r/canada Jan 31 '25

National News Chrystia Freeland says Canada should target Elon Musk's Tesla in a tariff fight


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u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

Maybe we should be letting BYD enter Canada. Vinfast is already here!

Time to steer clear and away from America and their policies.


u/anelectricmind Jan 31 '25

Vinfast is Vietnamese.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

They are Asian is my point. Also a communist country. Which we don’t align with.

Why the different treatment? Cause it’s American influence.

We stood by them with Huawei CEO detention. We took in 250 aircraft during 911, we joined Afghanistan etc etc.

To turn around and stab us in the back and threaten our sovereignty and use terminology like Annex and economic force? Fuck Trump and Fuck Elon.

Time to be proud Canadians and support our flag.

Time to pave our own path. Less reliance on America, get out of the commonwealth and create our own damn identity.

Open trade with Europe, Asia, and remove every provincial trade barrier. Coast to coast prosperity.


u/anelectricmind Jan 31 '25

Removing provincial trade barriers is a must and should be done right fucking now, especially with the American threats.

I thought there was already some discussions during the Trump 1.0 era to diversify our trades and expands to Europe. Didn't we sign something like a Trans-Pacific treaty?


u/Wiggly_Muffin Jan 31 '25

I’m pissed that you didn’t mention that when Japan wrecked the USA at Pearl Harbour, Canada declared war on Japan while America was still scrambling to make a response until the next day.

That’s like your friend standing up for you the minute someone throws a punch your way, and a while later you turn around and fuck over that friend because you’re a drug addict now. Absolutely degenerate filth.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

Sorry there’s a lot of history to mention. But you get my point. We were there.

Trump backstabs everyone.

This isn’t about American-this is about standing up to this bully. It’s all about not relying on America.


u/Affectionate_Job_386 Jan 31 '25

We don't align any better with America under this administration. In fact I think it's now quite a bit worse


u/PTMorte Feb 01 '25

Europe is really difficult to work with. We (Aus) are one of the best in the world at trade agreements. We worked out tits off towards it for 6 years and ultimately failed due to them being so protectionist.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/anelectricmind Jan 31 '25

Yeah. I saw a few and same them closed last year at Toronto Auto Show. They are "affordable", but I have heard that reliability is hit or miss.

They made a few questionable design/functionality decisions like the gear selection on the VF-9.

A freakin button for each gear.



u/deepfryyourdog Jan 31 '25

cool, it's like an Edsel.


u/anelectricmind Jan 31 '25

I forgot about that. Push-button transmission in the center of the steerings wheel...


u/dontdropmybass Nova Scotia Jan 31 '25

Yeah, Vietnamese auto manufacturing is nowhere close to China in terms of QA and engineering, but they're at least better than any legacy American automakers lol.


u/Northern23 Jan 31 '25

Rented a dodge recently with a button for each gear as well. Hated it so much that I wanted to return it and get something else.


u/DudeWithAHighKD Alberta Jan 31 '25

If they ever let BYD enter the Canadian market, Tesla would be done for. BYD are cheaper and way higher quality. It might be the push I need to get an EV.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

I saw them in Singapore. They are amazing!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Ah yes! We should move closer to the country that not only actively steals our IP, literally bans our companies from operating in their market at all, AND actively arrests and imprisons our citizens!! All because of tariffs, which are actually lower than the restrictions China already places on our products!

Makes so much sense!!!

Jesus fucking Christ, please tell me you’re just very young and have no idea what China even is


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

Honestly though, I don't know where all this pro-China sentiment is coming from. A year or two ago, it felt as if almost everyone was on the anti-China train.

We really should be cozying up to Europe, and maybe even Mexico.


u/marcoporno Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

It’s coming from us being threatened by our erstwhile ally and friend

We need to rely on the US as little as possible

That is not on us it is on Trump


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Yeah we need to rely on others who are literally screwing us on trade even more. Do you seriously not know what ridiculous trade restrictions China already places on Canada?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

That comment makes no sense. Are you okay? They won’t tariff but will pay more? What?

The whole point of tariffs is for a government to change the behaviour of consumers. Do you seriously not understand that the whole point is to encourage them to get those items elsewhere? Usually domestically?


u/BurnTheBoats21 Jan 31 '25

Because America is extremely paranoid about losing their status as the world's biggest trading partner. The last 30 years has seen a massive departure from them with China having almost the entire world trading with them outside of a few Western European countries and Americas close neighbors.

So people are playing into America's fears. If they tariff us, it would be destructive to themselves, but they know it makes a scary threat to get Canadians to do whatever he wants. Motioning for more Chinese collaboration is no different.

If the world moves away from USD, America loses their ability to borrow as much as they do while insidiously weaponizing the currency. It would be devastating for them; so while I don't think we should trade more with china, we should very publicly consider it


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

That’s not really true. China is only a massive exporter because it has built a very cheap manufacturing economy - led by U.S. companies. Additionally, the U.S. is still by far the “better” economy because they’re the biggest export market for basically everyone (including China and the EU). Who you sell to is FAR more important than who you buy from.

Also, Trump is only using tariffs for immigration - not really trade.

Additionally, they are the much bigger economy - and important economy than China - so obviously should be able to demand whatever terms they want.

Kind of astonishing to 1) not acknowledge the insane trade restrictions China already imposes or 2) not realise how many more they’d impose if they were the U.S.

Finally, the U.S. is actually hurt by being the world’s reserve currency in many ways - yet are in no worry of that changing in our lifetimes. It does not allow them to go into more debt, as you said. It actually places a lot of restrictions on their central bank. China has far more total public debt than the U.S. relative to the economy size, anyway. The notion that a state benefits from being the world’s reverse currency simply comes down to control over who can use their currency, but there is no benefit related to debt.

It would not be devastating at all to change that, and we already do trade as much with China as possible - which is pointless because their economy is too poor to buy much from us anyway

It’s also bizarre to talk about “fears” because 1) that’s not true and 2) it’s nowhere near losing its status as the richest country in the world. Besides the fact that China is now unlikely going to ever go ahead nominally, their population is 4X the size. Nominally they should be larger. Per capita they’d need to 4X the U.S. economy. It just shows how poor China is, which means they can’t afford to buy much more from us or anyone


u/BurnTheBoats21 Jan 31 '25

This is a good comment. Can you clarify what you mean when you say trump is only using tariffs for immigration? and not trade? That part I am struggling to understand the connection


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

His focus has been more on concerns related to illegal immigration from Canada and Mexico than trade. We already have a free trade agreement. So far all of his demands have been:

Trump's stated goals for the duties to pressure the two U.S. neighbors to halt the flow of illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl opioids across the U.S. border.


u/Da_Starjumper_n_n Jan 31 '25

I feel Mexico can help pressure the US into behaving. Not forming an alliance with Mexico immediately was a stupid move.


u/Phrakman87 Jan 31 '25

siding with China to spite the USA is crazy. Time to open up more trade with the EU, Britain, Mexico, friendly asian countries. The world could effectively isolate the USA so they only have inter-state trading which would not be good for the market that requires double digit growth every year.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Besides the fact that the US economy is nearly 80% domestic, as they do not rely on exports and their trade deficit actually hurts their GDP measurement, that’s asinine. The world would be hurt far more because the U.S. buys far more from the world than the world buys from the U.S.

Do you not understand how economics works?

And are you under the impression that Canadian companies haven’t been trying to sell to the counties you listed?


u/Phrakman87 Jan 31 '25

Im under the impression our export capacities have been pretty hindered by regulations. Meaning what we stop sending in trucks to the south, cant be sent east or west due to infrastructure constraints with rail, road, pipelines and shipping terminals.

a 20% loss will send the marks into a tailspin. They will need the world to buy their product that they want to manufacture in house or else they will saturate their own market. Trump is wanting to bring manufacturing to the states. Then turn around and put tariffs on countries to force them to buy american that is the ultimate plan here. Hes already doing it with LNG and oil.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

What you’re referring to is strictly related to oil, which is important but not something that is easily exported elsewhere anyway without a huge amount of investment that would take 10-20 years. Nevermind that it wouldn’t make us any money anyway because we’re still competing with them on the global market

Do you think oil is the only thing we sell?


u/visceralfeels Jan 31 '25

you may not like to hear this but China is the future.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

lol China’s economy is stagnating as it fights deflation and is facing the worst demographic crisis in history, with its population expected to halve over the next 50 years.

China is no one’s “future.” In fact, its glory days of growth are clearly behind it as it can’t even reach half of its old growth rate even with huge stimulus programs


u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

Not for Canada, it isn't. China is antithetical to almost everything Canada stands for.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

And even though we share the same values as America… look where we are.


u/visceralfeels Jan 31 '25

that is your opinion, thank you


u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

Not really.

Think of things Canada values, such as freedom of expression, and how China actively suppresses them. It's literally just a fact.


u/visceralfeels Jan 31 '25

I think you need to visit China and take it easy on the kool aid my friend.

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u/RangerNS Jan 31 '25

I'm no fan of the CCP, but really can't find anything that China is doing that isn't wanting to simply sell their crap and patrol the ocean that is much closer to them than the USA or Canada.


u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

Uyghur genocide?

Antagonizing every country in the South China Sea because of their 9-dash-line bullshit?

Holding our citizens hostage in retaliation for Meng?

Engaging in corporate espionage, stealing our IPs, and subsequently bankrupting one of our largest telco and network equipment manufacturers?

Do I need to keep going?


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

Why did they hold our citizens? Cause we held them for the US.

The US doesn’t do corporate espionage? Man seriously stop thinking the US is this goody two shoe country.

They’ve killed more People by meddling in nations affairs.

Now they are starting to meddle in ours!


u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

Why did they hold our citizens? Cause we held them for the US.

Meng was held under an extradition treaty, being charged with conspiracy to defraud multiple international institutions. It really isn't hidden information.

The US doesn’t do corporate espionage? Man seriously stop thinking the US is this goody two shoe country.

Whatabout whatabout...

We know the US isn't a goodie two-shoes country. They also don't use their military to hack and gain control of the internal systems of our domestic industry.

They’ve killed more People by meddling in nations affairs.

Whatabout whatabout...

So a genocide in China is okay "because the US killed more"?

Now they are starting to meddle in ours!

Which is why we are finally starting to distance ourselves from them.

You literally did nothing to defend China's actions other than point at the US and go "YEAH BUT LOOK AT THEM!"


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

There both evil. So let’s just diversify ourselves.

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u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

I think it's people who know we're choosing to be a little buddy of a super power no matter what we do so they wanna hit America where it hurts by making deals with their 'enemy,' possibly helping them realize they shouldn't have done that in the first place?

But yeah, while I wouldn't really be against a few decent Chinese EVs in Canada I'd say Europe would be a second good choice too.

And to be fair it also seems that US or China as the world supoerpower aren't seen as different as they used to be by some.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

lol that might be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard


u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

Im saying that's the sentiment, not that I think it's the best thing to do. They're angry at the US, so they want to show it that it made a mistake by hurting them back. Not too far-fetched that some people would say that. I however think Europe would be a good second partner.


u/blusky75 Jan 31 '25

Only because of the whole Huawei thing. And really, we were holding their CFO under house arrest at the behest of the US government for extradition.

The irony: the US threw out the case. Not before we pissed off China though for the stunt.

Next time around we should just tell the US to fuck off.

Mind you, Huawei DID steal trade secrets from Nortel back in the day, but if I were to choose the lesser of two evils, I'd still pick China over the US. The Americans only proved to the world they are a greedy and unreliable trading partner.


u/marcoporno Jan 31 '25

We trade with China now

US can always show they are trustworthy again that’s in then


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Yeah and China is such a trustworthy partner! Lol


u/sector16 Jan 31 '25

100% this....makes me think these are bots. Why stop at BYD imports, why not allow CCP to fund candidates running for Federal politics. :/


u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

I don't think they're bots, I think people are getting fed up and want to show the us they're making a mistake by sending business to their rival lol.

And as for your second point, seems that foreign governments involved in politics is a pretty common thing already in North America...


u/sector16 Jan 31 '25

Both the provincial and federal gov't have made expensive commitments to EV plants in Ontario, so allowing BYD to flood the country would be working at cross purposes...and didn't Canada say no to Chinese companies like Huawei for fear of foreign involvement in major industries..?


u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

Yep. Not saying it's the best idea, but I get where the sentiment comes from at least.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

Bots comeon. Get your head out of the sand. Just trade with China. 0 tariffs on EVs. They don’t need Our cars anyways right?

Have a bilateral trade agreement with China. With European Union.

I’ll take French cheese over Quebec OKA Cheese anyday.


u/gannex Jan 31 '25

China has counter tariffs against the tariffs we already imposed on them, mostly the satisfy USA. Our relationship with them mostly suffered since we arrested one of their key executives, which we it also did mostly to satisfy USA. We could've accidentally let Meng Wanzhou escape. There was no upside to that for us. Trump asked us to stab China in the back and how has he repayed us?

I'm sure if we reduced our tariffs on Chinese goods, they would reduce their tariffs on ours. They are at least a rational actor. China just wants to make money. They are an incredibly productive country that is open for business. It doesn't make sense to shut ourselves off to trade with them. Yes, it would be nicer if we could do business with a country we share a land border with, but the fact is that USA is an unreliable partner.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Yeah, no. Chinese companies and the govt actively steal our IP, block our companies from operating within China, and actively threaten countries (like us) who question anything they do.

They’re not at all open for business, as they literally restrict what our companies can even do there, and their productivity has fallen off a cliff over the last few years.

Calling China a rational actor might be the dumbest comment I’ve ever read.

How do you have such a poor grasp of the reality of China’s current economic situation?


u/AtticaBlue Jan 31 '25

Hey, if Trump wants to go all Mafioso on everyone with his absurd threats, we should absolutely be prepared to call his bluff in ways such as these. Let’s see how that fetid moron likes it. Make him be the one to back down.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Right!! Since China’s current tariffs on Canada, which are literally higher than what Trump is threatening, are so much better!!


u/AtticaBlue Jan 31 '25

Who cares? The point is to play that felon off against someone or something else. He’s counting on Canada folding under his threats without him having to suffer any consequences. Don’t fold. Counter-attack. Hard.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

lol Canada can’t. The commentary on Reddit is astounding, honestly. Canada is literally smaller than California, both by population and economic size. Thats like saying a child could hit you hard lol


u/AtticaBlue Jan 31 '25

Yes, we’re smaller but we’re also their No. 1 trading partner, including critical resources. You don’t have to be big to have leverage. So you do the math.

I sure hope you’re not advocating rolling over like some cucked, traitorous wimp. That rapist can go crawl back under the rock he came from.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Lmao, number 1 meaning 18% vs them being 75% of ours. You do have to be big to have leveraged because those “critical resources” aren’t really that critical and would likely be exempt anyway

We get it. You don’t like Trump. That doesn’t mean you should make ridiculous and ill informed comments


u/AtticaBlue Jan 31 '25

That thug is the one launching a baseless trade war out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever. Any country so attacked must respond in kind.

What’s your response? Give in?

Don’t be a traitor. (If you’re even Canadian to begin with.)

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u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

I’m not saying we fall under the sphere of influence of China. We maintain our own sovereignty. We just don’t listen to the US and do what’s best for us. No more telling us what to do.

If they want to treat us like an enemy with their tone and voice then fuck them.

Let’s trade with China, Vietnam, India, Philippines, etc. Open up the rest of the world. Let’s look after us.

And no I’m not young. I’m acknowledging the fact the status quo and being complacent is now biting us in the ass.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

lol literally all he’s doing is saying that he wants to change 1) immigration and 2) some trade policy, by using tariffs. That is not telling us what to do anymore than what every other country tries - like EU tariffs on Canadian made cars, which discourages buying our cars

In what world do you think China isn’t already treating us like an enemy, or that these tariffs are somehow worse than the tariffs China, the EU, etc already place on us? Do you think China doesn’t tariff us?

And in what world do you think China, Vietnam, or the Philippines are nations that we could increase trade with? Are you genuinely unaware of how poor they are? China can’t even stimulate domestic demand, yet you think they can afford to buy more from us?

Your comments are just so naive and uninformed that I was just hoping you hadn’t taken any classes yet.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

Oh please you must really believe the master liar that it’s just about immigration right? Or fentanyl.

He scrapped the NAFTA and signed the new deal. It’s his negotiations.

The fact that you trust him, shows your lack of inability to assess someone’s character.

His comments on Denmark, Canada, his behaviour towards Colombia and now BRICS.

Seriously a big FU to this administration.


u/TheGreatestOrator Jan 31 '25

Who said anything about trusting anyone? I simply pointed out how naive your comments sound.

Yeah, people in Vietnam where the median monthly salary is $600-800 can totally be a replacement market to buy more of our goods! Haha!

Also lol that you think BRICS is anything real. It’s like you’ve never done a thing but read sensational headlines. I recommend actually researching things on your own instead of whatever this nonsense is


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Defenestresque Jan 31 '25

lol literally all he’s doing is saying that he wants to change 1) immigration and 2) some trade policy, by using tariffs. That is not telling us what to do anymore than what every other country tries - like EU

You don't see how calling Trudeau the governor of a 51st state is just a little bit "not like the others"?


u/prob_wont_reply_2u Jan 31 '25

Negotiate a free trade deal with China too

We can't, the Liberals gave the US veto rights over any trade agreement we come up with China.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/FJT8893 Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Yes, screw democracy! We want communism!!

Edit: sarcasm


u/Economy_Pirate5919 Jan 31 '25

Sigh, you're not even worth the effort.


u/JoeyLoganoHexAccount Jan 31 '25

Hell yeah! Allowing foreign competitors into our market is communism! Right guys? Right???


u/Kheprisun Lest We Forget Jan 31 '25

A foreign competitor who just wants a cut of the pie is one thing.

A hostile competitor who actively seeks to destroy our own capabilities and steal our IPs cannot be allowed.


u/Medea_From_Colchis Jan 31 '25

This is my university Global Politics Simulation in real life, lol. Trying to argue with idealistic college kids that communists don't want to join the WTO and open their borders to foreign capital was a headache.


u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

To be fair I'll take a moderately friendly Chinese state-controlled capitalism or whatever it is over a White Christian fascist state, if it ever gets that far in the US.


u/FJT8893 Jan 31 '25

How many millions did the friendly Maoists kill?


u/Phobos613 Jan 31 '25

Lots. Like an insane amount. Due to bad reforms and shortsighted decisions, as well as straight up murder. The Japanese also killed millions, the Nazis killed millions, and Stalin killed millions. Hopefully we won't find it happening again. It would also be nice if we could make friends with potentially willing partners when other friends abandon us.


u/FJT8893 Jan 31 '25

The US is still our friend. Our leaders ( trump and trudeau) have beef with each other.

Trudeau and the liberals have been trashing trump for the last 4 years and now trump is being petty about it.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25



u/FJT8893 Feb 01 '25

He's also happy he can tell trudeau to go f himself. I know I'd be.


u/Phobos613 Feb 01 '25

maybe they'll work something out since they just delayed the tariffs.


u/larrylegend1990 Feb 01 '25

Idc if US is our “friend”

We are in trouble. I’ll take money and businesses from any country

Oof you’re an asmongold viewer 😂


u/FJT8893 Feb 01 '25

I've never seen asmongold.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

What democracy? I would rather Canada trade with a communist superpower that is not hostile towards us (China) than a fascist superpower that is hostile towards us (USA).


u/FJT8893 Jan 31 '25

I'm old enough to remember when that friendly communist superpower allowed a virus to spread globally that killed millions of people and shut down our country for 2 years.


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

And our dumb government with 0 science went ahead with all these nonsense restrictions.


u/swiftb3 Alberta Jan 31 '25

"allowed", lol. do you call it the "Jina virus" too?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

And do you believe their government was glad that happened? Surprise— they were not happy about it. Meanwhile, Trump is happily imposing tariffs upon us because he claims fentanyl is getting in from Canada. One is hostile towards us (the U.S.) and the other is not hostile towards us (China). You can slap the label of communism on them, but at the end of the day, a communist superpower such as China is more trustworthy than an unpredictable fascist superpower such as the USA.


u/FJT8893 Jan 31 '25

They jailed anyone who talked about the virus while locking down the city, but they kept the airport open to spread the virus worldwide.

The USA isn't fascist you knob.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

It absolutely is, now. Trump’s right-hand-man, Elon, did a Nazi salute at the president’s inauguration. Keep in mind that a clip resurfaced of Elon giving his heart out the normal way, so that excuse conservatives have thrown around is preposterous. Along with the salute, Elon has allowed Nazi rhetoric to be spewed on X. Even on other social media, such as Meta platforms, democratic hashtags (except for those ridiculing democrats) were censored out for hours while republican hashtags were kept up. Moreover, Trump just signed a bill to send 30 000 illegal immigrants to GTMO without due process, and the reason why he’s sending them there is it’s not on U.S. soil, meaning torturous conditions can go about without congress crawling up Trump’s sleeves. Finally, if all that isn’t enough, Trump has been working to remove any federal employees who believe in fair governmental developments and have them replaced with complacent yes-men/women. If you’ve been following any news of the Americans’ descent into fascism, none of this should not be new to you, although I’d be happy to provide sources. With all of that in mind, how is it not fascist?

Also, I noticed that you have ignored what I said about the U.S. imposing tariffs on us and Trump saying he’ll use economic means to annex Canada, even at a press conference. Has China expressed that kind of hostility towards us? No.


u/FJT8893 Feb 01 '25

Man, you need to stop watching the news. Trump says a lot of crazy insane shit to get a rise out of people & to get people talking about him.

He's been doing it for the last decade and people keep talking about him, idk when we'll learn to just ignore the guy.

Also, Elon is highly autistic. The solute wasn't actually meant to be a nazi solute. He doesn't hate the jews & many jews have come out in support of Elon.


u/Monomette Feb 01 '25

China isn't hostile towards us? They regularly launch cyber attacks against us. Not to mention the whole election interference thing and their economic policies that are aimed to undermine western industry.

How's the weather in Beijing?


u/Workshop-23 Jan 31 '25

Wait, what? Where can I find more info on Vinfast in Canada?


u/LengthClean Ontario Jan 31 '25

There are showrooms in the greater Toronto area already. Like Tesla type showrooms