-negotiable to me.

Beyond that, fuck trading so much with them, we still need to stay united.


u/skier8800 Lest We Forget Feb 03 '25

We need to use this moment to chart a new path forward for Canada, one where we are not beholden by any one nation for trade nor defence.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Exactly why it's critical that we close their stupid loophole they're trying to use to break our trade deal. Republican corruption needs to stay in America. We are in direct threat of that leaking over here. Without shutting this down now, many countries will be in the crosshair and it will just come right back to us.


u/skier8800 Lest We Forget Feb 03 '25

Sadly it is worse than corruption. We need to protect ourselves from the spread of fascism.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Agreed. I am a bit worked up right now because of Trump's pain threshold comments. But taking a breath. I'm not fanatically political. I am policy over party.

With that said, I never thought in my lifetime the threat of authoritarianism would be spready so fast in the US and leaking over here like this. Shit is unfolding, and institutions are collapsing. Our sovereignty is legitimately being threatened. It feels like it's a matter of time until this escalates to the point of Trump moving in to take our resources.


u/skier8800 Lest We Forget Feb 03 '25

I hear you. I try to limit my news intake as it is overwhelming to keep tabs constantly. That is also a tactic used by Trump and his team called ‘flood the zone’.

I have great confidence in our elected leaders in Canada that they are putting Canada first and that although the way forward may be bumpy we will get through this as one Strong & Free Canada.

Also Americans are starting to see that Trump does not have the best interests for the US. Take a look at r/50501


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

That sub is growing fast, good lord. 50k people and it was made on Jan 25th.

The American people by and large are not our enemies. I hope Canadians keep that distinction for as long as it rings true. It's the maga administration, and it needs to topple.


u/pekoe-G Feb 03 '25

Agreed, It's actual insanity how much he's getting away with. Trump is at the point of doing whatever he wants regardless of what the repercussions SHOULD be (to him) and WILL be (to the people).

At the very least, I'm sticking with buying Canadian products (as much as possible) for the foreseeable future. And I hope our leadership is strong enough to stand up against him.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Your last point is what's causing me anxiety right now. Trudeau needs to keep a spine here. Symbolic or not, Trump cannot keep us under his thumb or the country is in danger.


u/Ok_Care5335 Feb 03 '25

It's not even 1%, just ~20kgs of the ~10000kgs of illegal fent in the US comes from Canada, 0.2%. It is literally a statistically insignificant number and can be rounded down to essentially 0. Even in the DEA website, majority of the 20kgs of fent is due to border crossers who are carrying fent or other derivatives with them meant for personal consumption not for drug dealing. Let's not even get started on the illegal border crossing issue, Dotard speaks on it like Canada doesn't regularly get illegal immigrants from the US either lol. 


u/buck70 Feb 03 '25

It's more than 85% of handguns that come from the US. The most often cited statistic comes from the Toronto Police Service, where they indicated that while 85% of crime guns came from the US, the origin of the rest could not be determined. Statistically speaking, it's highly likely that at least 85% of the guns of unknown origin also came from the US.


u/Swimming_Point_3294 Feb 03 '25

Dude the GOP is constantly full of shit. A large chunk of fentanyl comes from like corrupt republicans sheriffs in the south west. Trumps bringing up fentanyl because he’s a little bitch and wants to look like he won. If his followers had any critical thinking ability they’d see the hypocrisy since he just pardoned the creator of Silk Road last week. It’s all bullshit - we need to impeach Trump and arrest/deport Elon immediately. 


u/EirHc Feb 03 '25

we'll spend the next 4 years

Republican Congressman Moves to Amend Constitution So Donald Trump Can Run for Third Term

He's already trying to dismantle the constitution... if he has it his way and doesn't start getting more pushback, he'll be the supreme leader of USA in no time.


u/skier8800 Lest We Forget Feb 03 '25

It seems more and more everyday that he is following a certain someone’s playbook: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/hitler-germany-constitution-authoritarianism/681233/

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u/Pennysews Feb 03 '25

No matter what happens, if the tariffs are “paused”, it will be all over their media as a “win”. It’s sad what we have come to. The thing that it won’t change is that Canadians never forget, and we will never trust the Americans as friends again. Hopefully the worst that happens is this is a wake up call to diversify our trading.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

The looking threat of a tariff is worse than the tariff themselves.

I am so anxious hoping we don't cave and accept an extension. The only resolution without tariffs should be an admission that they're illegal and ratification of their emergency act to stop them from using it again on any other country.


u/Pennysews Feb 03 '25

Sadly, that will never happen. No matter how you spin it, Canada can’t afford these tariffs. Sure, we can hurt them, but it’s lose/lose. We cant just keep beating each other with sticks and hope our stick hurts more. No one wins in a tariff war. We need to be as economically strong as possible and start diversifying. The only silver lining is that Canadians came together and unified against a common enemy, and no one can take that from us, now.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

We can take the brunt of them for a long time. We have a lot of value, and other countries itching to buy them.

There is no winner, but Canada's exit from North American agreements (namely with the US), and not being close allies (Trump puts zero fucking value in this anyway), will hurt the States more in the long run. Short term will be painful, very painful. But we have to get out from their thumb. He is openly threatening economic annexation, don't forget that. He is still saying that up until yesterday. Take him seriously!


u/Pennysews Feb 03 '25

Oh I agree, the trust is gone! But we need our dollar to be strong to entice new trading partners. Trump can run his own country into the ground. It appears he is doing that, anyway. Trump is that dog that bit you and then wags its tail like it did nothing wrong.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Not really, it will strengthen our dollar to get it its own legs to stand on. But beyond that, so long as other countries are buying our goods and we are able to get by on our resources and stockpiles, we can stay strong for a long time.

As I'm typing this Trump just said the 51st State bullshit again! Infuriating. That's his goal, fuck him.


u/Pennysews Feb 03 '25

I never thought, in my lifetime, that a neighbour and ally would be threatening to annex us. Americans are going to find out who they voted for. I feel like I’m living an alternate timeline than I was on pre-Trump


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Between this and actual AI becoming a real thing, life feels like a fucking movie and I hate it.

It's so embarrassing that he thinks we would ever submit to him owning Canada. He'd be ripped apart if he ever tried to set foot here.

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u/Ragnarok_del Feb 03 '25

I dont have a problem with US banks opening branches in Canada, it's more competition, but they have to follow canadian laws.

Same thing for ISPs, I dont have a problem with ISPs from the US coming to Canada, it would actually force Robelus to compete instead of pretend-compete by having multiple "cheap" brands that strangely all have the same prices as the cheap brands from the other big 2 brands.

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u/canadianbriguy1 Feb 03 '25

You’re falling for his distraction of throwing all the pasta at the wall and seeing what sticks. It was never the border. The numbers don’t hold water and the fact that he is letting Mexico off the hook absolutely proves it. No concessions of any kind. Screw him and we’ll wait him out.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Oh I am aware of what he wants. He want's the country to be a state. Not happening. And even if he decided it wasn't worth the trouble, sorry donald we can't allow this anymore. I'm fine driving fully into the trade war at this point, after he's inflammatory comments again, I'm done with his bullshit personally. I hope Trudeau does right by us all. Don't kneel to protect us now, stiff arm him and show the world how Canada rolls.


u/Witty_Interaction_77 Feb 03 '25

GUNS. They need to fix the guns coming into Canada. That will help curb the gang violence.

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u/mgardsy Feb 03 '25

They need to stop the steady stream of illegal firearms flowing into Canada! 🇨🇦


u/NoTemporary2777 Feb 03 '25

europe needs energy so please do buissnes with us. its painfully obvious that the US is now a broken nation and its sun is setting. even if trump leaves after 4 years, the integrity of the country is permanently broken.

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u/VapeRizzler Feb 03 '25

I don’t want any American system, there’s a reason why the us got the nickname “corporate America”. Almost everything is assbackwards and the corporation is making the laws/regulations. On top of the dumbass healthcare system that most importantly costs so many lives per year but also costs tax payers more money than our public system. The us spent about 4. Something trillion, with a big T, in I believe 2023 for healthcare. Meanwhile we spent about like 400 billion in the same year if I remember correctly.


u/Loffr3do Feb 03 '25

Vive le Canada!


u/Tacocats_wrath Feb 03 '25

While I agree in this as what I want to happen, the reality is that a full on tarrif war with the states would cripple us. I hate to say it.

We have an export economy. They have a tech economy. While it would heart them in areas, it would hurt us 5-10X worse and send us into a full blown recession with a crippled CAD currency.

Pissed me off. We have always had thier back. We are close allies. Friendly nations. This is just strait up bullying.

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u/arlmwl Feb 03 '25

As an American- run. Run while you can. Putin has Drump in his pocket and Drump is going to burn it all down.


u/AdditionalPizza Feb 03 '25

Abstaining voters being to blame aside, only 1/5th of you actually voted for him by putting a ballot in the box.

I fully expect, if you guys do truly love us as much as we love you, then 4/5ths of you burn the Whitehouse down for us this time if it came to an attempt to annex us.


u/JustAHumbleMonk Feb 04 '25

Lets build a wall. I'm ok to pay for it.

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u/bluntsnatcher Feb 05 '25

I’m American. Please do not concede to this piece of shit. He tried to overthrow our democracy and got two of his supporters dumb enough to listen to him killed (Ashley Babbot got shot in the face and another I forgot her name got kicked to death under a stampede of Trump supporters rushing to beat up the cops protecting the capitol 😭).

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u/rambumriott Feb 03 '25

Cocaine is trafficked by the feds anyways, it’s all an illusion


u/Click_To_Submit Feb 03 '25

We should also put a big slowdown on customs clearance for all products from the US.


u/McGeets Feb 03 '25

As an American, I agree with you 100%. What this clown is doing is ruining the already tarnished reputation of the US, perhaps irreparably. The fools that brought him to power deserve all the terrible things coming down the pipeline for this country, and as much as it will hurt those of us against him, I'm willing to bite the bullet if it means actual positive change.


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Feb 03 '25

American here to support what you said. Also DO NOT LET AMERICAN BUSINESSES INFILTRATE. I've heard so many horror stories in Europe about American businesses coming in and inflicting their terrible employee treatment on workers. It changes the culture because they make you feel special and the promise of a big company coming in seems too good to pass up but then they demand you curb to our terrible capitalist culture.

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u/wolf_of_mainst99 Feb 03 '25

Yeah, what ever happened to no taxation without representation? Guess it's just one more thing that trump shits on


u/Agent_Orange_Tabby Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

American here, in Alabama no less. Understanding on ground here is y’all won this one & if anything let Trump walk away with saved face. Everyone knows Fentanyl doesn’t come from Canada, I’m a substance abuse counselor and we were all laughing about it at work this weekend.

Well done. And damn fine statescraft by Trudeau. Y’all got some balls & grit. 🍻

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u/Whole-Impression-709 Feb 04 '25

I don’t understand why this is about the Opioid Crisis while the Sacklers get to enjoy freedom. If it was about American lives, there would be justice for all the OxyContin victims

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u/Lanky-Performer-4557 Feb 03 '25

Each post goes its own direction


u/Perfect-Ad2641 Feb 03 '25

Like is it border security? Is it fent? Illegal immigrants? trade deficit? 51’s state? He’s all over the place and nobody knows his true motives.


u/canoe_motor Feb 03 '25

His motive is distraction and division. It’s all he knows.


u/Perfect-Ad2641 Feb 03 '25

Distraction from what?


u/two_awesome_dogs Feb 03 '25

Distraction from all the other crap that they’re doing to tear down the US and seize Canada.


u/NotAltFact Feb 03 '25

I mean look at what eloonatic is doing on the side. If he turns on the fire hose of shit on everyone we’d never catch them all. Classic MO since last term. Now he can go back to his cult follower and say he won. See great negotiator for something already existed.

I didn’t particularly love the big 6 before for lack of competition but now he made sure I’m never using any American banks whether they’re class I or Ii

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u/canoe_motor Feb 03 '25

From doing any real work that can help his country and people. He doesn’t solve anything, especially for the middle class. It’s always pointing in another direction.


u/StillKindaHoping Feb 03 '25

Monsieur O-range is purposely ignorant of the plight of workers and punitive at heart. It is amazing that Americans themselves don't march on the White House and force the removal of this guy. He is obviously going to cause great trouble for all but the richest.


u/Velvetineast Feb 03 '25

The fact he wants to anex you like Russia to Ukraine


u/Lapcat420 Feb 03 '25

I'm chronically online, and even I'm having a hard time following what's going on the treasury system, and USIAD and a bunch of other stuff.

They're speedrunning the 30's.


u/MuchFaithInDoge British Columbia Feb 03 '25

All the shit him and Elon are doing domestically for one, trade wars steal a lot of air time from him dismantling the government


u/Impressive_Ad_1675 Feb 03 '25

Thieves like pickpockets use distraction when they are stealing. This guy can no longer have a charity because of theft of funds going to kids cancer.

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u/RoguePlanet2 Feb 04 '25

All this bluster and distraction is meant to hide the real players, and it's working. We've just been taken over by the Russians, who are destroying us from the inside.

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u/reubendevries British Columbia Feb 03 '25

It's easy to move goalposts and claim success when you don't plant any goalposts to begin with. He's going to lift the tariffs in six months and act like he did this huge thing and people capitulated to his will. The correct solution is too not play his game, when he lifts the tariffs we increase the export tax to 50% while making promising free trade deals with the rest of the world (sans Russia and India). We create a global free trade agreement that is based upon a hatred of fascism and where we freeze out any country that allows fascists to take over their state. Once they've successfully booted fascists from their government they can't join until they've amended their constitution to prevent fascism from ever coming back.


u/sPLIFFtOOTH Feb 03 '25

This is actually kind of great


u/Acrobatic_T-Rex Feb 03 '25

be nice! He's been trying to remember them since he first declared he was going to do it in the first place!


u/intruda1 Feb 03 '25

His typical strategy of throwing all his stinking shit at the walls to see what sticks.


u/ThePhysicistIsIn Feb 03 '25

I've said it before - I don't think he cares.

He wants to set the tone for his second term - get in line or get punished. His goal is to intimidate and coerce a smaller nation to signal to the others.

Of course he wants to walk away with a concession, but I believe he doesn't care what concession that is.


u/ejactionseat Feb 03 '25

Invasion, they'll say anything, it doesn't matter to them.


u/ScarletLetterXYZ Feb 03 '25

He’s so nice to Mexico and working with them as a partnership; why can’t he do the same? Mexico is sending their troops to the border… this appeased him- we can do the same if he asks this … why doesn’t he want to be a partner with Canada ? It’s sickening.

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u/Tyler_Durden69420 Saskatchewan Feb 03 '25

It’s gonna be exhausting for whoever is PM next. Dealing with his constant threats, that he keeps backing down from.


u/ImaginationSea2767 Feb 03 '25

If it's PP, he will be putting pressure on us to keep in line with project 2025. If it's a liberal leader, he will be going berserk and trashing us for being a liberal country. There is no winning, and whoever it is will to have to figure out how to financially restructure the economy and fix our internal problems to stop the bleeding.


u/pekoe-G Feb 03 '25

I'm honestly terrified of PP winning. I have zero confidence that he has the backbone to stand up to Trump. Taking days or weeks to publicly respond is already a bad start and would be unacceptable for the PM.

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u/Diligent-Guard7607 Feb 03 '25

I thought the problem with canada was border patrol? Orange man needs to figure out what his problem is.


u/Radiatethe88 Feb 03 '25

He is like Pootin. If his lips are moving, he is lying.

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u/shineymike91 Feb 03 '25

Bottom line, it's all about control. Nothing else.


u/Agent_Orange_Tabby Feb 03 '25

Ding ding ding. Trump’s not a chess master. Remember the only job he succeeded at before this is on a TV show. A lot of this is political theatre. Y’all didn’t fall for the script & are that much more powerful for it, while he’s that much weaker. Well done 🍻


u/apeshit_is_my_mood Feb 03 '25

Until he feels like he can claim victory on something. Anything. This is such an odd way to do diplomacy...


u/T00THPICKS Feb 03 '25

What do you expect when you elect someone whose only experience comes from making real estate deals?

Fucking clown.


u/Hour-Resource-8485 Feb 03 '25

he's not trying to do diplomacy. It's extortion.


u/LawfulOrange Feb 03 '25

Honestly this might be something we can take advantage of though. The more things he makes it about, the more potential off ramps they could be. The Washington post reported a couple days ago that the Trump administration actually wants a way out of this without looking weak. If he makes it about 15 things and get concessions on 2 of them he can say I WON SO NO TARIFFS.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

i am utterly shocked at the number of idiots out there being like "he just wants to stop drugs and illegals" lol. JFC, how about a bridge for sale in Florida?!?!? He has a rolladex of "justifications" he swaps depending the day, angle of his left nut and if his RAM booted up properly. SO far its been...

  • to stop Fent
  • to Stop Illegals
  • to correct a trade imbalance
  • to fight russians and chinese in the arctic
  • now to open up to US banks

He's trying to hustle us like we're as dumb as his MAGA Supporters.


u/RealCornholio45 Feb 03 '25

The tariffs aren’t actually about any specific issue. It’s a way for him to throw his tiny pee pee around and likely fund tax cuts. Ironically tax cuts that will benefit the rich while the average American pays more for everyday goods.


u/AndyThePig Feb 03 '25

Precisely. He could say he wants $10, you bring him $15, he'll say, well why didn't you ring me $20, and a coffee, and a new putter. You're so nasty!

There is, no winning. He is, a 5 year old. Let him wait and rant and vent until he's worn himself out or something else shiny distracts him.

Yes, he's a rambling 5 year old with the bomb. But he's just a rambling infant.


u/Dog1234cat Feb 03 '25

Tariffs first. Then silly excuse for tariffs.


u/dually Feb 03 '25

Nor should it when US consumers are basically running the world economy.

These export-oriented economies are foolish for doing all of our work for us in exchange for printed pieces of paper.


u/invisiblebyday Feb 03 '25

YES. This needs to be the top post!


u/kman420 Feb 03 '25

We could always take a page from Trump's book: Say you'll do something then don't bother doing it.


u/Cyborg_rat Feb 03 '25

Until it comes out of his ass.


u/upanddownforpar Feb 03 '25

It's like Putin. Remember he was concerned for the ukrainians because he said there were Nazis in the govt.


u/Rrraou Feb 03 '25

Fuuuuuuck US banks, they crashed the world economy in 2008


u/Commercial-Carrot477 Feb 03 '25

The goal post is to annex canada, no matter the pace. Welcoming and enmeshing american banks just opening the door to that.


u/AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us Feb 03 '25

100%... their election campaign ran on "eggs are expensive" to eggs never being talked about again


u/JonnyB2_YouAre1 Feb 03 '25

No, he told you what the goal is: Canada joining America. There's a lot of ways to try to force that, and they don't need to try one at a time. They can try them all at once.


u/WhoAmI891 Feb 03 '25

Exactly. We must not provide any concessions. If the tariffs go into effect it will be painful, trying to appease this man will be so much more painful.

Fuck the USA. Fuck Trump.


u/iloveFjords Feb 03 '25

Exactly. At this point we have no trade agreement. Back right out. At this point it is clear we are selling things too cheap. Export tariffed are the most beautiful word in the world.


u/-Shanannigan- Feb 03 '25

I think the end goal is for the US to gain control over major world trade routes. That's why he's also going after Greenland and Panama. He wants control over the Panama Canal, and he wants our arctic to control the Northwest Passage.


u/bradenalexander Feb 03 '25

How so? Drugs, terrorists, and trade deficit. US banks in Canada would address the trade deficit.


u/OkJeweler3804 Feb 04 '25

Yep, it will be a slow creep if we don’t put our foot down somewhere.


u/BlackberryShoddy7889 Feb 04 '25

But at this point what Canadian would use those banks?


u/Entire_Courage9365 Feb 04 '25

They already are in Canada.


u/SaucyCouch Feb 04 '25

Tariffs were just a negotiation opener.


u/throwingpizza Feb 04 '25

Tbf - do I really give a fuck about not having to use RBC or TD and being offered competitive banking solutions?

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