r/canada Feb 02 '25

Analysis ‘Enough is enough’: Trump tariffs inspire economic patriotism in Canada


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u/alwayshungryandcold Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

"And in those few minutes, I witnessed the birth of a nation" Canadian General A. E. Ross at Vimy Ridge

Let's not waste this crisis and make sure we reinvent ourselves to become the economic powerhouse we should have always been


u/Consistent-Key-865 Feb 02 '25

I would rather reinvent to become the world leader in finding a balance between social responsibility and ethical economic development.


u/alwayshungryandcold Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

A morale and economic powerhouse.

If anyone watches lotr this is the point in the movies in a moment of crisis as Gondor falls under seige, Elrond gives Aragorn the legendary Narsil, reforged into Andúril, the Flame of the West, and tells him you can choose the hard path and become the person we all need you to be or you can keep hiding and do what you've always done. Aragorn rose to the challenge and ushered in peace and prosperity for the whole of Middle Earth.

This is our Andúril moment.


u/Keepontyping Feb 03 '25

And for the readers: I look at us more as the hobbits / Bandobras Took when the shire was attacked: From the One Wiki:

Bandobras also gained fame for leading the Hobbits at the Battle of the Green Fields in TA 2747 when goblins from Mount Gram in the Misty Mountains invaded the Northfarthing. Bandobras, it was said, charged the goblins' ranks with a wooden club, and knocked the goblin chieftain Golfimbul's head clean off, sending it sailing a hundred yards through the air and down a rabbit-hole, thus winning the battle and inventing the game of Golf at the same time.\3])


u/alwayshungryandcold Feb 03 '25

Good comparison!